MTL - Luoyang Brocade-Chapter 430 Change (2)

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Tiandong said that the mouth is dry, holding a cup and drinking it, and then continue to say: "The specific beginning and end of this matter, I am not too clear. I heard that this poisoned person is the Zongrenfu Watch the prison head in the cell."

"This prisoner has always been a person of Yan Wang. He was poisoned and was instructed by Yan Wang."

Yan Wang!

It turned out to be him!

Somehow, Ling Jingyi heard such a result, and there was a feeling of "it was really him", which was not particularly surprising.

If you talk about the most hated An Wang in this world, it is none other than Yan Wang.

Originally, Yan Wang had slowly pulled back the disadvantage with the emperor's favor, and thought it was very promising. I never thought that An Wang would sell him to the Empress Grandson in order to survive.

Those so-called "ironclad certificates" are afraid that the emperor is secretly arranged. Another king insisted that the mastermind was Yan Wang, and Yan Wang, who was not clean, could not escape.

Yan Wang and An Wang were placed together in the clan palace, and it has been half a year. Yan Wang hated An Wang into the bones, but he has been forbearing. Until the people around them relaxed their vigilance, the people who used the Zongren government prison gave An Wang a chronic poison. Sure enough, hit a hit!

"The emperor grandson personally interrogated Yan Wang, Yan Wang has admitted that he is not guilty. He said that it is disdainful to An Huan, a capricious villain who directly killed An Wang, and then he took a chronic poison and let An Wang suffer. Death can only show your bad feelings."

As early as the winter, he said: "After the Emperor knew about this, the temper was fainting on the spot. The mouth was still spitting foam. All the doctors in the hospital were called into the Zixiao Temple, but they could not help. emperor."

"Queen's maiden is in a hurry, only to be ordered to call the doctor to enter the palace. These two days and two nights, the Queen's maiden has been holding the emperor's side without a close eye. Wei Tai doctor tried his best to show his talents, but fortunately, the emperor's life is finally The king won the hand back. This morning, the emperor finally woke up."

"Just, the emperor can no longer open a mouth to say a word, and even his fingers can't move. The previous meditation has been in vain."

Hearing this, Ling Jing’s heart lifted a little and fell back to its original position.

In any case, the life of the emperor is finally saved.

As long as the emperor does not die, the Queen of the Peace will be able to settle in the palace for a day.

Even if the emperor can drag on for more than a year and a half, it is good.

Tiandong said again: "There is no shortage of people around the emperor. Wei Tai doctor is afraid that he has to stay in the palace and there is no time to return home. I am specially sent back to send a letter, so that my grandmother should not worry."

Ling Jing said that God said: "I know. You take a break here, I will write a letter, you bring to Wei Yan."


After an hour, Tiandong took the letter back to the palace.

The emperor fell down, and the purple temple was awkward. Because the illness is urgent, Prince Edward and the Empress Dowager are in the palace. Even secretly prepared for the aftermath.

Fortunately, after two days and two nights, the emperor woke up again.

Although it does not move, but as long as one breath is still there, this life is saved. There are many rare tonics in the palace, and it is no problem to live for more than a year and a half.

The body of the prince was not very tough. He stayed for two days without sleeping. After knowing that the emperor woke up, he fell to the ground and then fell ill.

There was another panic in the palace.

The Guardian Queen guarded the emperor, and the prince guarded the Prince, leaving only the Emperor Sun to stand alone. It is necessary to look at the court, but also to serve in the palace, but also to lose the grandfather and young to be able to survive.

After waking up in the emperor, Wei Yan let Zhou Taifei take over the emperor and sleep for two or three hours.

After waking up, Tiandong just took Ling Jing’s letter and came back to life.

"The spirit of the young grandmother is not bad. The little one told me to tell her what happened in the palace. She was quite calm, and she wrote a letter to bring the little one back."

The tone of the winter is full of admiration.

It’s such a terrible thing that happened, whoever listened was not flustered. Ling Jing's calm and calm, it is really exciting.

Wei Yan’s heart is filled with pride: “Don’t talk about these things. In the palace, someone killed the prince on the same day. She didn’t change her face and rushed to save the Prince.”

With such a wife, people can’t be proud.

Wei Yan broke the letter, and the familiar and delicate handwriting came into view.

Everything in the home is well, no need to worry about it. Peace of mind in the palace for the emperor treatment, even for the Queen Empress, but also must make the emperor a long life, even if it is more than two years is good. I am at home, waiting for you to come back.

There is only one word for the payment: wife.

In the concise words, what is revealed is the trust in him and the concern for the Queen.

Wei Yan repeatedly read the letter several times, and there was an endless warmth in his heart. Carefully fold the letter and put it in your arms.


For the next few days, Wei Yan kept guarding the emperor. There is no way to go back to the palace.

The recurrence of the emperor’s condition is indeed very serious.

With the fine acupuncture technique of Wei Yan, it is only barely rescuing the life of the emperor, and further diagnosis and treatment is difficult and difficult.

Of course, these words cannot be said to be exported.

In the face of the inquiries of Huang Taisun and others, Wei Yan can only show his ambitions, repeating it over and over again: "We will certainly do our best to cure the emperor's illness."

How did the Guardian Queen understand Wei Yan, the surface was quiet, privately called Wei Yan: "A Yan, you and I tell the truth, the emperor's disease and cure hope?"

Against the long sister, Wei Yan did not hide anything. Frankly said the truth: "Cure is impossible. Just look at how long it can last. Maybe a few months, good words, maybe two or three years."

In other words, the emperor can't live for long. Short for a few months, good nursed back to health, that is, live for two or three years.

The Queen of the Peace silently said nothing.

She used to hate the emperor, and she didn't have much sincerity for him. For him, most of it was to save himself.

I can see that the emperor has fallen to this field, and there are some unspeakable sourness in my heart.

Wei Yan lowered his voice: "Big sister, don't be too sad. Life and death! How long the emperor can live, depends on his luck. I will try my best to continue." However, you have to plan ahead."

When the emperor collapsed, it will be a day in this palace. The Guardian Queen wants to keep her decent and respectful, and she must not deal with the Prince.

Fortunately, before the Prince and the Prince had a lot of goodwill, the Prince was enthroned, and it was not difficult for a Queen who had no Prince.

The Guardian Queen sighed, diǎndiǎn head: "Reassured, I know what to do."

For her now, it’s good for the emperor to live a little more. (.)