MTL - Mai Kitsune Waifu-Chapter 1317 Dengta

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Chapter 1317 Dengta

The guardian is almost equal to the invincible existence, even if the mana is not as exaggerated as the great universe god, but it can not be killed casually!

But no one thought that this guardian was actually killed by the second!

The power of the great gods is evident!


Pangu couldn't help but see this scene. "Who is this guy, there is such a strong strength... In the days when the Three Emperors were not there, there was such a powerful master!"

"This person is called the Great God."

The Witch King Chen Cai said slowly, "His strength is unfathomable. No one knows how strong he is. Now it seems... he really is the first person under this starry sky."


The Emperor of Heaven is only watching the Great God, and his eyes are complicated and he can’t speak. She did not expect that when she was asleep, there would be such a terrible person born!

The great gods lost the guardian and then said to Liu Yi, "Come on."


Liu Yi spit out a breath and began to adjust the attributes of his body's strength.

His body was shining, and soon, the light turned blue and white.

He reached out and a white frost appeared in his palm.

"The power of ice properties?"

The Great God teaches the Lord to laugh. "I thought it would be possible to restrain me by this?"

He said, and raised his hand, the flame of the palm of his hand suddenly turned into a blue.

"This is a higher-level flame, the fire of the cave, no matter what the ice, can not restrain this flame."

"Then I have to try it, the mysterious ice that combines the power of the universe, can you be effective for you!"

Said, Liu Yi took a palm to the big gods, and a frost immediately rose to the ground, creating a three-meter thick icicles, to seal the big gods in the icicles.

The Great God Lord smiled, and then broke out under the cross-shaped flame, directly smashing the icicles!

And Liu Yi is nothing but a virtual move. He took advantage of this opportunity and quickly posted it in front of the great gods, and prepared to use his own fists to level the great gods! After all, he is a melee!

But after arriving at the Great Gods, Liu Yi discovered that things were not as simple as they thought!

A large circle of flames broke out in front of the main body of the great gods, forming a wall of fire, pushing them back and forth!


A pillar of fire vacated and shocked the body of Liu Yi into the air.

At the same time, the flames in the sky condensed, and soon a huge phoenix that stretched for a hundred meters was formed, and a phoenix sounded, and it swept over Liu Yi!

Liu Yi quickly landed on the ground, and the surrounding frost continually erupted, and soon frozen into a huge frosty white mammoth! The mammoth is also more than a hundred meters tall, directly on the ground, licking the elephant trunk, and greeted the phoenix.


The monsters of the two elements condensed together and set off a fierce flame and frost storm!

Many people around can't bear the power of this kind, and they all get together and form a defense against the strength of everyone to resist the spread. But even so, many people are covered with frost, and some are burning flames. Fortunately, everyone is not an ordinary person, and such an injury is not going to kill.

Both Liu Yi and the great gods have stepped back because of the collision of their respective forces.

"I still look down on you."

The great gods wiped away a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth. "It can hurt me."

"I always take you as an imaginary enemy."

Liu Yi also resisted the blood of the body, "but I still think that you are too simple. God, Lord, where are you sacred?"

"I am just a passer-by, but it is also the enemy you destined!"

The great **** lord whispered, "As long as I am, you will not be a great cosmic god!"

As he said, he extended his right hand and a dragon absorbed water. The phoenix flame scattered in the air re-aggregated and flew into his palm, forming a red glove directly on the palm of his hand!

"The big impression is shaping the fire!"

"Crushing Stars!"

I already knew that the other party would make such a move, and Liu Yi also had the means to deal with it.

The master of the Great God is like a red jade. His palm is like jade. The bodies of two people meet in the air, and then the palms collide.


The two rays spread out, and the weakest side is the Tianbing Tianjian. They can be considered as moldy.

Part of the body is condensed by the flame, and the other part is destroyed by the broken star!

However, Liu Yi is not worried, as long as he becomes a great universe god, he can fix it all! Master the mystery of the universe to change the movement of the universe!

And the two people who are close at hand, the forces offset each other. They have their hands with their own brilliance, and then fight in the air!

Liu Yi is somewhat surprised. This great **** teaches not only the exquisite play of the spell, but also the melee combat is very powerful!

The two sides played indiscriminately, and there were two kinds of sparks in the air.

Ancient martial arts, Da Yao Rizhang, Liu Yi took out his most exquisite martial arts, but still can not suppress the Great God. The opponent's moves are actually very simple, they are all big punches, but they can easily block their offense!

The simpler the countless, the more Liu Yi is afraid to take a nap! It is this truth that the so-called return to the truth.

"Give me back!"

The great **** lord said, reaching out, the flame broke out, forming a red-red sword, directly more than a hundred meters long, was swept down by the great gods, and turned to Liu Yi.

In the eyes of Liu Yi, there was a glimpse of the gods. Not only was there no fear, but it aroused his desire to fight.

"come on!"

He said that the two palms were condensed with the power of frost, and soon two blue-and-white long knives were formed and held in his hands. Each of these skates is 100 meters long, two knives block the attack of the huge fire sword, and the other squats toward the great god.

The Great God teaches the big sword in one hand, and the other hand directly blocks the knife that Liu Yi has swept with the palm of his hand.

Liu Yi couldn't help but admire that this great **** worshipper had good mana, and even the force wrapped his own palm, which blocked his own ice skate!

However, this was only the beginning. Liu Yi suddenly released two ice skates, and the body was attached to the main body of the Great God. He grabbed two scorpions and cut them.

The big **** teaches that the brow is wrinkled, and a fire dragon suddenly pops up in front of him. This dragon is swaying and hitting Liu Yi’s body. He seems to want to knock out Liu Yi.

However, the sound of Liu Yi’s knife flashed, and the fire dragon of the Great God Lord was turned into two halves!

The main body of the Great God was suddenly stabbed in by two long knives. Liu Yidong wore the heart of the Great God.

"The power of the Milky Way! Explosion!"

Liu Yi knows that it is only two knives that can't hurt the great gods. He has a strong knife on his knife and it is in the main body of the great gods.

The Great God teaches the mouth to spit out a blood. He stares at Liu Yi, and Liu Yi’s body suddenly burns a blue flame!

It turned out to be a flame by the force! The ability of the Great God to control the flame has reached a peak!

This flame burned on the body of Liu Yi, even if Liu Yi opened the diamond emperor shield, it could not completely resist the power of this flame!

The pain of the inscribed soul is filled with the nerves of Liu Yi, and he resists it without screaming. At the same time, he is also mobilizing his own strength, the power of frost is constantly condensing on him, and the diamond emperor is covered with a layer of hoarfrost!

"If you don't give up, I will ruin the whole world! including your cherished people!"

The Great God teaches to raise his right palm and aim at the sky.

The flame burned and twisted, and finally a huge sun was formed in the air!

The whole sky is full of flame magma, just like the sun is attached to the earth!

The hot high temperature also rolled down, and everyone couldn't help but sweat.

This trick... can really destroy the whole world!

"A terrible power..."

"We... are you really finished..."

Many people are shaking, and even Lin Biao’s eyes are desperate. How can this be done?

Liu Yi took a deep breath and he knew that this time, it was desperate.

"Knight swordsmanship!"!

Liu Yi’s eyes suddenly turned into silvery white, with silver and white stars shining inside, full of evil!

At the same time, his seven cockroaches began to bleed, proving that he suffered serious injuries!

But at the same time, he gets more power!


The great **** lord saw Liu Yi launching such a move, and was shocked, and even the body could not help but tremble.

"Why do you have this method?"

It seems that Liu Yi’s tricks are beyond the calculations of the Great God, and one of Liu’s hands has penetrated into the body of the Great God.

"No matter who you are! From now on! You no longer exist!"

Liu Yi said, roaring, a strong sucking force on his hand, the flesh and blood of the main body of the Great God was constantly sucked, and was quickly sucked into a skeleton.

Together with his soul, he was sucked by the power of Liu Yi!

"Do not……"

The priest of the great gods could still make a resentful roar, then fell to the ground and smashed.

"Father of the Father!"

He couldn’t help but cry and cried directly into a tear.

And Liu Yi waved his hand and directly dispelled the falling sun in the sky.

There is a dead silence around, and now the power of Liu Yi is absolutely supernatural! No one can resist him!

"Go, big fool..."

"We are waiting for you to come back and make a difference."

All the women looked at Liu Yi with encouraging eyes. Liu Yi calmed down the blood, nodded, and slowly stepped into the Tongtian Tower.

Behind him is the sigh of the three emperors, and Liu Yi is excited. After he entered the Tongtian Tower, he came to another world in a blink of an eye.

Surrounded by an infinite universe, the distant stars of the river, the nearby planets, all quietly follow their own trajectories.

In the center of the universe, a man's figure is sitting in the air, looking at himself with an unknown look.

There is no point in the universe. Liu Yi looks at the man who is hanging upside down. His appearance is so ordinary.

"You... is the great universe god?"

Read The Duke's Passion