MTL - Magic Chef of Ice and Fire-Chapter 252 The **** of perfect emotion (on)

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Chapter 252 The Perfect God of Emotion (I)

Two women's delicate skin gradually appeared a layer of seductive rose red, the phoenix's delicate body became more hot, and the blue morning's delicate body gradually became hot, Kao and Tianxiang strange discovery, although Now they control the body of the sisters of the Phoenix Girl and the Blue Morning. However, from the soul that is closed by themselves, they constantly emit a strong love, and with their true God-level strength, they can’t seal. The distribution of this love is gradually combined with the love of the ice, and it is sublimated in constant entanglement.

Nian Bing closed his eyes and felt his wife's love with his heart. Of course he knew that it was not from Kao and Tianxiang. The two true gods in his mind no longer exist, and the strong love is constantly sublimating. The action of reading the ice gradually becomes intense.

The combination of the flesh is wonderful, but at this moment, the breath of true love has brought them into an unprecedented realm. The ice has gradually forgotten what he is doing, closes the double, and gives the body full of instinct. Still constantly releasing his love, and constantly communicating with his two wives with silent love.

Kao and Tianxiang gradually became excited. Under the influence of the horrible love energy, the two energies of life and death that they have gradually changed, and the process of gradually combining them began from different fields. The body is the medium of their combination. The ball of life and the ball of death at the chest of the ice exude a faint brilliance of black and green. The breath of life and death change from repulsion to ambiguity and mutual interference.

The blood in the body of the ice seems to have been ignited, and it is violently boiling. Although the ice, the phoenix and the blue morning are not able to feel the changes of the body, they are completely immersed in the feeling of love, but keep it clear. Kao and Tianxiang, but they are suffering from the waves of intense pleasure. They occupy the body of the phoenix girl and the blue morning, and naturally they can truly feel the process of sublimation of love and the bliss of love between men and women through their bodies. As the **** of emotions, they know that they must not indulge in sensuality. However, the body of the ice is like a magnet with great energy, which constantly attracts their souls. Every impact is so powerful and simple. There are not too many fancy. With strong love, it is constantly rising and stimulating in the semi-emotional field.

If it’s not that Kao and Tianxiang are in a state of intense cultivation, I’m afraid they will look at each other’s smiles because they find that the half-emotional area that the two men have created together is not like being used on the ice, but rather more like I like it.

The body that is constantly entangled exudes an obscene atmosphere, in the eyes of Kao and Tianxiang. Nianbing simply doesn't know how to be tired. Moreover, the huge love brought by his every impact not only communicates with the Phoenix Girl and Lanchen, but also constantly impacts the souls of Kao and Tianxiang.

The Phoenix Girl and the Blue Morning soul fully communicate with the ice by loving this solid bridge. They grew up under the nourishment of the love of ice, and their souls were sealed, but they could not seal their love in their hearts, and each loved one point. They will make them more in line with the heart of the ice, and the blue morning and the phoenix are willing to give everything to their beloved ones. Their love enters the body of ice in the entanglement, and protects the soul of the ice, although it is only In the deep love of nature's protection, but they face the land is the two powerful existence of Kao and Tianxiang.

More than once, Kao and Tianxiang wanted to interrupt the relationship between the ice and the Phoenix girl and the blue morning, because the speed of the love between them was so terrifying that the love of the two true gods became stronger and stronger. . but. They dare not take the risk. After all, in the ever-increasing love, the breath of life and death are becoming more and more diminished, and they seem to be attracted by the invisible love. The traction of the air machine will make Kao and Tianxiang feel closer to each other, and the emotional feeling becomes more real. Even the half-emotional field of pink is also under the influence of rising love. It is the process of the fusion of life and death that becomes more rapid and obvious. Their judgment is absolutely correct. Under the special energy that is not constrained by any kind of energy of life and death, life energy and death energy are constantly blending. It can also be said that the **** of emotion is in the process. In the process of continuous integration, every improvement of love will make the process of integration more rapid and perfect.

The essence of the life of Nian Bing has never been released. In deep love, every impact of his love has brought his love into the deepest part of the soul that the Phoenix Girl and Lan Chen are completely open to themselves. Every impact, also Make your love deeply hit the soul of Kao and Tianxiang.

Kao and Tianxiang almost changed at the same time. The strong pleasure and the impact of love energy made their love for the ice in the heart begin to sublimate. At the beginning, they were still deliberately resisting, but Kao and Tianxiang soon discovered that there is no hostility in the love of ice, it is only the love that can be emitted by the subconscious, under the protection of his love. What I can appreciate is endless happiness, not influence and pain. When his deep love is connected with the love of his heart, these two true gods finally understand why their abilities cannot be sealed. The Phoenix Girl and Lan Chen loved the ice.

It is definitely the most wonderful feeling in the world. With the communication of love as a bridge, everything seems to be no longer important. The wonderful feeling makes the phoenixes and the blue morning body they control at the same time emit a moving 呻吟. sound. It’s so beautiful, and even more surprising to Kao and Tianxiang, although the love in their hearts is connected with the love of ice, but it does not affect their waking state. Instead, they become more and more awake, and they are more energetic. And the grasp of death energy is also clearer, and after they give up the impact of blocking the love of ice, the process of integrating life energy and death energy has become several times faster than before. It is in this case that they At the same time, I decided to completely open my love for the ice.

This is a special kind of communication, silent communication, and the most wonderful exchange in the world. The combination of sensuality and love has gradually become an imbalanced state. The sensuality has become a simple medium, and it is no longer important. The communication of love in each other's hearts is more beautiful and moving.

The love of reading ice seems to be constantly improving. It seems that there will never be an end. Gradually, Kao and Tianxiang’s love for the ice is so small in front of his deep love, but it is constantly rising in his deep love. In their minds, they all remembered the bits and pieces that occurred when they were together with the ice. Every scene became very clear. They found that the ice was so perfect. It is not absolutely perfect, even his flaws, surrounded by this rich field of love, are also strangely no longer shortcomings.

A deep sorrow appeared in both Kao and Tianxiang. They all found their mistakes, not the mistakes in the fusion of emotions. Now, the energy of life and the energy of death. The process of blending water and milk has begun in a slight touch, and it is clear that true integration has begun. It is because of the love of ice that makes Kao and Tianxiang feel sad. When they felt the beauty of the deepest part of the soul in that rich love, they also thought of a problem at the same time. The love of reading ice is not because of them. The strong love of reading ice is directed against his own wife!

And this time. Although Kao and Tianxiang wanted to restrain their inner sorrow, but in the incomprehensible feeling, they suddenly found out that they were unable to control their feelings, in their minds, completely as they were half-emotional gods. Filled with the love of the ice to his wife. And they use the despicable feeling of reading the ice. Their love for the ice is still sublimating, but the higher the level of such love is, the deeper their grief will be.

Kao and Tianxiang suddenly understood a problem. They all were horrified to discover that even if life energy and death energy are under their control, they will be sublimated to a higher level of love than these two energies. combined. Their lives. It will also come to an end because of the endless sorrow. As the **** of emotion, they all understand. When an emotion comes to an end, how much energy is generated. The ultimate love can help them become true gods of emotions, and the extreme of sorrow, but they can completely destroy them!

Although Kao and Tianxiang did not understand where they were wrong, they all knew that they had gone to the abyss of destruction. At this time, their emotions were completely out of control, although they were able to leave the ice. The embrace, the end of the process of integration, but, if done, under the traction of life energy and death energy, the ice will die immediately, and they have now sublimated to the love of the Phoenix Girl and the Blue Morning, but not Allow them to do this. If they did, they would also be destroyed immediately because the sorrow in their hearts rose to the extreme.

At this time, Kao and Tianxiang have come to a situation where they can't stop. They can only watch as they continue to develop, and they endure the ultimate pleasure, while enduring endless sorrow, in this ice and fire, Their suffering is imaginable. And all of this, only they can feel it. They become so awake that they all know that when the energy of life and the energy of death are completely integrated into the energy of the true emotion, it does not produce a true emotional god. Because at that time, the ice will disappear because of their encroachment and ingestion, and the soul will disappear in the complete release, and they will also be destroyed by the sorrow of the rise to the apex of the ice, this fusion has no winner, it can be said It is a complete failure.

The body of the ice is still in the most intimate contact with the Phoenix Girl and Blue Morning in accordance with the instinct, and his love has completely lost his mind. Everything around Kao and Tianxiang is very clear. But he did not know at all that he only wanted to do one thing, that is, to dedicate all his love in his heart to his favorite wife before he was destroyed. This purpose is very simple, which is why his love. The intention is to have no reservations.

The heart of Kao and Tianxiang is constantly undergoing complex changes. The ultimate pleasure has sent them to the peak again and again, and the energy of life and the energy of death have become more harmonious in the process of continuous integration. The ball of death has been struggling from the middle of the hole and combined with the ball of life. If it is not because of the special change of sadness in the heart, then this fusion is absolutely perfect.

However, in Kao’s and Tianxiang’s view, these seem to be no longer important. Even the most important thing in their lives, destroying the other three true gods, seems to have become illusory, yeah, in such a huge love. In front of me, what else can replace the feelings in their hearts? In their lives, only one figure has been left, that is, reading ice.

The speed of love of ice can be increased again, but his sprinting body has gradually become sluggish. Kao and Tianxiang are at the same time, because they all know that the last sprint of the ice is coming, and the life The essence will be exiled at that time, and the moment when the essence of life is released, that is, the moment when the energy of the **** of emotion is fully integrated, but the true **** of emotion can only appear for a moment.

The spirit of Kao and Tianxiang has almost collapsed in sorrow and pleasure. They are bitterly enduring. Suddenly, the Fengqiu and the blue morning they control are trembled fiercely. The love of ice is suddenly like The volcanic eruption generally spewed out, but in reality, he made a low-pitched voice in his mouth, and the sprint instantly became intense.

At this time, the ice and the Phoenix girl are combined, and the blue morning is closely attached to him, and the three people are completely covered in rich love. The final moment is finally coming, this will be the ultimate realm of love, and at the same time, the end of destruction.

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