MTL - Magic Love Ring-Chapter 2065 princess

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Soon, the news that Cai Zixiao was about to accept this term of Jie Yuangong as a disciple spread throughout the province. Those envoys were both envious and jealous, and even lamented that Song Ye had taken away shit.

This is because this disciple is completely different from a teacher and student.

Originally Song Yun planned to leave the provincial capital to return to the Shuijian School after visiting Cai Zixiao, but now he ca n’t walk away, because after five days, Cai Zixiao will accept him as a disciple under the witness of a powerful celebrity.

Therefore, he must stay in the provincial capital for a few more days.

Wei House.

Master Wei sighed and Miss Wei was silent.

In Xuan Yang's view, Yu Guanzhu's face was erratic and murmured: "I did not expect that the predecessor was actually the Jie Yuan of this session. This is really ...!"

The next day.

When Wei's housekeeper arrived, Song Yong gave a key and a deed.

Because the other party's attitude was firm, if Song Yan did not accept it, the other party would not leave, and Song Yan accepted it.

The next few days.

Song Kun's famous name blasted the provincial capital, and he was invited every day.

After attending a few times, he excused under the pretext of reading with his eyes closed, mainly because he didn't find it interesting. After he went, he either drank or accepted the flattery of others.

at last.

Five days are up. Today Song Song will worship Cai Zixiao as a teacher.

The ceremony of worship is also more complicated. After a series of procedures, Song Yan finally completed the ceremony of worship under the witness of everyone, and then Cai Zixiao called him aside and said alone: ​​"Ziyu, you have done a good job these days. The teacher is satisfied! "

For a moment, Song Yun immediately understood that Cai Zixiao meant that he was not lost, and kept his heart.

Then Cai Zixiao gave him a letter.

This is a letter of recommendation recommending him to study at Beijing Institute of Technology.

The Tai College can be said to be the highest college in the country. Generally speaking, only people can enter the school. Of course, if the descendants of the wealthy go through the back door, the show can also enter.

Below the talents, no matter how powerful you are, you don't want to enter.

"Thank you teacher!"

Song Zheng solemnly said after receiving the recommendation letter.

The next day, Song Ye personally came to Cai Fu to pay tribute to Cai Zi, then left the provincial government and sent to Yunshui Sword.

After the cultivation of Daomen Jindan, Song Yan has been able to walk the wind. If there is a magic weapon such as a flying sword, he can walk with the sword. It is faster. Unfortunately, such a good thing as a magic weapon is rare.

How can it be easily obtained.

Departing early in the morning, in the evening Song Yong appeared within the sphere of influence of the Yunshui Sword School.

He slowed down, and instead started running towards the gate.

"Brother Song is back!"

The disciples who guarded Shanmen greeted him politely. He is a disciple of disciples and has a distinguished status, which is not comparable to those of outsiders.

"Several brothers have worked hard!"

Song Yu responded, and strode into the mountain gate, then went to see Master Chen Yuniang.

"Well, I never thought you knew Yuan!"

As soon as she met, Chen Yuniang smiled and seemed very happy.

"Good luck!"

Song Yan smiled.

Accompanying Chen Yuniang for a while, Song Yan said, "Master, I'm going to look for Sister!"

After listening to Song Jing's mention of Cao Jing, Chen Yuniang looked down and said, "You don't have to go to your sister, she is no longer in Yunshui Sword School!"


Song Kun could not help but startled: "Where did she go?"

"Your sister is the widow of the King's Palace, and now she has been taken back to the King's Palace!" Chen Yuniang said, and then she took out a letter and handed it to Song Yan: "This is the letter she left to you."

Song Yi was surprised for a while, but Cao Jing was actually the county master of Yan King's Mansion. King Yan was one of the four county kings of the Wei State. At that time, the Prime Minister of Da Zhou succeeded in usurping the country and sealed five county kings. Later, one county king rebelled The title was taken back by the royal family. The four major county kings today are King Yan, King Zheng, Han and Zhou.

The surname of King Yan is Cao.

Back in his room, Song Yan opened the letter left by Cao Jing. Cao Jing's handwriting was more beautiful and there was a strong disapproval between the words. However, she stated in the letter that she would wait for her to return. Yan Wangfu will return to the Yunshui Sword School after confessing his ancestors and let him not forget him.

After reading Cao Jing's letter, Song Yan could not help but smile.

Although Cao Jing was a little naive, after she acknowledged her ancestors, she would become the Lord of Yanwang County. How could she become a County Lord to marry someone who already has a wife.

But Song Ye didn't think it was a problem.

He wants to marry Cao Jing. No one can stop him. Who told him to be a real Jin Dan?

In his power, don't say a swallow king, even if he is defending the country, it is not difficult for him to change the world.

Therefore, he decided to return to Songjia Village first.

After staying in Songjia Village for a while, he went directly to Cao Jing and married him.

After staying at the Yunshui Sword School for two days, Song Zheng added another title of Jie Yuan.

Two days later, Song Ye Yufeng returned to Songjia Village.

Because he only held one week in the middle, it is estimated that it has not been transmitted to the county, and people in Songjiacun will never know.


I haven't seen it for more than a month. When I saw Song Yan, Chen Youniang flew directly into his arms.

Learned Song Song returned.

People in the village came to inquire about the news and asked him how well he had done the test.


Song Yan smiled at everyone.

"Oh my god, I've got a raise in Songjiacun!"

"Haha, I am well-known in Songjiacun!"

Less than an hour.

The Laozhangren's family hurriedly came, with a smile on their faces, and Chen Chong was still on duty in the county and did not receive any news.

But that night.

Chen Chong rushed back to the village. Not only that, but the county prince also came and gave a congratulatory gift, because this afternoon, a good news came to Huangshan County, and Song Xizhong's news about Yuan had spread throughout the county.

Don't think that the middle lift has nothing to do with the county respect. In fact, this is his political achievements. Moreover, Song Yuanzhong's is still Xie Yuan, which is a great achievement, maybe his position will change in the coming year.

Although he knew the Yuan, Song Yan still behaved quite politely. He personally hosted a banquet to entertain the county party and handed it over to the village head hundred yuan silver, so that he could set up a water table in the village. Several villages were also invited.

The time passed in January.

Even so, Song Ye's family is visited by guests every day. As for the guest posts, there are more, but he refused a lot of invitations by taking the examination as a citizen.

"Xiaolang, I'm practicing my anger!"

Chen Youniang ran to Song Ye by surprise and said.

When Song Zheng explored, Chen Youniang had really developed her inner qi. During this time, he bought a lot of medicinal materials to nourish her body, so now Chen Youniang is getting more and more beautiful.

He stayed in Songjiacun for a few more days, and Song Ye was going to leave again, because it was not too far away from the name of Taiji University, and he had to rush to the name of Taiji University as soon as possible to avoid disappointing Cai Yun.

In Chen You Niang's reluctant eyes, Song Xuan drifted away. He first went to the Yunshui Sword School. After knowing that Cao Jing had not returned, he went straight to the king's fiefdom.

Two days later, Song Xuan appeared in Panyang Mansion, and here was the land of King Yan.

[Author off topic]: Second more complete

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