MTL - Magneto of Hyuga-Chapter 152

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With no red eyes and no heartbeat, he just maintains his arrogant and cold personality.

I didn't remember at all that at the ninja school, he was almost the tail of the crane that was completely crushed by Uchiha Rin.


Uchiha Rin looked disdainful.

His hands quickly formed seals, and he took a deep breath, his chest bulging high.

He put his finger hole in front of his mouth and spit out suddenly.

"Fire escape! The fire is extinguished!"

The hot and terrifying flame erupted, and it instantly changed into a sea of ​​​​fire.

Jump straight with earthy eyelids.

Use this range of fire escapes at Nanga Shrine!

Isn't he afraid of the punishment from the Uchiha Patriarch?

The flames engulfed him and illuminated the Nanga Shrine.

Soon, the flames subsided, leaving only scattered sparks on the ground.

Obito looks as usual.

"It's useless, under my eyes, your attack won't have the slightest effect."

"A lot of nonsense."

Uchiha Rin threw a kunai directly and passed through the middle of his mask.


A black stick stretched out from Obito's sleeve, and with a flash, he stabbed Rin Uchiha.

What he didn't notice was that the corners of Uchiha Rin's mouth curved slightly.

Dodging Obito's attack, Uchiha Rin immediately shot at Kunai.

"It's ridiculous, I've said it before, under my eyes, your..."

The voice stopped, Obito suddenly noticed the uncontrollable changes in his body, and the goose bumps all over his body suddenly exploded.

He could only scramble his body to avoid him.

Kuwu slid across his right waist, bringing a rain of blood.

"Damn! What did you do?"

Obito clutched his blood-guzzling waist, staring at Rin Uchiha with a hint of awe and disbelief.

Shenwei failed for the first time!

He was actually attacked in a virtual state? ? ?

how is this possible!

The left waist that Kakashi cut with the steel claw last time has not fully recovered, and now the right waist is injured again? ? ?

Obito is messed up.

Uchiha Rin looked at him playfully.

"Mada, it seems that under my eyes, your eyes are nothing?"

Obito took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart.

Is it her kaleidoscope pupil surgery?

Illusion? Or suppressed time-space ninjutsu?

Do not! neither.

I don't have any signs of hallucination, and the power of the gods is not unusable. It feels like the body is...


time class? ? ?

Uchiha Rin responded with another shuriken.

"It happened!"

Sensing that distorted feeling came again, Obito's heart seemed to be clenched tightly by a big hand.

"Divine power!"

He hurriedly launched another pupil technique.

A distorted space vortex appeared, directly engulfing the shuriken.

However, Uchiha Rin did not intend to stop.

Take out a scroll and open it.


The sky appeared densely packed with shuriken kunai, pouring down like a torrential rain.

Scalp tingling with soil.

Jumping up and down to avoid.

Xiao's red cloud robe was cut open by the shuriken, and a lot of wounds were drawn.

It was the first time Obito was so embarrassed after inheriting the name of Madara.

The most annoying thing is that TM was forced by a group of shuriken.

Uchiha Rin's right eye was bloodshot, and he stared at Obito.

The Imperial Guardian continued to activate, fixing Obito in a state where there was no blur.

Obito felt extremely aggrieved. Every time he wanted to use the blur, his body would withdraw uncontrollably, so he could only use the pupil technique of the other eye to **** away the attacking shuriken.

Despite this, he was still covered in bruises and bruises and was extremely embarrassed.

"Mada, how's it going, did you see the inscription?"

Jue's body slowly emerged from the ground.

"Bastard! Come and help!"

Jue stopped for a moment.

what's the situation? ? ?

Obito was actually wounded like this by a pile of shuriken?

its not right!

Can't he be fake?

How could such an attack hurt him.

Uchiha Rin would not give him a chance, and took out another scroll and threw it into the air.

In an instant, a large number of shuriken poured out again.

"Bastard, come back!"

Angry with soil.

The majestic pupil power surged, and the turquoise blue skeletons wrapped around his body, and the bony arms bounced off all the kunai, and slammed it towards Uchiha Rin.


The scarlet bone arm protruded from Uchiha Rin's body and collided suddenly.

The violent shock wave immediately attracted the attention of a large number of Uchiha ninjas around.

"Look! What are those two skeletons?"

"The previous flame was also, there are people fighting at the shrine, hurry up!"

Uchiha Fuyue took a deep breath, his pupils trembled slightly, only he knew what the skeleton that emerged from the top of the shrine meant.


Still two!

Is that the spot? That other person is...

"Wow wow wow! Motor, your waist is bleeding a lot!"

Bai Jue pointed at Obito's right waist.

"To shut up!"

Obito glared at him fiercely.

"Does it really matter? I see your waist is moving! By the way, Hei Jue, are you hungry?"

Hei Jue's empty pupils exuded a silent wave.

and ignored him.

Obito clutched his red-stained right waist and stared fiercely at Rin Uchiha.

"I'll spare you this time, and next time you won't be so lucky."

A vortex wrapped around his body.

Uchiha Rin has the ability to decipher his divine power, and other clansmen will also come over, and if they continue to fight, I am afraid that he will really explain it here.

Chapter 179 Who Is That Man?

The twisted vortex engulfed Obito's **** body.

Juejian Obito all fled next to him, and immediately got into the ground.

Uchiha Rin breathed a sigh of relief, the vision of his right eye was slightly blurred, and there was a small amount of ghosting.

She shook her head to regain her senses.

Compared to Obito's almost infinite pupil power, her pupil power is at a disadvantage.

If it is a protracted battle, with her current pupil strength, she cannot hold on for that long.

"It seems that after this battle, I have to find out about it."

Uchiha Rin's eyes flickered.

Hyuga Satoru told her that if there is a blurred vision, you can come to him, and he has a way to solve it.

Just seconds after Obito disappeared.

The rest of the Uchiha tribe rushed over.

After scanning the messy battlefield around them, they all took a deep breath.

"Rin, what happened? Who are you fighting?"

Uchiha Fuyue took a breath and asked with a hint of shock in his eyes.

"Well, it's the guy who calls himself Madara."

Uchiha Rin's tone was flat.

Hearing this, the surrounding Uchiha ninjas immediately fell into an inexplicable shock.

It's the motor!

That is a character in the legend of the Uchiha clan!

Is Uchiha Rin actually fighting against such a character?


Many ninjas glanced at the surrounding battlefield, and the shock in their eyes deepened.

With so much blood on the ground and pieces of clothes, Rin doesn't seem to be injured, so it's all stained...