MTL - Magic Chef of Ice and Fire-Chapter 229 The last ruins (below)

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The last relic of the twenty-second chapter (below)

I read the brows and wrinkles, and said to myself: "This door is very strange, Phoenix girl, what do you find?" As he said, he turned back and looked at the Phoenix girl when he saw the Phoenix Girl. It was found that the phoenix's gaze was concentrated on the embossed ruby ​​phoenix in Shimen. Her eyes were full of meditation, and it seemed that she did not hear the sound of the ice inquiry.

The robes on the phoenix woman fell, revealing the perfect delicate body. The faint red light surrounds her skin, and her eyes gradually light up. The feathers of the royal family behind them open to the sides, and the body floats up. Right in front of the stone gate, raise his hand and gently rub the statue of the ruby, revealing deep feelings in his eyes. The faint red mansions gradually became golden, and as she stroked, she gradually integrated into the ruby. The brilliance of the gem is getting brighter and brighter. Suddenly, in the embossed phoenix pattern, the eyes of the phoenix light up, and the light flashes, just in line with the eyes of the phoenix girl.

The phoenix's delicate body appeared a short sluggishness. Then, a loud phoenix sounded from the mouth of the phoenix woman, the red light around her body became stronger and stronger, and the burning air forced the ice to retreat. Go, release the field of the eye, in order to not be affected by the phoenix flame. The body of the phoenix girl is changing rapidly, and the ice can be felt vaguely. The phoenix woman exudes a majestic atmosphere. When the bright phoenix sounds disappear, the red light converges instantly, and the figure of the phoenix woman is clear again. It’s a flaming phoenix, and every feather on the body is as crystal clear as a ruby. She has a pair of majestic red eyelids, and the feathers on her body are exactly like ruby, shining. The light.

Nian Bing whispered, "Phoenix has changed, Phoenix has awakened body and phoenix." Yes, the Phoenix girl at this time has used the eighth change again. I missed the ice and suddenly found it. After completing the eighth change of the Phoenix girl, it was similar to the pattern of the phoenix on Shimen. When he was thinking about the change, the red phoenix flew up, and instantly accelerated in a short distance, directly rushing to Shimen. I didn’t wait for the ice to scream and the phoenix of the Phoenix girl. Even strangely integrated into the stone door, the red light instantly released more dazzling brilliance, the entire martyrdom seems to be shaking slightly, and then, in front of the huge stone door with the radiance of the light, gradually rising, The rumble sounded and a burning sensation was released from the stone door.

I read the ice and looked at everything in front of me. Hurry up the first few steps and walked toward the door. When he saw the rising stone gate, he realized why he couldn't push it away. The thickness of the stone door was completely beyond his imagination. It has been extending inwardly by a distance of nearly ten feet, and, from the magical smell emitted from the stone gate, this huge gate definitely contains a magic seal prohibition.

a ramp formed through the gate. When I read the ice, the first thing he saw was the totem that shined with golden light on the ground. This is an empty square stone room with a length of about three feet. In the center of the stone interior, a huge phoenix statue made entirely of rubies shines with dazzling brilliance.

Yes, it is a piece of crystal ruby, and the phoenix is ​​doing a high-flying gesture. The phoenix is ​​inlaid by two golden gems, and the fiery airflow is emitted from the statue. The Phoenix girl did not appear in the stone room, which made the ice heart feel a little uneasy, and could not help but screamed: "Feng female, where are you? What is the place here?"

Suddenly, a smoldering heat came from the map of the foot of the ice, and the field of the ice eye could not weaken this hot atmosphere. Forcing him to withdraw from the scope of the totem. An illusory figure lit up from the golden pattern, and a holy heat filled the entire stone room. This rising figure is the Phoenix of the Phoenix Girl. From the beginning of the illusion to the gradual condensation of the entity, it took a full tea time. When she finally showed up completely, she was relieved to read the ice. At this moment, the low voice that had previously been outside sounded again.

"Great Phoenix! You have finally returned. On this day, we are too bitter and bitter. Unfortunately, the subjects we lost on the mainland can't escape the fate. Maybe you are late."

The phoenix girl changed back to the human form and looked at the huge phoenix statue in front of her eyes. The two lines of tears ran down her face. From the low voice, she felt a real sadness.

The deep voice continued: "What you are hearing now is the memory we left before the final destruction. Although I am going to die, I want to leave my feelings in my heart, only when you are When the energy comes out, I can hear my voice. As the last king who lost the mainland, I failed. However, I am not willing to admit my failure. I have not done anything, lost the mainland and always resisted for freedom. However, I finally lost and lost to fate. I know that you have tried your best, but just as we are about to win, those horrible existences have emerged, they have made us leave the original world. I will curse In the Yangon mainland, although we lost with the participation of the horrible existence, I felt that one day we will come back because we belong to our own world, and those horrible existences do not belong. Moreover, we have found some information about them and even found some super weapons left in prehistoric times. Perhaps only those weapons can We are ruined. Although the lost continent has been transferred to another space, I do not regret it. For freedom, I am willing to give everything, and my subjects are willing. They think that we can isolate us from another world and let us Lose your faith? It is impossible. I firmly believe that you are not dead by Phoenix. In the future, you will lead us back to our world, not only to be free, but also to Destroy those horrible existences. I swear in front of my subjects, in the name of my Luther XVII, that one day we will go back to the world that belongs to us and get everything we deserve."

Luther XVII, when he heard these five words, and heard the shock of the ice heart, he finally knew who left the last words, that is, the lost continent that hosted the lost battle between the mainland and the land of God and won the final victory. The last emperor! It is a pity that when confronted with the true God who cannot fight. The lost continent was forcibly stripped of the world and sent into a different space. The horror he said was obviously the three true gods. The voice of Luther XVII was so passionate. Although it was only the voice he left behind, he could still feel the strong war in his heart.

The heated voice disappeared, and the stone room fell into a short silence, half a mile. The low, full of majestic voice made a long sigh. In this sigh, there are too many things, full of anger, sadness, and deep unwillingness. "Phoenix, if everything is As I expected to develop, then, even if I am dead, my descendants will surely lead the lost mainland army to level the continent of God, destroy the enemy that limits our freedom, and let the dawn return to the earth. I left behind In the curse, there is a desire to trigger human desires, and the curse that needs to be guided by the Dark Virgin can be said to be my conspiracy. As long as we really come back, it is just a joke to become a lost mainland lord. Really from curse The only thing that benefits is the dark saint, but she can't be the master of the lost continent. Only the heir to the Luther family is the king of this continent. But when I am full of confidence, I find I have one thing I missed wrong. That is the judgment of the existence of those horrors. Yeah! How can they allow them to threaten their existence in the future? When we were exiled to different spaces, when I was prepared to lead the lost subjects of the mainland to re-develop, they brought us disaster. They used powerful destructive power to limit everything in our place and changed ours. Environment. Destroy everything that might threaten them, including our army and my subjects. Now they are constantly destroying outside. What they want to destroy is not the loss of the lives of all the subjects in the mainland. It is to destroy the lost civilization of the mainland! They use their own abilities to continually destroy and change the order of the lost continent. Just now. I can escape here under the protection of my subordinates, but I know. They do not Will let me survive, and the lost civilization of the mainland has been destroyed. Now, all I can do is leave a last hope to my subjects, I will make a change in the curse of the land on Yangon, if If the lost continent can really return to our original world, then let the dark saint become the master of my remaining subjects. I won't leave us a little civilization. I always feel that I am very smart. I have ambition and means. But in the face of their true destructive power, I find myself so small. Phoenix, I don't know if you are I can hear the sound of my stay. But if you really hear it, I have only one request from Luser XVII. Please treat my subjects well, even if they have forgotten the existence of the lost empire because of the destruction of civilization. Please also treat them kindly. The existence of these horrors is not something we can fight against. I just hope that once the lost empire can be passed on, the blood can continue to be passed on. Phoenix, don’t make unnecessary sacrifices, it is useless. I am going, even if I am dead, I have to go out bravely. Phoenix, you are the totem of the lost empire, even if the true meaning of the empire is lost, this will never change. Farewell, our civilization."

Sadness, deep sorrow filled the whole room, everything around it became a bit unreal. At this moment, Ian already understood everything. The reason why the lost Imperial civilization was truly destroyed was not the environment of the alien space, but the true gods who were the gods of destruction, the **** of order and the **** of time. On the surface, they only said that they would be lost from the mainland. However, when they sent lost continents into different spaces, claiming to be practicing in a sleep, they came to the lost continent and completely destroyed everything that could threaten them. Not only did it destroy everything left in the prehistoric era, but it also destroyed the entire lost civilization of the mainland! A good practice, a good conspiracy. I am afraid that even Kao and Dark Tianxiang did not know that they had done so much quietly. The true God is not the true God. It is no wonder that the opening of the seal of the Meyodas does not care. It turns out that the real thing is already in their grasp. What else needs to be concerned? The return of the lost continent is nothing more than a land for the world. Only then can it threaten that their prehistoric civilization no longer exists, and the lost empire does not exist.

A slamming sound roused the ice from the sorrowful emotions. He was surprised to see that there was a crack in the chest of the phoenix statue carved in front of the ruby. With the fine rustling, the crack gradually expanded. In the golden eyes of the statue, the light gradually dimmed. The Phoenix girl didn't know when she had fallen to the ground. Some of them looked at the statue in front of them. When the crack covered the whole body of the phoenix statue, with the bang, the statue was completely broken, and the red fragments were scattered. At this time, the original burning energy disappeared, and the ruby ​​no longer had its eye-catching brilliance. The voice of Luther XVII is obviously stored in this statue. He is not only a great king, but also a great magician. He is so cleverly designed that even the ice is sighing. Unfortunately, the era of the lost empire has completely ended, and Lusser XVII has not completed his wish and has gone to ruin.

A heart-shaped gem attracts the attention of the ice. When the statue is completely damaged, only this gem is hovering in the center of the original position of the statue. The gem of the gem is very strange. It shines with two kinds of brilliance, and it flashes red for a while. After a while, the blue light flashed, and did not bring changes to the surrounding environment. However, the ice was clearly felt through the eyes of the eye, and this gem contains enormous energy. what is this? In his heart, he raised doubts. At this moment, the heart-shaped gem suddenly moved, and fluttered to the front of the Phoenix girl and landed on her hand.

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