MTL - Love Private Possession-Chapter 33

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Not only Lu Ya, but also the other girls in the booth were a little confused, and they all laughed in the next second. The one who asked Lu Ya just now if he wanted to drink? A female voice called Wang Wang asked: "Miss, you Wouldn’t that be the case with pretty girls? Tell me?”

Lu Ya didn't come out with a plain face today, the booth's lighting was soft, which added a bit of sweetness to Lu Ya.

"Yeah." Xiao Xiao was stunned for half a second, and followed the words of Wang Zang. She looked at Lu Ya with a bright smile, "Little sister, have fun."


"Little boss."

The corners of Lu Ya's lips also curled up.

Xiao Xiao chatted with them again, and then went to greet other guests. After she left, Meng Qu asked curiously: "Ya Ya, do you know Xiao Boss?"

"It's not acquaintance."

"Maybe just met once?"

Lu Ya thought about it carefully, and then continued to add: "It was still two years ago, but I know her by another name."

Lu Ya boasted that her memory was not bad, so after recalling it just now, she remembered who Xiao Xiao was—

In the Christmas party that Xia Shuang took her to two years ago, one of them was Xiao Xiao.

But when Xia Shuang introduced Xiaoxiao in the late evening, she asked Lu Ya to call her "Sister Wei" because Xiaoxiao's full name was Wei Xiao, and Wei Xiao was the most fun person at the party besides Xia Shuang. Lu Ya also interacted with her a lot, and it's normal if they still have some impressions of each other.

It's just that I didn't expect to meet again under such circumstances.

"Oh~" Meng Qu nodded his head, "Then? I understand, that's what you met at the party before?"


Wang Wang leaned over at this time: "You two? What are you talking about quietly? Hurry up? Come and play!"

"I'm coming."

It’s not impossible to come to the tavern just to drink, but that would be a bit too intense, so most of them would choose to play some small games. Lu Ya and the others played a card game, and the loser ?Drink a cup directly, and go to the next game.

Lu Ya's throat was still a little uncomfortable, and everyone didn't force her to drink. After playing a few rounds, Lu Ya drank a glass of juice.

Meng Qu participated in a lot of parties, and playing such a game is already in the category of a master. She didn't take a sip, and started the next game with a smile.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Lu Ya waved his hand, "I drank too much water."

Wangwang also stood up: "Xiaolu, let me go with you."

"it is good."

"You guys? Be careful." A girl urged.

The bathroom is located in the back, and there is an aisle away from them. Now the store's business has reached its peak, and I passed by many people along the way.

Although Wangwang drank a lot, it didn't affect her at all, because she was also famous for being able to drink, she walked without bending, and her eyes were very clear.

"Xiaolu." Almost at the bathroom, Wang Wang suddenly called out to her.

Lu Ya turned her head and looked over: "What's wrong?"

"I'll just ask." Wangwang didn't hesitate, "What does Xiaomeng have now? Someone she likes?"


"Chase if you want."

Wang Wang's eyes lit up: "Okay, thank you."

She said: "Knowing that you are coming tonight, I am still a little surprised. You haven't been here for a long time."

She asked: "What? Suddenly remembered?"

Lu Ya was taken aback by the question, and Sang Qingxu's face was in front of her eyes again, and then she replied, "I miss you."


Now at this point? There is a queue for the bathroom. After washing hands, almost ten minutes have passed, and Lu Ya and Wang Wang turned back together.

But just met the busy Wei Xiao.

When Wei Xiao saw them, she nodded her head and said hello, but the next second she yelled, "Xiaolu."

Lu Ya responded: "What's wrong with Miss? Is there something wrong?"

"No." Wei Xiao pursed her lower lip, "She's here today too."

Lu Ya frowned: "Xia Shuang?"


"I'm thinking of you? If we bump into each other, then..."

Lu Ya laughed: "Miss, it's okay, if you hit it, you hit it."

"it is good."

When Wei Xiao continued to work again, Wang Wang tentatively asked, "Xiao Lu, is that Xia Shuang?"


"My ex-girlfriend."

She and Wangwang only met last year, and it's normal for Wangwang not to know these things. After she answered, she saw Wangwang's exaggerated expression: "I didn't expect that."

Lu Ya tilted his head: "It's been 800 years since we broke up, I've forgotten it long ago."

The game in the booth was still going on, Meng Qu drank two glasses during this period, Lu Ya sat next to her, and touched his phone before the next game started.

If Xia Shuang came, then? Would it be possible for Sang Qingxu?

Lu Ya guessed.

Her original intention of coming to the party tonight was to see if a miracle would happen, and to have a chemical reaction with a young lady who had a close eye, so as to escape the fact that she was moved by Sang Qingxu, but she never Looking at the current situation...

never mind.

She gives up.

The main reason was that she dreamed of kissing Sang Qingxu last night, Lu Ya couldn't forgive herself.

While thinking about that dream again, she clicked on WeChat, the surrounding noises were automatically blocked by her, she relaxed her breathing, and clicked on the chat dialog with Sang Qingxu.

They? They didn't say a word today.

Lu Ya thought for a few seconds, and decided to change Sang Qingxu's note. After much deliberation, she finally typed the word "Sang Sang".

Looks doubly cute.

"Ya Ya." Meng Qu's voice sounded from the side, and Lu Ya immediately locked the phone.

Meng Qu smiled: "You're like a thief, why are you guilty?"


"This round is over, it's your turn."

Lu Ya nodded: "Okay."

As soon as she finished answering, the screen of the mobile phone lit up. She calmed down and clicked on it again.

It was a message from Sang Qingxu.

Looking at the notes he had just changed to Sang Qingxu, Lu Ya's heart skipped half a beat. What if Sang Qingxu found out...

Can't be? Sang Qingxu knows.

What Sang Qingxu sent was a simple greeting: 【Does your throat feel better? 】

It's not a good behavior to play games all the time at such a party, Lu Ya simply said to Meng Qu: "It's a bit stuffy in here, I'll go out to get some air, and I'll be back later."


The law and order here is very good, so Meng Qu won't worry too much.

Lu Ya left the tavern with her mobile phone in her hand. The night had already darkened, the sky was completely black, and the pedestrians on the street were bustling with each other, chatting and laughing constantly.

【Much better. 】Lu Ya stood under a street lamp and tapped to reply.

Sang Qing replied in a few seconds: [Qi Ming has already returned to the capital today. 】

【I know. 】

[See? She posted on Weibo. 】

She followed Qi Ming's Weibo, and saw a post in the afternoon, probably Qi Ming said that he had a good time working with Yuncheng University this time, and that the food in the snack street was delicious. .

Lu Ya clicked? A thumbs up.

Sang Qingxu: [Yes. 】

Sang Qingxu's expression when he said "um" automatically appeared in Lu Ya's mind. She pursed her lips and typed the next line: [Sang Qingxu, don't you need to meet for the second training? 】

【need. 】

[But you have to wait until you have recovered from your cold. 】

Lu Ya: [Okay. 】

She lowered her eyelashes, the loss in her heart a little? A little? Spread, and at the same time, she said that she was done for such a self.

Looking forward to seeing each other is the beginning of the fall.

【Do you want to meet me? 】Sang Qingxu's reply was sent to Lu Ya's mobile phone about ten seconds later.

Lu Ya stared at these four words, her breathing stopped suddenly.

What is she going to do? Answer?

Did she want to see? Sang Qing Xu was right, but she didn't dare to think about it, so she wanted to bypass the topic: [Sorry, Teacher Sang, I'm outside right now, and my friend is urging me. 】

【okay, I get it. 】

Lu Ya let out a breath.

She is now in the most tangled time ever.

It seems that I really need to keep the words "stay away from straight women" in mind.


Heartbeat cannot be artificially controlled, unless Sang Qingxu did something that allowed her to give up quickly, but that was almost impossible.

Lu Ya kicked the ground with her toes, put her phone in her pocket, and walked into the tavern.

People? Before they got to the booth, they saw Wangwang lying on Mengqu's shoulders. The two of them were getting very close, as if they were talking about something? Whispering.

See? When Lu Ya came back, Meng Qu waved: "Ya Ya, come and eat some fruit."

"it is good."

It was time for everyone to rest, and basically they all took out their mobile phones, but two or three fell down on the sofa because they drank a lot of wine and fainted.



When Meng Qu was pouring her orange juice, he said, "Just now I blinked, I don't know if I saw it wrong. I saw Teacher Sang."

Lu Ya:? ? ?

Lu Ya:! !

Sang Qingxu really came.

Lu Ya's heart rose to her throat, and she heard? See? Meng Qu said: "But she seems to have gone out through another door, and didn't run into you."

The tavern has a lot of traffic? There are two doors for entry and exit.

Looking at the drunken tone: "Who is Teacher Sang?"

"It's a teacher of a professional class that Ya Ya and I were in college with."


"Teacher is really scary."

"I was a thorn in the side of my teacher when I was studying."

Lu Ya is fine now? He just stared in the direction of the door in his mind? "Meng Meng, I remembered something else, so I went back first."


"it is good."

Lu Ya apologized to the other girls, and then only a back was left behind.

Meng Qu didn't realize until Lu Ya went out. She looked at Wang Zhan in disbelief: "What about me? I don't know what's wrong with her?"

Wang Wang bent his eyes: "Can't you see it?"

"When Xiaolu heard? Heard? You said that teacher, his expression changed."

Mengqu put on a pain mask: "...Don't be like I thought? It's like that."

"She knows that Teacher Sang is a 100% straight daughter."

Lu Ya didn't expect her performance to be so? Obviously, she came out of the tavern, but the direction of the street? So? So much, she didn't know where Sang Qingxu would go.

And even if she knew, what would she do?

Mingming Sang Qingxu said that we will meet again after she recovers from her cold.

Lu Ya pursed her lips tightly, and also took off her coat.

She is rarely so impulsive.

never mind.

Lu Ya looked up at the sky, and decided to go home first. She couldn't continue to attend the party in her current mind, otherwise she would be punished to drink juice until she vomited.

This area is even more lively at night than during the day, and some tourist groups also use it as a check-in place, walking all the way to take pictures, but the queues at the entrance of some restaurants are still very long, as if they have not changed.

Lu Ya was halfway there when a WeChat call came from his phone.

It was Sang Qingxu calling.

"Sang..." Lu Ya paused, not finishing calling Sang Qingxu's name.

Sang Qingxu cut off her speech: "Lu Ya."

"I want to make sure, do you want to see? Me?"

Lu Ya's throat moved, and everything around her ears seemed to be silent, only Sang Qingxu's clear voice.

"Think." Lu Ya blinked.

Sang Qingxu smiled softly: "Then? How long do you want me to wait for you?"

"I'm at the gate of the community now."

Lu Ya: "..."

"Teacher Sang, wait for me."

Lu Ya hung up the call while talking, and the speed of his feet became faster and faster.

The place where Sang Qingxu went was the gate of her community. Lu Ya had never thought about this. Now that she knew all this, she was both surprised and happy. Fortunately, it was only about 300 meters away. Ya walked through the crowd all the way, and finally reached the corner where he could see the gate of the community.

Sure enough, Sang Qingxu was standing on the field in front of her. She was wearing a shirt and black pants, and she seemed to blend into the night.

Lu Ya swallowed nervously, and then slowed down. At the same time, she took out her mobile phone again, and dialed Sang Qingxu's WeChat number back.

"Teacher Sang."

"I'll do a magic trick for you."

"Turn back and see if you can see? Me."

The author has something to say: Yatou, you don't want to see me?

I don't believe you when you speak in anger.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-09 23:56:26~2021-07-1023:54:54~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 little gray;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the landmine: Dandan, did President Chu stir up Qin Cheng today? 30602821;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution:. 26 bottles; 10 bottles of Caomu Guimao; 291035125 bottles; 3 bottles of lamb;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion