MTL - Luoyang Brocade-~ Fan Wang (1)

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. After a while, I came up with the same amount of food: "His Royal Highness still eats a little! If you are really hungry, you can’t afford it!"

The king fights, but they are suffering. Eh!

Yan Wang made a temper and his stomach was hungry. With a cold face, I was willing to sit down and eat.

This is a secret sigh.

I didn’t wait for Yan Wang to finish the meal, and there was someone in the cell.

He was busy with his head: "The little man has seen His Royal Highness."

The empress of the emperor sighed at random, and looked at Yan Wang with a glance. He pulled his lips and said: "The six emperors have recently seemed to be in poor spirit."

"Let's come to fake this set!" Yan Wang sneered: "I don't have enough food for three meals a day. I am in the spirit of being a prisoner. I can only let you be humiliated. You simply let people down in the food." Poison, directly pulled out my nail in the eye, isn’t it a pleasure?”

The Emperor Sun, who firmly took the upper hand, was quite graceful and did not argue with Yan Wang. He said with a sigh of relief: "I kindly look at the six emperors, why should the Six Emperors speak like this. People hear it, think that It’s my dear child who is hiding my heart and hurting you.”

"What to do with you is the grandfather's business. I can't help!"

Yan Wang picked up his eyebrows and looked cold and mocked: "How? The old one is still not mad at me?"

The emperor’s face did not change color, and said faintly: “The grandfather’s grandmother is the most painful of the six emperors. If you know that the six emperors are slow in the back, they don’t know how sad they will be.”



Yan Wang continued to sneer: "You don't want to go around. Today, I will never come to see me casually! I have something to say."

Huang Taisun looked at Yan Wang and looked with a trace of regret: "I really have some important news. I hope the Six Emperors will listen, don't be too excited."

Yan Wang’s heart suddenly sinks, and suddenly there is a bad feeling.

Sure enough, I heard the Emperor Sun sighed: "You have committed a felony of rebellion, and you have been imprisoned in the sect of the sect. There is no one in the palace who knows no one. Xu Wei Niang is weak and has been reassuring. I have been People made this news to her. I never thought that someone had a mouth in front of her in the last few days..."

Yan Wang suddenly changed color, Huo Di stood up and said: "How is the mother-in-law now?"

The emperor continued to sigh: "Xu's mother-in-law is bitter, unable to let go, refuses to eat, and swallowed her last breath last night."

Yan Wang was shocked all over the body, his face was horrible, and his eyes were faint.

The mother is dead!

His mother is dead.

In this world, there is one less person who cares about him...

The emperor Wang pays close attention to the change of Yan Wang's look, and is full of regrets to say: "Aunt Changping is in the Tsz Wan, the news is not working. I don't know who is listening to your business, noisy to go down the mountain. I went to the palace to ask for your grievances. The female Nie in Ciyun’s house did not dare to let go. She sneaked out of Ciyun in the middle of the night.

"Tianheishan Road is steep, and Aunt Changping can't see the road at all. He accidentally fell into the valley. It was not discovered until the next day, and he saved it."

"After a life came back, unfortunately, I suffered a lot of injuries. The forehead to the chin was marked with a deep mark by the stone. Without the worry of life, it is difficult to recover the appearance."

Yan Wang’s complexion is a white one.

For Changping, who is as beautiful as her life, her appearance is destroyed, and she is afraid that it will be more painful than her life.

He once promised to save them both. To this end, he carefully planned to make a fortune. Unexpectedly, the defeat was defeated, and finally it was ruined by the erratic An Wang.

It was he who was tired of his mother and long sister.

If it weren’t for him, they would be living hard, at least they could survive.

But now, one is dead, one is ruined...

Yan Wang closed his eyes and forced the tears to the corner of his eye. The heart is full of desolateness and anger.

How old is it to be unfair to him!

"Are you thinking, God is very unfair to you?" The voice of Huang Taisun sounded in the ears of Yan Wang, cold and indifferent: "When you decided to kill my father, I thought that there would be such a one day?"


Yan Wang rushed into the blood, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes full of anger.

The Emperor Sun looked at him coldly, and did not let it go: "The life of your mother and your sister is so important in your eyes. Do I not care about my father? I once swore to find that I will never spare him if I secretly murder my father."

"What kind of cause, you have to raise the fruit! All this is your own self!"

"You killed them!"

Yan Wang looked pale and looked blank, and tears finally came out. (To be continued.)