MTL - Luoyang Brocade-Chapter 389 irrefutable evidence

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"This Lupin is really stupid and ridiculous."

Rong Rong sneered a sneer, and the words were full of contempt and indifference: "At this time, I still want to explore the story of Yan Wang. I want to find out the news of Yan Wang. It is an idiot who can't see the situation!"

At this time, not far from the Yan Wang, but also rushed forward to join.

This is to be willing to pay the entire Lujiadu.

Rong Rongwang asked inexplicably: "Why did Wang Ye say this? Now only rely on those letters, I am afraid that there is no way to convict Yan Wang! Why did Wang Ye assert that Yan Wang would be killed at this time?"

The princes of Rongrong and the princes of Rongrong had deep feelings. The prince of Rong had no cover in front of her. He said faintly: "It has been half a year since the assassination of the palace. Nothing can be found before. After the emperor captured the return of An Wang, Just pointing the finger at Yan Wang, I also came up with unquestionable evidence."

“Thinking carefully, this thing can be unusual.”

Rong Prince suddenly realized: "The meaning of Wang Ye is, behind this incident, is the Emperor Sun’s help?"

It’s more than a boost.

I am afraid that it is a great situation for the Emperor Sun to "create" it!

Prince Edward died in his life and almost died on the spot. Prince Edward House and Yan Wang House are already endless. It is only natural that the Emperor Tai Sun took the initiative to attack.

Moreover, using An Wang to prove Yan Wang, this is really exquisite!

Rong Rong smiled with a deep smile: "In short, you are waiting to watch the show! According to the king, it is difficult for Yan Wang to escape the blame this time."

The emperor’s grandson is both out of hand, and there must be a move.

Yan Wang was trapped in the Zongrenfu, and the Yanwang Party had no backbone. How long can those so-called Yan Wang party be able to support?

Rong Prince couldn’t help but say: "The Emperor Xu of the day smashed Zhang Wei, forcing us to marry Fu Min away. We can't resist, we can only reluctantly let Fu Min marry out the capital. Now their mother and child can be counted as retribution. ”

When it comes to the beloved daughter, Rong’s heart is not quite a taste. Wang Wei’s shoulder whispered: “You just don’t say, I won’t forget these things. You can rest assured, what to do, I know what I have.”

He does not need to deliberately turn to the Prince, as long as he firmly guards the King of Yan, does not allow Yan Wang to have any change, and then hints a few words in front of the emperor, it is enough for Yan Wang to have a headache.

As the words were being spoken, the concierge handed a few more famous posts.

Most of the officials who came to vote were officials of Yan Wang’s majesty, and one or two of them were officials close to the prince. They wanted to come from his mouth to inquire about the news of Yan Wang in the clan.

The Prince of Rong was indifferent and never seen.

Everyone in the DPRK is paying attention to the progress of the Yan Wang case.

A few days later, Huang Taisun personally led the guards and went into the Yan Wangfu to investigate.

Yan Wang was scared to faint on the spot and was carried into the house. After waking up, I discovered that the Yan Wang House has completely changed.

All the guards of the Yanwang House were detained and guarded. The management of Yan Wangfu was also taken away for questioning. Her Yan Wangjun was also placed under house arrest and could not go out half a step.

There is only one body around her. The rest of the people have disappeared.

"What's going on now?" Yan Wang squatted and asked a white face.

He was also scared of the soul, and he cried and said: "The slaves are not clear. I only vaguely heard that the emperor of the emperor had searched the inside and outside of the study of His Royal Highness, and found some letters."

What letter?

Yan Wang’s mind was unclear, and he couldn’t understand why.

After a long time, I had a thought in my mind.

Yan Wang’s body trembled and his voice trembled: “What letter are you talking about? Is it the letter that An Wang wrote to His Highness?”

The sly face was flustered and said: "The slaves only heard this sentence. Later they were smashed into the house and never went out half a step. What happened, the slaves did not know."

definitely is!

It must be that the letter that An Wang wrote to Yan Wang was discovered!

Therefore, the Emperor Sun dare to seal the Yan Wangfu! I am also merciless to her Yan Wang!

The empress of the emperor took these letters to the emperor, and the ironclad was like a mountain. Yan Wang was also held in the clan palace, and even could not even argue.

How to do? Now how to do?

Yan Wang glared at the blind eyes, his mind was blank, and tears kept coming out.

These letters were quickly sent to the palace and presented to the emperor.

The letter was found in the secret room of the Yan Wang study. It is exactly the same as the letter found in the bed of Li Shuzhen, a lot of words, not a bad word.

In addition to these letters, Emperor Sun also questioned a few of the kings in the palace.

Two of them have sent a message to Li Shuzhen and Yan Wang.

The physical witnesses have all the cards, although the emperor has been psychologically prepared, but after seeing them with his own eyes, he is still furious, and he is fainting on the spot.

This fainting is a full five days.

Wei Yan and others tried their best to rescue, and the emperor finally woke up.

After waking up, the upper half of the emperor could not move any more.

This symptom is also known as a stroke.

Changed to the civilian population, suffering from these diseases, only waiting for death. Although the emperor is the supreme of the ninety-five, the right to the world, can give birth to these diseases, and is no different from ordinary people.

No matter how good the medicine is, it is hard to work.

After a few days of sleeplessness, Wei Yan has already looked tired.

Zhou Taiji and others on the side are also heavy. The public doctors looked at each other, although they knew what happened to the emperor, but no one dared to say it.

A sorrowful prince eagerly asked: "What is the illness of the father's emperor? Can he walk as usual in the future?"

Wei Yan smiled and said, "Your Majesty the court is incapable of incompetence. The minister and the doctors have done their best and regained the life of the emperor. The emperor wants to go to bed again, afraid that it is impossible." ""

Meditation, you can live for a few more years.

If you are angry again, the next time you faint, you may not be saved!

If the Prince was struck by lightning, he took two steps back.

Huang Taisun promptly supported the Prince, sobbing and comforting: "The grandfather finally rescued his life. It is already a misfortune in misfortune. The father must hold on this time, and he must not fall ill again. Otherwise, this No one can hold the big Zhou Chaotang."

The prince closed his eyes and then exhaled a deep breath, and the tears that reached the corner of his eye forced him back again: "You are right. Now I can't fall. You go with me. Remember, facing your grandfather. Do not reveal the real condition."

Holding a glimmer of hope, you can stay for a few more years.

If the emperor knows that he can no longer get out of bed, he is afraid that he will be angry and can't live for a few days.