MTL - Magic Chef of Ice and Fire-Chapter 245 Phoenix nine changes (below)

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The 245th chapter of the Phoenix nine changes (below)

The entire Yangon Continental Allied Forces cheered for a moment, this is the first time they killed a master of the main **** level! This success has gradually tilted the balance of the entire war.

When the ice figure flashed and came to the red and blue figures, they tightly embraced them in their arms, and when they felt the perfect and tender body full of flexibility, he completely believed that he did not lose. The love of life. It is not important that the Lord God does not die. What is important is that the two women who are beloved are alive and alive. What better than this?

The Luo Jun who commanded the army, the wood crystals standing in the distance, and the cats who had just struggled from the edge of death looked at the three people who embraced each other. They didn’t have a jealousy in their eyes, but they were all envious.

The phoenix girl and the blue morning heart are still beating vigorously at this moment, although they do not regret to save the cat and cat, but how can they be willing to read the ice in their hearts? Now, everything has become so perfect, they have not died, and they have succeeded in killing the other god, which is enough to change the battle of the whole war but not in the warm embrace of ice.

When the Phoenix Girl and Lan Chen face the full attack of the three main gods, they all think that they are finished. Twenty years of life has come to an end. They will lose everything they have, although they are not willing, but at that moment, There is no other choice. The three 14th-order gods are all striking, and the power is extremely terrifying. With the strength of their two thirteenth-level masters, there is no suspense, and the body is turned into powder in the energy of the emperor. However, just as they thought their life was coming to an end, they were surprised to find that their souls still existed. At that moment, they also heard a wonderful voice. It was the heartbeat, and the heartbeat was not fast, but the two felt the same rhythm, and in that wonderful melody, they suddenly discovered that their souls began to burn. When this happened, both the Phoenix Girl and Lan Chen thought that their soul was about to dissipate, but as the invisible flame became more and more intense. They were surprised to find that the heartbeat that they heard in the depths of the soul began to become more and more intense, and the soul was in this heartbeat, in the burning of the burning soul, the more The stronger it is. The fire of the soul, from invisible to tangible, their souls that inherited the blood of the phoenix royal family rose to another level in the burning, and the red and blue flames appeared out of thin air. When the three main gods were scared, the phoenix girl and the blue morning suddenly suddenly realized. The moving heartbeat is from the heart of the Phoenix! They finally understand why they practice hard, but they never understand the true meaning of the Phoenix heart and reach the ninth change of the Phoenix. Incarnate as a real phoenix. Because they have not experienced the process that a phoenix must undergo, that is the process of phoenix nirvana rebirth. Only after experiencing Nirvana rebirth can you truly turn from the human body into a phoenix. Reach the highest ability of their distant ancestors.

Fire Phoenix and Ice Phoenix appeared. This time, they are already real phoenixes. The cultivation process of all the phoenixes has been fully integrated. At the moment when the Phoenix volcano got the ancestor's phoenix flying, it was also realized at this time. Incarnate as a true phoenix, their strength has entered the 14th order from the thirteenth order, becoming the true phoenix body, possessing all the phoenix's ability.

The battle for the raid came quickly. The end is also fast, from the cats and cats found that the four main gods until Noah was destroyed, but before and after the meal, the original Yangon ally in the sneak attack that almost lost three thirteenth-level masters because of the sudden death of two phoenixes The change, and completely changed the situation, in addition to the injury to the ice, the Yangon mainland coalition forces did not have any substantial losses, but the four main gods who came to attack were seriously injured. This is not the result of not thinking about ice. The king of the Lord God also did not think of it.

When the three main gods returned to the army of the gods, the Greek world just woke up from the state of cultivation. The horror of the tyrannical gods really scared him, and the madness was the first to come back. He exploded his own West-East hole in the case of a last resort. However, his mental strength was severely damaged by the ice. In the sorrow and anger, the spiritual power of the ice is made by the nesting. Although there is an artifact guard in the wild, and the cost of the eruption of the West Pass is exchanged for a large amount of innate power to protect his spiritual field, Entity mental attacks are too overbearing. Wildly and reluctantly supported back to the side of the Greek world, he immediately fell into a coma. When he checked his body, he found that the energy of his own energy was not damaged. However, the fluctuation of mental power was completely disordered. The more terrible thing is that his soul seems to have suffered a little bit of trauma. Although the emperor's acupoints, the earth's acupoints, and the middle of the apes are still there, but for the repair of the soul, he has completely entered a state of slumber. How long does it take to sleep, even the Greek world can not tell.

The madness suffered such damage, so that the heart of the Greek world could not help but tighten, no need to ask, he also knows who made this, and then think of the other three main gods, he can not help but frown, his eyes revealing awkward Rays. He now wants to save the three main gods. After all, the position of the Lord God in the entire army of gods is too important. It is the absolute backbone, but he has not left the cave of his cultivation. From the beginning of the first war to the present, only two days have elapsed. The wounds of the Greek community have only recovered less than 50%. Not to mention the arrogance, even the weakest silver **** among the five main gods. Sian is also better than him. On that day, although he was superficial in the battle, how could he not pay the price to kill the dragon god? The strength of the Dragon God may not be as good as the tyrannical, but he has the inherent advantages of the Dragon. The body of the Dragon and the magic of the Dragon language have brought great problems to the Chinese community, and a large number of overdrafts have been used. However, this is not the reason why he was really hurt.

The reason why the strength of the Greek community is really slow is mainly due to the two magics he solved. The super magic that was launched by thousands of magicians in the Huarong Empire, led by the gods and the princes and the digital magician, brought great pressure to the Greek world. After solving the super-large magic, he did not return. At the time of the gas, another ice lotus was launched by the hundreds of ice **** magic masters. If you change to a normal, a fourteenth-order magic, there is no threat to the Greek world. However, after coping with these two magics, they fought a battle with the Dragon God, but they could not bear his incomparably strong body. Fire and ice are two kinds of limits. Although the Greek world is the king of the Lord God, he does not read the special ability of ice and fire. The two opposite energies are incapable of resolving after invading him. When the Dragon God died and tried to resolve it, these two magical forces have already caused tremendous damage in his body. If it is not because he feels that he is about to be unable to bear such damage, how can the Greek world order the Gods to retreat? After returning here, he immediately began to practice retreat. During these two days, he has been fighting against the two capabilities of ice and fire. But to fully recover, it is not an easy task.

It is for this reason that the Greek world did not go to the Yangon Continental Army together with the other four main gods today. In his plan, as long as the four main gods today weaken the other side's strength to some extent. Even killing the young man who is the spiritual leader of the strong military in the Yangon Continental Army, once the strength of his own territory is fully restored, the Yangon Continental coalition forces want to block the impact of the gods, and it becomes impossible. The plan is perfect. But the changes are constantly being produced. Just as the Greek community used his own vindictiveness to help ridiculously stop bleeding, and sealed his broken acupoints so that the innate gas was no longer scattered, the other two main gods also came back, although the two wolves were better than the madness. But it is not so good, especially the silver **** Seren, the lower body is covered with blood, and the look is over.

Finally came back to two sober. The world’s angry and angry anger shouted: “What happened? How did you get this way? Noah? Where did the Noahs go?”

Suan looked pale in the white world. He now has a desire to cry. He didn’t have a burst of holes, and his strength was not hurt too much. However, when he left, the black martial artist gave him a knife, but made him Entering the abyss of pain, Silver God is in the eyes of all. In fact, it should be called 淫神. However, the black martial arts volleyed. However, the erroneous errands cut off what he has always been most proud of. The pain of the body is far less than the blow of the spirit. Suan is a person who can't stand the loneliness. He can stay in the land of God for so many years. One of the main reasons is because of the women among the gods. However, now he has lost the most fundamental thing of a man. In addition to deep resentment, his heart is full of endless pain. "Noah is dead, I am also injured. Those people in Yangon are terrible. Noah is killed by two phoenixes to cover us. If we are not running fast, I am afraid I will not be able to come back again." The injury has been sealed by his vindictiveness, not bleeding, but at this time, Suan is bleeding in the heart, facing the blame of the Greek world, he endured the suffering of his inner pain, and simply described the battle situation.

After listening to the narrative of Seren, even if it is as strong as the Greek world, it can not help but take a breath of cold. When they first stepped into the lost continent, they have a total of five main gods. At that time, if you count the dragon god, it is full six. The master of the gods level master. However, the current situation has completely changed. The other party, because of the complete awakening of the two phoenixes, has at least five or six strongmen above the fourteenth order, and the number is even more than their own. Can this war be repeated? On your own side, even if you are the last half of the dead gods, there are only four main gods! Although I am confident that I can at least be equivalent to the strength of two or three 14th-level masters of the other side, but when the war develops to this time, even if the last man can win, I am afraid that the price paid by myself will be enormous.

There was some silence in the Greek world. He did not blame Suan for them any more. Let them go straight to rest. Even if he wants to punish these main gods, he can’t really do it. Now, the gods can rely on it. Only they have, from entering the lost continent to the present, everything that happened is far less good than expected. Not only did it not kill the lost people of the mainland, but also lost a lot of gods.

Thinking of this, the brain can't help but move quickly. After a short period of thinking, he has already decided. Since he has lost the continent, he can't retreat before the victory. Otherwise, I am afraid that the gods will have no chance to get involved. Lost, Yangon two continents. After all, the number of opponents is large. As long as there is the existence of the mainland of God, they will be vigilant at any time. They will even train more masters and sharp weapons to deal with the mainland of God. If they take the gods back, it is very likely that they will soon In the future, these strong men of the Yangon continent will kill the land of God. This battle has hit the present, the strength of both sides has changed from a superiority to a balance, and no one can be sure that they can win the final victory. In this case, if they do not lack water and food, they can only temporarily consume it. After you recover your strength, plan again. At this time, there is another idea in the Greek world, but it needs his strength to fully recover before it can be implemented.

The feeling of sorrow and joy is the most wonderful. Before the war began, it was accurate to say that after arriving at the lost continent, Ian Bian tried to avoid being with his wife because he wanted to give his blood lions to his subordinates. Make an example and don't want others to see that they are slack off because of their children's personal feelings. Therefore, even in the past few months, even if he is intimate with his wife, he is sneaky. Even the Yangon Continental Army knows that one of them has one. The strong young strong, but did not know that the two Phoenix beauty is his wife.

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