MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 480 return to the team

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  Chapter 480 Returning to the Team

   Three o'clock in the afternoon.

  The plane arrived at Los Angeles International Airport, and Luke and Orti were separated at the airport.

  Luke drove directly to the police station.

So far, there have been two kidnapping cases in Los Angeles. The first kidnapping case occurred on the night of March 10. The son of real estate tycoon Gary Sane was kidnapped on a yacht. Luke saw him on the morning of March 11. This news, the situation of this case is also seen from the news, and my understanding is limited.

The second kidnapping case happened on the night of March 11th. The daughter of rich man Bruce Redman was kidnapped. He also asked the police station to ask Luke to participate in the investigation of the case. However, Luke was on vacation in Hawaii at the time, and the other party found her. Pinkerton Detective Agency paid a million-dollar lobbying fee, which led to Ortie personally asking Luke to return to Los Angeles.

  As of today, it is already March 14, and the best time has been missed for a kidnapping case, which is why Luke rushed to the police station as soon as he got off the plane.

  An extra minute of delay makes the hostages more dangerous.


   Robbery Murder Division Office.

Reid sat at the desk, closed the folder in his hand, took a sip of the coffee on the table, and said, "Matthew, get the list of car owners who drove past the kidnapping site between 2:00 am and 4:00 am Give me."

   "I'm here." The deputy team threw a folder over and said with a smile, "Red, it feels so good to work with you, it seems to be back to twenty years ago."

  Rett laughed, "If I could go back to twenty years ago, I think I can overcome the difficulties of working with you, haha."

  The deputy team was dissatisfied, "Difficult, what is the difficulty of working with me? Also, why do you come to our office?

   Do you think we can’t solve the case without Luke?”

  "No, that's not what I mean, I just don't want to disappoint the trust of the victim's family and try my best.

   After all, this case was originally investigated by the FBI, but they chose the police department.

  But the investigation of the case has not progressed. "Red spread his hands.

  The deputy team's momentum weakened, and he said firmly, "The case will progress soon, trust me."

  Rett looked at his watch, "You don't have much time left..."

  The deputy team frowned and asked, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

   Rhett didn't answer.

   A few minutes later, the door of the office was pushed open, and Luke walked into the office of a squadron.

   "Hi guys, good afternoon."

   "Captain, you're back!" Jackson said in surprise.

  Xiao Hei opened his arms, "Hey, welcome home. Did you enjoy your time in Hawaii? I'm also going to take my family on a trip to Hawaii this year."

   "It's not bad, but I haven't played enough."

  The deputy team sighed secretly, and missed another opportunity to perform.

  He also understood what Rhett said just now.

  Luke said to Rhett, "Director, are you here too? I still want to go to your office to find you."

"To be honest, I also miss my office a little bit." Reid glanced at the deputy team, stood up, and asked, "Now we are in charge of investigating the kidnapping of Bruce Redman's daughter. You are ready to take over the case." Are you ready?"

   "Of course." Luke nodded and said, "But before that, I want to know, why didn't the FBI participate in the investigation of this case?

   It's not their style. "

  Rett nodded, "Good question, before Bruce Redman's daughter was kidnapped, the son of real estate tycoon Gary Sane was also kidnapped.

  That case was investigated by the FBI, but you should have seen the results. Gary Sane’s son was kidnapped on the night of March 10th, and it was reported on the news on the morning of the 11th.

   Everyone in Los Angeles knows that Gary Sane's son has been kidnapped.

   No matter which channel leaked the news, the blame has to be taken by the FBI.

  This is why Bruce Redman does not want the FBI to take over the case. If the news of Bruce Redman’s daughter’s kidnapping is also leaked, the kidnappers will most likely tear up the case.

  So, Bruce Redman wants the LAPD to investigate the kidnapping of his daughter. "

  Luke said, "So Anthony is in trouble?"

"It depends on whether he can save the son of real estate tycoon Gary Sane." Reid sighed softly. In his opinion, this possibility is extremely small, and now everyone in Los Angeles knows that Gary Sane Nei's son was kidnapped. How could the kidnapper not know that the FBI or the police had intervened in the investigation of the case, and the possibility of continuing the transaction was extremely slim.

  The biggest possibility is to directly kill Gary Sane's son.

  Luke pressed, "Is there any connection between these two cases?"

  Rett said, “The two cases were committed at close times, one on the night of March 10 and the other on the night of March 11.

  In addition, Gary Sane's son was kidnapped on a yacht, and we found a **** letter V on the yacht.

  The robber who kidnapped Bruce Redman's daughter also claimed to be Mr. V when he made a blackmail call.

  So, we guess that there may be some connection between the two cases. "

The deputy team continued, "In fact, the biggest possibility is that after Mr. V kidnapped Gary Sane's son, he found that Gary Sane called the police and was on the news. He felt that the risk of the transaction was too great. So he Chose to take the second hostage, the daughter of Bruce Redman."

  Luke nodded, "The time is right, and the V-mark also makes sense."

  Since the case of the kidnapping of the son of real estate tycoon Gary Sane is in charge of the FBI, let Anthony have a headache. He only needs to investigate the case of the kidnapping of the daughter of Bruce Redman.

  Luke asked, "What clues have been found in the kidnapping of Bruce Redman's daughter?"

The deputy team said, "On March 12, Bruce Redman received a blackmail call from the kidnapper, claiming that her daughter had been kidnapped, and asked him to prepare 5,000 ounces of gold to redeem her daughter, because it takes time to exchange gold, so the transaction time The location of the transaction has not yet been announced.

  Afterwards, Bruce Redman called the police.

  After we took over the case, an investigation into the situation of Bruce Redman's daughter began.

  Bruce Redman’s daughter is Isa Redman, who is still a college student. On the night of March 11, she went to a party at her classmate’s house.

  After that, I sent a text message to my parents saying that I could not go home, but went back to the school dormitory.

  At that time, Isa Redman's parents didn't think much about it until they received a blackmail call the next day.

  After that, we went to the school to check, and Isa Redman did not return to school at all that night. "

The deputy team glanced at the notes and continued, "Also, according to Isa Redman's father, he called his daughter at 11:30 p.m. on the 11th, but the daughter didn't answer, but just replied a text message, "Dad, I have returned to the dormitory. I just went to take a shower. It's late, so I won't call back. Good night. Love you."

  So I guess that Isa Redman was kidnapped before 11:30 p.m. on the 11th. "

   Luke said, "In other words, Isa Redman might have been kidnapped after attending a party with her classmates."

"That's right." The deputy team continued, "We asked the people who attended the party that night, and according to them, the party ended at 11:30, but according to the monitoring, Isa Redman left at 11:00 After leaving her classmate's house, no one saw her again.

  We also questioned and investigated some people who attended the party, but no one knew where she went. "

  Luke thought for a while and said, "What about community road monitoring?"

  Deputy team Tan Tanshou, "We investigated the cars that met the conditions for committing the crime from the night of March 11 to the early morning of March 12, but there are no suspicious vehicles yet.

   Also, Isa Redman went to the party in a classmate's car, she didn't drive her own car. "

  Xiao Hei said, "The real estate tycoon's son Gary Sane was kidnapped on a yacht, and they were supposed to be having a party at the time.

  Isa Redman was also kidnapped at a party, which means that the two cases have one more thing in common. "

  The deputy team shook his head, "What kind of common ground is this? Those rich second generations are either throwing a party or on their way to the party. I'm not surprised at all."

   Luke asked, "Did everyone at the party ask?"

Reed said, "In the beginning we were worried that the news would be leaked, so we only selectively contacted the people who attended the party, but the investigation of the case has not progressed, and we had to expand the scope of the inquiry. More than a dozen people who attended the party that night have already inquired. After that, they all claimed they hadn't seen Isa Redman after eleven o'clock, and no one had taken Isa Redman away."

  Luke said, "Take the transcripts of the people who attended the party, and in addition, there is the video of her appearing in the surveillance."

  Matthew said, "The surveillance video is handed over to me."

  Jackson said, "Captain, within ten minutes, I will put all the records on your desk."

   "Thank you." Luke stood up, ready to drink a cup of coffee and start working.

  Subsequently, the transcripts of each party participant were checked in detail, but no valuable clues were found.

  He started to check the monitoring related to Isa Redman again. The monitoring atmosphere is divided into two parts, one is the monitoring of the public area of ​​the lobby, and the other is the monitoring of the door.

  The monitoring at the door showed that Isa Redman attended the party around 8:00 pm, and there were many classmates at that time.

  One person left the house at 11 o'clock in the evening. However, the monitoring range at the door of the room was limited, and it was impossible to see where she went. I only knew that she did not return to the house after she left.

  Afterwards, Luke began to check the surveillance in the public area of ​​the hall again. This is also the main place where the party is held. There are a total of more than a dozen people attending the party. They are all young men and women in their early twenties, chatting and drinking together in twos and threes.

  Luke observes Isa Redman in the surveillance video, and pays attention to other people's reactions to Isa Redman.

  Luke found that there was a young Asian man who had been secretly watching Isa Redman. There was not much communication between the two, but the young Asian man kept following Isa Redman.

  Luke called Xiao Hei and Jackson over, pointed at the Asian man on the screen, "Who is he?"

  Xiao Hei said, "His name is Park Jae-young, he is a student studying in Korea. Porter and I gave him a transcript. He claimed that he last saw Isa Redman at about eleven o'clock, and he hasn't seen him since then."

  Luke wrote down the name of the other party, and then continued to check the surveillance.

  During the surveillance, Luke saw Isa Redman chatting with another short-haired white girl.

  Luke played the video repeatedly, using lip language to read the content of the conversation between the two.

  The short-haired Caucasian girl held a wine glass and asked, "Isa, you are dressed up today, are you specially prepared for tonight's party?"

  Isa Redman laughs, "I look beautiful every day."

   "Yeah, beautiful Isa, are you going to take my car back to school?"

   "No, I won't go back tonight." Isa Redman pursed her red lips, showing a playful look, "I have more important things to do."

"do what?"

  Isa Redman frowned, showing an expression that you understand.

   "With your new boyfriend?"

   "Yes, he asked me out, tonight."

  The short-haired girl quipped, "Whoa, another crazy night, is he good?"

"What's the meaning?"

   "You know what I mean, I know you guys did it last time, has he reached the passing line?"

  Isa Redman laughs, "Yeah, he's awesome, I feel like I'm going to... God."

   "Wow...Look at your **** expression...I really want to take a picture and post it on Facebook..." The two women fought together.

  Luke pointed at the short-haired girl, "Who is she?"

Jackson looked at the screen and replied, "Sandy Pope, the deputy team and I took notes for her. She is a classmate of Isa Redman, and Isa Redman also went to the hospital in her car. party.

  The two of them have a good relationship. "

  Luke found Sandy Pope's transcript and read it again. The interrogation record is relatively simple.

   For example, ask when she last saw Isa Redman. Sandy Pope replied that she couldn't remember.

   Anyone know where Isa Redman left the party? Sandy Pope replied that she didn't know.

   Asked if she had seen suspicious people before and after the party, she said no.

  However, Luke interpreted the conversation between the two based on the lip language. Isa Redman should have told Sandy Pope that she was going to see her boyfriend.

  Jackson stared at the screen, not seeing any problems, "Captain, what did you find?"

  Luke did not answer the question, "Didn't you take notes for Isa Redman's boyfriend?"

  Jackson replied, "According to Isa Redman's parents, Isa Redman broke up with her boyfriend three months ago and has never had a date since then."

  Luke asked back, "Are you going to tell your parents everything?"

   "Absolutely not." Without even thinking about it, Jackson shook his head violently. How is it possible?

  The deputy team showed a curious look, "How do you know that Isa Redman has a new boyfriend?

   You don't think that guy named Park Jae Young is her boyfriend, do you?

  comeon, that guy didn't even dare to meet Isa Redman's eyes.

  In my experience, he is definitely not Isa Redman's boyfriend, at best he is just a suitor.

  No, I suspect that he doesn't even have the courage to confess, he's just a poor crush. "

  Luke said, "I didn't say Park Jae Young was Isa Redman's boyfriend.

   But through the conversation between Isha Redman and Sandy Pope, Isha Redman has a new boyfriend.

   Moreover, she left the party early that night, probably to meet her new boyfriend. "

  Xiao Hei reacted, lip language, Luke can lip language!

  Xiao Hei touched his chin, stared at the screen solemnly and said, "Luke and I have both studied lip language, and the conversation between the two of them did mention boyfriend."

  Jackson didn't know that Luke could speak lips, although he was a little surprised, he believed in Luke's ability, and said, "So Sandy Pope lied!

  She clearly knew that Isa Redman went to meet her new boyfriend last night, so why didn't she say it? "

   "OK, now we have two new directions of investigation.

   Number one, why would Sandy Pope lie?

  Second, who is Isa Redman's new boyfriend? "Red came over with a smile, patted Luke on the shoulder,

   "Welcome back, man!"

  (end of this chapter)