MTL - Magic Chef of Ice and Fire-Chapter 231 The hunch of the **** of time (on)

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The hunch of the **** of time 231 (1)

Oh, yes, tell you good news. During this time of cultivation, my Western acupoint seems to have signs of opening. When I have the ability to use the innate qi, I should be able to reach the 12th order. "When I finished, I quickly kissed my face on the ice, turned and ran out, and when I ran to the door, I specially took the door to help the ice."

Picking up a fruit and sending it to the entrance, the sweet juice stimulates the taste of the ice and feels the warmth of the face. I suddenly think that my choice is really correct. If I refused the feeling of Longling. I am afraid that this gentle girl will not be as happy as she is now.


The land of God.

The Greek circle stood respectfully in the canyon between the two peaks, looking at the twisted air in front, and did not dare to speak too loudly. He has been here for three days. Since he got the news from the gods who lost the mainland, he came here.

At this time, the various magical elements in the air are madly swaying, and it is time for the magic storm. However, these magical storms can not have any influence on the Greek world. When the magical elements reach a circle around his body, It will be dissipated by an invisible energy. For ordinary gods, the magical storm may be a disaster, but for the top of the gods, the magical storm is not even itching.

Waiting for three days here, the Greek world did not feel the slightest anxiety. In the long years, time is no longer important for him, let alone three days, even if he stood here for three years, he also The same can be kept waiting. It has been a long time for nothing to think about, but this time, he has to think carefully because he does not want to let himself miss anything. Let go of any chance. After the summer rain came back, he sent hundreds of thousands of gods lost on the mainland. Almost all the territories that lost more than two-thirds of the continent were lost. The news was the same, only a group of gods found The loss of the mainland's inhabitants, but those who lived in a small area made him feel ridiculous. At the time of the Great War, he was already one of the strongest gods on the mainland of God. At that time, the fighting style of losing the mainland had left him with a deep impression. Therefore, when he heard that the seal of Meowdas was still uncovered when he sent so many masters, there was a hint of fear in his heart besides anger. However, the news that has been obtained now makes his fear completely disappear. The threat of losing the mainland has no longer existed, and the remaining tens of thousands of residents are just a joke for him. Even if he is alone, he can completely destroy those people. However, now his heart that has been silent for many years has revived. The land of God is indeed a place that is very suitable for cultivation, but tens of thousands of years have passed. The boring makes him long unbearable. He has not only occupied the lost continent, but the ridiculous land is not very attractive to him. However, those who got the news from Xia Yukou about the mainland of Yangon, even the strongest of the gods, are inevitably tempted. Yes! I have the strength to be second only to the true God, why should we continue to live a lonely life in this place? Why can't you make life more colorful? It is not difficult to lead the gods under the leadership of the land. If you get the permission of the three true gods, then the whole world will be under your control and you will be God. It is a great god. Those weak human beings can only be slaves to the gods, what can tens of millions of slaves bring to themselves? On the mainland of Yangon, what else can you excite yourself? Before coming to this canyon, the heart of the Greek world had already become hot. The heart that had been silent because of painstation seemed to burn, and he needed to be released.

Although the Greek world has some eagerness to end the seal on the mainland of God, he did not do that. As the strongest of the gods. He knows very well what time he should do, and he must not bury his good future because of his impulse. The patience of over 10,000 years has long made him not do something wrong because of impulsiveness. So, he came here.

"Have you been here for a long time?" A strange voice sounded from this voice, it is difficult to hear the distinction between men and women. Although the voice is very soft, but listening to the Greek world, it is more terrible than the magical storm around. More land. He hurried forward and stepped down on the ground, saying: "No, I am coming to the land and waiting, it is the glory that God has given me."

The weird voice is light: "The purpose of your coming is already known. There is nothing on this continent that can escape our mastery. Order tells me what you want to do, let go and do it, we don't It will stop you. But there is one thing you have to understand. If you destroy everything in this world, then all places will become like the **** of God's continent. At that time, even if you are Gods and people, as the environment continues to change, can only go to perdition. The mastery of the degree, with your age and ability, should be very clear."

The Greek world stunned. He was somewhat unsure of the meaning of the voice master. He tempted and asked: "What should I do? If it cannot be destroyed, then we..."

The weird voice said: "Give you two words, order, you just let the place you want to go according to the order you need, then you can become the master there. Killing, can't solve everything. In us In the former world, there were many great literatures that were thought-provoking. One of them was called ethics. Only by mastering the human heart and instilling your order, they can truly become their gods. Do it by yourself. The things of your gods have nothing to do with us from now on. We will not take care of you any more. Although Gods can be said that we have created them, even this is the most suitable. Wherever you humans cultivate, all the environment is also because of us, but we are not interested in you now. But here is our hometown, even if it has been tens of thousands of years, even if we may be in the near future To leave this place, we don't want to be completely destroyed here."

The Greek world was somewhat surprised: "Several gods and gods are leaving? Is the **** of time you asked to explore the unknown world?"

The **** of time said indifferently: "Are you not waiting for this day long ago? We have left the world and you can become the real master of the world."

As soon as he heard this, he immediately feared: "No, how can I have this kind of thinking? Without a few real gods, there will be no me today. I am reluctant to leave the real gods!"

There is still no mood swing in the tone of the **** of time. "You don't need to hide your ambition in front of me. It doesn't make any sense, and we don't care about it."

"But, but if a few real gods leave, then, there is a lot of worry in the Greek world."

"This is what you really worry about. Yes, even if you are stronger, it is impossible to fight against Kao. Even the three of us have been able to compete with them for so many years. You don't have to think about it. When we left, it was also the day when we had a break with Kao. In our hearts, if you can't solve their problems, how can you leave? You can rest assured. Kao will not give You are in trouble. It won't take long, it's the end of our period. The battle of 50,000 years is also the time to have a result."

Xijie’s heart was overjoyed, but his face did not change, and he respectfully gave a deep ceremony. Dao: "Then I will retire first. Several true gods and more people take care. If there is anything I need to do, the true God is told." Finished this sentence. He slowly got up and stepped out of the canyon until he completely left the canyon area, and then floated out and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The Greek world left, and the three figures slowly emerged from the distorted air. A rough voice said: "Time, do you say that this guy will do what we say?"

The **** of time smiles lightly. Dao: "He will. You think that everyone knows destruction just like you? The Greek world is a wise man. Otherwise, we would not choose to be the head of the gods. The smart people will not do stupid things. Unless his strength can surpass the three of us, he will never do anything that makes us dissatisfied. These gods have been silent for 10,000 years under our constraints, and it is time for them to break out. Poor Yangon mainland! If it weren't for us to leave this place, I really can't bear to let it go off the original track."

A lazy voice sounded. "Time. You should not underestimate this Greek world. He has been trying hard to break through the eye. The human body is very wonderful. If he really opens up seven acupoints, it will not be practiced for a long time. We can't reach the realm of ours. After we have finished with Kao and Tianxiang, this person can't stay."

The **** of time laughs and says: "Order, although you are the most powerful one of us, the desire for fighting in your heart is not worse than destruction. Do you think that the influence of the stronger world can have any effect on us? Even if it is The best estimate is that he can compete with one of us at most. Now, we need a rich and colorful life. I have been more and more looking forward to leaving the world and enjoying the beautiful feeling in the new world. The battle has no meaning for me. We are God, not human, and your heart should be relaxed. In fact, when you dealt with the loss of the mainland, I disapproved of it and completely destroyed the civilization. So that many wonderful things will disappear. If you lose the mainland, how can it be developed for a long time? Can it compare with us? No, they can’t do it. The technology of our time is now Can people study thoroughly? There are many things that are truly lost and cannot be returned."

The **** of order whispers: "What do you know, I am cautious. Anything that threatens us may be avoided. Whether it is the original lost continent or the white people on the mainland of Yangon. The Lord God on the continent of God. How strong is it that you are not clear? This time the two main gods went to the Yangon mainland to prevent the opening of the Meudas seal, and to kill a **** by a human being, or to use spiritual power. What does this mean? The ability to kill the spirit of the Lord God level, if it is stronger, is enough to pose a threat to us. If I guess well, that human being must be the kid I saw at the last time in Kao. Do you still blame me? If the kid is strong enough to us, and with Kao and Tianxiang, then we may not have the chance to win. Kao and Tianxiang, like us, have survived from the previous world to the present. Why did they have no plans? This time they want to let them lose the mainland, I will let him kill the kid first, then we will challenge Kao and Tianxiang in advance, so They can not have any chance. "

The **** of time frowned and said: "This is possible. However, do you think it is easy for a human spirit to reach us? What's more, with your strength, you can make his spirit The power can't exert its power, and the comprehensive strength can't rise to our level. For Kao and Tianxiang, that human being can only be a drag. So, I don't think I need to worry. Order, when we were created. You were originally half a level higher than us. Even then, you should be able to compete with any of Kao and Tianxiang. But, do you know why you are always at our level? Because your heart is too small. If you are not strong enough now, then there are too many things that can threaten us in the world. Do you want to destroy them all? Instead of putting your mind on this, you might as well try to find a solution. Enhance our own strength. Originally we are not as good as the **** of emotions, but can we not achieve spiritual happiness through cultivation What level? Efforts to improve themselves, from the beginning of the mind. You ah! Still the obsession too. "

Read The Duke's Passion