MTL - Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant-v2 Chapter 511 Holding Hands-The Finale (7)

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Chu Xiudian.

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  Zhu Qi glanced at the man outside the door of the study room, and was slightly surprised. She was clearer than him, but he was faster than her, wouldn't she do a little work?

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  Long Fei was quicker, and she stumped in front of her, stretched out her hand to shake her hand, and she hurried back. He glanced at her, suddenly bullied him, hugged her horizontally, and kicked in.

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  Zhu Qi was angry and said coldly, "Let me go."

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  Lu Kai came with Long Fei, at this time busy closing the door for the two outside the door.

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"Is it your idea to pick a draft girl?"

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  He put her down, but instead held her hand tightly, his tone was steady, but his hand was trembling, and she understood the ecstasy in his heart.

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  She bit her teeth over her side and said lightly, "Yes."

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"You know, he won't--"

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 She interrupted him coldly. "Is it annoying to be forced to do something you didn't intend?"

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"I won't annoy you."

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He had a soft voice.

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  Zhu Qi felt a pain in his heart, and met his gaze, "Long Fei Li, it is your business that you are not upset. Will I be upset or unwilling? Have you never thought about it?"

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Long Fei left for a moment, holding her thin shoulders, pain in her heart, and blurted out: "What did you do wrong? I changed."

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 Zhu Qi was also stunned. He almost thought that he had heard it wrong. After stunning for a while, he shook his hand away severely, walked to the side, his eyes were sour, and he raised his hands and wiped his eyes.

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Long Feili couldn't see her like this. When she walked over and was about to consult, she heard her whisper: "Do you think that forgetting you is the best for me? If my brother can be born again, I have every wish, but I don't forget you. "

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She stared at him suddenly, "What do you think you are from me? You are my husband."

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  Long Fei was shocked, she knew his agreement with the Buddha!

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He didn't know how she knew about it, but he understood her anger at the moment.

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  At that time, her consciousness became increasingly blurred, and daily pain, he could not help it. He just wanted her to be happier.

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  Let go!

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  If he can really let go, he can no longer return, that battle, he suffered the worst injuries.

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他 但 But he couldn't put her down.

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So he came back.

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"Why don't you speak?"

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The silence of the man made Zhu Qi's heart hurt and anger. He drew a hand clenched to his side, the blue veins protruding from his hand ... how could she not know the pain in his heart, but how could he Can put her down again! That was not the joy she wanted. Without him, she would never be happy.

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The lovers who love deeply want to plan the best future for each other. Letting go is indeed the most beautiful love in the world. However, they always ignore it, and only stay with that person, and for those they love. It is the best and the most beautiful, no matter how distressed, life and death matter.

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  She was very upset, bent down, and buried her head in her knees. She knew how fierce, decisive and stubborn this man was for her. If he came back again, he would still choose that way. He didn't say anything. She has understood.

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  body was held in his arms.

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"Don't cry," he said.

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  These two words are really the most unbearable words in the world.

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The more she cried, the more fierce he was. He was anxious and hurriedly kissed her hair, but there were only these two words over and over. She smelled the tightness and anger in his body. She knew he was talking with Be anxious. It's a pity that this man really doesn't coax people, he doesn't want to lie to her, he has his principles and pride.

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"Little Seven, what do you want me to do, I promise you. You say, I do."

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  His face was violently held up by his hands, his eyes were bloodshot, his eyes were heavy and violent, and a heavy breath sprayed on the tip of her nose.

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  She did not speak, kissed his lips, and bit it severely and hard. He did not snoring, sat on the ground, let her sit on his knees and legs, and kissed her gently, but quickly Anxious again, she pressed her head down, her lips digging into her mouth, sucking her breath.

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  She panted and tightened his shirt, and stood up by his strength.

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Behind him, his warm fingertips touched her shirt.

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  She took a breath, turned around, gazing at his burning deep eyebrows and saying, "Did I say that, you just do it for me?"

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"Can it be done?"

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There was no hesitation in his voice.

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"Well, listen, I don't know how many injuries you have suffered this time, can you be good, how long can you live, and I won't ask you. If you really love me, you can't die before me, I will have a lifetime, You have to live well. If I have a reincarnation, you have to stay with me. Before I disappear completely in this world, you have to stay with me, Dragon King, succeed, or fail? "

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"If it doesn't work, I'll leave you now, and trouble you to restore me. I'll get a noble officer to marry, so I won't be sad for your life and death."

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  She saw the intense glow in his eyes. He didn't answer, but stared at her so quietly and deeply.

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  She was trembling all over, a moment of despair and sorrow in her heart, turned around and no longer looked at him, covered her eyes with both hands, she knew that his injury was serious, he would die, would she leave her?

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"Little Seven."

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  She turned around blankly, but saw him kneeling in front of her on one knee, she was shocked, he is a man is more king, he despised the gods and Buddha, only kneeling kneeling kneeling parents, she looked in surprise He was at a loss.

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Long Fei Li raised his head slightly, her eyes were fiercely and deeply, and she said lowly: "At the age of seven, before my father was dying, I kneeled in front of him and took the Chuan Guoyuxi from his hand. , I promised him that I would never let Xiliang fall from my hands. "

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"Long Feili also promised you, whether it ’s Perilla or Xiaoqi, as long as your soul lives for a day, I will be by your side."

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Lips squirmed for a long time before she found her voice that had been shaking uncontrollably, "Long Fei Li, I will live well for a long time, you know?"

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  His voice was blurred in her lips, she darted on his body, wrapped his neck around him, kissed him deeply, and then he pressed her underneath, but he returned to his usual arrogance, He asked fiercely, "You still want to marry someone! Then you wait to be a widow!"

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Thank you for reading. Dear friends, tomorrow, the tyrant will end.

Read The Duke's Passion