MTL - Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant-v2 Chapter 506 Holding Hands-The Finale (2)

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  He suddenly remembered that he didn't even ask a word about her body at that time.

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  In the next three or four years, she had hardly been ill. It should be said that she had been ill, but he did not know.

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Chitose lotus, she had to rely on it to live, so she had hesitation at that time. She knows better than anyone. Either don't give Ruyi, let Ruyi die, if you give, you will give more.

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  He remembered that night, when she took the box to him, her expectations and carefulness in her eyes, and she trembled with both hands when she poured a few pills back into the box.

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What did he do to her again?

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  The pain that hit him hard was like a few knives mowing his skin at the same time.

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 Some snowflakes were falling, and the fluff was thin. A few drops drifted onto his placket. He fought a cold war, trembling and reached out to help his head. He was thinking that he began to search desperately in his brain. What he had done for her for four years.

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The mind is empty, empty, no, nothing.

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He didn't even know her birthday, and every time he had his birthday, after the carnival in the palace, Baiguan sent birthday gifts and returned to the palace, as well as the warm wine and pasta she gave, and the one-night account. .

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  He told her that Jiu ’s birthday, Ruyi would make Jiu ’s longevity noodles ... He said a lot of Ruyi in front of her.

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  Once, she asked him in a low voice, "You love that person so much, why didn't you ask the emperor to marry him earlier?"

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  He was furious immediately, and angered her. Actually, he knew his demon. He has always longed for Ruyi, but he knows better than anyone else. Ruyi doesn't love him, never loves him, he is still good to her and doesn't persecute her, so maybe he will always get Not to her, but she will remember him for a lifetime.

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  After that, she rarely said anything.

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For four years, it turned out that he had done nothing, and he had never treated her better.

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  Now that she was dying, he only knew about it from other men's mouths. He is her husband, but from other people's lips, she knows that she is already critically ill!

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  She has been using her life to continue Ruyi's life. Even when Ruyi could use other medicines to barely maintain his life, he also took her life-saving medicine—

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不会 她 She will not forgive him anymore!

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也 也 She is going to die too!

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What should he do?

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He couldn't live without her! This simple and complicated thought suddenly pulled from the apex, and quickly swept across his body.

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He gritted his teeth, but couldn't stop shaking violently. He turned back suddenly, Long Feili and others did not know when he stood behind him, his face was slightly condensed. They were all in the palace just now. Why did they all come out suddenly? He came out because she didn't want to see him when he woke up, afraid to anger her and make her sick.

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  He was startled, stumbled and walked to Long Fei away, grabbed his arm, and trembled: "What happened to her, did Lu Song say what happened to her?"

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"Want to know, then go in and see for yourself." Long Feili said lightly.

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He smiled bitterly, can he? He doesn't have that qualification anymore!

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Someone reached out and patted his shoulder. When he saw it, it was Duan Yuhuan, Xia Sang sighed and said, "Master, I can guarantee that she wants to see you the least now, but it is you who want to see the most. "

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  He walked quickly, the sound of a push of the door, he was afraid to disturb her, and he hurriedly stopped his feet, a family of women in the room looked at him, they were surrounded by the bed ~ couch, so that he could not see Clear her look.

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Lu Song stood at the window with his eyebrows twisted. He wanted to ask Lu Song about her situation, and he wanted to get rid of everyone in the room. A few thoughts rolled on the apex of the heart, but he heard the jade grin: "What are you doing here!"

  She said, feeling upset, picked up a little jade lion on the side table case and threw it at Long Zijin fiercely.

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Long Zijin felt sad and didn't hide, the jade lion threw his forehead, and the blood flew.

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Yu Zhi whispered, everyone was shocked, and the costume was half leaning on the bed ~, at this time, she couldn't help but lean out half of her body and looked towards Long Zijin.

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  Long Zijin saw her leaning forward, with anxiety in her eyes, ecstasy in her heart, her hands trembling slightly, and thought that Yuzhi would hit him a hundred times more, which is also good.

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Nichang watched him stubbornly condensing himself, his heart was restless, don't overdo it.

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  Long Zijin was panicked, and finally couldn't help it. He stepped forward and approached the bed ~ Couch. Yuzhi was hesitant to look at the blood of this ten brother and stained his eyebrows. For a while, I didn't know if I should let him come and see.

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  Jingying frowned, but with her general thoughts, Zhu Qiben was sitting on the bed ~, then stood up and said: "Let Zi Jin look at the neon clothes."

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Zhu Qi didn't quite understand, just the subconscious thought. I thought that only by showing Zi Jin a glimpse of her clothes, she would know the pain of her clothes. She thought about it for a while, but she didn't know why she thought so. She pulled Yuzhi and Jingying together one by one.

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"Thank you Jiuyi."

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  Long Zijin sat down, condensed to the low-hanging face of the neon dress, reached out and wanted to shake her hand.

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霓 霓 Seduction raised his head suddenly.

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  Long Zijin was shocked, and the eyes were her green face. He only saw his trueness at this time, and his hands were unable to fall down.

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"I know you have been thinking of her, and those pills were given to her voluntarily. You don't need to feel guilty, and, I, I want to go tomorrow."

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  Her voice came softly, Long Zijin was frightened, and she was flustered in her heart. She would no longer care about it, and took her into her arms, muttering, "Don't go, slacks, don't leave me."

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"I'll get you medicine, I won't let you be okay, don't leave me, as long as you don't leave, I will do whatever you want me to do!"

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Read The Duke's Passion