MTL - Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant-v2 Chapter 461 Talk with son

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P.s. Dear friends, the last section was modified:

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Light as a mosquito's spine was pressed

改为 改为: Light as a mosquito, but the spine is pressed

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But walked in the direction of her

改为 改为: But walked in the direction of Yuhuan pushing her

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  Perilla, don't be sad, don't be afraid, I won't leave you alone

Change to: Perilla, don't be sad, don't be afraid, I won't leave you alone

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  She said that her answer was Xiandaitai.

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Later, Liu Jing said nothing and took her to the museum.

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  She didn't know if Long Feili had really gone to Xiandaitai or the success of the flow scene.

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  Later, they met Lin Sheng and Yuhuan.

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The time and space rift opened, Lin Sheng would seal it back, Yuhuan pounced on and blocked the light cluster in his hand, and died; Liu Jing died, and he was struggling to be hit by Lin Sheng to open the time and space rift. Died later.

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Before he died, he crawled towards her.

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Brother Bai died in Liu Jing's body. He didn't end up with Lin Sheng, and sent all the power in his soul to send her away.

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  Isn't it called ash fly smoke?

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  Finally, in what era she had nothing left.

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  Zhu Qi does not know where he is, but this is by no means Xiliang.

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  After opening his eyes, he saw the stubbornness around him, the clouds lingering and the endlessness.

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  She stood up, but saw Yun Yan deep, a small figure looming, she felt sad, thinking of the person who had just disappeared, gritted her teeth, and ran to the figure.

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"Excuse me--"

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  She did not finish talking, the shadow had quickly turned around, is a little girl?

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The child was only five or six years old, with a lovely and lovely face, and a pair of eyes that were extremely smart.

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She was wondering, the little girl blinked her eyes and said, "Sister, would you like to play with me?"

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She shook her head. "Sister can't play with you. Sister has to go to a place."

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  The little girl's mouth poked, "This wounded and wounded, how can you cling to it, don't go!"

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Zhu Qiyi was shocked. How could she just spend this child with a sense of heart just now. This child is not only in a place where the landscape is unknown, but how can he be an ordinary person!

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  She stared at the little girl with a light grin and grinning at her. Suddenly, her heart moved and she lost her voice: "I have seen you!"

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  The little girl laughed and bounced, "Aqi recognizes me!"

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"We have met in Xining Street, you are the little girl who took me in that day." Zhu Qi stared at the small body in front of him and said, "Who the **** are you?"

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The little girl chuckled and looked at her, "Aqi, guess who I am. If I guess, I will send you out. If you can't guess, you will stay here with me forever. "

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. Forever? Zhu Qi stunned, and then smiled bitterly. She only met the **** the 18th Xining Street. How could she guess where she was?

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God and Buddha? She bit her tongue sharply, her heart beating like a drum, and she took a step forward, bowing slightly, "Zhu Qi has seen His Holiness."

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The little girl sighed, "The princess is smart, but why is she still obsessed with it?"

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Zhu Qi looked at each other's eyes with tenderness and tenderness, and his feet under the golden light, reflecting Yunxia, ​​knew that he had guessed. The little girl in front of him was the Buddha who helped Long Hao to regenerate the gods. .

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 She smiled and said, "Dare to ask His Holiness whether there is no desire ~ No demand?"

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The Buddha frowned, and looked at her with a smile on his eyes.

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 She whispered: "Persistence is because of the need, but the Buddha still wants something. Seven is a mere mortal. How can there be no need? It ’s with Zicheng, twilight. "

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"Princess Dahui, often said that Buddhist monks are empty, but in fact, Buddha asks for Buddhism, and Buddha also asks for it. Thousands of years ago, I intervened in the reincarnation of the gods, thinking about all the world, and the spiritual platform has long been stained. inappropriate!"

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Zhu Qi thought of Zhan Fengliujing and Yuhuan. He felt pain in his heart, his eyes were wet, and he knelt slowly.

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"Princess," said the Buddha with a raised eyebrow, "I know what you think in your heart, but the six reincarnations, karma and karma are heaven, and that's the choice of battle maple, flow scene and jade ring."

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"No, Your Excellency, I beg you, return them to me, I beg you!"

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  She was full of faces, but nodded again and again.

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The Buddha reached out and lifted her up, groaned for a moment, and sighed: "Also, the Snow Wolf King is born of the spirit of heaven and earth, is a rare spirit god, if it is not reborn into three souls, the evil soul Lin Sheng hates Too big, most of the spiritual power is divided, and Bai Zhanfeng and Liu Jing have exhausted their spiritual power to help you, and they will never end today. "

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"Bai Zhanfeng kills and saves people throughout his life, and his merits are far greater than killing. I am compassionate, the Buddha remembers his heroic spirit, and he intends to keep him, but unfortunately, he will be used by Lin Sheng for his last spirit before his death. The fire burns the flesh and breaks the soul of the jade ring, reuniting, and would rather disappear in this world. The Snow Wolf King insists so, and I will help you return the ring to the sun, and go with you to the west.

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"Princess, I am here to make a contract with you. There are always four seasons. If one year, you can't let Long Hao guess that you are really stunned. Then, you will die out; if he guesses you Before your status, you will tell the truth to him, but within a month you will be dead and defeated, and will no longer exist between this world. "

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———— Big Brother and Liu Jing are dead? Can't reproduce? No, there must be a way to regenerate Axue!

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——I can't tell that Long Fei is the seventh from me? How could he guess it was me?

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——Sovereign ... So you want me to stay here forever?

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  God of War, other than the Snow Wolf King, there are countless gods who died when they fought against each other thousands of years ago. Once Long Hao and you return to the godhead, the gods will also recover as the main **** Long Hao wakes up. You are Long Hao's wife. Some gods who died of Long Hao thousands of years ago will use you to carry out conspiracy and provoke alienation. You have experienced it in the court. Princess, if you change your body ~ you ca n’t confirm each other, and you ca n’t believe and hold fast. How can you and Long Hao's pains last together? How can you stay together until the end? If you can't be successful in the end, Long Hao will be crazy for you, and then the world will be a catastrophe!

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 ——This is also the decision of the Buddha and me. If you and your family can't survive the affiliation, they will completely destroy you and avoid a disaster in this world.

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 ******

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"Honor! No!"

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  Zhu Qi sweated heavily, sat up sharply, and a voice pierced his ears, "Madam, madam, the girl you rescued woke up!"

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Read The Duke's Passion