MTL - Magneto of Hyuga-Chapter 11

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Hyuga Satoru sighed, shook his head and said, "Let's go, this is not something we can participate in."

His eyes glanced diagonally back without leaving a trace, and he secretly said in his heart: What's more, this is not a place to discuss.

On the treetops more than 100 meters away from Hyuga Satoru, a black-clothed ninja quietly crouched in the shadows like a sculpture.

In the past few days, Hyuga Satoru suddenly discovered that an Anbu was monitoring him. The other party's ability to hide traces was very strong, and he was definitely the type that Anbu was good at tracking.

It seems that he has mastered some kind of secret technique, which can temporarily suppress the flow of Chakra and temporarily avoid the search of white eyes.

The other party guessed that he had always thought that Hyuga Satoru hadn't discovered him, and silently observed him in the dark, but he couldn't have imagined that he would have discovered him not long after he was under surveillance.

Hyuga Satoru was able to observe the biomagnetic fields emitted by different creatures, and suddenly a Jōnin-level biomagnetic field appeared around him, and he remained motionless, just like a searchlight.

However, the other party did not enter the Hyuga clan. It is dangerous to monitor the people of the Hyuga clan, let alone enter the clan. With so many eyes staring at them, if they are discovered, it will inevitably cause Hyuga to be dissatisfied with the higher-ups.

There are still some trade-offs for Sarutobi Hiizan.

"It's really troublesome."

Hyuga Satoru glanced at the big tree without leaving a trace, and said in a voice that only he could hear.

Using the magnetic escape to cover up the electromagnetic force was his idea after weighing it. It took too long to fully develop, and it was expected to be monitored, but it was necessary to be more stable later.

Fire Room.

After listening to Anbu's report, Hizan Sarutobi's face that had been gloomy recently because of Sakumo's affairs suddenly loosened, revealing a smile.

"I eat a lot more than ordinary people. I ate thirteen bowls of ramen at a time, and I have a lot of relationships with Uchiha Rin. This Hyuga Satoru is really surprising."

He knew that Uchiha Rin was a genius of the Uchiha clan, and his family was rich. According to Anbu's description, Hyuga Satoru actually had a lot of contacts with her. You must know that most of Hyuga and Uchiha were wrong.

Sarutobi Hizan was not surprised.

Anbu lowered his head and continued to report.

Sarutobi Hiizhan's expression became slightly solemn, and he said solemnly, "Isn't the voice within the Hinata clan still unified? What a bunch of old stubborn people."

Hyuga Satoru is the first ninja in the history of the Hyuga clan to awaken the magnetic escape, and in Konoha Village, no one has ever awakened the magnetic escape. Hyuga does not intermarry with foreigners. ...the first bloodstainers!

Just reciting this word in his heart made Hizan Sarutobi's breath a little hotter.

There are roughly two types of Xueji boundaries, one is the fusion of two different types of chakras through acquired development and cultivation.

The other is that he has never done any bloodstain-related development and training, and suddenly awakens a new ability for some reason. This is called the first generation of bloodstained people!

The bloodstain ability of the first generation of bloodstainers can generally be inherited, which means that over time, a bunch of ninjas who have mastered the magnetic escape bloodstain will appear in Konoha.

Magnetic Dun, is not something that can be compared to Trash!

Sarutobi Hizan felt angry at the thought of Todun. Some time ago, Anbu reported to him that Ninja School B class student Moonlight Hayate had awakened the blood-stained boundary Todun, which made him excited for a while.

Tou Dun, as soon as I hear the name, it is very powerful, and it is the first generation of bloodstained people, and it may be inherited in the future.

But when he figured out his ability, he was dumbfounded.

What kind of **** ability is this?

Hiding the figure is the basic skill of ninjas. What do I want you to do if you can't move and hide?

Moreover, Moonlight Blast's body has also become a diseased seedling because of Tou Dun, cutting off the possibility of developing Tou Dun.

In comparison, Magnetic Dun is much more powerful, and according to the current information, Hyuga Satoru's ability is to control metals such as shuriken, which is extremely practical.

Three generations of Kazekage are also magnetic ninjas, known as the strongest Kazekage of all dynasties. Like his name, the strongest Hokage of all dynasties, they belong to commercial mutual blows, but it is undeniable that the three generations of Kazekage have lethality to conventional ninjas.

If this bloodstain is inherited in Hyuga, there will be a large number of ninjas with double bloodstains in the future, but as of now, the voice of this bloodstain within Hyuga has not been unified.

Sarutobi Hiizhan shook his head secretly, Hyuga's thinking was too serious, a clan who awakened with double bloodstains should be their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but always insisted on disputes such as orthodoxy, inheritance, and sidelines.

It is simply unbearable that the sun will not decline.

He will not watch a precious first-generation bloodstained person be buried, if necessary, he will pay a certain price to let Hyuga break some traditions, and let the bloodstains of the magnetic tunnel be passed on no matter what.

No matter how big the price is, can it be compared to making Konoha an extra bloodstained family?

The three bloodstained families will bring Konoha to an unprecedented prosperity!

As for that family, it's definitely not the surname Hinata.

Sarutobi Hizan thought so.

Chapter 17 Graduation

Time flies, the sun and the moon are like shuttles, and a year has passed in an instant.

Hyuga Satoru has become a senior at Ninja School. He has more than a year left until graduation. The daily boring courses make him feel bored. If he just keeps practicing without experiencing the baptism of actual combat, it will be like a greenhouse. Like flowers, it cannot stand the destruction.

The shackles on his body and the pressure of the three battles kept chasing him.

Despite having a strong golden finger, it is useless not to grow up as soon as possible.

Yile Ramen.

Uchiha Rin looked at Hyuga Satoru in front of him with a hint of surprise through the white steam rising from the noodle bowl.

"You want to graduate early?"

Hyuga Satoru nodded and pondered.

"Yes, although the Ninja School provides a comfortable environment for us to cultivate, it is difficult to truly grow without experiencing the baptism of battle."

"It's hard to imagine that this sentence came out of your mouth."

Uchiha Rin's expression became suspicious, and he looked up and down at Hyuga Satoru.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Hyuga Satoru shrank back nervously. He planned to invite Uchiha Rin to graduate early, otherwise even if he graduated, he would not be able to perform tasks without his teammates, so he might as well spend time in school.

"No! Hahaha."

Uchiha Rin laughed.

"I can't wait for a long time. I'm going to rust away from this broken school. Even if you don't mention it, I will bring it up."

"That's good." Hyuga Satoru sighed in relief.

Uchiha Rin thought for a while and said, "But we still lack one person, and we can't form a three-person team with just the two of us."

"You don't have to worry about this. I also found Hongdou. Although her actual combat ability is not very strong, it should not be a problem to pass the assessment."

"Is it Red Bean? Since I'm a person recognized by Satoru, then I naturally have no opinion."

It is naturally better to have a team of familiar people than strangers.

Uchiha Rin nodded, suddenly thinking of Kakashi, showing a melancholy look.

Since the White Fang incident, Kakashi has graduated early, becoming the first genius in Konoha's history to become a Genin at the age of 5, but the name of genius is accompanied by rumors that Kakashi and his teammates are not compatible from time to time.

Having graduated early, he had no teammates in the same period, so he could only constantly be added to the unfamiliar team that lacked people. He did not cooperate well with his teammates, which resulted in a lot of Jinnin resenting him deeply.

The memories dissipated, and Uchiha Rin laughed.

It is said that he is about to become a Chunin, really, let him catch up for so long, I Uchiha Rin finally have to exert force.

The news that the three of them were graduating early caused some uproar, but it didn't take long for it to subside.

Needless to say, Rin Uchiha competed with Kakashi until he graduated. Although Hyuga Satoru was always lazy, but after all, the name of the double bloodstain was there, but Red Bean also chose to graduate early. Many students laugh at themselves for being overly...

examination field.

As soon as Hyuga Satoru walked out of the door, he saw Uchiha Rin standing outside the door, folded his arms and said flatly, "In terms of the speed of passing the test, I am three minutes faster than you."

Does this compare too?

Hyuga Satoru's mouth twitched.

He looked back at the examination room, and now there are only red beans left. If she can pass, there is no need to worry about forming a three-person team.

There is no need to worry about the three-body technique and basic theoretical assessment, but the early graduation adds a part of the battle with Genin. You must persist for a certain period of time. Naturally, it is not a problem for him and Uchiha Rin, but the pressure on the red beans is not small. .

In this atmosphere, time passed bit by bit, Hyuga Satoru unconsciously became anxious.

The reason why he must form a team with Hongdou has his own considerations. If the bird in the cage wants to crack it, in addition to his own strength, he can use the scientific research of Orochimaru the most. Teammates may be able to catch up with the line of Orochimaru.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Hongdou to walk out of the examination room, with a lot of sweat on his face, and Asahi smiled to Wu.

"Fortunately not humiliated."

"Beautiful." Hyuga Satoru praised and gave a thumbs up.

Since only the three of them graduated at the same time in the same period, it is inevitable to be divided into a team, so there is only one problem, waiting for the generation of Hokage to lead the team.

Who is the one? Hyuga Satoru thought curiously.

Came to a training ground at the prescribed time, and the three of Hyuga Satoru began to wait for the mysterious guide, Joinin.

"Satoru, what kind of Junin do you think Hokage will arrange for us?" Hongdou asked nervously.

"I don't know." Hyuga Satoru shook his head, "But the strength will definitely not be weak."

The quality of their team is not low, not to mention their own, Uchiha Rin is also a genius, Red Bean will be selected by Orochimaru as a disciple in the original book, and the talent will not be too bad.

If it is not an excellent Jōnin, it is impossible to say anything.

At this moment, a man wrapped in a large robe walked towards him, wearing sunglasses, exuding a breath of strangers.

"Hello, I'm your guide, Shangnin, Oil Girl Zhiwei."

The voice was short and powerful, with no mood swings.

"It's actually this guy." Uchiha Rin looked surprised.

"Do you know him?" Hongdou looked at her.

"Of course, I have learned about the powerful ninjas in the village in advance." Uchiha Rin's eyes lit up, "He is quite a famous ninja in the oil girl clan, and he has perfected the practice of insect ninjutsu, whether it is reconnaissance battle or support. None of them are rigid, and they are called almighty ninjas."

insect? Red Bean shivered.

"It seems that you know me well. In this case, a lot of unnecessary things will be saved..." Zhiwei nodded.

"Then, let's get to know each other first. My name is You Nu Zhiwei. The things I like are bugs, and the things I hate are people who hurt bugs."

There are bugs all over his body, and his personality seems to be withdrawn. It seems that this guide is not easy to get along with, Hyuga Satoru thought to himself.

After thinking for a while, he began to introduce himself.

"My name is Hyuga Satoru, I don't have anything particularly good at. If I have to say it, I know a little bit of Taijutsu and ninjutsu. I like to eat ramen and barbecue, and I hate this turbulent ninja world. As for my dream, it is relatively simple. That is world nuclear level."

World Peace? As expected of you, Satoru.

The corner of Hongdou's mouth twitched slightly. I remember when you were in school before, you were talking about the finale or something.

"An interesting idea."

Oil Girl Zhi nodded slightly, although she was in admiration, her tone was still gloomy.

Is this the Hyuga Satoru that Hokage-sama asked me to pay attention to?

Double bloodstain, the first generation of bloodstained by the magnetic escape, no matter what name it is, it is not simple. As a Hyuga branch family, he still has such a lofty dream, an interesting little devil.

"My name is Uchiha Rin. I don't have anything to hate or like. If I have to say it, it's training and fighting. Only the improvement of my strength will make me full of pleasure. If I can do this, For the time being, let me approve of your guidance, Junin."

Uchiha Rin's indifferent voice sounded, and Hyuga Satoru and Anko next to him were embarrassed.

Uchiha... what a bunch of arrogant guys.

The oily girl Zhiwei twitched slightly at the corners of her mouth, which was covered by the wide overcoat.

Forget it, just a kid.

"My name is Mitre Washing Red Beans."

Hongdou raised her hand faintly and made a cowardly voice. There were two geniuses from a wealthy family standing next to her, which put a lot of pressure on her.

"I like to eat sweets, especially glutinous rice balls. I hate people who hurt my companions the most. I can do healing and hemostasis. The bandages are also very beautiful. When everyone is injured, I will help you treat them, and will not drag you back."

A very caring ninja, completely different from the previous two wonderful creatures, Oil Girl Zhi nodded slightly.

"Then the self-introduction session is over, and the next is the battle test."

Read The Duke's Passion