MTL - Luoyang Brocade-Chapter 365 Monthly

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This is another time.

The emperor’s ear is sharp, and the movement in the delivery room is clear.

The pain of Jiang Rongyue became weaker and weaker, and the maternity gave her a encouragement while giving her a soup. Prince Siddhartha also kept talking and appease.

However, the child has never been born, and the voice of Jiang Rongyue is gradually disappearing.

Even if it is slow, I know that this thing is not good.

Huang Taisun gritted his teeth and entered the delivery room.

At first sight, I saw Jiang Rongyue, who was almost comatose. Her face was full of cold sweat, and she was lying on the bed without moving.

Several maternity women are surrounded by the bed, and they are difficult to cover their pockets.

"Auntie! What should I do?" Prince Tai also refused to blame Huang Taisun for entering the delivery room. He said with a nervous and flustered voice: "The child in the belly of the moon is too big to be born. The amniotic fluid has already broken. Now, if this continues, the adults and children will not be able to keep it. The maternity women have just negotiated and can only try to keep one. What should I do now?"

Baoda still keeps the child?

For the royal family, the importance of the child is self-evident, and it is better than the adult.

In the mind of the Prince, this time of course is to protect the child.

The emperor’s mind was blank and his eyes fell on Jiang Rongyue’s face.

Jiang Rongyue seems to have noticed what he has done, trying to open his eyes and look at the emperor.

The eyes of the two smart smiles are weak and weak at this time, but they seem to be insisting on what is so complicated and difficult to say.

"Keep the moon!" Huang Taisun said in a word: "First save the adults and say."

As for the children, there will always be some in the future.

The Prince was not reluctant in his heart, but he did not cry again. Jiang Rongyue is a prostitute of the British government, and his status is not the same. At this time, if the child is insisted on giving up the life of Jiang Rongyue, the British government will inevitably resent the grievances and create a gap with the Prince’s House.

Nothing! Keep an adult first!

The words of Huang Taisun were introduced into the ears of Jiang Rongyue.

Jiang Rongyue was soberly awake because of severe pain and long-suffering minds.

In her eyes, tears burst out in tears, but the hoarse voice shouted with all her strength: "No, keep the child!"

She thought that her voice must be very large, but in fact it was hoarse and almost inaudible. She insisted on repeating it again: "Keep the child!"

She pleaded to look at the emperor, looked at the man she loved, and said with tears: "The child can't live, I won't live alone. I beg you, keep the child first."

This is her and his children, she is pregnant in October, looking forward to such a long time.

She must be born!

The tears pierced the eyes of the great grandson.

The emperor’s heart was colic and his mind was blank.

The mother-in-law slammed the scalp and said to the Prince: "What should I do? Please ask the Prince to make a decision early. Otherwise, adults and children have a life-threatening worry."

The prince gnawed his teeth and said: "Keep the child first!"

Hesitating again, it is a corpse and two lives.

What the Emperor Sun wanted to say was already late. He was pushed out of the delivery room by Prince Edward, numb and stiff, and he had no strength in his body. He sat on the chair and never moved.

Experienced maternity women have their own way of giving birth. First press the maternal belly hard, and apply the needle to the area where the stomach is tight.

However, this method can give birth to children, and damage to the woman's body is inevitable.

The child fell to the ground, his face was bruised and bruised, and there was no crying. The body of Jiang Rongyue’s lower body had already been bloody, and he was completely unconscious.

There was chaos in the delivery room.

Later, even regardless of the difference between men and women, Zhang Tai, who had been invited to the Prince's Office, also entered the delivery room.

Even so, it did not save Jiang Rongyue’s life.

Zhang Taiyi sneered with a look of shame.

Postpartum blood collapse, the gods are difficult to save.

The prince was holding a new born baby boy in his hand and his face was not happy. The British lady’s wife died and died. After entering the delivery room, she would not come out again.

The British public figure stood aside in disappointment, his eyes flashing with water.

Huang Taisun also stood at the bedside, his face was pale, and his heart was cold.

One day couples a hundred days!

He and Jiang Rongyue met each other since childhood, and they always have a bit of affection. This affection is inferior to the blazing men and women, he can't really fall in love with her. But he also respects her like.

She is a qualified good wife. From the moment she married her, he was also ready to spend the rest of her life with her.

Unexpectedly, she was so quick to let go and leave him.

The blood stasis is so thick that it is almost inseparable. At the moment of life, Jiang Rongyue was awake, and his face was surprisingly ruddy. Looking at the emperor, his eyes were filled with remorse.

It is a return light!

The emperor’s heart was a glimpse of his heart. He subconsciously walked over to the bed and sat down, holding Jiang’s hand tightly and gently screaming for a month.

Jiang Rongyue’s lips reveal a desolate smile, which is the last beauty before the dying: “His Royal Highness, I can’t stay with you anymore.”

The emperor’s nose was sour, and Jiang’s hand was shaking violently.

"It is the greatest happiness in my life to marry you." At the moment before dying, the mind was exceptionally clear. Everything in the past is vivid, as if it were in front of you.

Jiang Rongyue’s voice is still weak, but not much sad. Looking at the eyes of the emperor, full of love and memory: "It's a pity, I can't stay with you all the time. Fortunately, I gave you a baby, you promised me, raise our baby and grow up. Never forget me!"

Please don't forget my wife!

Don't forget the woman who loves you the most in this world, in order to give birth to your child to die!

Even if you have someone you love in your heart, please don't forget me.

The emperor’s eyes were hot, and the tears finally fell from the corner of his eyes: “Solving the moon, I promise you. I promise you everything, I will take good care of the children, I will never forget you”

Tears of water fall on her cold hands, and the same kind of burning.

He finally shed tears for her.

In her life, it is worth it.

Jiang Rongyue closed his eyes and used his strength to say the last paragraph: "I know that the woman you really love is Ling Jing. She is a beautiful, intelligent and strong girl. After I died, another year. You will marry her through the door! She is kind and will treat my children well. With her by, you will be happy. I will be blessed when I get to Jiuquan."

After saying this, Jiang Rongyue finally closed his eyes.

The smile on the lips, forever condensed at this moment. To be continued.