MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 5 Doubtful

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  Chapter 5 Doubts

  Luke contacted his colleagues as soon as possible.

  Although those guys are not popular, they are still very reliable.

  He checked Daisy's physical condition, her breathing was normal, and her life was not in danger for the time being.

   Start surveying the site.

  The weapon used by the suspect was a Taser gun, Daisy's satchel and shoes were contained in the travel bag, and a button of the coat was unbuttoned.

  Luke immediately thought of 'taser gun robbery'.

   felt something was wrong again.

   Today is Thursday.

  According to the suspect's past crime experience, he usually committed the crime on Friday.

  The two victims of the 'Taser Robbery' had long blonde hair, and Daisy had long brown hair.

  The time of committing the crime and the characteristics of the victims are different.

   "You...why are you here? You saved me?" Daisy opened her eyes and looked at the surrounding environment, with a look of horror still on her face.

  Hands on the ground, trying to sit up, but unable to do so.

  Luke flashed his police badge, "lapd, don't be afraid, the suspect has been subdued by me."

  Daisy's eyes were red, and she said in a trembling voice, "Thank you for saving me, thank you very much."

   "You're welcome, this is my duty." Luke took out fifteen dollars from his pocket and put it in Daisy's hand, "I've taken your wish, and I'll return the money to you."

  Daisy opened her small mouth, looking incredulous, "You came to me to pay back the money?"


   "Wait, I bought you a drink just to thank you. If you hadn't reminded me in time, my tires would probably be scrapped, and you saved me..."

   "Then please do so openly, instead of leaving secretly after paying."

   "You are right, next time I will formally invite you to express my thanks." Daisy said solemnly.

   "Your body hasn't recovered yet, let's rest first." Luke said perfunctorily, these are not important, the important thing is to pay back the lottery money.


   A few minutes later, the nearby patrolmen rushed to the scene and pulled up the cordon with 'lapd' printed on it to assist Luke in maintaining order at the scene.

  Twenty minutes later, people from the 'Robbery-Murder Department' also arrived.

   "Yeh, yeh! Isn't this the hero who single-handedly caught the robber!" Marcus's tone was somewhat envious and jealous.

  In the robbery and murder department, only Luke gets off work on time, and everyone else is working overtime.

The results of it?

  Luke became the hero who caught the suspect.

  Where to go to reason?

  Captain Susan glanced around, "Luke, what's going on here?"

  Luke recounted the arrest process in detail.

  Susan asked, "Do you think he is the suspect in the previous two 'Taser robberies'?"

"I am not sure."

   "What about the suspect?"

   "He won't speak until the lawyer comes."

  Susan patted Luke on the shoulder, "Good job, great job!"

   "As I said, I can contribute to the team even if I don't work overtime."

   "Very good, I look forward to your performance later."

  Vinson's deputy team came over, "People from CBS TV station are here, they want to interview Luke."

  Susan looked at Luke, "What do you think?"

  It is a good thing to be in the limelight, but the police still have to keep a low profile appropriately. Even if they don’t think about their own safety, they have to think about the safety of their families.

   "Captain, I'm a little tired. I just want to take a shower and have a good sleep."

   Luke waved goodbye to his colleagues, "See you tomorrow."

  Vinson's deputy team was speechless, "Just let him go like this?"

  Susan asked, "Otherwise? He caught the suspect. Who has more credit than him?"

   "This kid got **** luck!"

  Winson's deputy team spread their hands and shouted to the others, "Guys, take the suspect back to the police station. I'm busy tonight."


  Go home.

  Luke went straight back to the bedroom on the second floor.

  Close the door and start researching the detective system.

   To be precise, it is to study the 'Adventure Card'.

  Luke's consciousness entered the detective system, and the warehouse interface was empty, and the "adventure card" had disappeared.

   I remembered the previous system prompt [Complete an adventure experience, the adventure card has been activated and used. 】

  In the beginning, he felt that today's encounter was too bizarre. He was just chasing after him to pay back the money, but he happened to catch a robber. It was simply luck.

   Now it seems that the detective system has played a role.

  The good news is that Luke has caught a robber, and the job is saved for now.

  The bad news is that the Adventure Card is used up, and Luke may not have such good luck again.

  Luke asked in his mind, 'Detective System, how can I get a new adventure card? '

  Luke asked several times in Chinese and English respectively, but did not get a response.

  Luke was suddenly a little disappointed. Sure enough, detectives are not so easy to do.

   Luke took a shower and lay in bed thinking about today's experience...

  The adventure card is gone, and I don’t want to scratch it for the time being.

  He has never won a lottery since he was a child.

   When he was drowsy and about to fall asleep, a voice sounded in his head [Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for successfully catching a robber, activate the lucky draw menu, and reward 10 lucky draw opportunities. 】

   Immediately after, an option menu appeared in my mind, and the warehouse interface was on the left.

  There is an extra lottery interface on the right.

   In the middle is a turntable with a pointed pointer, and the lower left corner shows 10 lucky draw opportunities.

  Luke didn't know how to operate it, but when the word "lottery" came to his mind, the pointer started to turn.

  The pointer stops, and the selected area lights up and says one thousand dollars.

  The corner of Luke's mouth curled up, good luck.

  He was worried at first that there would be a 'thank you for your patronage'.

  Continue to draw.

  The pointer rotates.

  Random stops, the selected area lights up, and a thousand dollars.

  Three lucky draws, adventure card.

  Four draws, one thousand dollars.

  Five draws, one thousand dollars.

   Six draws, $1,000.

   Seven draws, one thousand dollars.

  Eight draws, $1,000.

  Nine draws, $1,000.

   Ten draws, probe cards.

  The word 'detection' is written on the card, and there is a small line of notes below [Active card, function unknown].

  The list of prizes

  ‘Eight thousand dollars!

  Adventure card, [Passive card, when an adventure occurs, it will automatically disappear. 】

  Detection card, [active card, function unknown]’

  Luke sat up from the bed, and the sleepiness just now was swept away.

   The function of the adventure card is basically figured out, and the adventure is passively triggered.

  Detection card, literally, may be a card with some kind of perception function.

  However, the specific detection range and functional attributes are not yet clear, and it is estimated that we will know it after using it.

  10 lucky draws, 8 times to get 1,000 US dollars, judging from the results of the lottery, 1,000 US dollars is equivalent to "thank you for your patronage".

   This system is really awesome.

  With this money, Luke's financial situation can improve.

  Luke subconsciously thought, ‘How to get the bonus? '

  A voice sounded in his head, [Two methods of receiving, the first method is directly issued to the host's bank account. (instant transfer)

  The second way is to distribute it to the host through legitimate channels. (depending on the actual situation)]

  Luke thought about it. These two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. Immediate arrival is definitely cool, but once or twice is okay, and there may be problems if there are too many.

  If the police is the second most powerful organization in the United States, then the only one who dares to call it the first is the United States Taxation Service.

  If they are targeted, Luke is likely to be regarded as a black policeman.

   To be on the safe side, choose the second method.

  (end of this chapter)