MTL - Luxurious Life After Swapping Body With Unconscious Husband-Chapter 55 Running towards her—!

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"Recently, experts have found that there are weather anomalies in many places..."

"Since the end of the world, behind various supernatural phenomena...maybe there are other possibilities?..."

The old TV set in the basement, the portraits are blurred, and the announcer's voice can only be heard in general.

"Damn it, what a broken TV."

The fourth child kicked the old TV, looked at the snowflakes on it, and turned to look at the person sitting in the corner with his arms folded.

"01, don't you know how to repair?"

Gu Cheng glanced at him expressionlessly and ignored him.

Of course he can't fix it.

So he made himself one of the fighting forces in the team as soon as possible.

The whole team found that the bow, arrow and gun of "01" were very accurate, and now there is an extra ruthlessness that was not there before. In the past, every 01 event was very speculative, because her strength was not overwhelming, so she always played it safe. However, during the recent team activities, 01 suddenly started to go all out, relentless when grabbing supplies, and didn't care if other teammates would be upset.

The fourth child wanted to secretly teach him a lesson, but later found out that this man is also very good at close combat, obviously he has learned it before—so he has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger all this time?

But to survive in the last days, strength is everything.

The fourth child resentfully kicked the TV again and sat aside.

The other teammates didn't respond to the conversation between them. Anyway, this broken TV doesn't matter whether you watch it or not. Will there be any changes in the world?

The fourth child had no choice but to transfer his displeasure to the spokesperson on the TV: "What nonsense are you talking about here? The government eats shit. If it's useful, why go there?"

"This b world, it's over."

Gu Cheng glanced at the TV.

Without Ning Yi who can repair the equipment, the picture is really blurry and abstract. So Gu Cheng didn't take a closer look.

Standing up in silence, she returned to Ning Yi's cubicle.

Wander glanced in the direction he left, opened his mouth, but said nothing in the end.

He discovered that 01 has been exceptionally silent recently. Of course, 01's previous situation was not good, but she relied on her intelligence to survive, and she was positive and tenacious. Now 01 seems to be completely separated from the people around him and even the world, and the smile that used to hang on his face is gone.

Could it be that the last days will eventually destroy a person's heart?

Even Wander, who is so vicious and vicious in the last days, feels...that's a pity. Small 01.

After returning to the cubicle, Gu Cheng sat down on the hard bed, feeling the softness under his body.

He is really crazy recently. Gu Dashao, who was born in a top wealthy family, has a precious life and has never had such a crazy moment. The good thing is that he got sanitary napkins, and even found a pack of safety pants, which can fit Ning Yi tightly. Wrapped up, no more embarrassing drops flowed out.

Throughout the menstrual period, Gu Cheng properly handled Ning Yi's predicament.

But he couldn't handle the longing.

Gu Cheng read Ning Yi's book, but he is not that professional after all.

In the end, he still took out Ning Yi's certificate from his coat pocket, and looked down at the photo above in the dim light.

He is waiting.

It all must make sense.

It must be meaningful for the swap mechanism to send him here to experience her suffering.

Gu Cheng clutched his heart.

Don't hurt, just wait.

When Ning Yi fell asleep and couldn't fall asleep, she started counting sheep.

In the end, I counted several million sheep, and I couldn't tell whether I was asleep or awake, but it was the same anyway.

Ning Yi had no choice but to talk to herself more, because when she was not talking, the surroundings were too quiet.

Once people stay in the dark for too long, they will start to hear hallucinations.

Rustling, like the sound deep in memory.

It was very similar to the sound that she caught when the zombies approached from a long distance in the last days, making the originally quiet darkness horrified.

Until chaos and haze began to invade normal sanity, making people fall into the madness of self-fear.

For extreme silence can become solitude, and eternal solitude can drive one mad. Eventually he lost his sanity.

Thinking of Gu Cheng's three years of support in such darkness, Ning Yi even began to feel that this seemed to be more difficult than the end of the world.

After a few days like this, she tried her best to maintain her mentality, but she couldn't help herself while talking to herself—

"Woo hoo."

"woo woo woo woo."

Ning Yi couldn't help being sad, and really wanted to eat.

Gu Cheng's suffering for the past three years was set by the plot of the brainless love story. He was forced to be clearly trapped in the dark, his body functions would not regress, and he would not feel hungry—but this was actually the same for Ning Yi. A kind of torture.

Ning Yi couldn't help but think fortunately, fortunately she was very enthusiastic about every meal and her attitude was very pious, so she didn't miss a single bite. Now it's all a memory of her resistance to darkness.

Western food, Sichuan cuisine, Huaiyang cuisine, special dishes, revolving restaurants, state banquet restaurants, various banquets...

Ning Yi began to miss every meal that Gu Cheng took her.

Then I started to miss Gu Cheng.

A little sad.

But she quickly pressed down again.

Even when the situation is bad, the spirit must remain free. She does it all the time.

After lying down for an unknown number of days, one day, when she was drowsy, she suddenly felt her hand being picked up and held gently.

Ning Yi's spirit suddenly lifted.

After a person has been trapped in absolute loneliness for a long time, as long as he can feel a little feedback from others, he can wake up the drowsy state a lot.

Ning Yi began to wonder who the person was, and even jokingly thought to herself, according to the current timeline, it must not be the Goddess of Light.

And this hand looks like a woman's hand, it was probably Song Lan's a few years ago.

Song Lan didn't know that the consciousness in Gu Cheng's body was actually very clear, so she could only hold the child's hand sadly.

She might be sighing or she might be crying, but Ning Yi couldn't hear or see anything. Only the hands can feel a little warmth.

At this moment, Ning Yi really hoped that she could write on her palm like Ding Ziyue, even if she could talk to her about the current weather.


Song Lan even shook hands for a short while before leaving sadly.

Then the dark world returned to peace.

It was darker and calmer than before the waves appeared.

It was so calm that one could even feel that the brief contact just now was also an illusion.

So Ning Yi also remained silent for a long time. She finally fully understood how much Gu Cheng had endured.

For three full years, the body was cut off from any possibility of communication with the outside world.

That's why at the moment when he saw the light again, the gloom covered his body was overwhelmed, and only the infinite malice towards this teasing fate remained in his heart.

This world forced him to become a powerful, gloomy king who hated everyone and crushed everyone without reason.

He is truly a lonely city.

But in the end, there was still a little tenderness in that person's dark and cold heart.

How did he do it?

Ning Yi spent an unknown number of days in the darkness.

I don't know how many days have passed in Gucheng.

As far as the eye can see.



Ning Yi never liked despair.

But despair grows secretly along all the cracks, like weeds.

On a certain day when the weeds were overgrown, she suddenly felt a strong... heartache.

That feeling was like crossing mountains and seas, wading through mountains and rivers, and passed it to her chest with difficulty.

Ning Yi suddenly woke up.

Whose heartache is that.


The flow rate is different between worlds.

When Ning Yi felt this burst of heartache, Gu Cheng had already survived for many days in the apocalypse.

He became more and more silent.

Just move your hands and don't talk.

Due to the growing unrest, Wander's team plans to temporarily ally with another team.

And among all the crowd, the silent 01 is particularly conspicuous.

"Yo—what's that hiding in your pocket?"

Gu Cheng's coat was caught off guard by someone, and after the zipper collapsed, the senior engineer certificate he put in his pocket happened to be thrown out, and the other party picked it up.

The glue on the back of the photo had long since dried up, peeled off from the inside pages, and fell to the ground, stained with dirt.

"Hahaha, there are still people who carry certificates with them? What kind of certificate, is it a student of Sanhao Primary School in the city?"

Gu Cheng lowered his head expressionlessly, and as soon as he bent down to pick up the photo, another person snatched it away.

"This photo was taken a few years ago? Hahaha, the hair is shorter than now—"

With a cold brow, Gu Cheng stretched out his hand, "Give it to me."

Several people on the other side passed it around, and huddled together with hippie smiles, "Come here and get it yourself."

Gu Cheng walked over indifferently, just as he was about to reach out, the other party had already thrown something on the ground. The moment Gu Cheng bent down to pick it up, someone quickly approached behind him—

Gu Cheng turned sideways instantly, but still cut off a handful of hair.

Soft black hair, floating on the dusty ground.

This world can always think of all kinds of malicious tricks on a girl.

The other party succeeded and laughed together: "How is it? Now it looks more like the one in your photo, no thanks—"

And Gu Cheng had already punched him.

He wanted to admit that his heart was not as strong as Ning Yi's.

After all the things she has experienced, he can't be as positive as Ning Yi.

His heart was all deep and dark.

Go crazy with a heartache.

That day, Gu Cheng beat up the opponent crazily, pulling off half of his hair. Later, the violence escalated, and Wander came directly to the field to help, and finally turned into a fight between the two teams.

At the end of the fight, they broke up unhappy.

The scene was messy like a wave of zombies.

Gu Cheng zipped up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand.

And Wander leaned against his back, took a breath after a while, and spit out **** saliva, "You... are crazy, aren't you?"

Gu Cheng bit the hair tie and tied Ning Yi's hair again.


There is only one antidote.

He is still waiting.


Until suddenly one day, it rained in the last days.

Although there is no order in the world, the natural order is still the same, sprinkled all over the earth.

All the smoke and **** smell were temporarily subsided.

Gu Cheng smelled the damp and cold air in the basement, closed his eyes, and suddenly felt a burst of inexplicable happiness.

He lowered his head and looked at his rough palms from frequent bow and spear practice.

He doesn't seem to have much fun.

But the sense of joyful anticipation lingered in my heart.

while he was walking.

When he closed his eyes.

When he misses her.

His heart kept telling him: I am happy.

So Gu Cheng thought, am I really crazy?

He closed his eyes, simply closed his clothes and lay down on the hard plank bed.

However, three seconds later.

Gu Cheng suddenly turned over from the bed and sat up.

— Ning Yi!

This is her emotion.

This is Ning Yi's emotion conveyed to him!

The emotional exchange started again.

Maybe Ning Yi received it first, but now Gu Cheng receives it, there is a time difference between the two.

But anyway, it sends an important signal—

The random swap did not stop.

And now.

The mechanism is going backwards.

Gu Cheng's brain started crazy logical reasoning and conjecture almost instantly.

If the three years of switching to the other party are the acme of the exchange mechanism, then the integration may be from the end to the beginning—

Well, it's a circle.

The positive sequence is - they exchange bodies, then hear each other's voice in their hearts, and then the authority changes...then, exchange emotions, exchange memories, and finally experience it personally in each other's body.

And at the end of this circle, they will definitely exchange their bodies again.

Then look in reverse—

Now they are in each other's situation with each other's body, and when he can already feel Ning Yi's exchanged emotions, then the next step—

He could hear her voice now.

Gu Cheng guessed that the flow rate between the two worlds is different, so there will be a time difference when transferring, and he still needs to wait.

But at that moment, it was still like seeing the light at the end of the day, and Gu Cheng seemed to have experienced the feeling of coming out of the darkness again.

The sense of anticipation is like healthy blood flowing into the whole body.

Gu Cheng waited for a long time.

Still when he was walking, when he closed his eyes, when he was thinking about her.

It took all the patience in my life.

then hear-

"Ba ha ha ha ha ha ha."

"Porp porp."

The voice was very vague, as if distorted by time, space and dimensions, and it took a while for a few words to come through.

"I'm super, strong—I'm super powerful!"

"La, la la la—"

Like a phone call with a bad signal.

It was all Ning Yi talking to himself.

And that was her alone in the dark, with herself.

Gu Cheng raised his hand after a long time, half covered his eyes, the fundus of his eyes was a little red.

He listened to her whispering to herself, which was vaguely and difficultly transmitted to his ears through the dislocation of time and space.

It took a long time to find my voice with difficulty.



Before the words fell, the entire city was already filled with alarms.

Gu Cheng immediately stood up.

"I'm stupid, run, run—"

"The defense of the city is breached ten kilometers away, the **** zombies are not human, not, not all human—"

The largest wave of zombies in history is approaching.

Sirens sounded throughout the land.

Since the advent of the end of the world, the situation of human beings has been retreating again and again, but there will always be new dangers in the mutation.

Wander was very calm, commanding the whole team to take all the supplies in the basement in an orderly manner, and go out through the escape route.

At this moment, all the surviving humans ran out.

Because this time you can't live by hiding, the zombies are everywhere, because—

"Birds! Damn—and snakes?!"

Gu Cheng shot and killed a zombie bird, but it was not destroyed artificially, so the bird bit the dog, and then the dog continued to bite the dog, spreading to a larger biosphere in groups.

Thus the end of the second year of the last days.

Human beings ushered in a huge wave of zombies caused by animal infection.

No one can survive alone in such a torrent. If you don't run quickly, you may be bombarded by the military for a radius of ten miles.

Gu Cheng put his bag on his back and carried Ning Yi's engineer certificate, while still listening to Ning Yi's intermittent voice.

"If you hear—don't hurt—"

"I think—there's a way—"


"I wait…"

Gu Cheng clenched his fists, closed his eyes, full of sharp eyes when he opened them, "Okay."

He already, almost got it.

With a cold face, Wander led the team out from the exit of the escape passage. They didn't have enough means of transportation, only an off-road vehicle for transporting supplies, and the five seats had already been robbed.

— Who the **** wouldn’t want to be able to drive away a car full of supplies in the last days?

There was direct internal strife within the team, especially the fourth child, who was about to use weapons.

At this juncture, Wander directly suppressed them with force, smashed the heads of the two people, and finally pushed a few of his trusted teammates into the car, and gave them a private coordinate.

"Better the supplies and wait for me here."

"Good boss!"

"Captain, don't worry!"

The rest of the people marched on the spot with their load, and rushed to the smooth road to grab cars at random later.

The fourth child was staring at 01. If Team Wan reserved a place for 01, it would be difficult for him to guarantee that he would not do anything.

There are all kinds of dissatisfied voices in the team.

Only Gucheng.

Slowly raised his head and looked at the sky covered by the branches—

However, Wander suddenly pulled him away, lowered his voice and quickly read a series of numbers.

Gu Cheng is very familiar with this string of numbers—

"This is the real coordinates of the supply point."

In the entire team, only 01 is the one Wander can really trust.

"Listen 01, you won't be able to run later, you get in the car with them - when you arrive at the coordinate address, if they don't wait for me as I said, you can find a chance to do it, or steal supplies and I'll give them to you coordinates, do you know?"

Gu Cheng looked at him silently.

The oppressive feeling of the zombie horde has moved from far to near, and there is an indescribable stench in the air.

Wander's speech is urgent and fast.

"Also, be happy," he said, "get over it, maybe there will be better days in the future—"

In the midst of the flames of war, Gu Cheng, in his eyes, truly understood the meaning of his entrustment a long time ago.

In this world, they are the two people who want to protect 01 the most.

So Gu Cheng finally patted him on the shoulder.


But no.

Gu Cheng put his backpack on his back and walked on the open road.

He looks into the distance.

- "Fuck, wait!"

— "What do you see that is!?"

In such chaotic hours, far away, over dying cities—

There was a huge black hole.

It was dark and ominous.

Below the black hole is the direction where the tide of zombies is coming.

In the distance, one can already see a dense crowd of festering and ferocious people.

People ran and panicked.

"Damn it, the world won't really end."

"The zombies are not finished, and now another time and space is coming??"

Gu Cheng stared at the darkness.

——The process of exchanging bodies between him and Ning Yi has already returned to the step of hearing the other party's voice.

Gu Cheng has been able to determine that the mechanism is a circle from the starting point to the ending point, and then back to the starting point. They will eventually exchange back into their own bodies to be considered complete.

And if it is a circle.

Then the world will join end to end—


That silent darkness is—

Gu Cheng stopped, turned around, and looked at the boiling wave of zombies rushing from afar.

All the people around are running and shouting, trying to escape from a carnival of life and death.

Only Wander noticed that his figure stopped, turned around and shouted: "01, what are you doing!? Run—"

Gu Cheng turned his back to him and raised his hand.

Can't tell whether it's waving goodbye, or beckoning him to come along.

Gu Cheng gave him a choice.

Then, when no one could react, Gu Cheng suddenly turned towards the direction of the black hole and the tide of corpses—

Run away.


Wan Dui almost slapped his throat, "Are you **** courting death?!"

The wave of corpses is rapidly approaching, and the black hole seems to be shrinking.

The figure of Gu Cheng rushing away did not hesitate at all.

The fourth child wiped his face: "Fuck, this idiot, leave her alone! Who can stop me if I want to die?!"

"Let's go, boss!"

"Boss, don't you still want to save her!?"

Wander is about to crack.

Going forward, he might be able to break through with the firepower of the team, grab the car and leave this area.

From now on, 01 will surely die if he rushes into the tide of corpses alone.

Gu Cheng ran faster and faster, melting into the wind.

Ahead, there are tens of thousands of zombies, and their terrifying faces can already be seen.

And the expression in Gu Cheng's eyes was hot and free—

The end of the exchange is to merge into a circle, then the world between him and Ning Yi must be connected.


That piece of darkness is the time and space where Ning Yi is.

is her dimension.

It is the only entrance to leave the apocalypse and return to that world.

Facing the tide of zombies, Gu Cheng almost ran like a wind.

Behind him, Wander gritted his teeth tightly.

"Boss, there is a car over there!"

"Team Wan! Go away!?"


Wander took two steps forward.

The decision of life and death, at the critical moment—

Wander finally gritted his teeth, turned around and ran towards 01.


The whole world is falling apart.

However, in the galloping wind.

Gu Cheng told the opposite party in his heart: "Wait a little longer."


I came running to meet you.

Read The Girl Who Reincarnated as a Vampire Heiress