MTL - Magic Chef of Ice and Fire-Chapter 227 Lost continent in change (on)

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The 227th chapter of the lost continent (on)

The magician of the Ice Tower is led by Blue Morning. Long Ling helps his father. After three months, using the abundant water elements near the ocean, he has already opened a huge freshwater lake in the lost continent. The craftsmen who came here were always busy, using all kinds of supplies, relying on the artificial lake named Icemoon Lake, built the first city lost in the mainland after 10,000 years, and at the same time, they were protected in the garrison. Next, we began to plant near the lake, planting various crops suitable for growing on the lake. Although it was lost in the mainland, it was found to be very fertile and suitable for the growth of crops. The army became a worker at this time, and a river was opened from the lake, extending to the surroundings, and the magicians continued to use the elements of water to cool down a torrent of rain and nourish the land. After three months of continuous efforts, there is already a booming scene around the Lake of Ice Moon. The most important thing is to recite ice. He injected the life of his body into the lake. Although he could not make all the plants grow like Cao, but all the crops are growing rapidly under the moist water of the life energy, the shore of the ice moon has been presented. A green scene. When the Orlan Empire and the large army of the Langmu Empire arrived, the Ice Moon Lake had already taken shape, and Luo Rou gave full play to the instinct of the Wisdom Girl. The Ice Moon Empire occupied a plain in the northwest, and she occupied another plain in the southeast. After the passage of the Tiandang Mountains, they occupied the two plains closest to the mainland of Yangon. It’s just that the magicians of the Oran Empire are much less than the Ice Moon Empire. Therefore, although the artificial lake is under construction, it will take some time to form. However, in the allocation of resources, the ice is not comparable to Luorou. . The Oran Empire did not send troops to come here, but the combination of talents in all aspects made construction faster. When Mujing led the army of the Longmu Empire, he could only helplessly extend inland. At this time, she naturally refused to offend the ice and Luorou. After the discussion with Nianbing, she took the Langmu Empire. The temporary base was built not far from the Ice Moon Lake. A river is drawn from the Bingyue Lake for the supply of fresh water. Of course, the benefits are not in the white, the natural magician brought by the wood crystal also needs to help the Ice Moon Empire to plant a variety of crops. After all, even if it is planted, even the Huarong Empire can not compare with the Longmu Empire.

Three months have passed and the three empires are busy. And the ice is not idle, using resource allocation, and his own continuous efforts, all of the 200 gods have been equipped with twenty arrows. The blood lion teaches the elite, and he also arrives under his orders. Even the blood lion seven old people personally came to the lost continent. A total of two thousand people became the most powerful arm of the ice. The arrival of the seven old blood lions also told the Huarong empire that the news of the loss of the mainland into the lost continent was not surprising. If the Huarong Empire did not act, it would be abnormal.

After just coming to the lost continent, Nian Bing wanted to go to the secluded spot to find the lost people of the mainland. However, he realized a problem, so he gave up his thoughts and stayed in the lost continent. It is close to the mainland of Yangon. The biggest advantage is that resources can be brought in continuously. The magicians cooperate with the army to extend the ice moon lake inland. Through the river and the terrain, build one lake after another in the inland, plus crops. Planting, rapid development. The construction of Yuehu City on the shore of the Ice Moon Lake. It has also entered the orbit and the rock can be taken locally. Craftsmen are the best, and it takes about half a year to complete the city. After completing these, I was rushing to prepare for the next step, but I welcomed a group of unscrupulous guests.

In the early morning, the warm sunshine shines on the earth. The blue lake of the ice moon lake shimmers in the breeze, and the faint water vapor permeates the lake. The green color of the lakeside is full of vitality, full of natural magic and full of Under the moist water of life, the growth of plants is extremely fast. The people of the three empire need the seeds of plants. After planting, they show a thriving scene. They stand in the lake and look at the clear lake. The sadness of the earth has faded a lot since three months ago. She now has a wish, that is, to let the green fill the whole piece and lose the mainland. When a person has a goal, her life will not be monotonous.

Pingchao stood beside the secluded side, looking at the girl with a smile, the warmth of the heart passed, the happy faint back, yeah! Here is so beautiful.

At this moment, the faint face suddenly changed, and the gaze looked toward the distance. The large pieces of dust rose from afar. The shape of the dust was not scattered. The tide and the faintness changed at the same time. They all thought of a problem. Is it Is the **** man coming?

Nianbing walked out from the tent of his place of residence. The army that had just started busy in the morning also stopped his work, and formed the enemy's battle at the fastest speed. Under the leadership of Marshal Maru and Mujing, he was on the shore of the ice lake. Formed into a team. Far away, they have seen that before that large piece of dust, it was a red fire, it was a red army. All are cavalry. Seeing this group of troops, the faintness that has floated in midair is relieved. After all, it is all human beings, not the gods. As I said at the beginning of the ice, after the last process of opening the seal, the faint strength has been greatly improved, and the control of the darkness has reached a new realm. Looking at it, although the army is neat, They are riding horses, and from the smell of their hair and the horses, it is obviously not from the mainland of God.

At this time, the faces of the ferrets and the wood crystals are not good, because they all recognize that this cavalry, like a red cloud, is the flame lion knight who once known as the First Knights of the mainland. The Huarong Empire is still coming. Looking at them, it seems that they are ready to launch attacks at any time. When the Flame Lions came to the top five miles away from the ice moon and the Langmu army, they stopped and the front of the Flame Lions were opened like a giant blade, and they spread out on both sides. The earth trembles, the giant earth dragon appears, the real mainland first knights, the flame dragon, from the back of the flame lion knight. For the first person, sitting on the back of a huge earthworm, a magical gown with red light and a golden lion embroidered on it, representing his identity. It is the Huarong Empire that is in charge of the power of the national army and horses, and the melting prince Rongming with the goddess of ice and snow.

Xue Yu sat on his own horse. Although he was the first to see the famous Knights of the two continents, he was deeply shocked by the scene. He was a horse in his life and saw such a mighty knight. Except for surprise, he is envious, how hopeful he is. You can have such a powerful knight in your own hands! This time, the Ice Moon Empire sent 50,000 troops. The army of the Oran Empire did not follow, but was stationed in the Tiandang Mountains, responsible for helping the material troops of the three countries to pass through the Tiandang Mountains. The Longmu Empire also has 50,000 troops coming here, but in order to carry out land reclamation and save resources, so. They sent all the infantry, only a small number of cavalry. Although there are 100,000 people in total, but in the face of the two Knights of the Huarong Empire, Xue Yu has no grasp at all. Thousands of Flame Dragon Knights only need one charge. I can crush my line of defense.

At this moment, the seven bright dragons rang from the rear, and the snow slammed, and they could not help but look back. What he saw was the seven brightening lights, blue, red, blue, yellow, silver, white, and black. The seven colors of light expanded in the midst of change. When they appeared in the air, the huge dragon shape was revealed. The dragon is the legendary dragon. And it is a seven-headed dragon.

The dragon humming sounds are constantly becoming high. The dragons of the enchanting dragons of the enchanting dragons, which were previously filled with chilling spirits, have a fearful look in the huge dragons, and all of them are uncontrollably receding. And all the horses present, no matter which side, are all soft and trembled. The dragon is majestic. What are the common creatures that can be violated?

The silvery light appeared in the air. A figure appeared out of thin air after the silver light flashed, and the gray light condensed under him. Another dragon appeared. The size of this dragon is a little smaller, but it has a strange golden-gray brilliance, which is the ice and Oscar. Sitting on the back of Oscar on the ice, he said calmly: "Hello, please don't know what you are doing here."

The princes looked at the eight dragons in the air, and their faces could not help but change. It was a real dragon! And there are as many as eight. Although the Knights of his own are the most powerful in the Yangon continent, there is no advantage in front of the dragon. Looking at the grandson riding on the dragon's back, the prince can't help. The feeling of funny, obviously, this kid let me bring people to lose the mainland to open up, but now I am asking about it. After a moment of indulgence, said: "We are not coming to wage war. The peace talks between the four countries have established our relationship. China has come to this continent from the waterway. However, because of the scarcity of water magicians, there is a lack of water, and I don’t know. Can you share some water resources for us? You can rest assured that our Huarong Empire will only develop on the other side and will not affect you."

It turned out that after the prince brought people to the mainland, they began to develop immediately. However, he soon discovered that water was the most important factor limiting them. The Huarong Empire magician is definitely the most among the four empire, but there are not many water magicians. The existing water magicians are still owned by the original Qilu Empire, not to mention the construction of lakes, even the army and artisans. Drinking water is now a problem. After all, none of them can absorb the innate qi of water, like the ice, blue morning, and dragon spirit, and cause the strong rainfall.

I read the ice from the dragon's back and smiled and said: "This is a good thing. We all come from the mainland of Yangon, and this piece of lost continent is so vast, the problem of water source, I think, let's do it. We are responsible for it. Open a large river about 30 feet wide, lead to where you are, and be responsible for keeping the river full."

Rong Rong smiled and said: "You kid, the ability is getting bigger and bigger. It seems that my original eyes are very accurate."

Nian Bing also smiled, "Ming the Prince, I am now representing the Ice Moon Empire." As he said, he also blinked at his grandfather.

A glimpse of the prince, said: "What do you mean, is the supply of this water source conditional?"

I read the hail and smiled. "Nature is a condition. The Huarong Empire is at the southern end of Yangon's mainland. There are many crops that we don't have, and this lost continent has a mild climate. Therefore, I hope to be able to do it with the Huarong Empire. Resource sharing, we provide water, and you provide some resources we need, how?"

The prince did not feel good and glared at the ice, said: "You kid, isn't it a chance to knock?"

Nian Bing smiled: "Water is the source of life. From the current situation of losing the mainland, water is the most important thing. I think, you won't be jealous of the Prince."

The prince glanced at the dragon in the air. Even if they didn't have their own grandson, these dragons could not be dealt with by their own army, let alone grab the water source, nodded and said, "Okay, it depends on you." However, you can open this river a little faster. Otherwise, it is very difficult for us." In the grandson, he does not need to hide anything.

Nian Xiao smiled and suddenly screamed, "Hey, big brother."

A black figure rises from the rear of the Ice Moon Empire army, and the black light instantly expands. It is like a heaven and earth. It is a bang in the sky. A crack continues to extend far into the distance. In the face of the Huarong Empire, the crack was about ten feet deep and thirty feet wide. As Nian Bing said, the only thing missing is water.

"God of War, God of War, God of War." The Ice Moon Empire army also screamed wildly. As soon as he completed the Ice Moon Lake in a few days, he already had the title of God of War. More than two-thirds of the rivers that now extend from the center of the Ice Moon Lake are from his handwriting.

The prince looked at the cockroach and fell to the side of the ice, and nodded, saying, "Well, if you need any resources, please tell me."

I read the ice: "Grandpa, I am going to take a trip with you to the Huarong Empire. First, I will identify the direction. In addition, I still have something to discuss with you."

Rong Rong’s decapitation: “I know what you are going to say, come with me, and it’s time for our grandparents and grandchildren to talk about it.”


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