MTL - Luoyang Brocade-Chapter 4 Enthusiastic

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The memory hidden in my mind, the whistling sharp attack, smashing the scars of happy bottom, revealing the pain of blood.

Ling Jing blinked in the eyes of a lot of self-deprecating and pain, the chest seems to be pressed by the boulder, dull and almost suffocating.

Bai Yu is the most careful and sensitive. He has already noticed the strangeness of Ling Jing, and asked with concern: "Miss, what happened to you? Is it uncomfortable?"

Ling Jing shuddered and reached out: "White jade, let me rely on it for a while."

She glared at the white jade and buried her head in the warm chest of white jade, her shoulders swaying.

My mother died early, and her twin brothers need to take care of her eyes. As a long sister, she must protect her younger brother. She must try her best to compete for her grandmother's favor. She should stand firm in the gaze of her stepmother and her sisters.

She is exhausted, careful, and afraid to make mistakes. In the face of grievances and sadness, no one can confide, but can only cry quietly in the arms of Baiyu for a while.

Bai Yu subconsciously tightened the delicate body of his arms.

Listening to Ling Jing’s crying, Bai Yu’s heart was tightened, and softly pacified: “Miss, what is it? What can I say to the slaves? Although the slaves are unable to share the worry for the lady, I can always share some thoughts for the lady."

The gentle whispers in the ear, and the general warmth in memory.

Ling Jing's crying gradually stopped, sat up straight, wiped his tears with his sleeves, and slowly said: "I have nothing, it is not very comfortable, crying will be fine."

The biggest advantage of Baiyu is that he never raps. Ling Jingyi did not want to say something, she would not ask more, following the words of Ling Jingwei: "Nothing is good. Miss is resting, the slaves go to the kitchen to get some porridge."

The meals of the Lingfu masters were all delivered by the big kitchen. There is a small kitchen in each yard, so it is convenient to cook some hot water to make some snacks. You can work alone, but you have to bear the burden of one application.

Ling Jing's body is weak, it is not appropriate to eat too greasy food, drink some light porridge is best.

Ling Jingyi also felt hungry and smiled and nodded.

After Bai Yu left, Ling Jing converges with a smile and silently said to himself: Ling Jing, tears, in addition to worrying and worried people, no more use.

From now on, she will not cry weakly and helplessly, and must face all that is coming.

Ling Jing’s “health” in the Qiushui Pavilion is three days on the bed.

The population of the five rooms is not small. Ling Wuye has four children. The eldest son Ling Xiao is from the Xia Xia Niang, and Ling Jing’s younger brother is the original Yao’s. Ling Xiao is from Li’s. He is only six years old this year.

Ling Wuye is a celebrity, and drinking alcohol for poetry and friends throughout the day has never been asked about her body. The stepmother Li Shi came across a face because of the face. I only sat for a moment, and then I left without a painful whisper.

Ling Xiaoling is busy with reading every day, naturally it is innocent to see her.

Only Ling Xiao came to see her three times a day, one in the morning, one in the evening, and came back on time.

You can see at a glance.

Ling Jingyi did not feel disappointed. The person who really treats her, she will return with sincerity. Why don't she care about her words and behaviors?

Mrs. Ling also sent the ink sunflower two times.

The ink of the sunflower is quite euphemistic, and implicitly implies that Ling Jing will quickly raise his body.

There are VIPs in the house, and Ling Jing’s refusal to show up is really not polite. Ling Lao’s wife did not say anything in her mouth. In fact, she was already somewhat upset.

Ling Jingyi did not pretend to understand the suggestion of the ink sunflower, said with a smile: "Thank you for the reminder of the sister of Mo Kui. Speaking of it, I am really disappointing. I have been lying on the bed for a few days, so my grandmother is worried. Please ask the sister of Mo Kui to go back and scream for me. I will go to my grandmother tomorrow morning."

Said, the white jade made a look.

Bai Yu immediately stuffed the prepared purse into the hand of the ink, and whispered intimately: "The troubled girl is in front of the old lady, and it is a lot of words for our lady."

Mo Kui deliberately resigned a few words before accepting it.

After the ink was gone, Bai Yu was sighed with a worried sigh: "Miss, the words of the ink sunflower have been very clear. You have been avoiding the face, and the old lady is not happy."

In this Lingfu, Mrs. Ling is the sky above everyone's head. I want to have a good time in the government. It is impossible to make Mrs. Ling unhappy.

This truth, without the white jade reminder, Ling Jingyi also knows. In her heart, she resentful of the indifference of Mrs. Ling’s wife, and she must not reveal a half point. She must do everything she can to please Mrs. Ling as she did in the past.

Otherwise, she will fall into a real dilemma.

"What to do, I have a few in my heart." Ling Jing rushed Bai Yu smiled, and his confidence floated: "You can rest assured."

Looking at Ling Jing’s chest with a smile, Bai Yu’s uneasy heart calmed down.

"Miss," he said, "I am coming to see you."

Ling Jing娴 walked in with a brisk pace, smiled and shouted.

Today's Ling Jingwei, wearing a goose-yellow dress, thin powder on his face, radiant, delicate and pretty. A pair of eyes, flashing a strange look.

Ling Jing’s eyes passed through the ridiculous smile.

When the girl’s sinus was first opened, she almost wrote the joy on her face. It’s also this stupid.

Ling Jingyi and her have always been inconsistent. Today, she came to "visit" her, obviously with ulterior motives.

Unsurprisingly, Ling Ling slammed a few gossips and quickly tweeted the topic to Lu’s cousin: “Hey, my sister, you have been closed for a few days, haven’t seen your cousin yet.”

My cousin is really intimate.

Ling Jing licked his lips and lips, but there was no smile in his eyes. He casually said: "I haven’t seen such obvious things. I have never seen them. How can the sisters suddenly mention this? Could it be this watch? What's wrong with my brother?"

Ling Jing bite his lip and his face quietly floated red: "There is nothing wrong with it. That is"

It was for a long time, and did not say the following words.

Ling Jing stunned and looked at Ling Jing’s pretense.

When Lu’s family came to Lingjia, she met with everyone. Then she and Lu Hao fell in love at first sight. Lu Hao’s eyes are only her, and no one can accommodate others. Although Ling Jingyi is enamored with Lu Hao, it is a pity that the flowers are intentionally flowing. I can only watch her and Lu Yihua’s two feelings before and after.

Lu Hao asked Ling to give him a kiss. Ling’s stepmother, the relationship with Lu Hao has been lukewarm. Lu Hao’s love for her niece, Ling’s natural pleasure is to see her, and she soon proposed a marriage to Mrs. Ling.

Mrs. Ling almost agreed without hesitation.

The Lu family is a famous family in the big week. Although the Ling family is not bad, compared with the Lu family, it is worse than the other. When Ling was married to Lu, it was the successor. Now Lu Jiazheng’s long-term nephew wants to marry Ling’s granddaughter as a wife, and Ling Jiaxuan has no reason to agree.

What's more, Lu Hao is young and handsome, handsome and knowledgeable. Standing with Ling Jingwei, like a pair of heavenly monks, will never humiliate Ling Jing. Moreover, Ling Jingyi married Lu Jia, her mother-in-law is the aunt who is a close relative, and she will not be harsh on her.

Mrs. Ling also has some selfishness that is not for outsiders. Ling’s marriage is a step-by-step, and the relationship with the stepchild is cold. It is always a hidden danger. The niece's niece became a daughter-in-law and will definitely stand on the side of Ling's side in the future. Ling's executives can also be more smooth and relaxed.

Ling Laotai decided to set up a marriage, Ling Wuye was quite satisfied with Lu Jia’s family life, and he was very appreciative of Lu’s literary talents. He was also happy with this family.

At that time, who would have thought that the "Golden Jade" that everyone would praise would fall to that end?

Thoughts are free, and I think a little farther.

Just say it now. In this world, she has always avoided appearances. Lu Hao has not yet met her, and naturally there is no such thing as love at first sight. The person who saw Lu Hao first was Ling Jingwei.

She thought that she probably guessed the silence.

Ling Jing took a moment and finally got the courage to say: "Hey, my sister, I have something to say to you."

Ling Jing looked like a smile and smiled at Ling Jing's glance, and the insight into the eyes made Ling Jing a guilty conscience and subconsciously lowered his head.

"White jade, some of you first retreat. Without my instructions, you are not allowed to come in." Ling Jing faintly screamed.

We all quickly retired.

There are only two people in the house who are Ling Jing and Ling Jing.

Ling Jingyi looked at Ling Jingwei, and said nothing: "Hey, don’t you have anything to say, you can always say it now."

Ling Jing blushes and whispers: "Hey, my sister, I am in May."

After the peace, it is time to talk about marriage.

Ling Jing’s light flashed slightly, and there was a cold saying: “Hey, don’t you like the cousin?”

Ling Jingwei: ""

Being stunned and thinking about it, Ling Jingyi has a good heart. After all, he is still a girl in the word, and his face is suddenly blushing. But did not deny it.

For a long while, Ling Jingwei whispered: "Hey, my sister, I am not afraid that you have laughed at me. In the past two years, I have been a guest with my mother, and I have seen some young people of the same age. But I have never thought about it. Three days ago, when I saw my cousin's first sight, I liked him."

"The beauty of his life is like jade, just like the moon in the sky. When I smiled, my heart jumped out of my chest. These days, I looked like a konjac, always thinking about it all the time. he"

Listening to Ling Jing's temptation to express his heart, as if to see the innocent self.

Ling Jing’s mood is somewhat unstable, and he interrupted Ling Jing’s impatiently: “My sister likes to be a cousin, and I should quietly tell you that my thoughts have led to a marriage. Tell me what to do?”

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