MTL - Luoyang Brocade-Chapter 358 Voice of mind (1)

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Not waiting for Wei Xian to command, Xin Yun will lead a group of palace ladies to retreat.

There are only three people left in the house, and it is much more convenient to talk.

Wei Yan looked solemnly and said: "Big sister, this is the director of the king who is recommended to the emperor. I always feel that there are some defects."

"Yeah! I heard this, and I feel that something is wrong." Wei Xianyi sighed and browed tightly: "In this world, there is no immortality. The emperor is really old, and the former wise gods are never." I prefer to favor this person."

Entering the palace is not what she wants, but after all, she has been born with Princess Anja. She can't have no feelings about the emperor. However, this feeling can't stand the deep palace.

Wei Yan slammed his lips and flashed a hint of coldness in his eyes: "The world knows the truth, the emperor does not know, and he wants to practice Dan for longevity. Then Yan Wang ignited from the wind, this farce still does not know how long it will last. ”

Said, very natural to see Ling Jing squinted.

Ling Jingyi also looked over.

The four eyes are opposite, and both of them see the thoughts of each other.

Do not live, you can't live!

Yan Wang made a clear conspiracy against the emperor, and the emperor was blinded by Yan Wang’s "filial piety" and believed in Yan Wang. What will happen in the future is to take advantage of it.

At these levels of game, they can't do anything, and they don't want to intervene.

Let the Emperor Sun and Yan Wang go to fight! They just need to be able to save themselves.

Wei Xian’s thoughts were heavy, he didn’t have the mood to talk any more, and he left without asking for a pretext. Leave this room to Wei Yan and Ling Jing.

As soon as the door closed, Ling Jingyu fell into a warm and strong embrace.

The familiar atmosphere lingers in the breath, and the warm body temperature surrounds her. Drive away all the cold and Cangjie.

"Wei Yan," Ling Jingqi looked up: "I have something to tell you."

"Hey! I will talk later."

The last two words are completely hidden between the two tongues.

Wei Yan’s kiss was gentle and blazing. First, she gently sucked. When her mind was fascinated and soft in his arms, she deepened her strength and thoroughly captured her lips.

Just like his own, it seems to be mild and indifferent, but in fact it is in the chest, step by step close to her, let her unload all the defense, accept his presence.

Ling Jing’s breathing gradually began to rush, and his hands unconsciously wrapped around his neck.

After some lingering, Wei Yan raised her head slightly. The two men crossed their foreheads and breathed, and his eyes clearly reflected her cheeks.

"Auntie," Wei Yan's voice was filled with smiles and satisfaction: "Don't you say something to tell me? What?"

Ling Jingwei tried to calm the disordered heartbeat and set the mind: "You let me go first."

The two are so close, greedy for each other's body temperature and enthusiasm, and where there is a mood to say something right.

Wei Yan was dumbfounded, but it was very obedient to loosen his hand.

Ling Jing took the opportunity to step back. The blush on his face still did not fade, and his heart gradually calmed down. I didn't go around the corner, and asked straight away: "Wang Yan, when did you know that Qiao Yun was the man of His Royal Highness?"

Wei Yan's look is unchanged, faintly said: "I have already guessed it."

Ling Jingwei: ""

"You come from Dingzhou to Beijing, in addition to treating Ling Xiao, there is another secret. With your careful and careful, the people around you should know the roots. Baiyu is your personal body, that Qiaoyun is just on the road. The person who rescued at will, and later sold into Lingjia became your embarrassment. You are willing to bring such a person into the palace, the origin is definitely unusual."

Wei Yan looked at Ling Jingwei deeply: "Your grandson and grandson are all aware of your words and deeds in the palace. I can't guess the reason for these two associations?"

The pair of gentle and indifferent eyelids, at this time exceptionally focused, actually showed a few sharp and sharp.

Ling Jingyi suddenly had no courage to look at him, slightly bowed his head and avoided his gaze: "Sorry, I have been glaring at you."

"Actually, I have sincerely voted for the Emperor Sun, secretly collecting news for him. On the same day, Chang Pinggong mainly secretly dealt with Xu Xiaoma, that is, I had previously warned the emperor of the emperor. The emperor was staring at the every move of Princess Changping. This has successfully found the evidence."

Speaking of this, Ling Jing slammed a meal and raised his head again. The corner of his lips overflowed with a bitter smile: "Wei Yan, I am sorry. I should not keep you in the dark."

"Auntie, we still have to say sorry for it all the time?" Wei Yan smiled helplessly and interrupted Ling Jing's self-blame: "If I really care, I will not expose this layer." It will not let you take the initiative to send a message to Huang Taisun."

Ling Jing’s whole body trembled and his voice shook a little: “Wei Yan, do you really mind not blaming me?”

Wei Yan nodded neatly and nodded. "No. I never minded or blamed you. From the beginning, I knew that the Emperor Sun was enamored of you."

"I am confident that the appearance of the character is not lost to him. It is more firm than your heart. You are not a woman who is greedy for wealth and wealth, nor will it be for the power. I am the most like you in the world." The right person for you."

"If you want to be jealous, it should be him, it is not me!"

The tone is full of confidence and pride.

Ling Jing’s uneasy heart for a long time suddenly fell back to its original position. A burst of joy came to my heart.

The treasures of the world are easy to get, and it is hard to find. What is even more rare is that there is such a gentle, affectionate and considerate man who wholeheartedly likes you to trust you.

Ling Jing’s feelings are difficult to cast into Wei Yan’s arms. He said: “Wei Yan, meeting you is the greatest blessing in my life.”

The soft jade is warm and fragrant, and the whisper of the beautiful lady is heard from the ear.

At this time, the saint is tolerable, not a man.

Wei Yan’s heart was in a state of turmoil, and she was tightly held in her arms, and she was as strong as she wanted to embed her into her body.

Ling Jingyi soon noticed that his body had a "unusual" change, his cheeks suddenly burned a piece, and his hands pushed hard to push Wei Yan's chest: "Don't mess! I still have a lot of important things to tell you."

Wei Yan leaned her head on her shoulder, and the voice was full of depression and rapid asthma: "You don't move."

He has endured hard work. She still twisted and twisted in his arms, it was just pouring hot oil on the fire. If it is not his self-control, the timing is really inappropriate, I am afraid he can’t help it anymore.

Ling Jing姝 did not dare to move again, quietly and softly snuggling in his chest, waiting for him to calm down.

Read The Duke's Passion