MTL - Love Private Possession-Chapter 25

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After Lu Ya sent the message, she was stunned for a moment. She didn't realize herself until she realized it? What did she do—

Didn't I meet with Sang Qing Xu? Didn't it suit my heart? Didn't it?

Her eyelids twitched, looking at the message she had sent, she hesitated, and was about to press and hold to withdraw it. Sang Qingxu was so busy, if she didn't see it, she still had time to make amends.

But just before she pressed withdraw, Sang Qingxu replied the message.

Teacher Sang: [Okay. 】

Lu Ya couldn't hold back her eyelashes? She trembled, and looked again within two seconds? Seeing Sang Qingxu said: 【Just come to the sports field directly. 】

Sang Qingxu didn't intend to refuse at all. Lu Ya could see that she had come out, but she sent the invitation herself.

Lu Ya: 【Okay, Teacher Nasang, will I come after get off work? 】

[Come at eight o'clock, you have dinner first. 】

The meeting with Sang Qingxu tonight was settled just like that, but? Lu Ya didn't feel the same torment as before, maybe because he? Was able to look into Sang Qingxu's eyes for more than ten seconds?

Lu Ya guessed.

However, since the National Day is approaching and there is a lot of get off work, it is difficult to get off work on time at 5:30. It was 20 minutes before Lu Ya left the work station.

A colleague named Cai Jue who was close to her also stood up and asked her with a smile, "Lu Ya, do you want to go down together?"


Cai Jue and himself entered the company at about the same time. The relationship is not good, but not good. They are just ordinary colleagues.

The two entered the elevator one after the other, and stood side by side again when they reached the first floor.

"That's right, Lu Ya."

"You are 22 years old, aren't you?"

Cai Jue suddenly tilted his head? He asked a question.

Lu Ya gave a "huh" and smiled slightly: "It's just a birthday? Not long ago."

Cai Jue looked emotional: "You are so young."

Lu Ya didn't say anything more, didn't she? Know what Cai Jue asked, until she walked out of the office lobby, and heard Cai Jue ask again: "Then do you have a boyfriend? Actually? You don't? Say I know, I Never seen it? Have you ever seen a boy? Come to pick you up from get off work."

Cai Jue looked at her: "I have a cousin who has only graduated for two or three months. He is very good-looking. Yes, there are many girls in the school. I like it. If you are interested, I can introduce him to you. "

This is to be a "matchmaker".

Lu Ya showed no expression: "Thank you, Cai Jue, but? I have a partner."

Cai Jue looked surprised: "Ah? So you have a boyfriend?"

"I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

"it is good."

"No? Excuse me, Lu Ya."

Lu Ya didn't bother to answer her question, and happened to be almost on the side of the road, she took out her phone, clicked on the app, scanned the code for the shared bike, and left.

Now this point is the evening rush hour, the streets are already congested, and Lu Ya arrives home five minutes later than usual.

Meng Qu sat on the sofa and drank milk tea: "Why is it so late today?"

"Overtime work and traffic jams." Lu Ya changed her shoes and walked over, "There is a colleague who wants me to be her cousin."

Meng Qu coughed twice when he heard the words: "What? I didn't hear it? Is it wrong?"


"The relationship with her is so-so, and she suddenly told me that she didn't see it? Seeing that I have a boyfriend, do you want to introduce him to her cousin? I'm speechless. According to her words, if her cousin is in school Are there really so many girls here? If you like it, why come to me?"

Meng Qu took it for granted: "It is."

Lu Ya sighed, walked towards the bathroom and said, "I'm going back to school tonight."

Meng Qu looked over: "No? Is it the evening of the 29th that is the orientation party?"

"Other things." Lu Ya didn't close the bathroom door, she squeezed the hand sanitizer into her hands, and washed her hands seriously, Sang Qingxu's hands appeared in her mind.

Actually? She noticed it when Sang Qingxu was driving that day. She was slender and beautiful, with well-defined bones.

Meng Qu's voice pulled her back from her thoughts: "How about? Want me to accompany you? I have nothing to do tonight."

Lu Ya raised her eyes, looked at herself in the mirror, then shook her head and said, "No need, I'll just go by myself, and I'll come back when I'm done."

Meng Qu: "OK."

After dinner, Lu Ya tidied up and went out with a small duck bag. She didn't intend to take a taxi to school, but chose bus No. 89, which was just right to leave at 1:00.

The sky was a little darker than before, and at half past seven, it almost covered the whole city. Lu Ya sat in the back of the bus and opened the window a little.

She called up Sang Qingxu's photo again and practiced looking at each other.

After I get used to it, I feel that Sang Qingxu doesn't look so "scary" anymore, at least in these few photos.

After a while, she put away her thoughts about practice, flipped through these photos casually, and only then noticed that there was a slight mole near the end of Sang Qingxu's right eye.

The mole is not too big, and it is not obvious at first glance, but you can find it when you look closely.

There was a lot of noise while the bus was running, and people got on and off the bus one after another. Lu Ya pursed her lips, put the photo back into the photo album, and called up Sang Qingxu's WeChat.

When she went out, she sent a WeChat message to Sang Qingxu, but Sang Qingxu was busy and didn't reply.

Isn't Lu Ya? Thinking there's something wrong with it, she sent "I'm about to get off the car" again.

The next stop is Yuncheng University Station.

No more traffic jams at this point. Two minutes later, Route 89 stopped in front of the platform smoothly, and Lu Ya got up and got off the bus.

Back to school for the second time this month, Lu Ya's mood is different.

This time she completely "pit" herself in.

There are many vendors outside the school, all with small lights on, selling jewelry and snacks, Lu Ya still didn't give a single look, and went straight into the school.

The sports field occupies a large area in the corner of the school.

The school is full of people walking around now, some have just picked up the courier, some have just come out of the library, and some are going out to play, even if there is still class the next day.

It was already night, and the street lights were all on, illuminating every road.

Lu Ya squeezed her phone, and when she was almost at the edge of the sports field, she received a reply from Sang Qingxu: [Are you there? 】

Lu Ya took a photo of the sports field and went over: [Here we are. 】

Because there are military training reports and performances, the stadium is not yet able to set up a performance stage, but it will not affect everyone's rehearsal.

The street lights in the stadium are taller and brighter. Besides the rehearsal staff, there are also people exercising, running or skipping rope, or sitting and chatting with their friends on the grass.

These are all things that Lu Ya has done in school. Seeing such a scene now, she sighed.

Time? So fast.

During the time she was thinking about this, Sang Qingxu's message had already been sent to her mobile phone: [I saw? I saw you. 】

Looking at this line of words, Lu Ya's body unconsciously froze. She raised her head and looked towards the direction with the most people, only to see a figure walking towards her.

No? Who is Sang Qingxu?

Unconsciously, Lu Ya straightened her back even more, and gradually increased her grip on the phone. Taking advantage of Sang Qingxu's still not seeing her, she opened her mouth first and jumped up. The words "Teacher Sang" came out.

It's okay, it doesn't sound like shaking.

The evening wind, wrapped in a faint coolness, brushed against her ears.

Lu Ya watched Sang Qingxu getting closer and closer until she stood in front of her.

"I was still reviewing the manuscript just now, so I couldn't reply in time." Sang Qingxu's voice was filled with apology.

Lu Ya cleared her throat: "I know, Teacher Sang."

She looked at Sang Qingxu's face, even though there were street lights, it didn't look as real as usual, so she relaxed a little: "Mr. Sang, keep busy, I'll wait nearby."

Sang Qingxu laughed: "Okay."

"But? Where do you mean 'nearby'?"

Lu Ya pointed to the steps next to the rostrum: "That's it."

Sang Qingxu looked in the direction she pointed, then glanced at the rehearsal place, and nodded immediately: "Okay, I'll probably finish the manuscript once more."

For a moment? Lu Ya had an illusion.

It was as if she and Sang Qingxu were friends.

This is something Lu Ya never thought about, because Sang Qingxu's identity is there, she used to just want to stay away, and although she can't even talk about getting close now, she still doesn't feel as far away as before.

There was a wind blowing, and she saw a strand of Sang Qingxu's hair flying.

Lu Ya blinked: "Then I'll pass, Mr. Sang, please do your best."


Sang Qing Xu agreed, and took a step together with Lu Ya, but they were not in the same direction.

After walking a short distance, Sang Qing Xu turned his head and looked at Lu Ya.

Lu Ya was shuttling through the football field. She lowered her head slightly. Although she was looking at her mobile phone, she was moving forward very carefully and did not collide with anyone.

Sang Qing Xu squinted his eyes, remembering the duckling bag that Lu Ya saw just now.

The corners of her lips curled up a little, and she looked back.

The school starts at the end of August, and the orientation party is at the end of September. The preparation time for the program is only one month, but it is enough for such a party. If it is a New Year's party, the school program will cost a little more time?.

Sang Qingxu walked into the team and started a new round of proofreading.

Lu Ya sat down on the steps, and turned her gaze to the rehearsal area. There were too many people there. Although she was not nearsighted, she couldn't find it at all given the distance. Where is Sang Qingxu? , Now the members of the hip-hop club are dancing, attracting some people's attention.

After watching for a while, Lu Ya closed his eyes.

After graduating, she never thought of going back to school. She has no feelings for this place, although there are many bright and beautiful memories here, and now she is in the place where she once stayed, and the pictures of her previous experiences all emerge in the out of sight.

"Student." But? Within two minutes, a male voice sounded beside him, "Is anyone sitting here?"

The source of the sound was so close that Lu Ya couldn't pretend not to hear it. She slowly opened her eyes.

It's a boy who looks very clean and fresh, wearing a sweater and jeans, looking at her with a smile, with shallow dimples on his face.

Lu Ya shook his head? As an answer.

The boy sat down next to her, and seemed to have no intention of continuing the conversation. He put on his earphones, clicked on the game, and continued to operate with his fingertips.

Is Lu Ya eye? Squinting, she lowered her eyelashes, and clicked on Weibo.

In the end, I saw again? I saw that friend reposted Xia Shuang's Weibo last time. It was still a string of "hahaha".

When they broke up, they couldn't talk about how peaceful it was, but probably because of the short time, they didn't like it very much, so they broke up so simply, without sloppiness at all. Relationship with yourself for a week? Seeing the actions of friends, I feel a little funny.

Seeing good friends can indeed give the other party a sense of security, but Xia Shuang has many friends. If not, a friend told me that Xia Shuang took another girl to meet another group of friends. No? He would have known about Xia Shuang's cheating so early.

Memories flooded back, but Lu Ya didn't feel any turmoil in her heart. Sang Qingxu's lazy appearance of that night appeared in front of her eyes.

Didn't she think of herself? She still has contact with Sang Qingxu now.

In the past, I would only wait for my friends and classmates at school, but now I am waiting for my teacher? This is my first experience.

Just as Lu Ya thought of this, the boy next to her sighed heavily and pulled her wandering thoughts back.



The boy glanced at Lu Ya and spoke again. "

"Excuse me, do you have a power bank?" The boy scratched the back of his head with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Lu Ya didn't raise his head, and replied lightly: "No."

"Okay." The boy sat upright resentfully, staring at his blacked-out screen.

Lu Ya continued to swipe Weibo. She just swipe her fingertips a few times, but she hasn't read yet. A few new developments, the boy on the side spoke again: "Student, let me be honest, I want you Wechat, I want to make friends with you."

They didn't want to hide anything this time, and looked at Lu Ya with curiosity and inquiry: "My name is Lin Ben."

Lu Ya lifted her chin forward: "Those are your friends?"

There were three boys sitting in the first two rows, turning their heads from time to time to look at this side, and talking quietly about something, all of which were noticed by Lu Ya.

Lin Benshen felt embarrassed: "Uh..."


"No, what will happen to your WeChat?" Lu Ya locked her own screen, turned her head to look at them, and frowned slightly.

"They will laugh at me."

"Oh~" Lu Ya dragged out the ending sound.

Lin Ben's eyes lit up: "Student, are you willing to help me?"

"What does being laughed at have anything to do with me?" Lu Ya changed the subject, and her expression turned cold. She has been approached quite a few times, but what she hates the most is the "moral kidnapping" type of approach, no? To? The contact information is the same as that of the villain.

Lin Ben was taken aback, and smiled embarrassingly: "Isn't that so? Sorry to bother you."

He stood up while speaking, and said "Let's go" to the friend in the front row.

Lu Ya looked at him. After walking for a long time, the originally blacked-out phone screen lit up.

Anything that borrows a power bank is a fake.

After such an interruption, Lu Ya's attention once again shifted to the rehearsal area, which is still very lively, and because the rehearsal is now the school's model team, boys? Girls? All tall, thin and handsome Beautiful, it's louder than before.

The night is getting darker and the temperature is getting lower.

Lu Ya simply put on the earphones to watch the video on his mobile phone, and didn't pay attention to the movement on the rehearsal side.

After Sang Qingxu finished his work, he looked at the stairs next to the rostrum. There were fewer people sitting on it now, but the distance was a little far away. It was still difficult to recognize Lu Ya accurately.

"Thank you, Teacher Sang." The chairman of the student union of the department responsible for the welcome party came over and handed her a bottle of water.

"No? Hard work."

"You guys are much busier than me."

"I go first."

"Okay, Teacher Sang." The chairman of the student council nodded.

Sang Qingxu tightened her coat, and walked towards the direction where Lu Ya was, but the back of the rostrum was leaning against the snack street, and her partner Pan Chengwei was just about to go there, watching her go Walking through the small door of the snack street, I thought that Sang Qingxu was going to eat supper, so he walked up to her and asked, "Mr. Sang, what are you going to eat? Let's go together, I happen to be hungry too."

"No? Yes." Sang Qingxu smiled, "Someone is waiting for me."

Pan Chengwei's expression changed. He didn't ask who was waiting, but instead smiled and nodded: "Okay, I'll go by myself."

Neither Pan Chengwei nor her belonged to the same college, and the two had almost no contact with each other, so they became the hosts of this welcome party.


The two separated, and Lu Ya happened to be within sight, and Sang Qingxu stopped in his footsteps.

The screen of Lu Ya's phone was on, and the light and shadow shrunk into a ball, reflecting on Lu Ya's face, just seeing? Not? Not too clearly.

Sang Qingxu stood where she was, surrounded by laughter and laughter, but her eyes just fell on Lu Ya.

Originally, she really didn't plan to meet Lu Ya tonight, because it was too early to finish work at this point, but she didn't expect that Lu Ya would take the initiative to come and pick her up.

Some surprises, but also some...surprises?

Because Lu Ya doesn't seem to be as afraid of her as before, which shows that what she has done has had an effect.

Sang Qingxu was relieved, and also sincerely happy for Lu Ya.

As soon as she thought about it, she saw Lu Ya's head raised, only looking at the rehearsal area.

The corner of Sang Qingxu's mouth curled up, she unlocked the phone, found Lu Ya's WeChat, and dialed the WeChat number.

She doesn't have Lu Ya's number.

Lu Ya was stunned when she saw a WeChat call, and when she saw the word "Ms. Sang", her original sleepiness disappeared. See, she answered immediately: "Hello, Teacher Sang."

"Look? Right in the middle?" Sang Qingxu had a slight smile in her voice, and there was noise around her, but it was not as clear as her smile.

Lu Ya looked over according to her words, and saw Sang Qingxu standing not far away.

No matter how bright the street lights are, it is really difficult to see each other's eyes clearly.

Lu Ya stood up, with a surprised tone: "Is it over?"



Lu Ya has already left the rostrum and stood on the rubber track. She is still talking to Sang Qingxu on WeChat: "Then shall we go back now?"


"I have to trouble classmate Lu Ya to drive me off."

Lu Ya was in a trance.

She felt that the voices of Sang Qingxu and Guanshu were very similar, especially now, but she didn't have much time to think carefully, so she replied, "No? Trouble."

As soon as the words fell, the person had already walked in front of Sang Qingxu.

Lu Ya hung up the WeChat call naturally, and said to Sang Qingxu: "Mr. Sang, let's go back."

"Okay." Sang Qingxu put his phone in his bag and took out the car keys, "Let's go drive first."

In addition to the parking lot, the school also has some parking spaces on the ground, and Sang Qingxu's car is parked near the playground.

"Is it cold?" Sang Qingxu asked.

Lu Ya shook his head: "No, it's cold."

No? Do you know? Because it was dark, her tension was not as strong as before.

Sang Qingxu asked again: "How is the practice going? How do you feel about yourself? Can you make eye contact with me?"


"I have no idea."

Lu Ya can only give one answer, because the photo is still very different from the real person.

"Try it later?" Sang Qing Xu's final voice rose slightly.

Lu Ya had no choice but to nod: "Okay."

The progress of the training is always spot checked.

We passed the basketball court all the way before arriving at the parking place.

Sang Qingxu spread his palms forward: "Here?"

There are car keys on it.

Lu Ya looked at Sang Qingxu's hand, and couldn't help pursing her lower lip. She remembered the scene she remembered this afternoon, but she came back to her senses in the next second, took the car key in her hand, She didn't touch Sang Qingxu's hand, but there seemed to be residual warmth from Sang Qingxu's palm on the car key.

And burning her palm.

Lu Ya's eyelids twitched. She saw the bright smile on Sang Qingxu's face, then coughed, and said, "Teacher Sang, please get in the car."

"Okay, classmate Lu Ya."

After getting in the car, Lu Ya first adjusted the seat and the rearview mirror before inserting the car key.

If you ask her what Sang Qingxu feels like sitting in the co-pilot, she can only answer—

It's like taking subject three.

She wanted to be really relaxed, but her body could only do 90% of it. Fortunately, Sang Qing promised herself that she had a message to reply, so she didn't say a word after getting in the car.

As for the school's route, Lu Ya is very familiar with it after staying here for four years, not to mention that she came to pick up Tang Yan before.

She held the steering wheel and drove the car out of the campus smoothly all the way.

This isn't the first time in Sang Qingxu's car, but it's the first time as a "driver". Lu Ya pursed her lips lightly, and her thoughts were complicated for a while.

If she hadn't asked Sang Qingxu that much in the afternoon, then she wouldn't be here now.

There were not many vehicles on the road outside the school. Lu Ya remembered the route from last time, and after merging into the main road, she asked, "Mr. Sang, do you want to go directly to 'Yunbai Garden'?"

"Last time, let's go to see it? The sunset place, it's still open."

Lu Ya hesitated and said, "But if you come back now, it will be very late."

"It's ok."

"All right."

Sang Qingxu turned his face to look at Lu Ya: "Can I let you go back by yourself?"

Lu Ya understood what Sang Qingxu meant, and she frowned slightly: "But Teacher Sang, I'm just here to pick you up today, and it's my duty to send you home this time, and I still need you in the end." If you come to take me home, I..."

"Lu Ya."

Sang Qingxu cut off her speech: "Being able to watch...checking your progress is enough. This is the main purpose of tonight. I don't think the other things are important."

Lu Ya found a place and parked the car on the side of the road.

Street lamps cast their own shadows in the car through the leaves, and everything seemed quiet.

"Teacher Sang." Lu Ya blinked and said nasally, "Thank you."

Sang Qing was slightly startled: "Why did you say that suddenly?"

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart." Lu Ya sniffed her nose and said in a very serious tone, "I will train myself well so that I can get out of the shadows in my heart as soon as possible. I will not let down your good intentions."

"Okay." Sang Qingxu didn't know herself? What should she reply? She didn't expect Lu Ya to thank her again, "I will try my best to help you."

Lu Ya was holding the steering wheel again, she let out a breath, and then restarted the car.

Sang Qingxu cleared her throat, turned her face away, her expression was a little unnatural.

It was true that she wanted to help Lu Ya, but it was also true that she wanted to see Lu Ya.

Just want to see? See Lu Ya just because Lu Ya is a duck.

Sang Qingxu clearly remembered that half a year ago, she had an argument with her father on the phone again. She used many methods to calm down, and finally opened a voice app in the middle of the night and released a voice.

And because of that voice, she met duck.

Sometimes emotions can’t be comforted by someone she knows. Sang Qingxu thinks she’s not? She’s a perfect person, so when facing duck’s private message of encouragement, her heart seems to calm down , for the next six months, she kept in touch with duck.

Even though she didn't tell duck about her three-dimensional thing, she felt good just listening to duck's voice or chatting with him.

For Sang Qingxu, duck has "graciousness".

This is why Sang Qingxu wanted to help Lu Ya after confirming that Lu Ya was a duck.

I thought about it all the way, because the road was not congested at night, and the car stopped after about 20 minutes.

"Teacher Sang, we're here."

It's just after nine o'clock, and most of the shops here are still open. Look? The rooftop of Wanxia is also open.

Sang Qingxu put away his thoughts and unbuckled his seat belt: "Let's go."

There are quite a few pedestrians now, no? In the past, there were not as many people on the rooftops as before.

Coming here again after a week, Lu Ya didn't feel much special.

The rooftop area is very large. At night, it becomes a new market. Some people are singing and others are selling goods. However, compared with the street downstairs, it is not so lively.

"Teacher Sang."

"Where do we go to check progress?"

Sang Qingxu looked around and pointed to a bright spot: "There."

It was a place near the lights, not many people.

"Okay." Lu Ya naturally agreed to this suggestion, and her attitude became more serious, especially after she felt that Sang Qing and Xu Mingming were so tired and wanted to help her, she didn't dare to neglect her.

Nobody gets addicted to nightmares, does they?

Sang Qingxu felt that Lu Ya's answer seemed to be more firm, but it all made sense when he thought about what Lu Ya said tonight.

The pedestrians around were a little sparse, and the singers sang very intently, but there were not many audiences, but they had bright smiles on their faces.

When he reached the place pointed by Sang Qingxu and saw Sang Qingxu's real face, Lu Ya's heart beat uncontrollably.


It's one thing to feel like you are, but quite another to wait until you're checked out.

Sang Qingxu looked around and smiled at Lu Ya: "Do you need time to prepare?"

"...needed." Lu Ya nodded.

Sang Qing Xu Wenyan said "Yes": "Then practice first?"

"it is good."

Lu Ya took out her phone and flipped through Sang Qingxu's selfie in front of Sang Qingxu.

Sang Qingxu who was opposite her:?

Sang Qing and Xu Renjun couldn't help it: "Is this how to practice?"

"That's not it...?" Lu Ya was confused.

Sang Qingxu raised his eyelids, looking a little lazy: "I thought I was going to watch? Look? Me?"

Lu Ya raised the phone: "I'm watching? You."

"..." Sang Qingxu was speechless, she thought this scene was somewhat funny, but she didn't expect it.

The wind on the roof seemed to be stronger, and the hair of the two was blown.

Lu Ya lowered her eyelids, and looked seriously at Sang Qingxu's selfie again. Sang Qingxu looked at her, from her forehead all the way down, past the bridge of her nose, the tip of her nose, and to her lips.

Two seconds later, Sang Qingxu stroked his hair and looked away.

No more watching?.

After being quiet like this for about three minutes, Lu Ya put away the phone and let out a deep breath: "Okay, Teacher Sang, I think I can do it."

Sang Qing Xu also concentrated: "Yes."

Lu Ya's eyelashes trembled: "Then shall we start now?"


The light is bright, but it's not like during the day, you can see Lu Ya's light golden pupils clearly, but it doesn't affect anything.

Lu Ya relaxed her breathing, she looked into Sang Qingxu's eyes, but why is there such a big difference between the real person and the photo?

Her sense of embarrassment was rising sharply, she was holding her mobile phone with one hand, and her clothes with the other.

Sang Qingxu's eyes are very beautiful, and Lu Ya saw a light mole at the end of her right eye.

"Are you distracted?" Sang Qingxu noticed that her gaze was slightly off.

Not even ten seconds.

Lu Ya blinked again, and said in an apologetic tone, "Teacher Sang, I may need a little more time?"

Sang Qingxu's tone was gentle: "Do you still feel very nervous?"




"It's nothing, Teacher Sang." Lu Ya shook his head and stepped back a little.

Sang Qingxu raised her foot and chased after the gap just now: "Why did you lose your mind just now?"

"Will you be distracted when looking at pictures?"

"Lu Ya, look into my eyes again, do it again."

Lu Ya stayed where she was, tried her best to raise her eyes and looked into Sang Qingxu's eyes, she held her breath this time.

One second, two seconds, five seconds...

Until Sang Qingxu rolled his eyes: "Okay, more than ten seconds."

Lu Ya lowered his eyelids and let out a "hmm".

Everything on the rooftop seemed to be silent. She could hear the wind and her own heartbeat.

Plop, plop.

"When you get used to it after a while, you can start the second training." Sang Qingxu didn't notice Lu Ya's changes, and thought that Lu Ya was just buffering his thoughts of "after the exam".

Lu Ya didn't look up? She still said, "En."

Only then did Sang Qingxu feel something was wrong, and frowned: "What's wrong? Do you have a strong sense of discomfort?"

Lu Ya shook her head: "No, Teacher Sang."

"Can we leave now?"

Sang Qingxu was surprised by her actions: "Wait, tell me are you? Are you comfortable?"

Lu Ya looked at her: "It's really fine, Teacher Sang."

She said with a smile: "I just remembered that there are still some things to do at home, so I hurried back."

Although Sang Qingxu hasn't let go of her suspicions yet, but after Lu Ya said so, she has no intention of keeping him: "Okay, I'll take you back."

Go downstairs and get in the car.

No? In a quarter of an hour, Lu Ya appeared at the gate of the community, but there was no communication along the way.

"Teacher Sang, then you go back and pay attention to safety." Lu Ya said before closing the car door.

Sang Qingxu nodded: "I will."

The car door was closed in two seconds, and the sound quickly disappeared. Sang Qingxu pursed his lips tightly, thinking about what was wrong with Lu Ya? What caused the discomfort.

Is it because of your own compulsion?

Sang Qing, maybe? I know.

Lu Ya? I know what Sang Qingxu thinks, she just wants to go home and calm down.

Meng Qu had just finished taking a shower and was about to blow dry his hair when he saw Lu Ya come back to get a glass of water, raised his head and drank it clean.

"What's wrong with you?" Meng Qu was a little confused.

Lu Ya shook her head? She was panting.

Meng Qu asked: "Do you still drink? Drink? Shall I get you another drink?"

"No? Use it." Lu Ya's breath became calmer, "I'm just thirsty."

Meng Qu rubbed her hair: "I don't know myself outside. Buy a glass of water." She sighed, "I'm going to dry my hair."

"it is good."

Lu Ya sat on the sofa, tilted his head back, and stared at the ceiling, but Sang Qingxu's appearance was automatically played in front of his eyes.

Lu Ya's throat moved.

After such a long time, she realized a very serious problem——

Sang Qingxu is a very attractive person, like a strong magnet.

In this way, it is actually a very dangerous thing to look at Sang Qingxu. At that time, she will forget that Sang Qingxu is a teacher.

Lu Ya knew where her panic came from.

But Sang Qingxu is a straight daughter, Lu Ya clearly remembers this.

That is to say, if she gets closer to Sang Qingxu, she can't guarantee herself? She can stick to herself? No? To like Sang Qingxu, especially in the eye-to-eye session tonight, she really felt it Own? Not? The same heartbeat.

Meng Qu finished blowing his head, let it out to see? Seeing that Lu Ya was in a daze, couldn't he? He leaned over and asked, "What's the matter, Ya Ya? Why don't you tell me?"

Lu Ya's eyes were closed, she waved her hand: "It's nothing, just some small things."

"I see? If you look like this, you're a bit trapped in love."

Lu Ya immediately opened his eyes, and Meng Qu was startled: "Why did you say hello in advance?"

"What is 'trapped in love'? I have a partner."

Meng Qu: "Tsk."

Lu Ya covered her face and compromised. She asked in a muffled voice, "Meng Meng, if there was an excellent, beautiful, sincere and interesting person who got along with you for a long time, would you like her?"

Meng Qu thought about it seriously: "If I don't have a date, I will definitely be attracted to her. Who wouldn't? Like such a person?"

"and many more."

Meng Qu's eyes widened: "Don't you? Maybe you like Xia Shuang again?"

The author has something to say: Braised Duck: You are the only one who is smart!

Oh, there is no 10,000 words in this chapter qaq

But this chapter leaves a message to send Jinjiang currency red envelopes, and tomorrow's update is also at this point!

This article v will be updated daily for 3,000, if there is an update, it will be 6,000

Addition status: comment +1000 or a deep water, nothing else counts

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-3023:17:11~2021-07-0123:06:42~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 little gray;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Kora, 1 Aimei;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 73 bottles of Longguoguo; 10 bottles of 0323by2, Xiao Wang, and Yeyi; 6 bottles of Lingpaojun; 428260084 bottles; 2 bottles of I am also very helpless; 1 bottle of your Superman in cold weather;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion