MTL - Madam, Your Sockpuppet is Lost Again!-v5 Chapter 694 693 Mingyue Junjun: The results shown make him a little hesitant

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Chapter 694: The Moon Becomes King's Heart: The results shown make him a little hesitant

Ning Qing didn't know that Qin Hui had hacked her phone, but Qin Hui had never hacked Lin Jinxuan's phone.

During the turmoil in Beijing, the Lin family all fell apart, and only Lin Jinxuan's personal industry remained intact.

Because Qin Yue reminded him of a wave before that, it was very vague, but Lin Jinxuan's mind could naturally guess it, which allowed him to avoid the disaster with the closed company.

Lin Jinxuan thought for a long time before trying to understand, probably because of two reasons, one is because he cooperated with the banter, and the other was because he had helped her.

Nguyen Xuan saw Lin Jinxuan not holding a cell phone and kept her voice down. "You say Uncle Feng will be fine, right?"

In the eyes of Ruan Ye's connoisseurs, the Feng family is a behemoth that no one can shake.

After all, the resume and position of Fengloucheng are there, and there are many cases in hand.

Although they didn't know that Fenglou City knew Fenglou City in private, Fenglou City also saw in the circle of smooth sailing in the past two years.

"I don't know." Lin Jinxuan put his mobile phone in his pocket. He hasn't seen Qin Yue for a few years. Of course, he doesn't know what relationship Qin Yue has with Fenglou City. As for Pan Mingyue, he is even more Not clear.

He knew a long time ago that he was separated by thousands of miles from the pedestrian circle of Qin Yue.

Right now, what happened to Fenglou City is not clear to Lin Jinxuan. In fact, he didn't dare to go to Qin Yue, only sighed.


And here, next to the city.

Pan Mingyue took Luo Qian back to the hotel. They were here on a business trip, and they had to wait for the case to be completed before leaving.

Luo Qian was going to ask Pan Mingyue about the three people just now. Seeing that Pan Mingyue had been silent, he didn't ask any more. He took the room card and went back to his room.

He lives on the sixth floor and Pan Mingyue lives on the seventh floor.

The entire hotel corridor is carpeted, the lights are not bright, there is no noise, and it is quiet.

Pan Mingyue lives at 711.

She took out the room card from her pocket and looked up, but unexpectedly saw the person leaning on the door of 711.

Lu Zhaoying held the mobile phone in his hand and put one hand in his pocket. He looked up at her unexpectedly, "Is it you ... but you?"

Pan Mingyue paused, then walked as usual, raised his hand and swiped the room card.

The gap in the doorway was narrow, and Pan Mingyue could feel the presence of oppression, hovering lingering above her head.

"Sorry, I don't know it is you." Lu Zhaoying was silent.

He reached out and opened the door for her after she swiped the card.

"You ..." Pan Mingyue started. He wanted to ask how his injury was, but Lu Zhaoying also said at the same time.

Lu Zhaoying looked tired: "You said."

Pan Mingyue's mind was still a bit messy, and she didn't want to ask any questions. "This is the information I have compiled today."

She handed him the notebook in her hand.

The two were talking, someone was ringing the doorbell outside, the sound insulation was not particularly good, and Luo Qian's voice was still heard.

"Yes, team leader, I suddenly remembered," Luo Qian didn't see Lu Zhaoying at the back, and just said excitedly, "Is the person you brought on the road today the son of the hospital, I was on the cover of the financial newspaper before I saw him, wasn't he? He was my last senior, and I was afraid to say how they look so familiar ... "

When Luo Qian said later, he saw Lu Zhaoying holding a notebook. He froze for a moment, "Lu team?"

"I'll get a copy of the information." Lu Zhaoying retracted his gaze, politely bowed towards Luo Qian, he was tall and almost blocked the light source in the room.

Lu Zhaoying left in the room for less than two minutes.

Luo Qian looked at the back of Lu Zhaoying's departure, and he couldn't help but touch his chin. "The Lu family is really rich."

Luo Qian's family is good. Naturally, he can see how much net worth Lu Zhaoying is wearing.

Pan Mingyue didn't answer. The mobile phone rang in her hand before responding. Picking up the mobile phone was the call from the Auditorium.

"Let me temporarily represent the Associate House?" Pan Mingyue received the above order and hesitated. "What happened?"

This matter is still confidential and Pan Mingyue could not be informed.

She couldn't help lowering her eyebrows, picking up her cell phone and making a phone call to Feng Lou Cheng, Feng Lou Cheng didn't answer.

She was extremely keen on the sixth sense, and straightforwardly commanded: "Overnight, hand over the things here, and after the handover, we will return directly to the capital.


The next day, Saturday.

Feng Loucheng still no news overnight.

Both Mrs. Feng and Mr. Feng did not sleep overnight. As for the good concert, no one went to watch it.

When Lin Jinxuan and Ruan Hui came, Feng Si was going to go to the Auditorium to find the Chief Jiang yesterday.

"Let's drive." Lin Jinxuan looked tired and couldn't hide his tiredness, and spoke first.

The letter was not rejected, and Lin Jinxuan drove the car to the auditing institute.

Along the way, Ruan Yu didn't talk as much as he used to, sitting silently in the co-pilot.

Half an hour later, the car was parked in front of the Auditorium.

They were stopped by security guards as soon as they arrived at the gate of the Auditorium, and at the same time, a black car just stopped.

The people who can get in are the people in the Auditorium.

The front passenger seat got down.

Only a few meters away, Ruan Yue clearly saw the man's side face, and said directly, "Hey-lying down, isn't that the girl from yesterday? She is the person at the headquarters of the Auditing Institute at a young age?"

Lin Jinxuan glanced, picked up his mobile phone directly, opened the official website of the headquarters of the Institute of Auditors, and searched for the entry-Pan Mingyue.

The displayed content made Lin Jinxuan even feel a little embarrassed:

Chief of Discipline Inspection Department (Level 2), Pan Mingyue.


According to normal circumstances, I should be in Shanghai today, so when I returned to my hometown last month, I did not bring eve. I did not expect that this year will be special. I am still in my hometown today. I ca n’t understand the pain that I ca n’t take painkillers. ...

(End of this chapter)