MTL - Magic Chef of Ice and Fire-Chapter 238 The beginning of the battle of the gods (top)

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The 238th chapter begins with the war of the gods (on)

Luorou’s mysterious smile said: “These are of course not just as simple as artillery. Otherwise, how can you get into your eyes? They are specially designed by me. Indeed, it is very troublesome to carry. If the war inside the mainland In the middle, the opponent can easily destroy it by launching a cavalry charge. The biggest disadvantage of this thing is that it can only be launched into the air, but not flat. Especially after I improve it, even the weight of the cannon can not be done. I named it the magic crystal cannon, which is an absolute weapon against the air target." As she said, she walked behind a cannon and smashed the back cloth. Suddenly, in front of the eyes of the ice, it turned out to be three pieces of flaming red gems with large palms.

Take a breath of cold air, these fire attribute gemstones are very high in purity, and they are full of palms. Just the cost of these gemstones can be compared with their own gods, and the ice faint has already guessed Luorou’s The idea, said: "You can have many of the same places with my scorpion. The barrel should be adjustable, but I don't understand why I can't attack it down. It is not very difficult to say! ”

Luo said with a smile: "You should see it. The cannonball of the magic crystal cannon is not physical, but energy. I try my best to make a cannon other than forty. The resources can be used to build a city. But when After the magic crystal cannon was made, I found out its problems. Although these magic crystal cannons are powerful, but also because its energy intensity is too high, once it explodes a powerful attacking force, it will produce itself. Huge recoil, and this magic crystal cannon is only available to the magician. It must be combined by three great magician-level magic masters to make him start. The huge recoil is unbearable for anyone. The magician needs Pressing the hand on these magic crystals, once the attack power is broken, the huge recoil will immediately kill the magician, including the magic counterattack. I have carefully studied various methods, and finally I have worked hard. Let them launch in the sky to reduce the anti-phasic and recoil. As for future research, you must wait for the opportunity. These magic crystal cannons have a strong blasting ability, which is very good. Pure fire attack, you can close a small hill with a single shot. It is estimated how there is also the power of ten-order magic. By the increase of the gems, the magic power of the three magicians can be effectively combined to break out. So strong attack power, but every three magicians can only shoot at most five guns. When the study is over, I will set it as a weapon for air. Perhaps, give me another ten years to study. Or if you have a very high purity gem, I can make a real magic crystal cannon. However, it is too late to deal with those flying gods, this thing is just right. The magic crystal cannon is not cast in steel. It is a special kind of synthetic metal. It was unintentionally discovered in my experiment. This metal has no contradiction to the magic element, but has a certain increase and protection. Therefore, I can say that half of it succeeded."

"Soft, you are really terrible. This thing, I am afraid that only you can study it." The power of the gods is obviously bigger than these magic crystal cannons, and the weight is much lighter. However, it is based entirely on the strength of the ice, and there is no sacred arrow made by the ice, and the sacred **** can not play its characteristics. The magic crystal cannons are different in front of them. They can be launched as long as the magician level is high enough. The precision of the design is far from being able to compare the gods, although they have not really seen them. The scene, but the ice is almost certain, this thing will certainly become one of the most terrible killing machines on the mainland. fortunately. Its research is not yet fully successful.

Luo Roo looked at the ice. Smiled: "I know what you want to say, and I know how terrible this thing is. But the Oran Empire has been weak for a long time. If there is no peerless weapon, how can I protect myself? So, I will not hesitate to spend a lot of money. Resources, smashing the boat to create these things, but now it seems that I still failed! Rest assured, if this time the gods are repulsed, I will not study anymore. After all, there is you, Huarong Empire Our Oran Empire will be somewhat jealous. When we are strong, where do we need these things? This is the secret of our Oran Empire, which is already in front of you. If this battle, they can play. The best effect is not to waste my research. Now, the other twenty are on the opposite hill. As long as those gods dare to fly, I let them know that they know it."

I read the ice and smiled at Luorou, saying: "They still don't know how powerful you are, but I already know it. You are really more powerful than me. You were forced to leave when the Ice Moon Empire forced you to leave. It was really a The biggest mistake! Good pull, my Miss Roger, I have seen these things, we should go back, there are still many things we need to prepare. Oh, yes, what about the situation of the survivors?" Luorou squinted and glared at the ice, said: "You, you are not good at those who are left behind. Otherwise, they should have been allowed to go to the icemoon lake."

I read the ice and sighed, saying: "You are so smart, naturally guessed. If there are no such survivors, how can they attract the gods of the gods to attack? Although they are bait, I can guarantee that as long as I still They will not be hurt. This is no way."

Luorou smiled and said: "I understand what you mean, don't worry, I won't say it. Oh, yes, I can remind you now that your big brother has become the king of these dwarves. He is now mixed with the dwarves, and the secluded girl has become the recognized queen of these survivors. In the future, how these tens of thousands of survivors will handle it, you need to think about it."

I read the ice and smiled: "This kind of problem is still better for you to help me. I am now in the fight, I really have no energy to think about these things."

Luo Luo whited him and said: "This is your responsibility, don't you care?"

I read the ice and shrugged my shoulders and said: "I can say that it does not belong to any empire. I will lose the mainland in the future but it is your four great empires. It has nothing to do with me. Of course I don't care. There is a big brother and a faint. Even if you look at their faces, you will be kind to these survivors. Therefore, I don’t even care about it. I think, with your cleverness, naturally know how to do it is good for the Oran Empire. Although these survivors do not have their own civilization, However, they have their own talents. The elves are the best archers in the legendary lost empire, while the dwarves are the best casting masters. There are many big brothers. The advantages of the dwarfs are not much. I will not show it for a long time, don’t you be tempted?”

Luo Roo shook his head helplessly and said: "Sometimes, I think you are stupid, because you are willing to give everything to have nothing to do with yourself. But sometimes you are really slippery! Read the ice and tell me. What kind of person are you?"

I read a hail and smiled. "Of course, it’s a man, what? Do you want to try?" When he spoke, he wanted to slap himself, knowing that Luorou meant to say so. Isn't it asking for trouble? Your own mouth! How are you getting more and more annoying? In fact, even he did not know that his heart gradually relaxed with the rescue of his parents. In a good mood, emotions and personality are inevitably affected, and the previous repression is gradually venting.

Sure enough, Luorou’s pretty face was blushing, but she looked bravely at the ice. She just wanted to speak, but she hurriedly rushed to read the ice: “I still have things, I will go first. I will let me those later. I am looking for you to report." After that, I left the mountain bag in an instant transfer.

Looking at the place where the ice disappeared, Luorou first stunned, and then he stumbled and said, "You are a coward."

"Escape" from the threat of Luo Rou, read the ice long export gas, his face can not help but reveal a bitter smile, beauty is good. But the beauty is too much. It is not necessarily a lucky thing! However, it feels good to have Luorou. With her to grasp the overall situation, she can easily be more. From the morning to the present, he still has no time to rest, and now he will face the attack of the Protoss army. He will find a quiet place in the ice, and he will use the earth magic to sneak into the earth and begin to practice, just like the forcible in the fat man. The same is true when composing the innate air under pressure.

Time passed is not long. Just two days later, the seven Dragon Kings have returned. In two days, Luo Roo already had a lot of arrangements, and it was easy to read the ice. Every day, I just discussed the way of fighting with the strong people, and I went alone. Now, he can be said to be the sharpest sword in Luorou's hands.

The news brought by the Seven Dragon King is naturally from the gods. The gods have come to the mainland of Yangon from the mainland of God. They are moving in a straight line, and the goal is exactly where they are. Nianbing gave this war a name, called the Battle of God, the war between the mainland of Yangon and the mainland of God. Compared with the battle of the gods of the year, this battle is not inferior. In this place that is about to become the battlefield of the gods, it has gathered almost all the strongmen of the Yangon continent. For the coming of this war, everyone is nervously prepared. Their goal is only one, that is to achieve the final victory.

The reconnaissance of the Seven Dragons is still continuing. In order to prevent them from being discovered by the other side, they can only observe the movements of the gods and the army far away. From the land of God to the place where they are located in the place where they are located, they must travel as fast as four or five. God, after all, the gods are not all-around. The strength of most of the servants can only be counted in the middle of the Yangon continent. Therefore, there are four or five days of final preparations from the time of the war.

"Cats, you don't want to participate in the first battle. I am afraid that your pets will not be able to retreat." I was worried about watching the cat who had been treated as a younger sister in front of him.

The cat shook his head reluctantly and said: "No, I am going to participate. These gods are killers of my parents. I have to avenge my father and mother. I am reading my brother, and our white people are killed because of them." "When it comes to this, her eyes can't help but red."

I was surprised to find that the cat is no longer the little girl. Compared with before, she has matured. Besides the tone, she has grown into a beautiful woman and is not inferior. They are the best with their phoenix girls. Plus her delicate tone, it is easy to give people a feeling of closeness.

Cats and cats read ice and didn't talk, and quickly went on to say: "Look at the ice brother, let me join. I will be careful, my little pets will protect themselves, I promise you, as long as you withdraw, I will take them back immediately. You know, I can take them back into space!"

Wanna frowned and said: "But your own body can't stand the attack of those gods! You control the pets to have a distance, otherwise, they will not feel your heart, the strength will drop greatly. And there may be riots. So, I think it's better to shoot in the back battle."

Cats and cats have some wronged words: "No, I will launch the first attack, big deal, you will protect me."

"Read the ice, let the cats go together, you have to believe her strength, her spiritual magic is now very powerful. Besides, we also protect her, as long as the retreat is timely, there will be no problem." Blue, The two red figures lit up, and the Phoenix girl and the blue morning arrived. These days they are still studying the heart of the Phoenix, but the results are very general, and there is no breakthrough.

A slight smile, a faint scent in the eyes of the ice, a deep look at the cat and said: "Well, then, when you look at her more. I want to attack, and, under the counterattack of the Lord Gods I have to resist their attacks, the cats are handed over to you, and I can rest assured."

The Dragon Kings returned for the last time in the role of scouts. The news they brought was very simple. One day, the gods would set foot on the land here, and on the ice side, all the preparations were already under the command of Luorou. Finished, they are the masters of the Yangon mainland, and they have to start preparing.

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