MTL - Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant-v2 Chapter 496 Waiting for a lifetime-miss you (7)

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"Long Hao, haven't you always thought that you were smart? You guessed who I am, but you know what kind of injuries you have suffered because you are smart. This dagger is poisonous. You only need to force your blood to speed up in one stroke. The poisonous droplets are spreading out, and you are dying fast. "

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"Bai Zhanfeng thought that he was dead, and I would lose his body if he had no body ~ body attachment, yes, he temporarily relieved your distress, but my body was not in Xiliang, and the Snow Wolf King ’s curse made me Unable to enter the Yuncang continent, I have to do all my strength to break the curse and come here, because even if I die, I will never let you stay with her, I want her to accompany me ... Die together. "

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  He said gently wiping away the human face on his face, Zhu Qi gritted his teeth, if it was Bai Zixu, no, he wasn't actually Bai Zixu, it was Lin Sheng.

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A face with a handsome and elegant face is exactly the **** of war in the past. Everyone was taken aback. The man raised his eyebrow and smiled, his body moved slightly, and the temple statue flashed, but he was no longer there.

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The body was pushed to Luzon. Zhu Qi could only hear Long Feili whisper, "Before I come back, I'm sorry for you."

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  The warmth that had just returned to hand also disappeared.

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  Lin Sheng said something, everyone was frightened and frightened. Although he did not fully understand the meaning of his words, he also heard the clues. Would the people of Xia Sang Duan Yuzhen let the emperor take the risk alone, and his body was like electricity, they have already Chase out of the temple.

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  With the help of Lu Song and Yuhuan, Zhu Qi also chased out with a number of female dependents. However, they saw that Long Zijin and Qingfeng were so anxious that they stood in the wilderness of the house beside the forest, but did not take a step forward.

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The house was full of lights, the lights were like oranges, and the clusters of people around the gallery were tall guys. It looked like there were no more than hundreds of people in common clothes, but the blood on the clothes was lightly stained and the look was neat. Looking closely, Zhu Qi understood that they were the embargoed troops that Long Fei had secretly migrated here for three years.

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Someone kept coming out of the house.

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Young man, old, woman, child.

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  stood behind those soldiers, looking at the scene in fear.

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Yu Zhi had already cried and shouted dumbly: "Jiuge is back, let's find another way to save him! You are back ..."

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莹 晶 Jingying and Nishang looked at her, but they also turned their heads and couldn't bear to look at them again.

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Yuhuan hugged her waist tightly, Lu Song held her arm and gritted his teeth to the edge of the forest. Zhu Qi was trembling like a sieve, and his limbs were cold.

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  It was a layer of something similar to a light film. It was clear and huge, half-towered and cloud-sky, thin and fluorescent. It stretched from the end of the forest to the feet of the people beside the house, and wrapped Lin Sheng and Long Fei in it.

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任 No matter how many sergeants you can't rush in, unless Long Fei leaves.

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The two stood facing each other on the side of the forest.

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  Said to be a confrontation, Long Feili was actually losing.

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七 七 Zhu Qi still remembers that night in Taoyuan Town, she looked at him with blood stained white clothes. The blood dripped his clothes soaked, she carried him on his back, and his weight was fast enough to make her breathless.

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一 她 She thought he was dead, because only dead people would be so heavy.

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  She had aching eyes, tears in her eyes, and watched him come forward again and again, and was beaten back by Lin Sheng. He fell, climbed up, and rushed towards Lin Sheng.

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  Outside the dome, the sound was loud, Long Zijin, Duan Yuzhen, Qingfeng and others were all red-eyed, and led the soldiers to tap the huge membrane towering between the sky and the night.

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  There is no way, bit by bit is not broken, Xianfan is different.

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It is no wonder that in the heavens and earth, the fairy always smiles and sees the world like a ant, and looks beautiful with her fingers, but quickly turns pale.

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  A dome that cut him off at that end.

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  Blood rushed out from everywhere in his body, the ink eyes were condensed, but the corners of his eyes were quiet and cold, and she understood his decision.

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Unless he is dead, he will not come out.

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Lin Sheng told him that the injury was dangerous. He really wanted him to chase him. He was a half-sacred deity, and even if he was about to run out of spirits, it would be enough to play a mortal in the palm of his hands.

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连 连 Even she knew this, how could Long Feili not know.

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  She has a life and death set, Long Fei Li, how can you lose your life.

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In the vicissitudes of the sea, heaven is still on earth, and they have waited for three lives and three lives.

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Who said that the fate of a person is only three lives, missed, and never again.

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  However, he and she are clearly going to be happy.

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Only one step away.

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I don't know where the strength came from. Zhu Qi broke away from Lu Song and Yuhuan. She didn't know how long Xuanyuan's body could last. She had only one idea in her mind. She ran desperately and ran to the edge of the dome. Tears, they came to pull her, but taught Xia Sanla to stop, the latter voice was dumb, "Master, let the queen be here with the emperor."

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  In the vague and tight eyes, it was his slower and slower movements, and his clothes could not be seen intact.

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The world is vast, the light is warm, the hearts of hundreds of people, but they ca n’t warm their hearts, Zhu Qi only feels that her body is getting colder and colder. Finally, she slowly kneels to the ground and looks at the Xiliang that has hung for millions of years Crescent Moon.

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  Such a night, the moon is like silver dew, the stars are even bright, the Milky Way is beautiful. Is there a fairy in the far sky?

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  She laughed softly, her voice leaked, dumb like a scraper. She whispered his name a few times, finally couldn't stop the teardrop line, and shouted with all her strength: "Buddha, if I end this early, I don't want to be with him, I just want him to live well, I have nothing No, I would rather do nothing! I beg you, let me go to his side. I don't want to live together, I just want to die with him. "

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  Yuhuan was crying and ran to her back, she was sad and desperate, just staring at the starry sky above her head, no matter the sound of the people behind them was loud and messy.

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  Lin Zi side, kneeling on the ground, he seemed to hear her voice, looked at her.

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  She saw those black eyes raising a mist ... Anger, resentment, unwillingness, and resentment. The eyes were deep, and in the end, the eyes of a pair of phoenixes were full of compassion and perseverance.

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Lin Sheng smiled like a lotus, and slowly raised his hand, pinching the dazzling light clusters.

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Lin Sheng doesn't want to play this game anymore, he wants to kill him!

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 Zhu Qi's heart swelled, as the grand light group scattered in the hands held up by Lin Sheng, the scenes came to his mind, the shore of the West Sea, who turned his robes and looked handsome, and looked far away. The cape is unharmed.

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"Rice." She yelled, and for a moment, something rushed out of her body.

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Read The Duke's Passion