MTL - Love Rival Romance System-Chapter 65 Haunted house

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In groups of two, waiting for the people in front to go to the shadows, about three minutes, the staff will let the next group of tourists enter the house.

This time is Xie Zhe and Xiao Yuxin. To be honest, the timid squad leader refused, but the classmates seemed to be particularly interested. They didn’t want to ruin the atmosphere, and they didn’t want to look embarrassed, so they tightened their bodies and straightened their backs. Seriously, walked into the entrance of the haunted house black hole.

Xiao Yuxin is like a serious teacher in class, saying: "Nothing, it's all props and staff, it's all fake, nothing to be afraid of."

Xie Zhe nodded and smiled and agreed.

At first, it looked very harmonious, without any problems, until the first ghost came out and threw them in front of them.

Xiao Yu’s face is expressionless and stands still in the same place.

Xie Zhe was secretly looking at him. He was so disappointed when he saw him so calmly. Even he was overwhelmed by the ghosts. This is no good, too faceless.

When the ghosts scared them, they retreated and left, and the road ahead was not blocked. Xie Zhe went to La Xiaoyu’s new hand and said, "Let's go."

Xiao Yuxin’s voice is shaking, “Good, good...”

It turned out that he was scared and did not dare to move.

Xie Zhe squatted, leaning his head, trying to hold on to the laughter that overflowed his mouth.

Without Xie Zhe taking the initiative to take him, Xiao Yuxin has subconsciously seized his hand and firmly held it so that he can feel a little more peace of mind. Xie Zhewei smiled, and the fear in his heart dissipated immediately. He could only feel the warmth of his palm.

After a ghostly fright, the two stick together and grind on the narrow dark path and continue to move forward. After turning, they saw a dusty cabinet next to the wall.

Xiao Yuxin and Xie Zhe are there: "..." is over, dare not go forward. According to the routine, one hundred percent will pass, and there will be a ghost crawling out inside.

They were afraid to stand up for a while, the ghost seemed to be impatient, in the dark, a faint scream, the cabinet door automatically opened to both sides, a female ghost in red dress climbed out from inside, long hair covered The face, long hands and feet, like a spider, rushed quickly.


Xiao Yuxin couldn't help but scalp and trembled and said: "...She reminded me of the clown!"

Xie Zhe's rare silence is already scary enough. Don't raise the other side's prestige.

The ghosts have all come over, and of course they don’t want to, don’t want to turn around and run. However, because she was too scared and too scared, Xiao Yuxin ran evenly and ran, and under the hustle and bustle, she fell to the ground and could not climb. She looked back and watched the female ghost getting closer and closer to herself.

Xie Zhe turned back and saw that he fell, and hurriedly came over to help him.

Xiao Yuxin shed tears and shivered and said, "Don't worry about me, let's go first..."

Xie Zhe reluctantly laughed: "It's just a haunted house. Are you going to escape?" And you said that I can't let you down?"

As soon as he tried his best, he held Xiao Yuxin's arm with his hands and lifted the person directly, pulled it into his arms, and firmly guarded him.

Seeing the female ghosts rushing over, they are going to come to them and open their mouths to eat the mouth. She suddenly shows a **** red color, bloody, and smiles slyly, turning around and disappearing into the black wall next to it. Inside, there were sharp smiles around.

"...there are organs on the wall, aren't they?"

Quiet for two seconds, Xiao Yuxin asked.

Xie Zhe looked at his black and white eyes, sly, very scared and forced to calm down, could not help but want to laugh, but of course, can not laugh, so hard to press the corner of the mouth, seriously nodded, "Of course. ”

After walking for a while, Xiao Yuxin responded to the weight on his shoulders, his face turned white, and he looked stiffly at his little friends. "Xie Zhe... Is there anything on my shoulder?"

Xie Zhe was a little confused. Looking at the past, he found that he was using his hand on his shoulder as a ghost hand.

No, I want to laugh.

Xie Zhe coughed twice. "No, I am holding you."

After standing up with Xiao Yuxin, he did not let go. I thought that the small squad leader of the squad will be as shy as usual, but did not expect...

When Xiao Yuxin heard it, he let out a big sigh of relief. "That's good, that's good."

A subconscious statement, full of revealing the trust and dependence on Xie Zhe, not shy because of such intimacy, and even want to go to his arms again, stick tightly.

Xie Zhe bends his lips, and his heart is so sweet with honey.

Hey, the squad leader, how can you be so cute?

Xiao Yuxin didn’t know what Xie Zhe’s heart was. He only looked at it carefully and walked forward carefully. He sneaked around and was afraid of which corner suddenly popped out of the ghost. He was prepared to be mentally prepared. Don’t be too scared.

Because I feel that the two people are talking, they will not be so scared. Xiao Yuxin keeps whispering a few words. As for why he said in a small voice, you don’t know if you ask him, probably the subconscious mind where the ghost is hiding, afraid of alarm. Go to them, then suddenly fluttering out scary? Anyway, it is very scary, and I want to put an end to any possibility of being discovered.

"Xie Zhe, I think my back is a bit painful. Was it just caught by a ghost?" Xiao Yuxin was aiming at the surroundings, whispering in Xie Zhe’s ear.

Xie Zhe coughed and laughed and told the truth, "No, the staff will not hurt the tourists. You hit the wall when you just hid."

Xiao Yuxin frowned, but he couldn’t remember, "... is it?"

Thinking of the way I was just scared, I was a little bit guilty, but now let him install a man Han Dayi suddenly said that he was not afraid, then let go of Xie Zhe’s head and walk forward... Sorry, he really couldn’t do it. Not only that, but in front of the black hole, suddenly a strange movement came, he could not help but tighten the clothes of Xie Zhe, and regarded him as a life-saving straw, and seized it.

Xie Zhe looked at his wrinkled clothes, not a little unhappy, but enjoyed it. Xiao Yuxin became more and more sticky, and the more he was happy. This is a wonderful haunted house.

Although - the other hand touched the waist that was faintly painful, just hit by Xiao Yuxin - the risk is there, but compared with the progress of good feelings, what is the pain?

Overall, Xie Zhe is very happy.

Xiao Yuxin made a strong calm, and maintained that Xie Zhe was almost like a ballet dance. He stepped forward and comforted himself: "It’s all fake, we have to believe in science, um! Rich, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious, Freedom, equality, justice..."

Xie Zhe didn't think that he actually took the core values ​​of the society to courage, couldn't help but laugh and gasp, but Xiao Yuxin's voice suddenly stopped, so that he was not consciously vigilant, and there are ghosts coming?

But in fact, Xiao Yuxin said: "The back, I forgot..."

After all, it is a science student who doesn't pay much attention to political history. Not to mention that these 24 words are not essential points. It is good to remember half.

In the haunted house, how is it miserable? Constantly hitting the ghost, it is hard to find a method that is suspected of being able to fix the courage. The back half has forgotten. In the face of the darkness of silence, is the heart flustered? !

The two hands clasped each other's hands tightly, and they stood stiff, then looked at each other and shouted screaming all the way, slamming their heads and rushing out! I don't know if the "Mr. Ghosts and Ghosts" were shocked by their protective spells. They didn't pay attention to them for a while. They were actually mad and ran away from several scary levels that were originally set.

In the darkness, a man and a woman dressed in two horrible "ghosts" sighed, and it was a pity that they looked, "Hey, they ran away."

The tone of reluctance, I don’t know if I think it’s too late to see an important person. If Xiao Yuxin and Xie Zhe can hear them, they must absolutely refuse. “Your love is too heavy for us to afford.”

They are flying chickens and dogs, and they are chased by ghosts and fleeing. On the other hand, they are completely different styles.

The women's big school, Huatong, and his milk dog, the younger brother, also came to the haunted house. Of course, how can such an important project be missed? Sycamore smiles meaningfully.

Before he entered the haunted house, Wutong had already expressed his face with weakness and innocence. His eyes were shaking, his hands were clenching his clothes, and he was nervous and scared.

At this time, as He Shuo, who deeply likes him, how can he be indifferent, the big hand is pressed on his shoulder, the faint flower protector gesture, the fortitude of the face is full, despite the green, but the dark eyes are full. It is a serious thing that cannot be ignored. There is no falsehood to protect his heart.

"Don't be afraid, I will accompany you." He Shuo said so.

Wutong listened. It seemed to be really safe. The lips were very shallow and smiled. "Well."

He Shuo saw that he had a beautiful and beautiful smile. He squatted and looked away from his sight. He was obviously a good man, tall and tall, full of fierce and tense looks. He could scare the children in a blink of an eye. In the face of the person who likes it, at the beginning, the face is flat, the ears are red, and the shame is not good.

Wu Tong looked and thought that it was so cute. He reached out and hugged his waist, but he quickly loosened it. After all, I don’t know if I would meet the teacher. Moreover, He Shuo is so embarrassed, let him panic and reluctant. Anyway, into the haunted house, there are still many opportunities, right?

When it was their turn, the staff saw that the pair was obviously a small couple, and they all had pink bubbles around them. The two were still high in value, which was really envious and hateful. It is just looking at two more eyes. The staff still remembers his own job. When he sees this man growing tall, he is more important to remind him that his attack power is not small.

They walked side by side and walked into the darkness of the haunted house.

The gloomy music is getting closer and closer, like it is ringing in the ear, and the props on the wall are automatically scared out from time to time. I have to say that this amusement park really operates this haunted house with great care and makes it a major feature. The atmosphere created is too horrible, and the psychological quality is almost the same. It really can be crying in minutes.

In front of outsiders, Wu Tong has always been a person who maintains a gentle girl. Of course, he has no resistance to these terrible things. When he came in for a few minutes, he showed a look of fear and grasped tightly. Master's hand.

He Shuo is tall and reliable. Others see his fierceness. The first reaction certainly feels that he is not afraid of ghosts. After all, his momentum is not weaker than ghosts. But in fact, he is also very afraid...

Still too young.

Before he came in, he thought, nothing, no matter how terrible, it’s much more horrible than the ordinary haunted house. What can be done? I can enter the haunted house and discover that it is totally different from the imagination! Do you want to be so realistic, as if you have reached a horrible dimension!

Even if he is afraid, He Shuo will not show it, because he wants to show a calm and reliable look in front of the people he likes! How can I lose face in front of someone I like?

Therefore, He Shuo couldn’t help but be embarrassed, and tried to pout and pat the shoulders of Wutong to appease. "No need to be afraid, it’s all fake."

Wutong listened to his voice, which was obviously afraid of tremors, and tried to comfort himself. He felt that he was cute and exploded. He couldn’t help his hands in a circle, firmly clasped his waist and buried his face in his arms. And said, "But I am still afraid..."

He Shuo suddenly blushes, his hands don't know where to put it, and he moved for a while in midair, still stiff, and then slowly fell on the shoulders of Wutong, whispered: "Then we will go out soon, You follow me."

Indus nodded slightly in his arms and looked very clever, but he was holding it tight.

He Shuo is sweet and helpless. "You are like this, we can't move, let's loose a little."

Sycamore decisively shook his head, very afraid of it, whispered: "It’s too dark..."

He Shuo sighed, can only maintain this look, and walked forward together. Through the faint light of the mobile phone, he saw a small piece of cloth exposed on the corner of the front corner. Sure enough, the next moment, a sneaky pop out, revealing a make-up to a distorted face, hunchback, and quickly toward them. Close, and both hands stretched out, as if to catch them.

Fortunately, I was a little psychologically prepared and not scared too badly. He Shuo thought in his heart, but the Mr. Ghost, who was still in charge, shook his body and shook his back with the phoenix.

Wu Tong also naturally shouted that I was afraid, and the bright little brother clung to the cute little brother.

The ghost came close to them several times, then slowly detoured and left, and they all shrank into the darkness, and they seemed to be unsatisfied and then scared them to stop.

Waiting for the ghost figure to disappear, really no longer came out, He Shuo was a sigh of relief, his taut face was slightly relaxed, and he planned to run through the road with Wutong.

But Wutong grabbed his clothes and whispered weakly: "My feet are soft..."

The meaning of the words, of course, is not moving.

He Shuo frowned at a bit of annoyance, then his eyes lit up and proposed: "Would you like me to leave you?"

I just thought of this proposal very well, but when I said it, I realized that it was inappropriate. If I had to back it, I would definitely not be able to avoid some intimate contact. I just couldn’t help but blush. And put his hand and said: "Still forget it, slow down again..."

Wutong said: "Okay."

He Shuo stunned and was a little helpless.

Wutong looked at him in black and white, with a smile in his eyes. "We are here, ghosts may come to catch us, or hurry, it is terrible."

That said, it does make sense.

He Shuo nodded, red ears, and squatted in front of Wutong. Soon, I felt a piece of warmth on his back, the one he liked.

When I thought about it, the temperature on his face went up one level and it was hotter.

And he has to stand up. In order to keep the phoenix on his back, he must hold the phoenix's thighs... only a thin layer of school uniform fabric, the body temperature is obvious, people can't ignore it, and it is easy to cause some delusions. .

He Shuo snorted, reminding himself in his heart that he could not think about it.

While Wu Tong was on his shoulder, when he spoke, his breath spit into his ear. He Shuo found that it was too torturous, but I really want to ask him not to let go of people? He is definitely not willing, this is obviously a sweet torment.

In this way, there are other things that divert attention, and the heart jumps, and there is no intention to fear those ghosts. He Shuo was immersed in the sweet conversation with Wutong, and he was very slow to react.

In the dark, the ghost workers who are not valued: "..."

Secretly biting your teeth, these loved ones are so overwhelmed! They endured cold-shrinking to the corner to do their best to be a ghost, and they came out. The little couple actually talked and laughed, completely ignoring them! No! Overturning this bowl of stinky dog ​​food, you must burn them on behalf of the FFF Army!

Read The Duke's Passion