MTL - Magic Chef of Ice and Fire-Chapter 219 The secluded real seal opener (below)

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The 219th chapter of the secluded real seal opener (below)

At this time, the only one who did not reach the ice valley was the cat. Even the halogen does not know where to let the cat go.

The evil moon did not appear, nor did he manage the ice and what his men did, but they knew that the evil moon must know what they had done, and the ice also had its own ideas, no matter what the evil moon left. The most important thing for yourself is the attack of the gods and the seven dragons. As for the events that occur when the evil moon is called, you only have to rely on yourself. There are not many things that you need to worry about when you have a scorpion and a zombie army. What you need to do is to slow down the attack time of the gods. Now, the most important thing for reading ice is to grasp the time of the evil moon to summon. Only then can you achieve your goal. He and the glutinous rice became the final decisive force. Now there is an additional Safin. At the crucial moment, under the influence of the Black Emperor, he should help his side.

The cold canyon, the hazy sky, the chilly wind makes the ice all uncomfortable. He and the scorpion are sitting in an ice cave and quietly repairing, the decisive moment is coming.

When night falls, the temperature in the ice valley begins to drop, and the speed of the decline is extremely fast. If it is not for the ice, his men are ready, I am afraid that it is impossible to resist such a cold at this time. The atmosphere in the ice valley is very dignified, the time is constantly passing, and the undead army that is not afraid of the cold has begun an orderly activity. On the top of the ice valley, there are zombies patrolling with spears everywhere, and the souls of the dead are floating in the air. The vampires responsible for reconnaissance, their blood is cold, the atmosphere of chill and horror is covered in the ice valley. At this time, it can be called the valley of death.

The faintly dressed black long skirt, the hair is neatly scattered behind the back, a string of black pearl necklaces hanging around the neck. It seems to add a little more radiance, but her beautiful big eyes are full of dead silence, standing with her father, standing in the middle of the ice valley, the ice hole that constantly emerges with extreme cold. Next, the sinister atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger, and the green light around the body of the evil moon completely envelops itself and the daughter, and the stronger the yin. For him, the greater the benefits, the rich green light constantly emanate, each fluctuation can not only dispel the surrounding cold, but also absorb some of the evil spirits to supplement themselves.

"Your secluded, do you remember the spell that Dad told you?" Evil Moon whispered.

There is no opening in the faint, just nodded silently.

Evil moon sighed and said: "Daughter. Don't blame my father's heart. If there is any other way, I will not choose this way. Dad promises you, if you finish the spell this time, you can be safe, no matter what you want in the future. What to do. Dad will not stop, even if you want to be in peace, Dad will fulfill you."

Quiet and indifferent: "I understand the meaning of the two words. I am a sacrifice. Dad. You don't have to say anything, I understand everything, and I will never pull you back. My life is what you gave. It’s nothing to give you now. However, you have to remember to promise me. In any case, you must keep the life of Pingchao’s brother. Let him leave when things are over.”

The evil moon nodded silently and said: "You can rest assured, although I am not a person of good faith, but the spell of the dark world will be obeyed. Now the evil spirits have begun to rise, as long as the yin is in the air, it is our action. When."

Nothing to talk again, slowly closing his eyes. Two drops of crystal tears slipped from the face. Although there is energy protection of the evil moon, when the teardrop falls, it still condenses into two frozen ice crystals. Falling ground fell.

Whether it is ice or evil moon, they are waiting at this moment, waiting for the last moment to come.

The sky is bright and bright from the very dark, and the dark clouds above the ice valley are beyond the face of the sun. However, the dawn before the storm still appears. At this moment, the entire ice valley seems to have completely changed. It has become a gray world. The first action is not to guard the evil moon in the eyes of the Yin, but to read the ice.

I didn’t think that this evil spirit was so overbearing. When he felt the change of the moment, he did not hesitate to release his own eye-eye field. The colorful light completely shrouded the ice caves of all the subordinates. In the magical element, it is barely isolated. I sip a cold breath, and he knows that as long as his movements are slower, I am afraid that people below the Wusheng realm will lose some combat power, and once they are taken by the evil spirits, they will be The body causes wounds that cannot be cured for life.

At the same time as the ice ignited the field of the eye, the evil moon also moved. Under the gaze of the ice, he swung his sleeves, and the seven black lights appeared instantly, and they landed smoothly around the hole. It was seven Umo. Das seal bottle. As soon as the seven black bottles appeared, they were stained with the yin to evil spirits, and a layer of faint golden light emerged from the mouth of the bottle.

Evil moon low drink, his eyes instantly become blood red, biting his middle finger, lightning popping out seven drops of green blood, printed on the center of seven bottles, suddenly, the golden light instantly rises, first condensed in the air At one point, then, this golden light was quickly enlarged, and a golden light column with a diameter of one foot rose into the sky. The low humming sounds like a singer, and every nerve of the evil moon is tense at this moment, and the crucial moment is finally coming.

The secluded standing straight body, at this time, she did not know when she had a strange blood color pattern in her eyebrows, exuding the dark red brilliance, without waiting for the evil moon, she has lifted her foot and entered the golden light. At the same time, I also approached the eye of evil.

"No, you don't want to be secluded!" The fierce voice sounded, and a figure flew over like lightning.

In the eyes of the evil moon, the blood flashed, raising his hand and emitting a red light full of evil spirits, and suddenly flew out of the figure.

The faint body was shocked, and the original right foot was taken back. The dead eye was full of emotions at this moment, looking back at the body that was shot.

There is a rush in the evil moon: "Come, don't delay the time. Don't worry, he won't have anything, I promise you."

A secluded look at his father, and looked at the direction of the tide, she knows. At this time, the evil moon will not lie to himself. Without hesitation, she took a step back and finally stepped out. When her graceful body was thrown into the golden light, it did not fall into the ice eye, but floated in the golden light and floated in the center of the bottle of seven Meredas seals. Floating quietly, floating in a place half a foot away from the ground. Hands clasped, one on the other, parallel to his chest, tears, once again slipped from the eyelids, it is not the tears of sadness, but the tears of despair.

Just in the secluded time just entering this golden light. The evil that has been vigilant in the evil moon has finally happened. One green and one yellow temperament emerged from the left side of the ice valley. The vindictive air burst in the air and a little bit of light appeared in the air. An invisible compression. Even the yin of the evil can't be approached.

Hundreds of spears were thrown out of the zombies, and the spears were stunned with green light. The yellow-green light spots that fell in the air burst into a faint glow as the spears threw. It seems that, like the turquoise tulle, the moment is filled under the figure of more than ten, but this layer of light is shining, blocking the spears thrown. No, to be precise, it should be shattered.

The spear touched the blue-green light without leaving a trace, so it disappeared out of thin air. The huge pressure is even more wide, so that the souls of the undead who are ready to rush are blocked out. A low voice sounds, "Evil can never overcome justice, contrary to God's will, death will be presented to you. The undead in the darkness, does not end your naive thoughts? Do you know that you have to die without a place to die? Can't you repent?"

Although the ice is far away from these sudden appearances, when he hears this sound. The spirit still can't help but shake. Because this is the voice of the Holy Teacher. In the air, the white and pure light, wrapped in the body of the priest, including the sage, a total of eleven people, although the light around the sage is not the most powerful, but he is in the center position. Every word he said has a pure breath, so that the souls of the dead around are constantly retreating. The sacred atmosphere of the sage is the nemesis of these undead army!

The gods finally appeared, more than one person expected by the ice, from the energy they radiated, still in the ice, if Xi Lun is not dead under his own hands, in this group of people, It is a strong person who can count. A total of eleven people, at least seven of them have reached the thirteenth order. With such a strong combination, it is no wonder that they dare to face the 10,000 undead army.

The evil moon seems to have not heard their words, and there is no movement. The hands are constantly changing various hand shapes, and the dark red rays are accurately injected into the bottle of each Meowdas seal. The golden light from the seven bottles of the Meudas Seal is gradually blended into some dark red colors.

The faintness also did not seem to find everything in the outside world. She finally began to sing her own spell, looking up at the sky, her hands still maintaining the original position, a blood-red light spot appeared between her two claws, the sound of her singing Very low, but very calm, very slow, every word spit out in the mouth is very clear, "to - high - the **** - the inflammation - the king - the three - the angle - ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Although every word she reads is very slow, every time she reads a word, her face will be whiter than before, and the blood-red light between the two claws will become stronger. The layer of black mist surrounds her body, and the blood-red symbol on the forehead becomes clearer. Under the yin of the yin, at this time, she is like a queen, the queen in the dark.

The faint curse sang so clearly, the evil moon listened to it, and the ice-sounding voice, the eleven gods headed by the sage, naturally heard it, when she sang the fifth word, the priest lifted up. In his right hand, all eleven gods, at the same time launched an attack, and all they used, without exception, were all vindictive. Red, blue, yellow, green, silver, white, black, the vindictiveness of each kind of attribute exists in these gods, their movements are very fast, and they are so surprised that they even feel the ice, and the vindictive light is not Spread to a large area, but each smuggling attack will bring out a long gully, and the sky will be raging, and the souls of the undead around the gods will be instantly dispelled by the sacred atmosphere of the sage, and madly rushing to their zombies. In the vindictiveness, the opportunity to fall to the ground is not twisted into powder.

At the same time that the first attack of the gods began, Nian Bing also sent out his own signal. At this moment, although he respected the holy teacher, he could not hesitate. The power of the gods, as he expected, However, the shock brought by the eleventh and third-order masters at the same time is still very amazing. Moreover, the Seven Dragon King has not yet appeared. If these gods are allowed to rush into the ice valley, they may hit at any time. The ruin of the ongoing ritual.

When the faint began to sing a spell and floated in the golden light, it was discovered by the ice that the girl had seen it herself, looking at her pale face, and feeling a little uneasy in the heart of the ice, but at this time There is no time for him to hesitate. The gods in the air not only bring great oppression to the evil moon, but what about him?

The iced hand waved down, and the eleven gods first attacked and swept all the zombies on the side of the ice valley.

A hundred red phantoms came out quietly, and at the same time, eleven gods launched a blow at the same time. It was just when the old force was just disappeared. When the new force was not born, the one hundred phantom-like lights appeared, and the scope did not spread. The eleven gods who shot into the air, as the first hit, did not attach any skills to the plan. Because he knows that the gods are extremely proud, they will not easily dodge in the face of the enemy, therefore, this first round of attacks is also the most effective attack, a full hundred fire system arrow, quietly Appeared.

The dark red light and shadow did not give the gods too much reaction time. Among the eleven gods, even the holy teacher did not pay much attention. Seven of them ignored the red light, but gathered their own vindictive preparations. With the next attack, only four people felt faintly wrong, and they rushed out the energy that had just risen.

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