MTL - Magic Chef of Ice and Fire-Chapter 223 Spike the sorrow of the Lord God (below)

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Chapter 223, Smack the Sorrow of the Lord God (Part 2)

I laughed at the ice, and it was a sly smile. "Yes, then I will gamble."

"Gambling?" Gu Long looked at the ice with some surprise. After coming to this continent, Yangon’s heart made him quiet for many years. He believed that the other side of the summer rain would not let it out. The process of opening the seal continued, so he was not in a hurry to kill the ice.

Nian Ming nodded, said: "Yes, it is gambling, bet my own destiny, but also gamble your destiny." Blood red eyes suddenly changed back to normal, the next moment, his eyebrows suddenly suddenly bright, golden light is almost Endless spread, Nian Bing and Gu Long almost simultaneously heard a broken sound, and then, the body of the ice trembled.

"Four - the boundary - the - inflammation - drop - Pro - I - body -" faintly speeding the rhythm of the sound again, this time, the huge blood red door in the air, previously raised At the same time, the four-color flames descended, and the mist emitted by the evil moon dissipated, revealing the faintness of the air.

The faintness changed, and there was a four-color flame around her body. She was like a flame queen, her hands returned to the claws and closed to her chest, and the blood-red light group was already filled with her claws. All voids.

The strength of Xia Yu is indeed terrifying. Whether it is the blue morning, the Phoenix girl, or the powerful king of the darkness of the phoenix, the huge gap between the fourteenth and thirteenth levels is clearly felt at this time. When Xia Yu appeared again, the vampire king, the zombie king and the undead warlocks were smashed by his smashing spirit, and even the connection between him could not be done. Fengnv and Lanchen had already been shaken back. The **** devouring of the evil moon has turned into a blood red light spot, and the undead magic that he fully launched is completely immune to the fourteenth-order tyrannical temper.

Xia Yudi's body just shook a little, and came to the secluded front, punching the air. Hit the faint burning flames of four colors. At this time, the evil moon, the blue morning, the phoenix girl have been unable to stop. The attack by the ice magicians who fell on the ground in the distance can only be turned into ice powder in the face of dying temperament. The left fist that shines with golden light prints a golden figure, and it will rush into the black Within the scope of the Das Seal bottle.

There is no expression in the faint, looking up at the door in the air, she has completely lost control of her body at this time. The spell can only be continued, and the golden fist shadow filled with death is already here.

Oh, the golden fist shadow disappeared, and the faintness was still humming, and the beam of light formed by the bottle of the Meowaz Seal was not affected at all. However, there was a figure outside the light column, blocking the figure of the golden fist shadow.

"Sina." Evil moon screamed. The body swayed and took the figure down. It was the vampire queen who had never seen it. With the dark concealment, she has been guarding the secluded side, in order to stop anyone who wants to destroy the spell.

"Why. Why is it so stupid?" The eyes of the evil moon were a little moist at this time.

Si Na showed a bitter smile. "That is our daughter! Our only daughter. Evil moon, do you know? I love you not for your power and strength, I love you is. In order to complete you The wish. What is my life?" In the self-deprecating smile, the evil moon looks at his wife, and the body turns into a group of powder. He was stunned, his body trembled, the evil atmosphere was groaning, his heart was sore and painful that he did not know until then. It turns out that this cold heart is also painful.

Boom, bang. The two gods of summer and rain, the two phoenixes, respectively, flew the phoenix girl and the blue morning. They were once again hit by the Huangji point. The two women have changed back to their original human form in the air. They are not really phoenix after all. Blood ran down from the corners of the mouth, and they were hit hard. At this time, they could only stay in the air with the feather of the royal family. Before they learned the lessons of simmering, try not to touch the summer rain, and then stick to it. But at this time, the secluded crisis. They had to attack with all their strength, but the results were still unstoppable. The fourteenth-order gods are too powerful.

"Five - the world - the inflammation - the welcome - attack - I - the enemy -"

Xia Yu's figure flashed. Bypassing the evil moon, it is another punch to the secluded. He is not afraid of evil moon, but is not willing to waste time. At this time, the evil moon still maintains the look of cuddling his wife. The whole person is completely sluggish. He has not noticed the figure of Xia Yu. He just muttered to himself and said to himself: "Is it worth it? It is worth it. What?"

Xia Yu is about to succeed, but at this moment, the blood red light ball in the faint hand suddenly burns up. It is a crystal red flame, burning at the same time with the other four colors of flame around the body. That is the inflammation of the five worlds.

The golden fist shadow disappeared at the same time as entering the bottle of the Meodas Seal, and disappeared in the inflammation of the Five Realms. Xia Yu gave a slight glimpse. When he was about to launch an attack again, the flames of the Five Realms vacated and went to the blood-red door of the sky. At this point, the opening seal has reached the final moment. At the moment when the flames of the Five Realms vacated, the strong rain of Xia Yu was actually flew out of the earthquake.

On the other side, the **** of death, the dragon, has fallen into a panic. When the golden light radiating from the forehead of the ice is instantly spread throughout the body, a breath of horror that screams in the valley suddenly comes, and realizes that it is not good, he will never Waiting, immediately launched an attack on the ice, the attack of the ultimate Huangji point is like a lightning bolt.

However, it is also a golden lightning that meets the attack of Gu Long.

In the fierce roar, Nianbing still floats there, but his body is no longer shaking, but Gu Long is shaken back to ten feet, and the eyes of the ice do not know when it becomes golden, "I I want to try to kill God." The golden light of the essence is almost instantaneously ejected from his forehead. Even the ultimate spiritual point of Gu Long can't take him to dodge. The right hand attacked again, but he suddenly found out that his unfavorable Huangji point was passed by the faint golden light. Then, Gu Long’s body was stagnant, and he was staring at the ice and his eyes filled. An incredible look.

The golden flames are constantly ejected from the ice, and his golden eyes are full of violent colors.

砰 —————————————————————————————— The brain is split and died. His body lost its energy protection, was frozen in a tornado, and was then torn into pieces.

The body shape flashed, and the ice had already arrived in front of the secluded body, just in time to meet the fading summer rain, the spirit of Xia Yu was completely concentrated on destroying the seal, and did not expect that the ice could arrive in time, doubtful look Stop in front of yourself. The whole body exudes the ice that makes you feel the golden glow of fear. "What about Gu Long?"

"Dead." The sound of the ice seems to come from hell.

At this point, the inflammation of the Five Realms has risen into the sky, printed the blood red door, the door, finally opened, and the faint began her last humming.

"Heaven - Earth - return - Yu - mixed - chaos -, in - forbidden - boundary - teeth - Huang - hegemony - inflammation - array -. Hui - Huang - —中—, 开—启——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

At the same time as the faint beginning of the humming, another golden light floated out from the heart of the ice, and it was printed in the summer rain. Although he did not speak. However, his eyes were full of strong murderousness. Xia Yu saw the golden eyes of the open eyebrows, suddenly realized what he was, screaming. A golden light burst from his left arm, blood rain and golden light mixed, he actually broke the arm with the Huangji point, the huge golden energy and the white light of his head merged to meet the golden light, and summer Rain himself did not stop any backwards, but for a moment, it disappeared in front of everyone.

Jinguang did not disappear in any sound, and Xia Yu’s arm disappeared at the same time. Nianbing quietly floated there and motionless, the golden light of the eyebrows continued to flash, and every time there was a flash, there was a pause. The murder in the eyes gradually converges until the last moment before his coma, and he can't turn back and look at the faintness of the last spell.

Oscar's huge body appeared at the fastest speed under the ice, and at this time, the ice fell. Calm down. It happened to be with his mother. Sleeping heavily, the whole body is still wrapped in golden light. Oscar, who is connected with his heart, can feel the strange atmosphere of the ice, and the breath seems to be neither a real energy nor a spiritual power, but a strange mixed energy, wrapped in golden light. Although the ice was comatose, his breath was very smooth and powerful, and there was no sign of trauma.

The following battles have also come to an end. In the fox's fox field, the cats and cats have a strong fighting power, and they are stuck in the cat, whether it is a cat or a pet, or the six gods. They are constantly increasing. However, the bodies of these pets are too large, and the defenses are extremely amazing. Although the gods broke out of the acupoints, they were also affected by the stench, and the combat effectiveness was weakened. Whenever they wanted to concentrate on killing four When one or two World of Warcraft, it will inevitably lead to all the violent attacks of Warcraft. In just a quarter of an hour, the pets’ attacks are getting more and more fierce, and their resistance is gradually reduced with the huge energy from the bursting point. It is getting harder and harder. They also expected the Dragon King and the Lord God to come to save them. However, the Dragon King and the Lord Gods who appeared one after another did not even look at them, let them be surrounded by World of Warcraft.

Finally, the six gods were relieved, and the stench was gone. The Warcraft in front of them all changed back to the beginning. They seemed to be weak a lot, but they stopped attacking around. At this time, the gods looked at the air in a breathtaking moment. Although the eruption of the acupoints had a great loss to them, once their bosses and gods succeeded, the situation would change. However, when they looked up and looked into the air, they just saw the sudden burst of strength that made them unbelievable. It was only a moment, and the two main gods died and fled.

The six gods were all sluggish, and then they all made the same choice, saving all the remaining energy to fly into the sky, trying to escape from this terrible place, and even the boss ran, staying here. Can there be any good endings?

The cat is a pure girl. If it is changed, it is very difficult for her to make a killing. However, today is different. She was seen by the six gods who were besieged by Warcraft. The territory has seen that the six gods, each of them has been contaminated with white blood, and when a pure little girl bursts out, it is also very terrible.

The gods headed by officials have lost most of their attack power because they have consumed their own potential. They are not weaker than the gods, but when the six gods are about to fly, they are simultaneously Feeling a pain in the brain, the vindictiveness was interrupted momentarily, and it fell back to the ground. The faint silver light blocked the air, and the cat was no longer the cat. At this time, she inherited the spiritual power of her parents. The unique spiritual magic of the white people has a blockade effect on the weak gods.

The World of Warcraft slowly separated from the sides. The earth shook with a sigh of silence. A huge figure appeared in front of the gods. They were surprised to see that it was a pure gold figure. Yes, it was pure. Golden, huge body, with unlimited pressure, every step forward, they will make them feel the tremendous pressure of incomparable. They can be sure that it is a dragon, but it is different from the dragon king. Although the dragon's wings are very generous, its body is even bigger. Even the seven dragon kings in the air cannot compare with its huge body. The golden body has a very thick scale, and on its back, seven long, half-length spikes grow, the long dragon tail is dragged behind, and the tail has nine forks tilted up. The whole body exudes a touch of golden light. On the back of this dragon, sitting on a little girl, her body is so pure under the golden light, but at this time her big eyes are completely filled with murderous.

This dragon makes the gods have a feeling of deja vu. When they faced this golden dragon, the golden dragon has not evolved into this form. At this time, it is not only the change of volume, but also around it. The strong breath is also a lot more than the previous hegemony.

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