MTL - Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant-v2 Chapter 479 Chitose Lotus

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  Ruyi's body is getting worse and worse, and can only lie on the bed every day.

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  Later, it was Cui Nishang who diagnosed the pulse and cut off Ruyi's illness.

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  That is indeed a weird and rare disease, passed down from ancient times, and even the name is not elegant.

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  It is not surprising that the fetus should absorb the nutrients of the mother to nourish it, but the disease is that the child is prosperous and the mother is exhausted. After the child is born, the mother dies out of oil. This fetus is no better than an ordinary fetus. If you want to forcefully kill the fetus, your mother's life will be unpredictable.

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The disease is extremely difficult to treat, but it is not without cure.

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  But when it comes to this drug, even the imperial doctor of the Imperial City is helpless.

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 Just because this medicine is extremely rare, it is made from more than a dozen precious medicinal materials, and there are also precious things in the palace, but there is only one of them, which is the Chitose lotus on the Snowy Mountains. Even if he sent heavy soldiers to Xuelan Mountain, he could not pick them.

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  Chitose lotus, thousands of flowers bloom, the price is more than ten thousand.

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  According to medical records, Chitose lotus just bloomed a hundred years ago. To wait for Snow Lotus to bloom, we must wait for more than 900 years.

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  Jiu Ge and he sent many people to the folks looking for this Chitose lotus, but they always failed.

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  Ruyi, will die.

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He hated her again, but didn't want her to die, in fact ... he still loved her deeply.

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At that time, Xuan Yuan was in prison, Jiu Brother didn't know what he hated Xuan Yuan, but Lin Sizheng cut off her treasonous crime. He was distressed to rescue him, and encountered bumpy things. He drunk every night and was drunk.

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  Before long, Nei Xia went out of the palace to find him, saying that she could save Ruyi.

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  He was strange and angry, and asked her if he could save, why Ruyi suffered so much.

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怔怔 怔怔 She looked at him for a long time.

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  Do not know why, after he shouted at her, he suddenly had a slight regret.

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  Later, she took a medicine to the Tai Hospital.

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  that medicine, called lotus, made of Chitose lotus.

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  Lian Dan, supplemented with a variety of rare medicinal materials, Ruyi's body slowly improved.

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  But Lindane, uninterrupted, until she gave birth to the prince, although this Lindane is in medicine to adjust the body. Before production, several tablets per month, after production, one tablet per month, and gradually reduced to one every two or three months. Until the body and body were completely removed, there was no discomfort, although it was three to four years.

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  Later, Nishang said that there is no more lotus, and also said that as long as the production time is passed, even if there is no Chitose lotus, and other precious medicinal materials are used for conditioning, although the body cannot be healed, and there are many diseases, his life is preserved.

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At that time, he was married to her.

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  One day, he accidentally went to her small pharmacy-the medical girl still worked hard to study pharmacology after marriage, and he later built a small pharmacy for her in the palace, and she was very happy.

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He found half the boxes of those medicines that she said had been used up in a table case in her small pharmacy.

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本 女子 He thought that this woman was bright and bright. Although he didn't love her, he admired her very much, but did not expect her to be jealous and careless.

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  She was walking in from the outside and was shocked to see him.

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  He picked up the brocade box and sneered and asked her, "This is the pill you said to be used up? If it is" useless, "don't put it in such a decent place!

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  She was obviously stunned, and I looked at him for a long time before trying to make a point of argument.

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"Master, I put things here because-"

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He interrupted her severely without even hearing what she said, "Don't explain to me! Never explain to me! Very shy and disgusting know?"

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  She was anxious, and began to stutter again.

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He said coldly, "I have married Long Zijin with a stingy heart."

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  She was holding a pile of pills or something at that time, and when she heard the words, she suddenly became pale, and the things on her hand were scattered.

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  She ran up and shook his hand, he shook her away fiercely, slammed the box on the table, and left.

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  At that moment, he didn't want to take a closer look at her face, whether it was because of her abomination or all the paleness on her face.

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  At that time, she was pregnant, a month later, she gave birth.

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  I don't know if it's always buried in her heart. Her little child, he didn't pay much attention, but she let him not worry.

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  After a while, he did not care much about her.

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Until one night, before going to bed, she carefully put a box into his hand.

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  He opened it, it was Lindane ... In fact, before she handed things over to him, he had already guessed what it was.

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He frowned and looked at her lightly, "You take some out."

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  She blushed for a long time before biting her lips and nodding, "I, I still have use."

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"I know this medicine is precious, you keep it, maybe there are still many people suffering from this rare disease waiting for it to help." He sneered, and threw the box back to her.

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  She lowered her head silently, he stared at her closely, watching her hand tremble and take out a bag from her arms, put it on the box and handed it to him, "It's all here, give it to her. "

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"No, just put it back in your pharmacy. I'll take it again."

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He gave her a frivolous glance.

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  She nodded gently, carefully pour the pills in the pouch back into the box, held the box in her arms and went out.

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  He could see that his heart was on fire, and he hated her carelessness, and stepped forward, hugged her and hugged her, and threw it onto the bed.

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He tortured her severely one night, listening to her broken moan and low cry.

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  Later, time passed like this, so the story about Chitose lotus sank into the dull lives of the two. Only when he went to the pharmacy to take Lindane to the man, he occasionally remembered it.

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  He was thinking a little bit, and suddenly a low groan came from the room, and it seemed to be filled with deep pain. He was surprised by the voice of Cui Nishang--

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Thank you for reading. Dear, see you tomorrow.

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Read The Duke's Passion