MTL - Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant-v2 Chapter 444 Love Haze (29)-Pain Together

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"Ali? What's the wrong name?"

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玑 玑 Xuanyuan embraced the quilt, her heart blocked for a while, and looked at Long Feili, who suddenly became cold.

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  He was ecstatic just now, why now--

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"For example, Bai Zhanfeng." He walked over quickly, holding her shoulders with both hands, his eyes lightly on her eyes, paused.

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  She did not understand why he suddenly said this to her, his eyes were so cold and scornful, her heart was flustered, and he touched his face, but he waved away.

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  This time, the strength is not great, but she feels pain. She stared at her hand, which he waved away, stagnated.

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It was his mouth that opened first, "Before you wake up, I have been thinking, you must have taken a medicated diet, but since you took the medication, why not take it more thoroughly?"

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How would he know that she had taken the medicine! Xuan Yuan shuddered and clenched the quilt. "What do you mean?"

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"What do you mean?"

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  She heard his dumb, cold, and almost indifferent voice coming from above his head, his hands on his shoulders snapped together, and her bones were crushed by him.

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"If you haven't taken any medicine, why would you think it's a sting?"

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As if being hit **** her heart by something, she froze. Sudden consciousness drowned her, choked, and her nails were broken and cramped in the quilt tightly pinched tightly.

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  She could not afford any strength to look into his eyes, but his voice refused to let her go.

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"A child more than two months old, or do you think you don't even know if you have touched your young Xuanyuan?"

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  more than two months ... is the child pregnant in Xiaxia?

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Failed contraception afterwards?

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玑 怔怔 Xuan looked at the flat belly, arms, feet, and even the heart and mouth, all of which were vicissitudes, coldness, panic, hate, pain, and could not tell which feeling was more powerful.

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  She looked blankly at the man in front of her, oh, was the scornful irony in his tone laughing at her stupid? Are you pregnant, but you know nothing about two or three months?

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  She was in poor health, and because she couldn't conceive his child, her heart was full of sorrow. She hadn't tried moon events before, but she got better under the condition of Cui Yiu Nu. The child was too quiet in her belly, and she did n’t even try early pregnancy reactions like vomiting ... She thought it was that night and depression was in her heart, which affected Yuexin, and she used the prescription prescribed by Doctor Cui Taken medicine.

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  turned out to be pregnant.

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  But she drank all the medicine she prescribed. If it was said that the first time pregnant, Cui Yiyue reduced her dose and gave her a child. How could there be such a coincidence this time? Jingying knew that it was a big deal and how she could prescribe medicine without caution.

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  Her eyes and nose were sour, but she suddenly burst out of something--the medicine that she let Butterfly Wind fry that day, Butterfly Wind met Doctor Cui there ... What medicine is that butterfly and Dr. Cui knew that if ... what medicine would they change?

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If she didn't take the medicine at all!

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  the original always hide ... always escape!

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  She wanted to conceive his child, and she couldn't conceive it ... that night that people would never want to remember again, but she had that person's child--

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  She was with him all the time in the palace, only the accident in Yanxia Town, they separated ... That night, she was with her from beginning to end, only Bai Zhanfeng, later, I do not know For some reason, Bai Zhanfeng said something in a hurry, so did he doubt Brother Bai?

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  His heavy breathing and cold breath kept spraying on her face, his hands clinging to his shoulders, hot and hot, and his heart was already dead?

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She shook her head desperately and raised her head to meet his eyes.

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  His eyes were so cold as a swirl, he seemed to **** her in and smash them.

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"Not him? Who is that? Uh?" Long Fei smiled from Hook's lips, his eyes sinking, and he turned his palms on her jaw. "After you returned to the palace, you started to avoid him, and sent someone early." I went to check the farmhouses from house to house and found the farmhouse where you stayed. That night, the three of you were in the same room. Le Jingying was unconscious. There were three people in the room, but in fact, you and Bai Zhanfeng were quite alone! "

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"Later, the people in the farmhouse saw him holding you out!"

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"You know I only have you in my heart." Her vision had long been blurred, and she trembled to shake his arm. "Long Fei Li, no! We don't! I can swear to you, it's not Bai Zhanfeng, it's not him!"

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  She was silent, crying, but was suddenly lifted by him from the quilt, she was forced to kneel on the bed ~, her head was suddenly pressed by his big palm, he held her tightly In his arms, his voice growled in her ears dumbly and dumbly, "Xiao Qi, tell me, isn't Long Xiuwen? Didn't Long Xiuwen make it?"

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Xuan Yuan was terrified, and suddenly came to realize, just now-he was trying her, and since she woke up, he has been trying her!

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All the words were condensed near her mouth, her heart was still panicking, but he suddenly pushed her away with force, stepped back, and kneeled down on the ground.

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Angina pectoris! She can't hesitate!

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"It's not him!" She bit her tongue sharply, and as soon as she said, she stumbled out of bed immediately to help him, "Ali, what's wrong with you?"

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  For the first time in her life, she was so cautious, her heart was extremely tight, and she didn't dare to show a half-hearted distress on her face, she just pretended not to know.

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  Her hand did not touch his body. He flicked her arms and she fell out.

Read The Duke's Passion