MTL - Luxurious Life After Swapping Body With Unconscious Husband-Chapter 32 So coaxing!

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When they finally got off the deck, Gu Cheng was expressionless, while Ning Yi was very happy.

Of course the bodies didn't switch, because not long after pinching her nose, Gu Cheng pinched her wrist and took her hand away.

Ning Yi expressed her understanding very considerately: "Husband, it seems that your lung capacity is average."

In the last days, when they encountered unavoidable situations, it was not uncommon for them to suffocate underwater to hide from the tide of zombies. She remembered that Wan Dui could hold his breath for a few minutes.

Gu Cheng said helplessly: "...I just don't want to test like this."

Now he dares to directly hit his face. If he really indulges like this, Ning Yi will be much more lawless in the future.

Mr. Zhou and his bodyguards stood behind the cabin, smiling kindly.

- She is making trouble, he is laughing!

—Don't kill them!

The three-storey boat slowly rowed to the center of the lake, and Gu Cheng and Ning Yi had dinner together on the boat.

In the past few days, Ning Yi has been feasting on fish and meat every day. Tonight, watching the moon and lanterns in the middle of the lake, he eats light and delicate food, which also has a special taste.

Gu Cheng drank his tea and glanced at her.

Obediently holding the bowl and drinking the sweet soup, he licked his lips after drinking.

Sure enough, the only time this woman can be romantic is when she's eating.

After dinner, the surrounding scenery is almost the same, so it's time to go back.

Although the corners of Gu Cheng's eyes and brows were full of helplessness towards Ning Yi, after he got off the boat first, seeing Ning Yi jumping down without a tune, he still stretched out his hand to her, "Slow down."

Ning Yi smiled and jumped into his hands.

That's right, the two of them want to love each other's body!

After all, in the current situation where the duration of the exchange is uncertain, the other party's is your own!

Ning Yi pushed Gu Cheng's wheelchair, "Let's go, my husband, go home."

There was a slight smile on Gu Cheng's eyebrows.


After going back at night, Ning Yi finally saw the news about Zhao Mochu's bombardment.

[Ah, ah, help, you guys are too good to eat! 】

[I admit that I just wanted to use your traffic to become bigger and stronger at the beginning, but now I am so fragrant! The president Gao Lengnan and the top e-sports players are both good, but the three together are even better! Vinegar in sugar is the deadliest! 】

Ning Yi:? ? Wait a minute.

Why did you include Team Wan?

Don't put the heroine's plot on me? ?

For Gu Cheng and wander, she thinks they can be summed up in that sentence—

Buddy, all buddies.

Both she and Gu Cheng have been so active, and they haven't done anything that shouldn't happen. It's not what buddies are!

And Wan Dui is even more so, that is the big brother dei who died in the last days!

Ning Yi explained: [No, everything uploaded on the Internet has artistic processing elements...]

Zhao Mochu's eyes were already red: [I only believe what I see! 】

And netizens all over the country think so!

Ning Yi: All right.

Whatever, she won't lose a piece of meat anyway!

[So these two cp names, which one do you like? 】

【Gu's touching】

【everything goes well】

Ning Yi:? ? ?

Ning Yi: Didn't you agree that her and Gu Cheng's cp is called a nun?

Zhao Mochu, as the number one owner of CM, created all the candies for this Internet Summit, and now his account has more than one million fans, and his popularity is super high. It belongs to the level that Ning Yi, Gu Cheng, and Wan Ge will be closely watched as long as they can appear in public!

She also conducted a poll on the homepage, and now "Gu De Mo Ning" has a slightly higher number of votes, but "Wan Shi Ru Yi" is also catching up.

They are all at the level of hundreds of thousands of votes! Stars are nothing more than that, this traffic is terrifying!

Anyway, Zhao Mochu was very happy to watch - let's fight! Let's compete! Men should work harder!

Ning Yi: 【Whatever】

Ning Yi: [The little shark stopped thinking.jpg]

Zhao Mochu: [OK [Rose] [Rose]]

Zhao Mochu: [Anyway, I can eat, I don't pick [licking the screen][licking the screen]]

When Gu Cheng came out of the bathroom, he saw Ning Yi lying on the bed looking at the phone intently, and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Ning Yi poked her head out from behind the phone and smiled mysteriously: "My husband, we both have a CP name."

Gu Cheng paused, and then laughed mockingly, "Nun CP."

Ning Yi's eyes lit up immediately, "Honey, I knew you liked this too! We really have the same heart and soul!"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Who said he liked it.

"—But it's not called this," Ning Yi sighed, "It's called Gu's Mo Ning."

Gu Cheng: "..."

Are the current netizens in a bad state of mind?

When Gu Cheng passed by the bedside, he casually glanced at her mobile phone screen.

Beneath Gu's touch, there is another one, everything is going well.

Everything is going well?

Wan, Yi?

Gu Cheng's face suddenly turned cold.

The current mental state of netizens is really bad. How can a legal couple mess with other people?

"It's good for Gu's touching Ning." Gu Cheng went to bed behind Ning Yi sadly, "goodnight, wife."

Ning Yi let him blow a cool breeze on the back of his neck, and snorted and burrowed into the quilt.

"goodnight, big positive."


By the third day, this Internet Sunac Summit has basically come to a successful conclusion.

Practitioners from all over the world have gained valuable communication opportunities, entrepreneurs have gained more investment opportunities, and exchanged a lot of technical information.

Although some expected masters did not appear, I believe there will be opportunities in the future.

Zhao Weining and the program ape brothers have also gained a lot from this trip, of course the biggest gain is—

"Ah, sister Ning, the assistant surnamed Zhou next to Mr. Gu has contacted us!"

"Young Master Gu intends to invest in our CMore! It's developed!"

Zhao Weining really felt that he was a chicken and a dog ascending to heaven alone.

Ning Yi is simply the noble person in his life, leading them to seize market vacancies, and also has super technical support! Let the third son of Zhao change from an ignorant Internet addicted boy of the Zhao family to a high-quality young man who is expected to become the CEO of a listed company!

—"Sister, you are my sister, you are my only sister!"

Ning Yi hung up the phone with a smile.

Then he returned to the side of Gucheng.

Although I know that Zhao Weining's small company has long been on the list of Gu Cheng's attention, but under her leadership, it is still very satisfying to be able to be favored by the Ku capital that all practitioners desire.

The future of laying flat and getting rich is just around the corner^3^

I just don't know, when will I meet her investor husband in real identity?

It's exciting to think about it.

While sleeping next to him and calling her husband, he took out tens of millions of financing from him—


So cool!

In the end, the organizer wanted to take a group photo with the guests before they left City S.

Gu Dashao is usually unwilling to participate in this kind of activity, but the organizer still asked with a little expectation. In case Young Master Gu is willing to take a group photo, the center of the first row must be reserved for him.

Gu Cheng doesn't like the camera, and rarely takes pictures. When he was photographed as one of the world's top 100 **** men in the early years, it was Song Lan's instigation. He himself didn't like this kind of thing.

But for this group photo, all important guests attending the meeting will be in the same frame.

E-sports players will also be together.

Gu Cheng snorted coldly in his heart, "Yes."

The organizer was overjoyed immediately, the gold content of this photo became higher!

"However, my wife wants to be by my side." Gu Cheng said lightly.

What "all the best".

In the same frame as a group, Ning Yi is of course by his side.

Ning Yi didn't expect him to say that, and was a little surprised.

Because recently, the old bitter gourd has been growing obscenely and didn't dare to do anything, and he doesn't need to show it to anyone in City A. Why is he pretending to be a pet?

Out of inertia, this is it?

The organizer also did not expect this request, "Ah this—"

He is just a staff member in charge of coordinating and does not fully understand the identities of the guests, so in his cognition, Ning Yi is actually just the accompanying family members of Gu Dashao, not a guest in the field, and actually does not need to participate in the big event. group photo.

But this was what Mr. Gu said after all, he had to carefully consider his own words, when he was hesitating, a staff member with a higher rank came over and whispered something in his ear.

"Just agree and it's over. Mrs. Ning, you will definitely see her again in the future. Her identity is not simple..."

The hotel they arranged this time originally reserved an extra room, and only a few people knew that it was for the founder of CMore who did not come this time. Later, the hotel information and all traces were erased and could not be found. The organizers were quite afraid of this computer power, for fear that this big boss would hack their server for this conference, so those who knew the inside story could not Just know it well and keep your mouth shut.

After the organizer heard it, he was stunned.

Their whispers were so soft that ordinary people would definitely not be able to hear them clearly, but Ning Yi was no ordinary person.

She immediately looked calm, clutching her little vest tightly with her hands, and said with a smile, "My husband is actually fine, you don't have to care about me so much."

However, Gu Cheng seemed to have noticed something, and squinted slightly, "—what?"

After whispering to the staff member, he left, and the organizer turned to Gu Cheng and said, "Alright Young Master Gu, it's all right, just sit and take a photo with your wife."

Ning Yi then pushed the boat along, pretending to have an expression of "I'm so flattered that my husband really loves me and I'm so touched".

Gu Cheng didn't know what he was thinking about, his dark pupils fell on Ning Yi, and finally he just responded lightly: "En."

Ning Yi: What, who erased the information? Who is likely to hack their systems?

What's the deal with her kitty?

Pouting and looking up at the sky^3^

Zongzhu Zhou and the bodyguards behind him don't even know what kind of relationship is going on here, they only know-

Young and old take group photos with their wives by their side, him! love her so much!

Gu's Moning is the worst!

So after lunch, Ning Yi and Gu Cheng went to the square in front of the guild hall together.

Several rows of shelves have been set up there, divided into high and low positions, and a group photo is taken for the guests of this conference as a finishing touch.

A lot of people were waiting there, wanting to take advantage of the last time before Gu Dashao left S city, and hurry up and say a few words with him, even if they could get acquainted.

However, in the crowd, Gu Cheng was surrounded by four assistants and eight bodyguards. He calmly led his wife and sat directly in the middle of the first row.

Everyone is a look full of admiration.

Ning Yi thought to himself, oh, as expected of being the number one boss in the book, this posture is just hanging.

Because this is Gu Cheng's behavior, no one present dared to say anything.

Only Ding Ziyue looked sour!

——This kind of honor, this kind of favor, should have fallen on her after she became the light of Young Master Gu!

However, after the other people around were surprised, they all accepted Gu Dashao and his wife sitting there. After all... Should I say it or not, the two faces in the center of the photo are really too seductive!

Young Master Gu and his wife look so well matched!

When the e-sports players were also brought over, Wander's gaze immediately caught sight of Ning Yi and Gu Cheng, who was beside her with a calm expression.


Isn't he a high-cold listed company worth tens of billions of dollars, the president, why is he so ostentatious, and even dragged his wife to sit in the middle to take pictures? It's just a position, what can it explain.

Wander's own ten trumpets all voted for "Everything Is Like Yi".

There is no other meaning, I just think that the brotherhood between him and 01 deserves to be seen by more people. Um.

The staff arrived quickly.

In such a social occasion, Ding Ziyue had to appear on the stage, because she had to take pictures in the same frame, and she had to do yesterday's makeup and hair again. This visit to S City did not achieve the effect she expected at all. Before she left, she had to regain the face she lost in yesterday's draft.

She walked in front of Gu Cheng with Jiang Linyi on her arm, without looking at Ning Yi, and smiled slightly: "Young Master Gu, I heard that you all want to meet the founder of CMore this time?"

Gu Cheng looked indifferent, but Ning Yi raised his head.

Ding Ziyue pulled her hair, held back her complacency, and said in a calm voice: "If you need to get to know the founder of CMore, I can help you connect~"

Ning Yi: Ah really?

Someone around heard it, "Miss Ding, can I contact that 01? Do you know each other?"

Jiang Linyi was also quite surprised and said, "When did Yueyue meet?"

Ding Ziyue enjoyed everyone's astonished gazes. From the corner of her eye, she saw Ning Yi's increasingly strange expression, and raised her chin proudly, "Yes, we have always kept in touch."

01 Give her a like, why is it not a kind of connection?

As long as she took the initiative to talk to him, wouldn't 01 not answer her?

Jiang Linyi looked at Ding Ziyue with admiration, "Yueyue is really shining, which attracts other outstanding people to look at you."

"Yes, Miss Ding, we can chat when we are free."

"I really wanted to meet the founder—"

Ding Ziyue smiled and said, "I will try my best to help everyone."

When she really gets involved with 01, Young Master Gu will definitely look at her differently~

Ning Yi smiled kindly: Mmmm.

okay, got it.

The location for the last group photo was finally settled.

Gu Cheng and Ning Yi were in the first row, surrounded by capital tycoons and core members of the organizer. The upper row is the entrepreneurial CEOs, as well as the personnel sent by various Internet company operators to communicate, and the upper row is the e-sports players who came to the Star Game, and the top row, the actor and Ding Ziyue are standing in the middle , very low-key.

Ding Ziyue and Jiang Linyi took a group photo together as honorary participants of this conference. Jiang Linyi didn't want to be too high-profile, so he stood in the last row. But Ding Ziyue was very unhappy in her heart, she is the heroine of this world, why should she keep a low profile?

The photographer on the opposite side adjusted his position, and then fixed the focus on the midpoint.

"Yes, let's all smile, right—"

It is rare for important characters to be in the same frame together, and Ning Yi also showed a perfect smile to the camera.

In the row behind, Jiang Linyi reached out to stop the unhappy Ding Ziyue.

In the first row, Gu Cheng stretched out his hand to hold Ning Yi.

Gu Mo Ning, the official position. Ha ha.

After holding hands, the bodies of the two of them seemed to switch, but they didn't seem to change. Because Gu Cheng didn't touch her hand, but held it directly without letting go.

Ning Yi thought that her eyes were blinked by the flash of the camera, and she asked Gu Cheng quietly in her heart, "Husband, did you faint just now?"

Gu Cheng took her hand, clasped it in his palm, and hooked the corner of his lips.

I actually swapped twice quickly just now, but because this is already the third swap today, it has entered a cooldown period after that.

This rule still applies.

So he can hold her hand.

Gu Cheng didn't explain, but squeezed her hand, "Ayi, laugh."

Ning Yi bent her lips and smiled at the flashing light.

And Gu Cheng rarely showed a slight smile.

In the group photo of a crowd of people, the two holding hands look as good as shining.

Gu Cheng was finally satisfied.

Everything is going well?

What a fart.

Finally, Ning Yi's participation in the summit was a complete success!

Gu Shi wanted to invest in her platform, and her little vest was not taken off. These three days were delicious and delicious, and it was really a beautiful journey.

They were about to separate soon, but before leaving, Wander couldn't resist coming over to say hello to Ning Yi.

"If you want to play games, just call me. I broadcast it every night at 8 o'clock, you know."

Ning Yi smiled and nodded, and asked, "Then I don't need to collect gifts when I go again?"

The silver diamonds next to Wander's ears were shining, he smiled lightly: "Of course not, you come, it's a gift."

Ning Yi suddenly opened her eyes.

Wander saw himself reflected in her clear pupils, and stopped talking for a while.

However, Ning Yi paused for two seconds, and said very seriously: "Fuck, brother, why are you so good at talking nonsense now? Teach me, teach me, teach me."

Such a comparison of her rainbow fart to Gu Cheng is simply too blunt, no wonder her husband doesn't believe it anymore!

"…" Wander made her lose her temper.

He smiled helplessly.

Seeing her husband approaching from the corner of the eye, Wander waved his hand with that kind of smile, "See you in City A then, 0—"

Before he finished calling, Ning Yi suddenly grabbed his arm: "Okay! No problem! Keep in touch!"

Wander hasn't reacted yet: "?"

Ning Yi thought that I had to leave now, and almost stumbled!

I almost forgot that Team Wan would call her 01.

Ning Yi turned her head and saw that Gu Cheng had just come over, luckily she pinched quickly.

"Contact often?" Gu Cheng asked indifferently.

Ning Yi has already pushed into his wheelchair and left, "Yeah, let's go husband, I'll push you."

Wander has already reacted quickly.


President Gu, doesn't know Ning Yi's real identity?

So he doesn't even know what kind of treasure 01 is, and he already wants to keep it private.

Wander raised his hand and touched his earrings, feeling inexplicably happy.

01 hides so much from her husband, and they are really honest teammates—

Wander suddenly felt a certain sense of superiority.

dark cool.

Wander yelled to her husband from behind, "I'll wait for you—"

01 The speed of pushing the wheelchair has been accelerated.

Gu Cheng: "Why are you panicking?"

Ning Yi: "I didn't, I was so fast."

Gu Cheng:?

Wander felt that his mood, which had been a little dull since yesterday, finally got better.

Everything is going well, what auspiciousness.

With a smug smile in the corner of his mouth, he had just taken two steps, and suddenly his joy turned into sadness, and Ding Ziyue rushed out and stopped him.

"Brother Wan, tell Jiang Linyi that I don't like you. Although I bring you water, play games with you, and admire you very much, there is no personal relationship between us!"

Wander:? Don't come here.

Jiang Linyi has already chased after her, "Yueyue—"

Ding Ziyue must arouse Jiang Linyi's jealousy today, otherwise the following plots will not be interesting enough!

Because Jiang Linyi's green plum appeared on the stage, this is a challenge to her spoiled life!

Originally, according to the plot, it should be that Jiang Linyi was jealous of Wander first, and then Ding Ziyue was jealous of Qingmei, and the two were jealous of each other. There were many conflicts and misunderstandings, but Jiang Linyi still couldn't help wanting to pet her. But now that Jiang Linyi's jealousy is gone, this plot lacks a very important flavor!

Doesn't she look humble just because she is jealous? Is this the treatment that a pet heroine should have?

"Brother Wan, you are so handsome, I actually really appreciate it, I know you also take good care of me, you are so considerate to me, and..." Ding Ziyue bit her lip while trying to speak.

Wander: No, "also" what?

His eyes beyond the mask showed inexplicable surprise. He glanced at Jiang Linyi and pointed at her, as if expressing with his eyes: Can you take care of her.

Jiang Linyi returned a helpless look, and he didn't understand why Ding Ziyue just felt that he and Wander would be at odds, obviously there was no conflict between them. But who made Yueyue his little princess, Jiang Linyi could only coax her.

"Okay, Yueyue, I will never make you sad, and I also know that there is absolutely nothing between you and Brother Wan."

Ding Ziyue was about to growl in her heart: why, why do you think so!

Why are you still not jealous!

Many people at the scene didn't leave either. After all, who doesn't want to take a bite of the melon of the great actor?

Ding Ziyue cried and cried: "Is it because you have reconnected with your green plum, so you don't care about me anymore? Could it be that all the good things you have done to me and everything you have done for me are not sincere!"

Jiang Linyi felt very inexplicable, but at the same time couldn't control her weak tears.

"Yue Yue…"

Before Ning Yi got into the car, she watched with relish from a distance.

What a silly plot! With such a full staff today, she knew that there must be a party! Seeing how miserable Captain Wan was, she felt that her role as cannon fodder was nothing hahaha.

"Still leaving?"

Gu Cheng's indifferent voice sounded from behind, "Why do you care about other people's affairs?"

For Gu Dashao, who is precious to every second, it is meaningless to spend time watching other people quarrel.

"Yeah, let's go."

Ning Yi looked back at the three of them while walking, and finally progressed to the point where Jiang Linyi pressed Ding Ziyue into his arms and kissed—Ding Ziyue broke into a smile in the blurred tears, and cried and said that I knew you still cared about me— Then Wan Dui finally finds a chance to get lost and escape from the two psychos.

Ning Yi almost died laughing, Wan Dui can only dodge zombies!

Zongzhu Zhou opened the door of the car, Gu Cheng and Ning Yi got into the car, ready to go to the airport and return to City A.

And the hero left an affectionate last line in the eyes of everyone.

— "Yueyue, it's your birthday soon, I'll let you see my sincerity."

With the windows up, the rest of the declaration of love is inaudible.

Ning Yi happily leaned on the back of the chair, thinking about the twists and turns in the relationship between the hero and the heroine, and the misunderstanding behind it is quite exciting! What else is there that was almost in a car accident, was drugged, misunderstood and lost memory, has gone through twists and turns, but loves after death!

And the role of the toolman of the peerless king Gu Dashao will also be more apparent, creating all kinds of unreasonable obstacles to the love between the two of them-of course, there may be reasons, Gu Cheng secretly makes money in it and makes a fortune silently.

Soon to "stand up" and make a fortune.

In short, Gu Cheng's life is to make a fortune!

Ning Yi then looked affectionately at Gu Cheng who was reading the documents next to him, "Husband, when your legs are all healed, will you earn more money for your baby?"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Although it is possible, he will not admit to indulging her.

The relationship between him and Ning Yi is like this, she dares to toss about at will, but he seems to be conniving, but in fact he doesn't expect anything from her. Gu Cheng can treat her moderately, satisfy her what she wants, and fulfill the obligations of a husband. But that's all, nothing more.

what is love? Gu Dashao has never thought about it in his nearly 30 years of life.

Ning Yi didn't know what was going on in his heart, so she rubbed her little hands and said expectantly, "Hehe, Princess Ding's birthday cake must be very big and delicious."

Gu Cheng suddenly raised his eyelids and glanced at her.

Said lightly: "Isn't that your birthday?"

Ning Yi was stunned for a second, "Huh?"

It was only then that she realized—oh really, she and Ding Ziyue are real and fake daughters, and it was because they had the same birthday that they made a mistake.

Ning Yi chuckled, "I forgot."

— “But my husband never forgets his desire to buy me a gift.”

Gu Cheng: "?"

He leaned against the back of the car seat unfathomably, thinking: Who said he would buy it for her.

"Is it your husband? Huh?"

It would be nice for Ning Yi to be able to live and eat enough in the last days. She almost forgot the date of her birthday, let alone eating cakes to receive gifts. The first bite of cake she ate in a few years was after wearing a book Forced Gu Cheng to go to the back kitchen of Gu's house to get it for her.

This time her good husband bumped into the muzzle, so he must be blackmailed! !

Don't let your boyfriend or husband guess what girls want online, it's faster to induce hints and give them options!

"Has husband already thought about what to give the baby?" Ning Yi leaned over, resting her rosy face on his shoulder, blinking her eyes frantically, "Is it a yacht? Or a flat, let me think about it, no Will also give Bao Bao a company, let Bao Bao be the boss!"

Gu Cheng: "..."

Want to be able to speak out.

It's not impossible.

Ning Yi was still babbling: "My husband will definitely let me eat the most expensive restaurant in the city, the most luxurious birthday meal, which will make my two stomachs full!"

Gu Cheng: ... Even if he wants to hold his stomach to death, right?

The more Ning Yi thought about it, the more excited she became, and she almost wanted to celebrate her birthday soon.

However, Gu Cheng suddenly remembered something, lowered his eyes, looked at her bright eyes with bad water, and asked, "Then when is my birthday?"

Ning Yi: OxO

Ning Yi's voice stopped abruptly, it was so obvious that it was even a bit abrupt.

Why are you making a sneak attack!

Do you want to talk about Wude? ?

Mr. Zhou in the front row has already given the answer in his heart: November 1st, Scorpio, a day like a lone star, but I met my wife, you—

But how could Ning Yi know!

But she blah blah blah blah blah just now, she wants to do things for her birthday, and it's too unreasonable to say that she doesn't remember Gu Cheng's birthday.

What if her big yacht, big house and big company are gone?

In a few seconds, her brain's CPU was almost spinning, and finally she said with affectionate eyes: "—520."

Gu Cheng has no expression on his face: hehe.

Zongzhu Zhou in the front row has already smoothed things over like a caring little padded jacket, "Master Gu's birthday is November 1st, and he will arrive in less than a month, not far from his wife."

"Yeah, that's right." Ning Yi said.

Gu Cheng turned away expressionlessly and closed his eyes.

Well, nothing to expect anyway.

She can just remember now.

"Husband~ I actually know, I just want to say, no matter what day it is, I love you! On November 1 this year, I will definitely be by your side and help my husband spend an unforgettable 30th birthday—"

That's a great, well-spoken statement! Ning Yi silently clenched her fists in her heart.

As a result, the car was quiet again.

Gu Cheng opened his eyes, looked at her expressionlessly for three seconds, and his air pressure dropped little by little.

"I'm 28 now."

It's my 29th birthday this year.

— She doesn't even know how old he is!

Zhou Zongzhu turned around kindly, this time there was nothing he could do to help.

Ning Yi was dazed for a few seconds, then suddenly leaned over and hugged his arm.

Gu Cheng: "What are you doing?"

Ning Yi staringly said: "But husband, I know your height is 188!"

Gu Cheng: "."

She was very rambunctious and rascal, but when she posted it, she was a soft ball.

Hanging on his body, the voice was sweet and sweet, "Is my husband right?"

"Huh? Huh?"

Say it, shake him, blink your eyes.

A few seconds later, Gu Cheng said, "Well, it's not too bad."

"Bala La energy, my husband will stand up immediately!"

"...Okay, sit down."

The car drove to the airport.

The assistant in the front row had a kind face.

—I have never seen such a coquettish man!

Young master, your uncle dotes on her father!