MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 477 Accident

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  Chapter 477 Accident

  Gulan Ranch.

   This is the focus of Luke and his trip. Not only the little fat man wants to go, but Luke also wants to come here to play.

  Gulan Ranch is located in the northeast of Oahu Island. The scenery is very magnificent. It is famous for its beautiful and vast natural environment. Many American blockbusters were shot here.

  Although he had already seen the pictures, after Luke drove to the Gulan Ranch, he was still shocked by the beautiful scenery here. The mountains overlapped and were lush, with endless forests and blue waters.

  The little fat man's eyes were round, and he grinned and said, "God, is this heaven?"

  Val quipped, "Heaven doesn't charge."

  Linda was surrounded by beautiful scenery, and said in an excited tone, "I feel that this place is very familiar... yes, this is the shooting site of fifty first loves.

  I remember that mountain, where the hero and heroine stood and took pictures.

   There is also that white pier, the heroine is wearing a pair of white pants, standing under the pavilion and crying...

  I felt like I was in a movie. "

  Linda saw that the other four did not respond at all, so she asked, "Have you not seen it?"

  Robert said, "Does the Windtalker count?"

  Little Fatty, "I've watched Journey to the Center of the Earth, and it was filmed here."

   Val, "Jurassic Park."

  Luke, "Lost."

  Everyone can find their favorite movies and TV shows here.

  The four of them transferred to a six-wheeled military jeep and began to explore the original Hakipu fog valley, along the jungle trail through the riverbed and steep hills, to experience the real original Hawaiian scenery.

  The little fat man pointed to the valley not far away, looking forward to it, "Hey, there is someone riding a horse over there, shall we try it later?"

   "Believe me, those are old tamed horses, and their speed is as fast as a snail's. It doesn't make any sense." Val pointed at the ATV quad bike on the hillside and smiled.

   "That's what men should play."

   Luke pointed to the zipline and said, "Anyone want to try this? It should be exciting."

  Robert shook his head, "You guys have fun, these are too unfriendly to the elderly, I am responsible for taking pictures of you."

  Many movies have been filmed here, but the Gualoa Ranch is well protected. There are no illegal constructions or modern buildings that are incompatible with nature.

  It is completely the most authentic and natural environment of the original ecology, blue sky, white clouds, sea, mountains, green grass, pastures, dense plants, clear streams, leisurely cattle and sheep on the hillside...

  The family of five had a great time here until one o'clock in the noon. Luke was already hungry, and returned to the Jeep Wrangler to eat.

  The food is simple, sandwiches, milk and coffee.

  The five of them were eating, talking and laughing, talking about their experience just now, and they were very satisfied with this trip.

"Jingle Bell…"

  Luke's cell phone rings.

  Everyone looked at Luke, Linda asked, "Red?"

  Luke took out his phone, shook his head, "It's a friend."

  Luke got out of the car and sat on the **** lawn not far away to answer the phone, "Hello, beauty, good afternoon."

  Orti's voice came from the phone, "It should be noon in Hawaii now?"

   "How do you know I'm in Hawaii? Care so much about me?"

   "I saw your Facebook post."

  Luke smiled, "Which photo do you like?"

   "The one about snorkeling under the sea, actually, I really want to snorkel, but I just haven't had time to do it."

  Luke smiled, "You didn't call today just to tell me that you want to dive."

   "You guessed it right, I'm here to act as a lobbyist this time."

   "When did you change careers, and you didn't tell me?"

   "I didn't change careers. Someone issued a commission in the Pinkerton Detective Agency, hoping to find you and persuade you to return to Los Angeles and work."

   "Hehe..." Luke smiled, "Is the commission considerable?"


   "Wow, then you are about to become a rich woman."

  Orti asked back, "Do you think I can complete this task?"

   "Of course, but I have to wait for a few days... I am still on vacation with my family. I will tell you as soon as possible when I return to Los Angeles in a few days, and I will only tell you alone."

  Orti sighed, "But the task deadline is tomorrow."

   "This is a bit difficult, if I leave now, my little brother will be very disappointed.

  My mother will never help him pay for extra play items. "

   "If you have time, I mean, can we meet up without interfering with your time with your family?"

  Luke was a little surprised, "Have you come to Hawaii?"

   "Yes. I wanted to wait for you at the hotel, but I thought it was not polite.

  So, here at Waikiki Beach, do you have time for some sun? "

  Luke glanced at his watch, "OK, I'll be there around two o'clock."


   Waikiki Beach.

   This is the most famous beach in the world, with blue sea and blue sky, soft and white sandy beaches, and swaying coconut trees. It is an ideal place for a family to spend their holidays.

  Under the parasol on the easternmost side of the beach, a Latin beauty in a swimsuit was sitting on a deck chair applying sunscreen. Her exquisite face, curvy curves, and slender legs attracted many people's attention.

   Not only men like to see beautiful women, women also like it.

  Luke rushed to Waikiki Beach and only took a glance, and found the graceful Ortie among the crowd.

   "Hi, beauty, long time no see." Luke walked over with a smile, saw her applying sunscreen on her legs, and smiled, "Do you need help?"

  Orti raised his head and said with a smile, "You came just in time, help me paint my back."

  Looking at her smooth and graceful back, how dare Luke refuse.

  He took the sunscreen and applied it evenly on Orti's shoulders, back, and lower back, attracting the envious eyes of many men and women.

  He can understand the eyes of those men, what the **** are those women?

  Luke applied sunscreen and handed it to Ortie who was on the side. He also lay on the deck chair on the other side. He was a little tired after playing in the Gulan Ranch all morning.

   "When did you arrive in Hawaii?"

   "At noon today, I called you an hour ago."

   "Why don't you say it on the phone, but make a special trip instead?" Luke asked back.

   "Stop talking stupid, please don't touch you on the phone. You are worth my trip.

   Besides, the deadline is not until tomorrow.

  I can still enjoy the scenery of Hawaii for a day, even if you reject me, I will not be in vain. "

   Luke laughed, "I like your mentality.

  Who entrusted you to come to me? Let me return to work in Los Angeles, what kind of work do you mean? "

  Orti blinked his eyes wide, and said playfully, "It seems that this commission has aroused your interest."

   "They got the right lobbyists."

   "Thank you for your approval." Orti smiled and continued,

   "The client is named Bruce Redman. His daughter was kidnapped on the night of March 11. The kidnappers demanded 5,000 ounces of gold, equivalent to about 10 million U.S. dollars."

   Luke confirmed, "The kidnappers want gold, not dollars."

   "Yes, this situation is indeed rare."

   "Exchanging these golds is a big project, and the client is busy."

Orti sighed, "More importantly, the client didn't trust the suspect. He felt that even if the gold was delivered, his daughter might be torn apart, so he hired Pinkerton Detective Agency to act as a lobbyist. I want you to participate in the investigation of the case and rescue his daughter.

   This is also the purpose of my coming. "

  Luke asked rhetorically, "There are nearly 10,000 police officers in Los Angeles, and the Robbery and Murder Division has four squadrons, and even the FBI. Why do you have to find me?"

  Orti sat up and faced Luke, the semicircle on his chest was heavy, which was very eye-catching, "I also asked him, two reasons.

   The first reason is that you are well-known and have participated in the detection of many major cases. He also cited the kidnapping of the deputy mayor's daughter. You saved her daughter.

  The second point is that your case detection rate is currently 100%, and they think you are the most likely to rescue the hostages. "

  Luke said, "I suddenly felt pressure doubled.

   Moreover, I can often solve cases by luck. Even if I take over the case investigation, there is no guarantee that the case will be solved, let alone rescued his daughter. "

   "I told him, but he still wants you to participate in the investigation of the case.

  He thinks that you are the most suitable person to investigate the case, and as long as he can invite you, he will be considered as fulfilling the responsibility of a father.

   Even if the final result is not good, he has worked hard, at least he will not leave any regrets. "

  Seeing that Luke was a little shaken, Orti continued, "I know, you are on vacation, and it is difficult for you to leave your family to investigate the case.

  So, I applied for a subsidy from the Pinkerton Detective Agency to make up for your loss.

  As long as you are willing to return to Los Angeles to participate in the case investigation, this subsidy is yours. "

Luke stared at Ortie. Although he was wearing less clothes, it was still covered. Considering that the next topic would involve some sensitive issues, Luke directly used a detection card to confirm that there was no listening and monitoring electronic equipment. continued,

   "What if the case can't be solved?"

   "The commission received by the detective agency is only to persuade you to return to Los Angeles to participate in the investigation of the kidnapping case. As for how the case develops, it is not within the scope of the commission.

   As long as I bring you back to Los Angeles before tomorrow night, the commission will be considered complete.

   As for the subsidy, it is not directly related to this commission. The subsidy is issued because you are a consultant of the Pinkerton Detective Agency.

  Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that the subsidy amount is 800,000 US dollars. "

  The so-called subsidy is actually a commission in disguise to invite Luke to investigate the case, but because the client made it clear that he came for Luke, the Pinkerton Detective Agency only charged 20% of the fee.

This charging ratio is reasonable, and Luke also needs a similar platform. Without Pinkerton’s relationship, even if Bruce Redman wanted to ask Luke for help, he would have no way. benefit fee.

  Pinkerton is like an intermediary platform, helping Luke build another relationship network that can realize Luke's fame.

  As Luke's fame increases, the role of this external platform will also become greater.

  Luke thought for a while, "The subsidy is fine.

  I have opened a new detective agency called Li's Detective Agency. I hope to use the name of Li's Detective Agency to conduct docking business with Pinkerton Detective Agency in the future.

  I suggest that you can use 800,000 US dollars to purchase the services of Lee's Detective Agency, such as business consulting services, security services, outsourcing services, there is always one you need. "

  Orti smiled, "How about the security service?"

   "Yes, but only for you."

   "Wow, I didn't expect me to be so valuable. How long is the validity period?"

   "Ten days."

   "I will report to my superiors to see if they are willing to pay this expensive security fee for me. However, at least I agree with it." Orti changed the subject,

   "So, you are willing to go back to Los Angeles with me to participate in the investigation of the kidnapping case."

   "I am moved by your sincerity, but I still need to discuss it with my family."

   "You are right, the family's understanding is very important."

  Although the two of them haven't made a decision, they have basically talked about it.

   Orti was so sincere, it was hard for Luke to refuse.

  Luke agreed to return to Los Angeles early to investigate the case, partly because of money, but not all.

  Money not only represents interests, but also an attitude.

   This is the same as raising a dog. If you don’t have the ability to continue raising a dog and want to find a new owner for the dog, you would rather sell it than give it away.

  The easier it is to get, the less you will cherish it.

   Luke asked, "Which hotel are you staying at?"

  Orti laughed, "Has the security service started before signing the contract?"

   Luke laughed too, and was about to say something when his phone rang, "Ding jingling..."

  Luke took out his phone and glanced at the screen, "What's wrong?"

  The voice of the little fat man rang out on the phone, "Brother, our hotel room was stolen, and the cash and documents were stolen."

  Luke frowned slightly, "When was it stolen?"

   "I don't know either, we just got back to the hotel."

   "All three rooms were stolen? Or is it just our room?"

   "Our room and grandpa's room were stolen, and nothing was lost in my mother's room. I was so depressed that I didn't even have the mood to play."

   "Did you call the police?"

   "Yes, grandpa has already notified the hotel, and the hotel staff said they will call the police. It is estimated that they are coming soon."

   "I see, I'll hurry back to the hotel." Luke hung up the phone with a thoughtful look.

  Luke didn't answer the phone behind Orti's back.

  Orti guessed that something must have happened, and asked concerned, "What's wrong?"

   “The hotel room where I was staying with my family was burglarized, documents and cash were stolen.”

  Orti raised his eyebrows, "Such a coincidence?"

  Luke shook his head, "The law and order in Hawaii is really not good. I don't know if it's a coincidence?

  I'm going back to the hotel first, call me. "

  Orti stood up, his chest trembled, "Let me go with you, maybe I can help."

  Luke looked at the beautiful woman in front of him. The **** bikini couldn't hide her perfect figure. "Then you'd better change your clothes."

   Orti "…"

  (end of this chapter)

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