MTL - Love Private Possession-Chapter 18

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Lu Ya still rode back home, but her heartbeat was not as calm as before, but fluctuated quite a bit, and there was no need to think about the reason.

This is the answer that comes to mind.

She is too close to Sang Qingxu, and she is no longer within the safe range, but she can't do that if she meets Sang Qingxu's eyes, so she came up with such a plan, at least it can only be seen Sang Qingxu's side face, the eyes of the two will not collide.

And when she said that sentence, her shame level was directly pulled up, and she didn't dare to watch Sang Qingxu turn around and leave.

This behavior is undoubtedly risky.

Lu Ya didn't think about it anymore when she got home. For her, the matter of Sang Qingxu basically came to an end, and she would definitely not meet so frequently with Sang Qingxu in the future. Thinking of this, Lu Ya It is inevitable to grin.

Seeing that she was still looking happy when she came back, Meng Qu couldn't help being curious: "What happened? You're smiling so happily."

"Meng Meng." Lu Ya handed her the dessert he had brought back, and the smile on his face remained undiminished, "It's nothing serious, just a good mood."

"Okay." Meng Qu didn't ask any more questions, took the dessert and opened it on the coffee table.

Lu Ya said hello: "Then I'm going back to my room, call me if you need something."

"Hey! I really have something to do!" Meng Qu raised his head, looked at Lu Ya's confused face, and hesitated for a second before saying, "I received a call today, it was from Ding Yu, he asked if you have time, Let's have dinner together tonight, it's his birthday today."

"No." Lu Ya refused very simply, and suppressed the corners of his upturned mouth, "If he really wants to invite me, he should contact me himself, instead of asking you to follow me."

Meng Qu patted his thigh: "I thought so too, but he didn't dare, so he thought about letting me be a lobbyist."

She glanced at Lu Ya's face before continuing: "Ya Ya, that's all I've mentioned, if you don't go, don't go, it's okay."

Ding Yu was a friend they made before, from another department, and Lu Ya hadn't had much contact with him before graduation, let alone one year after graduation.

Lu Ya responded lightly: "Yes."

"I washed my hands and went back to my room."



"Should I tell him?"

Mengqu's attitude was cautious.

At the beginning, their relationship was pretty good, but Ding Yu committed suicide and let Lu Ya go.

It was Lu Ya's birthday that day, and Ding Yu made an excuse of "a relative is sick" and said that he didn't have time to go, but when he turned around, he was caught to pick up girls.

Lu Ya: ...

How should I put it, she can understand, but she cannot accept Ding Yu's deception.

Even if he just said that he was going on a date? She won't say anything either.

After that time, the relationship between the two became stiff, and it has continued until now, and they didn't even take a group photo together on the day of graduation.

Lu Ya changed her clothes and leaned against the head of the bed, looking at her other mobile phone.

Guanshu didn't send any more messages after last night, Lu Ya pursed her lips, a lot of plots flashed through her mind—

If she had agreed to Guanshu's invitation last night, then what she would meet today would not be Sang Qingxu, but Guanshu.

But she refused.

Lu Ya scratched her hair, and the irritability in her heart spread a little bit. She actually knew that the relationship between herself and Guanshu was more about companionship when she was alone. If "love" was involved, it really didn't matter, but even In this way, she doesn't want to cut off contact with Guanshu because she can't meet each other, even though they only have such online connections.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Ya still sent a message: [Sister Guanshu, are you up yet? Do you have a headache? 】

She remembered that she drank while reading the book last night, and there was still obvious drunkenness in that voice.

After two or three minutes, Lu Ya received a reply: 【It's almost five o'clock now. 】

It was only then that Lu Ya noticed the time. Indeed, even if he drank all night last night, he should wake up at this point.

Lu Ya: [Sorry. 】

Lu Ya: [I rejected you last night. 】

She was in a happy mood last night, and felt that Guanshu didn't care about her rejection of her, but now that she thought about it again, she couldn't help but feel guilty.

Guan Shu: [It's okay, I was the one who was abrupt, and I should be the one to say sorry. 】

After returning to Lu Ya's news, Sang Qingxu fell into silence. She ate a small piece of the dessert in front of her. Sang Cheng was sitting on the cushion in front of her, watching TV and playing games, not paying attention to her movements.

But there was no big movement, just a deep sigh.

She was not very sober last night, and Lu Ya refused to meet her directly. Looking back now, I feel that Lu Ya has a high awareness of safety, but it is inevitable that she will not know how to continue.

She is now completely sure that duck is Lu Ya...

Then what?

Sang Qingxu rubbed the center of his eyebrows, looked at his younger brother who was having a good time, and said, "Turn down your voice, it's disturbing me."

"Oh, yes, sister." Sangcheng didn't look back, picked up the remote control and lowered the game volume obediently.

Sang Qingxu's eyes fell on the dessert in front of him, he thought for a few seconds, and asked Sangcheng: "Sangcheng, if you have something in your heart that you are very afraid of, will you solve it?"

"What do you mean, sister, I didn't understand." Sang Cheng became serious when faced with Sang Qingxu's question, immediately paused the game, and turned to look at his own sister.

Sang Qingxu frowned slightly: "It means that there is always a shadow in your heart, and when you meet related people, you will be nervous, afraid and panic."

"Then it's fine if I don't meet them?" Sang Cheng smiled brightly, "How easy it is."

Sang Qingxu: "..."

"Thinking to throw you out."

Sang Cheng immediately changed his words: "Ah, I understand, sister, we must be happy in this world, don't be afraid of difficulties, we have to face up to difficulties, if there is a shadow, we will overcome it, and we can't let there be any shadow in our hearts."

After Sangcheng finished speaking, the room became quiet. He swallowed, and asked tentatively, "Sister, what do you think?"

"En." Sang Qingxu's lips curled up, "That's the reason."

"Then I continue to play the game?"

Sang Qingxu nodded and said nothing, just unlocked her usual mobile phone and clicked on the chat box with Lu Ya.

Not Guanshu and duck.

It was Sang Qingxu and Lu Ya.

The chat records of the two of them were not enough to flip through. Sang Qing and Xu Yingrun's fingertips slid to the end, and her eyelashes slapped at this moment. In the end, no news was sent, so she clicked on the upper left corner to return.

Sang Cheng quietly turned his head, glanced at his sister's expression, and then frowned.

Something is wrong.

He might really have guessed the origin of this dessert.

Sang Cheng pursed her lips nervously, and wanted to take another look. This time, Sang Qingxu caught her straight, and she raised her eyebrows: "Do you think you found something so you can tell your family?"

"No, sister, you misunderstood." Sang Cheng smiled awkwardly, and immediately turned his head.

The phone screen just turned on, and Sang Qingxu clicked on duck and sent a message: [Sister Guanshu, then let's pretend nothing happened, okay? 】

【Can. ] Sang Qingxu also thought so.

Lu Ya breathed a sigh of relief on the other end of the phone. She didn't want to break the peaceful connection with Guanshu. It's good to have such pure trust and dependence between them. As for the others...

She doesn't plan to think about it for now.

She flipped through the chat history with Sang Qingxu on another mobile phone, hesitating whether to delete the person now, she was sure that she would not have more contact with Sang Qingxu in the future.

After thinking for a while, Lu Ya pressed the button to return.

But what made her regret was that when she woke up the next day, she just rubbed her eyes and picked up the phone. After clicking on WeChat, she immediately saw the new message from Sang Qingxu.

Just ten minutes ago—

[As your former teacher, since I know the truth, I don't want you to have any shadows in your heart. 】

[I can conduct desensitization training on you. 】

Lu Ya's eyes darkened.

Read The Duke's Passion