MTL - Luoyang Brocade-Chapter 418 Marry (1)

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When you get married, Ling Jing’s calm and unwavering mood gradually becomes subtle.

Tension is not enough. She and Wei Yan have long since agreed to each other and are eager for the arrival of this day.

It is impossible to say that it is not cramped at all.

Marriage for a woman means leaving a familiar family and environment and starting a new life in a completely strange environment. Most of the time, blind marriage is dumb, and the marriage is full of the life of the parents. On the night of the marriage, I know what my husband looks like.

She thought that she was lucky enough. At least not familiar with Wei Yan can no longer be familiar with.

Moreover, Wei Yan’s parents died and there were no other relatives in the family. The only long sister is deeply in the harem, and will never leave the palace. After she got married to the defender, she didn't have to wait for her in-laws or cope with anyone. It was really lucky.

Ling Jingyi repeatedly persuaded himself, and his mood finally recovered.

On the night before the marriage, Sun’s deliberately went to the quiet room, and stunned a lot.

"Auntie, you are going to marry tomorrow. After you have arrived at the husband's family, you must take the husband's family as your priority. You don't have to remember your family. You don't want to be unhappy. Men are all the same, and they always want their wives to be themselves." Put it first."

"The situation of the Wei family is special. Besides Wei Yan, there is no one else. After you marry the past, you don't have to wait for the in-laws. You don't have to set rules. It's also a good thing. However, the Queen of the Palace is not to be slow..."

Sun’s total smashed a big pass: “You are smart, and you are calm and careful. These things are that I don’t say, you can certainly think of it. In short, think more about things and make decisions. We are all I am looking forward to seeing you and Wei Yanqin."

Ling family wants to climb the Guardian Queen, relying on Ling Jing.

Sun’s hope that Ling Jing’s and Wei Yan’s love are not empty words.

Ling Jing姝 listened to Sun’s embarrassment, and my heart was warm and warm: “Thank you for reminding my aunt, I have written it down.”

Sun’s and Ling’s uncle’s good for her is indeed mixed with some selfishness. However, there is no fish in the water to the clear. This detail does not need to be preoccupied.

Sun’s seeing Ling Jing’s docile and obedient, he was very happy. The words that were not prepared to speak naturally said: “Your father is really confused. I believe in your stepmother’s words and care for your brothers and sisters. It’s also a little less. However, he is your biological father. You don’t like Li any more, and don’t alienate your family because of her.”

Ling Jing slammed his lips and said in an understatement: "Then it depends on what the father will do."

Sun: "..."

After staying in the palace for more than two years, Ling Jing has made obvious changes. In this way, the cloud is light and light without any threat of fireworks, and it is said to be clean and neat.

It seems that in the future, I would rather persuade Ling Wuye not to be confused. Ling Jing’s sister’s affairs must not let Li’s intervention.

Sun’s heart was secretly calculated, and his face was more gratified: “Your father doesn’t say it in his mouth, and his heart hurts your two brothers and sisters. What to do, he knows very well. It won’t disappoint you.”

Ling Jing faint smile: "I hope so."

Sun’s hesitation was a little hesitant, and he took out a thin booklet from his sleeve and stuffed it into Ling Jing’s hand: “You will marry tomorrow, and take a good look at this booklet. The husband and wife will understand naturally.”

Ling Jingwei: "..."

You can guess what this is without looking at it.

The true feeling of feeling Sun is this!

Ling Jing's face is thicker, and he can't help but blush. Finally, there is a shyness that the married girl should have.

Sun’s originality was also somewhat uncomfortable. At this time, seeing Ling Jing’s face was ashamed, but he calmed down a lot. He whispered: “Nothing to be embarrassed. Women’s marriage, this is also an important one. You don’t know how much, it’s all It’s all right to listen to my grandfather."

Ling Jing was a little hot after the ear, ambiguously.

Sun’s smile was clear: “Look slowly, remember to go to bed early, and get up early tomorrow.”

After that, he got up quite thoughtfully and left.


Ling Jingyi sat alone for a moment, and took the courage to open the booklet.

When she was married in her previous life, she did not know the true face of Li. The person who taught her husband and wife is also Lee. In this world, it is no longer necessary to face the abominable face.

I don't know where Sun's albums come from, the vividness of the pictures, and even the intoxicated look of the woman and the happy face of the man are clearly painted.

Looking at it, the man's face gradually became the face of Wei Yan. And the woman turned into herself. An indescribable heat is constantly flowing in the body...

Ling Jing's face was red and closed, and she tried to calm down the floating mood.

The door was suddenly pushed away.

Ling Jing was too late to see the face of the coming person, and did not want to put the booklet under the pillow.

White jade: "..."

Ling Jingwei: "..."

The master and the servant face each other, one sitting on the bed and the face is red, and one stood there and stunned.

After a while, Bai Yu reacted and tried to hold back the smile, so he did not see anything: "The slave is ready to warm up, and the lady is now going to the clean room to bathe, go to bed early! I have to get up early tomorrow! ”

Ling Jing smashed the scorpion: "Know it. You will retire first, and I will pass."

Bai Yu hanged his head and his lips were raised.

She has never seen a look like a lady!

After Bai Yu left, Ling Jing was sitting for a while, and when the heat on his face subsided, he went to the clean room calmly.

Bathe and change clothes to sleep.

Can such a night, quiet and sly can sleep?

There is a mixture of sweetness in the sweetness, and there is a confusing ambiguity in the hope, and the mood is really a mess. Perhaps all the women who are going to marry under the sun are spending the last night of their family in such a complicated mood!

I don’t know how long I thought about it, Ling Jing’s sleep fell asleep.

As soon as he fell asleep, Wei Yan’s annoying handsome face appeared again.

"Auntie, we finally got married." Wei Yan looked at her with deep affection. Her eyes were full of eager radiance, and she almost melted her: "I hope this day, I have been looking forward to it for a long time."


Not only him, she also looked forward to it for a long time.

He stretched his arms and held her firmly into his arms.

He leaned down and kissed her lips in a dense manner, tangled with her lips.

His hand plunged into her robes, wandering around and igniting her enthusiasm...

A familiar voice interrupted this sweet dream: "Miss, it’s already five, it’s time to get up!" (To be continued.)

Read The Duke's Passion