MTL - Magic Chef of Ice and Fire-Chapter 244 The sneak attack of the Lord God (on)

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The 244th chapter of the sneak attack of the Lord God (on)

The sudden warning in the heart made the cat very surprised, and there was a hint of panic, but she quickly calmed down and still stood still, because she clearly felt that the four people’s breath was firmly Lock yourself, as long as you change a little, I am afraid that they will immediately invite their crazy attack. Therefore, she can't move. However, as a summoning magician, beyond the magician level of the summoning magician, the cat has its own way, she controls the spirit to sneak away to the side, although there is a distance from the place where the ice is lived, but Her spiritual fluctuations were enough to pass the past, and at the same time, she also sent a signal for help. The spiritual fluctuations she conveys are very subtle, and only the powerful ones can feel it.

Four faint figures appeared out of thin air, one of which was quietly hidden, and the other three turned into a phantom from three different directions to the cat.

The highest state of summoning a magician is to use the ability to summon the beast to become his own ability in an instant, but the faint light locks the cat's body at the same time, but at this moment, the three figures clearly feel themselves. The mental strength of the lock was empty. At this empty moment, they immediately launched an attack without hesitation. The cat's body shattered, but the smashing was just a phantom. A huge dragonfly appeared on the ground, looking at the three main gods floating around his body with his innocent eyes. The light and shadow flashed, and his body instantly became only the size of a common dragonfly. , directly into the seams. Sudden changes caused the three main gods to be shocked at the same time. They stole into the Yangon mainland coalition forces, just to kill the ice, but the coalition camp was broad, and it was not easy to find a place to live in the ice. force. It’s too simple to do some mock-up mentality for yourself. Therefore, they are prepared to catch a person to ask where the ice is. Soon, they found cats and cats wandering in the camp. The pet army of the cats and cats once left a deep impression on them. When it comes to the damage to ordinary gods, the pets of cats and cats are as good as the dragons. Inspired by the special abilities of the fox, his pets are more than a horror. Only the nine-pronged spider was killed after being cut off, and the other pets all retreated in the case of a great victory. Therefore, as soon as the four main gods saw her, they immediately felt that they were lucky and took the cat. The strength of the cat is obviously a core member of the coalition, and naturally it will know the whereabouts of the ice. Moreover, even if you can't find the ice, killing such a master who can threaten your own side, it is not a white one. Therefore, they split the tyrants and waited for them to wait, and the other three tried their best to catch the cats. When they want to come, even if the cat's strength is stronger, it is impossible to escape from the three main gods, but. They have forgotten that cats and cats are not only a summoner, but also a spiritual magician. With their mental power to simulate their body shape and atmosphere, the cat has already summoned it while barely discovering them. Strong.

The light and shadow flashed, the cat appeared outside the dozens of feet, and the strong phantom disappeared. The body that she sneaked away naturally exposed. In the moment of the horror of the Lord Gods. The cat's body is surrounded by silver light, the blasting Taurus is light, the chrysanthemum pig official, the dark magic mouse and the sweet mother are almost at the same time. In the sudden glow of the golden light, the cat's body rises and the golden light appears. The nine-tailed dragon is a small knot. The original empty place in the battalion was completely filled, and the three main gods just reacted. Four World of Warcraft had already rushed toward them. at the same time. Two loud phoenixes sounded at the same time.

"Mom." The silver **** Seren screamed unwillingly, and the three main gods simultaneously punched a punch. The four World of Warcraft that flew in the air were blasted backwards faster than they came, and they rushed to the side of the camp. Suddenly, the screams sounded one after another, and the Yangon Continental Army suddenly screamed in the bright phoenix. Woke up, a large number of troops emerged from their respective camps.

The red and blue lights appeared at the same time as the three main gods rushed to the cats. The two different atmospheres of ice and fire were filled in an instant, and the golden light emitted by the three main gods, the first reaction of the Phoenix girl and the blue morning was Protecting the cats and cats, their figure instantly entered the eighth change of the phoenix. The giant phoenix body greeted the three main gods in the ray of red and blue.

At this time, the colorful light and shadows were lit up on the side of the camp. They suddenly received the help signal from the cats. The ice was immediately waking up from the cultivation and came to the side at the fastest speed. The seven souls came out of the air, only It was slower than the Phoenix Girl and the Blue Morning, and rushed to the three main gods from behind. After reading the magic, the ice followed the seven souls, but when the seven souls just flashed, a tall black shadow just intercepted him, and the huge fist went straight to the ice chest. In the case of the lock of the air machine, the huge golden light column with a diameter of half a foot enveloped the body of the ice. The tyrant's hidden purpose is to wait for the ice to come to the aid. He deliberately did not stop the seven souls. When the ice appeared, he suddenly launched an attack.

Noah, the **** of wisdom, shouted, "First kill the two phoenixes." Regardless of the impending soul, the body of the three main gods instantly became illusory. Under the influence of the earthly spirits, the phoenix and the blue The speed of the morning ushered in, and the ultimate realm of the emperor was bursting out, and the golden light went straight to the two giant phoenixes. The suffocating energy suddenly made the original flexible ice and fire phoenix fall into the mud. At this time, they still have the ability to escape. In the form of the eighth change of the phoenix, they can completely attack the three main gods. Before the high flying, but they do not mean to dodge now, because behind them, is the cat! Although the cat has nine small dragons to protect, but in the face of the attack of the three main gods, there is only the end of the spike. The two female phoenixes and the blue morning sisters communicated with each other. The two energies of ice and fire were instantly excited to the strongest state, with an unprecedented atmosphere, and met the attack of two main gods from the front.

The situation of Nianbing is also very bad. After being blocked by the mad tyrant energy erupted by his opponent's emperor's hole, he can't use the moment to move. Although Nian Bing has a superb body, he is a magician after all. Don't say that compared with the main god, the calculation is that a Wusheng can also play with him. He is looking for teeth everywhere. At the critical juncture, the rich experience of the ice has played a decisive role. The body that he rushed forward suddenly exited half a step at the same time as the golden light appeared. Then, a golden light instantly erupted from the eyebrows, and the hands lighted red and blue respectively, and they joined together in front of themselves.

There is also the ultimate imperial point of the ice, but he has not used it in the form of energy attack. At this time, he faces the attack of the other side. The sky-eye field is too late to play a role. Therefore, he chose the most direct method. With the help of mental power, the imperial dragon's point of the ice is like a sharp needle and has penetrated into the attack of the gods. At the moment when the energy of the two Huangji points collided in the air, the golden light flashed, and after all, the ice was a hasty attack, and the Huangji point appeared in the same position of the Tianmao. Although the effect on the auxiliary and augmentation of the Tianmu acupoint is very large, but the attack power is not as good as the arrogant and right-handed in the right fist. I don’t know how many years of the ultimate emperor's point, let alone the hegemony is ready to go, right fist hits The golden light only paused for a moment, and it swallowed up the attack from the eyebrows. But this tiny pause. But gave the opportunity to read the ice, a huge ice prism appeared obliquely in front of him, the huge mirror mixed with red and blue light, although under the golden light bombardment of the tyrant, but also his emperor The attack reflected on the sky. Illuminated the entire camp.

After coping with the assault of the hegemony, I didn’t feel the excitement when I read the ice. I lost my voice and exclaimed: “Hurry to hide.” His gaze just saw the three illusions of Noah and other illusions rushing to the front of the phoenix female sisters. His heart instantly fell to the bottom of the valley. How strong is the strength of the Lord God? He is familiar with it. He can face the Lord God in such a way without assistance. The result can be imagined. The soul of the sword is fast. But at this time, there are still about ten feet away from the three main gods. Although they are about to arrive in the next moment, in a short moment, they can do a lot of things for the masters of the realm of the gods.

The tyrants attacked the ice and the heart was full of pride. In his view, the strongest strength of the ice is the seven souls, and the auxiliary magic field, and ordinary magic. For the temperament of his realm. There is no obstruction at all. Even if he saw the attack of the Emperor of the Ice, he did not put the ice in his eyes. A young man, even if he is strong and talented, can't be compared with his tens of thousands of years of cultivation. However, although his attack was in front of Yan Bing, he was subtly resolved by the ice. At this time, it is not that he does not want to continue to attack, but he has been unable to attack for a while, and the Huangji Cave of the ice is indeed not as good as him, but The spirit is higher than him. In the face of the arrogant energy of the Huangjiu, the golden light from the eyebrows of the eyebrows not only has the energy of the emperor's acupoint, but also has its own arrogant spirit. The mental strength was worn when the energy of the two emperor points collided, and the body entered the wild body accurately. Although this is not fatal, the tingling of the needle is suddenly in the brain, and the mental strength is in a violent shock. The resulting sense of vertigo still stagnated the madness of the body. At the same time, he also remembered the god-level masters who died in the physical attack of the ice spirit, hurriedly stabilized their mental strength and watched cautiously. I read the ice and prevented him from launching a mental attack on himself.

In fact, the body of the ice is also greatly shocked. The mental attack is a means of hurting one thousand and losing eight hundred. The **** of war is the **** of the gods, second only to the Greek world. His spiritual power. Extremely stable, although the attack of the ice has caused some damage to him, but I also suffered an unclear injury from the ice, not to mention that although he had previously reflected the attack of the Huangji point, the other side’s sudden full-strike sneak attack was still shocked. The ice of the meridians, he screamed and let the Phoenix girl and the blue morning dodge, while he could not help but spurt a blood.

If the **** of time in the true God is here, perhaps, he can have the ability to make time instantly solidify, but there is no such strong person as he can control the time, so the occurrence of this happens. When the phoenix flames of the Phoenix Girl and Long Ling burst into contact with the attack of the three main gods, they all clearly realized that there is a gap between the sky-eye field and the increase of the sky-eye field, the thirteenth and fourteenth orders. There is a huge gap, not to mention, three high-ranking fourteen-level masters attack their two thirteenth-level phoenix, there may only be one ending, that is, spike. The reason why Zhiyao Noah is willing to bear the attack of seven souls behind him is to launch a full blow to the ice and fire phoenix. The purpose is to have this spike. Although the souls of the swords can hurt them, it is absolutely impossible for them to die. If they can kill the ice and fire, the strength of the Yangon mainland coalition will be greatly reduced, not to mention, behind the ice and fire double phoenix, there is still The only summoning magician of the coalition forces, as long as they can kill all three women, even if they did not succeed in killing the ice, their mission has been completed perfectly.

The cat and cat looked at the two sisters who loved themselves and bravely greeted the enemy. The four pets that they had previously rushed to were unidentified. At the crucial moment, she launched a mental attack on the three main gods without any hesitation. The spiritual magician, she instantly distracted her mental strength, just for the opportunity to escape the Phoenix girl and the blue morning, even if she knew what the two sisters would bring to themselves, she still had no intention of returning to do so. While shouting, she launched a mental attack and shouted at the same time.

However, the Phoenix Girl and Lan Chen had already made up their minds when they discovered the three main gods. They all saw the appearance of the seven souls of the sword. They also saw that the short and strong body was rushing to the side as quickly as possible. Come, the magic of Bingjie and Bingling's sisters is already brewing. It is only necessary to withstand the attack of the three main gods, and the cats are safe. In the heart of Feng Nv and Lan Chen, cats and cats have always been their favorite little sister. Her innocence is worthy of everyone's love, not to mention, she is already the last tribe of the white family, if she is When you die, the white people really want to disappear on this continent forever. How can they see the cute little sister just die? The call of the ice called them to hear, and the cats shouted with crying and they heard them, but they still greeted the attack of the main gods. At the moment when the strong golden light was about to collide, the two female phoenixes appeared. The light is falling on the ice, no sorrow, only deep love.

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