MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 494 Antecedents (ask for a monthly ticket!)

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  Chapter 494 Antecedents (Ask for a monthly pass!)

   With the consent of Kelly Lux.

  Luke applied to the police station to re-comparison Sophia's DNA with the DNA of Kelly Lux's husband's bones.

  Because it involved the exhumation of the coffin, Reid was also a little confused at the beginning, not knowing why Luke did this.

  When he learned that the FBI may have an insider, and this insider may have access to the case data database, Reid agreed.

  In order to ensure the accuracy of DNA identification, Luke was present throughout the excavation process.

  Kelly Lux also endured the pain and attended the scene, crying profusely, which made the police officers present feel pressured.

  If it is not a last resort, the police are not willing to open the coffin for an autopsy. This kind of behavior requires responsibility, and it is also easy to receive complaints from family members.

   Fortunately, everything went well, and the DNA extracted from the bones was sent to the technical team of the Police Detective Bureau for urgent identification.

   After all this was done, Luke and Anthony got in touch.

  The police have already opened the coffin for an autopsy, and Anthony didn’t wait any longer. He told the Ministry of Internal Affairs that there might be a ghost in the FBI, and asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs to lead the investigation of the ghost.

  Before the new DNA test results came out, Luke could not do much. After simply arranging tasks, he asked Raymond to go to the police range to practice marksmanship.

  Luke practiced the pistol first, and after hitting a few targets, he began to practice the rifle again.

  His current marksmanship is already very good, he does not seek to improve, but he must maintain a good state.

  In Raymond’s words, if you don’t know what to do, then come to the shooting range to practice guns, it is definitely the most correct decision.

  The next morning, before the DNA test results came out, Luke asked Xiao Hei to go to the technical department to watch, and the rest of the team members held the morning meeting as usual.

  Luke went shooting yesterday, but the others are still investigating.

  The deputy team said, "I investigated the financial situation of Kelly Lux and the nanny, and neither found a large amount of money flow."

  Luke nodded. When he communicated with Kelly Lux and the nanny, he didn't find any obvious signs of lying.

   "How's the situation with Hugo Choudhury?"

  Matthew said, "Hugo Choudhury has a lot of criminal records, speeding, theft, robbery, and intentional injury.

   He had been living in San Francisco before, and came to Los Angeles about a year ago.

  I contacted the San Francisco police and asked them to help investigate the situation of Hugo Choudhury.

   But no valuable feedback has been received yet. "

  Luke said, "According to the confession of the kidnapper John, Sophia was brought by Hugo Choudhury, and the two of them have been in contact for longer.

   Knowing about Hugo Choudhury's past is very helpful for understanding Sophia's identity.

  I will contact the FBI and have them investigate the situation with Hugo Choudhury. "

  Although there are more police officers, the police in each region are not closely connected, and the FBI is more suitable for cross-regional investigations.

  At around ten in the morning, Xiao Hei, who went to the technical team for a short stay, finally came back.

  He has opened the office door, holding a document in his hand, "Guys, the exciting time has come."

  The deputy team rolled their eyes, "Don't make a fuss, kid, you are investigating the case now, hurry up and report the result."

  Others also set their sights on Xiao Hei.

  Xiao Hei laughed, showing his big white teeth, "According to the DNA test results, Sophia and Kelly Lux's husband are not biologically related.

   They are not father and daughter. "

   Everyone looked different.

  Luke had already thought of this possibility before, and did not hesitate for too long, and proceeded directly to the next arrangement.

   "Deputy team, you contact Anthony and tell him the situation."

   "Marcus, interrogate Sophia."

   "Yes, sir."

  The investigation machine was running, and everyone split up.

  Robbery and murder department interrogation room.

  Sophia was brought into the interrogation room in handcuffs, and her hands were handcuffed on the interrogation chair.

  Luke re-examined the young woman in front of him, "What's your name?"


   "I'm asking about your real name?"

   "As I said, I have lost my memory. Since I have memory, my name is Sophia."

   "Stop pretending, we know you're not Sophia, the kidnap victim ten years ago, who the **** are you?"

  Sofia froze for a moment, "I never said I was Sophia. It was you who found two people to recognize me. I can't believe it now, but I have an extra stepmother in this world.

  I can feel that she doesn't like me, and I don't like her either. "

   "Sophia, we didn't suspect your identity because of Kelly Lux's questioning.

  From the first time we met, I noticed that you were lying and hiding something.

  I thought you were a victim of a kidnapping case ten years ago. You did something wrong under the coercion of your kidnappers. You didn’t tell the truth out of conscience or fear of the law.

   But now it seems that your real purpose of lying is to cover up the fact that you are pretending to be Sophia. "

  Sophia twisted her body, seemed to be a little restless, but still said stiffly, "I don't know what you're talking about."

  Luke stood up, walked in front of her, and showed the DNA identification report, "We found the DNA of Kelly Lux's husband and compared your DNA. There is no blood relationship between you.

   It is certain that you are not 'Sophia', who are you? What is your name? "

  Sophia gritted her teeth and said angrily, "I never said that I was a victim of the kidnapping case ten years ago, you have always said it.

   Now it’s the other way around that I pretended to be a victim of a kidnapping case, do you have a problem? "

   "You think we police are wrong?"

"Is not it?"

   "OK, let me apologize to you first." Luke spread his hands and said disapprovingly, "Now, let's talk about other issues.

  You did not say that you are Sophia, but you let your accomplice replace Sophia's DNA typing data in the FBI database, making the police mistakenly think that you are Sophia.

  In this way, even if you are caught by the police, you can pretend to be the victim of the kidnapping case ten years ago. With this layer of protection, the jury will most likely acquit you out of sympathy or coercion.

   But now it is proven that you are not a victim of a kidnapping case ten years ago, the protection is gone, and you will definitely be convicted.

  Kidnapping and tampering with the FBI database are both felonies, and you'll spend the first half of your life in prison.

  Even if you can get out of prison, you may already be a gray-haired old woman, can you imagine yourself at that time?

  Is this the life you want? "

  Sophia's body trembled, her lips parted slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't speak.

  Luke continued to persuade, "I know you have an accomplice, and I know he is the FBI, but he can't help you now, and he is also being investigated by the FBI Internal Affairs Department.

  The only one who can help you now is me.

  As long as you cooperate with the police investigation, tell the truth about the crime you committed, and are willing to identify associates, I will help you get a favorable plea deal. "

  Sophia's eyes were red, and she asked with a trill, "Can I trust you?"

   "Of course, this is your only choice." Luke said firmly.

  Sofia was silent for a long time, biting her lips with blood marks, "My name is Irene Reagan, I have no amnesia...

   But my mind is so messed up that I don't know what to say..."

   Luke said, "I ask, you answer."

  Irene Regan nodded slowly.

"Where are you from?"

   "San Francisco."

   "Do you have any family?"

   "I don't know, I haven't been home for a long time."

   "Why don't you go back?"

   "My father died when I was very young, I don't even have any memory of him.

my mother…

  Change boyfriends frequently, Uncle Logan, Uncle Delt, Uncle Colum...

  Every year, different boyfriends spend Christmas with her...

  When I was fifteen years old, a man named Julian made a move on me. I wanted to call the police, but my mother stopped me.

   That night I lit a fire and left that house.

  Afterwards, the police didn’t look for me, but I knew that I couldn’t go back to the place called ‘home’. "

   "Why did you come to Los Angeles?"

   "Hugo brought me here."

   "How did you and Hugo meet?"

  “After I left that house, I wandered the streets for a long time, and then I was caught by a group of **** for prostitution. I tried to escape, but every time I escaped, I was caught and beaten.

   Later, I met Hugo. From this middle-aged man, I felt a sense of... security.

  I want to be with him and beg him to take me away.

   Hugo agreed.

   But the **** controlling me disagreed, and Hugo left.

  In the early morning of the next day, Hugo came again, this time he came with a gun, killed those **** directly, and took me away.

   Because of this incident, we had to leave San Francisco. "

Elena Regan's tone was very flat, but what she described was arson and murder. Although the words were simple, Luke knew that there must be some unknown inside story. Hugo was not a fool, how could it be possible for a station to Street girls kill people easily.

  Irene Reagan certainly played a key role in this.

   But now that Hugo Choudhury has been killed, she can put all the blame on Hugo Choudhury.

  Luke doesn't want to go into it, because once it gets down to it, Irene Reagan may not continue to cooperate with the investigation, and the basis for cooperation between the two parties will be gone.

  The case in San Francisco is still a headache for the San Francisco police. Luke now only wants to find out the kidnapping case.

   Luke continued to ask, "When you came to Los Angeles, where did you live and what did you do?"

   "We live in the Sangla community, number 108.

   Later, we ran out of money...

   That **** Hugo asked me to stand on the street...

   That's right, I'm back at my old job.

  At this time, I realized that my life has not changed in any way, but the place where I stand on the street has changed from San Francisco to Los Angeles, and the pimp has become Hugo.

   What made me sad the most was Hugo's betrayal. I didn't expect him to do this. I always thought he loved me...

  I am disappointed, extremely disappointed.

   I even thought about suicide. "Irene Reagan's eyes were red, and tears rolled down the corners of her eyes, looking very distressed.

  Xiao Hei handed her a pack of tissues, "Forget about that bastard, he's already dead."

   "I know, I just feel sorry for myself."

  Luke looked flat and unaffected, and continued to ask, "What's the name of the ghost in the FBI?"

   "Craigie Hosking."

   That's right, right on. "How did you know each other?"

   "He is a middle-aged man in an unhappy marriage.

  In his words, her wife gave all her patience to the patient, and when she got home, she became impatient and disgusted with him.

  Every time he wants to play poker with his wife, she is very perfunctory, and always in the same posture.

  At the beginning, he suspected that his wife was cheating, so he was so perfunctory. He was very angry and followed his wife for a while.

   But it turned out that his wife did not cheat.

  He breathed a sigh of relief at first, but then became even more helpless.

  Because he can't change the status quo, and he doesn't want to live like this for the rest of his life. He also wants to experience passion, like a real man.

   So, he also became my guest. "

   Speaking of this, Irene Reagan showed a smile on the corner of her mouth, "After getting along for a long time, I found that he is a very attractive man who can bring me a sense of security.

  This sense of security is different from Hugo, Craigie is wiser and more responsible.

  Later, the two of us were together.

  He will give me a sum of money every month so that I don't have to be a street girl anymore.

   Four months ago, he even divorced his wife for me, I was really moved. "

Luke wrote it down in his notebook. Judging from Elena Regan's description, it is likely that she lost her father when she was young, which made her have a special feeling and attachment to middle-aged men, "Since you have a new support, Why don't you talk about your life and participate in the kidnapping case?"

  Irene Reagan wiped her tears and said helplessly, "Craigie went bankrupt because of the divorce, he can't give me any more money, and that **** Hugo will force me to stand on the street.

  We need money.

  If you have the money...

  My life will not have so many tragedies. "

   "Craigie Hoskins is the FBI. With him coming forward, would Hugo Choudhury still dare to force you?" Luke felt a little unreasonable.

   "Hugo is a desperado, he will not fear any threats. Moreover, he knows my past, once he is caught, I may go to jail.

  Craigie was worried about me, saying that this matter needs to be planned slowly.

  In order not to let me stand on the street, he even borrowed money and asked me to hand it over to Hugo. "

  Luke guessed that the slow planning was to use the kidnapping case to get rid of Hugo Choudhury and make him a dead ghost.

   "Who planned the kidnapping?"


   Sure enough, "When did you start planning?"

   "A month after Craigie's divorce, maybe three months ago."

   "It was also his idea that you disguised yourself as Sophia."


  She found out about the kidnapping of Sophia, and knew that Sophia's biological parents were dead and left her a large inheritance.

  She asked me if I wanted to be a real rich girl.

  How could I not want to?

  I dream about it. cried Irene Regan, "I wish I had a loving father like Sophia.

  I hope to be born with nothing to worry about like Sophia.

  I also want to live in a mansion and enjoy the life of an aristocrat..."

  Luke said, "Tell me about your detailed plan."

  Irene Regan sighed softly, "Craigie divided the plan into three parts,

   The first part is in charge of Craigie. Two months ago, he hacked the FBI information database, replaced Sophia's DNA typing with my DNA typing, and uploaded it to the database again.

  He's really good, I don't even know how he did it, but he did it, otherwise, you wouldn't think of me as Sophia. "

  Luke frowned slightly, vaguely feeling that something was wrong, and asked, "How long have you known Craigie Hoskin?"

   "Eight months."

   "When did Craigie Hoskins start paying you?"

   "One month after we met."

   Luke narrates, "You met eight months ago and fell in love with each other.

  Seven months ago Craigie Hoskin started giving you a sum of money every month to keep you off the street.

  Craigie Hoskins divorced his wife for you four months ago, leaving him bankrupt and unable to give you any more money.

  Three months ago, Hugo Chowdhury forced you to stand on the street again. In desperation, you and Craigie Hoskin planned the kidnapping.

   Two months ago, Craigie Hoskins hacked the FBI resource database and replaced Sophia's DNA profile with yours.

  Is there something wrong with what I have described? "

  Irene Regan thought for a moment, "That's right, that's it."

   Luke knows what's wrong, time.

  The FBI resource database was indeed hacked, but not two months ago, it was six months ago.

   That is to say, not long after Craigie Hoskin and Irene Regan met, he had already planned and started to implement the first step of the plan, replacing Sophia's DNA typing, which is also the most important step.

   At the time, Craigie Hoskins was not divorced.

  The so-called divorce and bankruptcy could not continue to pay the expenses. In order to prevent Elene Reagan from becoming a street girl again, he had to carry out the kidnapping case. It may be just an excuse for him to win Elene Reagan's trust.

   Even divorce and bankruptcy may be part of the plan.

  Luke speculates that Craigie Hoskin deliberately did this to cultivate feelings for a purpose and turn Elena Reagan into a long-term meal ticket.

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  (end of this chapter)

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