MTL - Luoyang Brocade-Chapter 411 End (1)

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Half a month later, Wei Yan passed the news from the palace to Lingfu.

The letter to send the letter is Wei Yan's drug child Tiandong.

Mrs. Ling waited for so long, and finally waited for the news of Wei Yan, and he was overjoyed. The busy man rewarded the winter, and when he couldn’t wait for the winter to retire, he broke the letter.

After reading the letter, Mrs. Ling was as sad as sorrowful, pulling her lips to say something, but tears came out again.

Ling Wu, who was on the side, hurriedly asked: "Mother, what did you write on this letter? Can you rescue your sister?"

Sun and others are also looking forward to it.

Li’s days have been left out by Ling Wu’s, and he’s lost his former temperament. He also made an eager appearance.

Mrs. Ling cried: "The Dali Temple has already closed the case. The Holy Spirit personally laid down the imperial edict and asked Lu Ping and the Luan brothers two times. The time is three days later!"

Although everyone knew that the Luan brothers could not escape, when they heard this bad news, they still sink into their hearts.

Ling Xiao sighed with relief: "Grandma is saying this, it seems that only my uncle and Lu Jiashu are asked. The aunt and the cousin can always save their lives."

Mrs. Ling used a smear to wipe the tears: "Wei Yan said in the letter, the emperor was angry, it was originally to be full of questions. Later, Wei Yan Zhang mouth pleaded, and the Queen Empress followed the story, the emperor Specially opened the grace. Only the two of them asked, the rest of the Lu family can be excused from death, and the living sins can not escape, all exiles thousands of miles to the cold and cold places. This life can no longer enter the half-step..."

Said, and burst into tears: "My poor daughter! I will never see you again in this life."

Ling Wuye red eyes and persuaded: "Mothers don't feel bad. This result is far better than expected. At least the younger sister still lives, and A Qian also saved a life."

"Yes! If there is no Wei Yan to contribute from it, Lu Jiake is full of questions. This is more than one hundred lives!" Sun also made a statement.

With the power of Wei Yan alone, he saved so many lives. There is nothing to complain about when Ling Jingzhen prepares more dowry.

Everyone, with a word of words, comforted Mrs. Ling, and Mrs. Ling cried for a while, and slowly calmed down.

Ling Jingyi was a little worried after hearing the words of Mrs. Ling.

how could this be?

When she sent a letter to Wei Yan, she clearly hinted at her own intentions. Let him do the play, it is not necessary to really plead for the Lu family. How can it be like this now?

Wei Yan actually shot and saved the Lu family...

Tiandong quietly walked to the side of Ling Jingwei.

"Miss, this is the letter that Wei Tai doctor ordered me to hand over to you." As the winter whispered, he quickly took a letter out of his sleeve and stuffed it into Ling Jing's hands.

Ling Jing took over the letter in the hands of the winter, his brow slightly picked up.


After returning to the house, Ling Jingyi immediately broke the letter.

"Auntie, see the letter."

"I didn't discuss this matter with you, I made a decision. The emperor did have a question of asking Lu's one. I opened my mouth for the Lu family. You should see this letter and you should know everything." I hope you don't blame me for making my own claim."

"You have been tortured and painful in the past lives. Luan is the chief culprit. Lupin is helping him. They are both dead. I know that you hate Ling, and you can’t wait to see Ling’s being asked. However, Ling’s after all You have a blood relationship, and your grandmother has personally asked me to keep her life. If I don't care, your grandmother will be angry with you. You are the daughter of Lingjia, and you have to move around with your family in the future. The efforts to save Ling’s Lu Qian and Lu’s family are great in Ling’s family. In the future, Ling’s family will have to hold you, no one will be scornful.”

"For Ling, it’s hard to live, tormented and bitter, and it’s harder than death."

"The mistake of Lu Qian's previous life is that he is obsessed with you. Although he does not intend to push you into the fire pit, it will harm you. He will keep him a life and let him live in endless regret and blame. This is the biggest for him. punishment."

"In addition to them, the other Lu family members are not guilty of sin. If more than one hundred lives are really gone, you will remember that you will be in your heart. So, I asked the emperor to spare them."

"These are all good ideas after I have weighed them. I hope that you can feel my pains and don't be angry."

The payment is a derivative.

Ling Jingwei silently read the letter over and over again.

Nothing to say, she suddenly saw this letter, and it was really annoying.

Calm down and think carefully, and have to admit that Wei Yan’s words are very reasonable.

Ling Xiao could not sever the relationship with Ling Jia, she will inevitably come and go with Ling Jia in the future. Wei Yan was rescued at this time, and Shi En was in Lingjia, but also for her consideration.

Ling’s life is suffering in painful suffering every day. Isn’t it more uncomfortable than death?

She hates Lu Qian, but she does not hate the hope that he will die. The rest of the Lu family is even more innocent. If all of them are really being questioned, can she really turn a blind eye to more than one hundred lives?

These days, she was stunned by the joy of revenge, and did not care about it. Wei Yan is much more calm than her, and she thinks more comprehensively.

This thoughtful and gentle mind, which woman in the world can not move?

After Ling Jing’s thoughts, the last annoyance in my heart disappeared.


Three days later.

The execution of the execution ground today, Lupin Luan brothers were punished.

The capital is at the foot of the emperor, and all the culprits must be escorted to the capital's criminal department for trial. Every year, this beheading asks you to talk about ten times and eight times. In the people of Beijing, there is no shortage of courage, every execution, and the prison is crowded with people.

Today is no exception.

Looking at the lively people before, they were stopped outside the fence. Looking around one by one, looking at the inside, there are those who have broken mouths together to say long and short.

"I heard that there is no such official. Lu Luping is an official in the Ministry of War. I heard that the official position is not low. I am sincerely loyal to Yan Wang, and I have contributed to Yan Wang’s saddle. Now I have lost all my family!"

"This is fortunate, only two people and his brother. The rest of the Lu family has finally lost their lives."

"If Lu Jiaquan’s family is asked, this is not enough for today’s execution."

Gossip, and suddenly there was movement.

Everyone curiously probed, but saw a line of men and women surrounded by an old lady. This pedestrian has men and women, men are dressed in luxurious clothes, and women wear hats. When they see it, they know that they are not flat people.

What is even more striking is that these people all face mourning, apparently being friends and relatives of the Lushi brothers who were asked. (.)

Read The Duke's Passion