MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 461 new case

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  Chapter 461 new case

   Twelve o'clock in the evening.

  A white Tesla car was driving fast, a white man in his twenties was sitting in the cab, and a 17-year-old Latin girl was sitting in the co-pilot.

  The Latin girl grabbed the right armrest, "Tom, drive slowly, you just had a drink."

   "Baby, don't worry, my driving skills are superb." The white man made a forward shrugging motion.

  The Latin girl laughed, "Believe me, fast speed does not mean good driving skills. What made you have this misunderstanding?"

   "Wow, you actually doubt me, want to try?"

  The Latin girl shook her head, "Drive well."

"I was serious."

   "You are crazy, this is the suburbs."

"Doing the most primitive sports in a natural environment is the true meaning of life. Believe me, you will like this feeling." While speaking, Tom turned right and drove out of the driveway from a crossing , and drove into the dirt path next to it.

   "Hey, Tom, stop messing around, it's so dark in here, you can't see anything."

   "Doesn't it feel better that way? And there is no one here, we can do whatever we want in the car, believe me, it's great." After Tom finished speaking, he directly put down the passenger seat.

  The Latin girl wanted to refuse and greet, so she gave a symbolic push a few times, and they hugged each other logically.

  The two young men were at the age of dry firewood. After a few kisses, they began to take off their coats.

  The Latin girl shrank suddenly, her eyes widened, "Tom, there are people outside!"

   "Hey baby, stop scaring yourself, there's no one here but us."

   "I really saw someone and ran over outside the car."

  Tom also began to look around the car, but he didn't see any figures, "You must be wrong."

   "Drive away from here, it makes me feel a little uncomfortable."

  Tom scratched his hair with his right hand, feeling a little annoyed. His interest had already been aroused, so why would he want to leave, "I'll go out and have a look."

   "No, let's go."

"Baby, don't worry, there is nothing to be afraid of with me." It was pitch black outside, and Tom didn't want to go down, but in order to let Latin girls feel at ease playing poker with him, he still wanted to go down, fearless under the stimulation of hormones .

  Tom took out his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight, opened the car door and walked down.

   "Tom, be careful." The Latin girl showed a worried look.

   "I will, wait for me." Tom squeezed his eyes, and after getting out of the car, he took a flashlight and looked around. He didn't see anything unusual. Then he took the flashlight and looked around the car, but he didn't see anyone either.

  However, a mound of soil not far away caught his attention. Tom bravely walked to the mound and took a photo with his mobile phone.

   Beside the mound was a large pit, and inside lay a man with a pale face and round eyes protruding outwards, staring at him intently.

  Suddenly, the opened man's mouth opened, and a big mouse crawled out of the mouth.


  Tom ran the **** out of his way back to the car...

  The next morning.

  Luke walks into the Robbery and Murder Division with a takeaway bag in hand.

   "Hi guys, good morning.

  I brought you dessert. "

  Xiao Hei came over first, "Great, I'm craving something sweet, maybe I can feel better."

   "What happened?" Luke took the dessert out of the bag.

   "No, it's nothing, it's just that Julian's due date is approaching. I'm a little nervous, anxious, and uneasy. I've never felt like this before. It's hard to say." Xiao Hei took a piece of dessert and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

   "If you are really worried, take a few days off and stay with her at home."

  Xiao Hei shook his head, "My mother has already moved in to live with us, and I have nothing to do at home, so it's a bit redundant, do you understand that feeling?"

   "No, I'm still young." Luke shrugged.

  Xiao Hei took another piece of dessert, "What's this called? It's quite delicious. Where did you buy it? Julian will definitely like it."

   "This is called wife cake, and it is sold in most large Chinese supermarkets."

   "Wife cake?" Xiao Hei smiled, "Why is it called this name? Is it specially given to my wife?"

  Luke didn't bother to explain, "Yes, you can just buy it for Julian."

  The deputy team also picked up a piece of wife cake, took a bite, "Luke, you just got a lot of treasure, just asking us to eat this is not enough."

   Luke was a little surprised, "How do you know?"

  The deputy team pouted, "Walker posted on Facebook again, with photos of you and Treasure. I've never seen him smile so happily."

   "Wow, what an unreliable old man." Luke complained, but he didn't feel anything wrong in his heart.

  Whether or not money is exposed depends on the situation. As far as Luke and Walker are concerned, it is not a bad thing to be exposed, at least everyone knows how the money comes from.

  Otherwise, Luke suddenly moved into the mansion, but it will make people have bad guesses.

  Xiao Hei showed a curious look, "Did you dig the treasure again?"

   "What treasure? Can I see it?" Jackson also leaned over.

   Seeing everyone's curious expressions, Luke didn't hide it, and directly took out a photo of him and Walker's treasure.

  After seeing it, everyone showed envious and surprised expressions. Although they knew that Luke had dug up treasures, they didn't expect so many treasures.

  Xiao Hei trembled, "How much are these gold ornaments worth?"

   "We sent it to the auction house for auction, and it can be worth about one million."

  Little gangster, "Can you and Walker share about half a million dollars?"

   "The auction house also takes a commission, which is estimated to be more than 400,000 US dollars per person."

  Xiao Hei's eyes widened, "God, what kind of policeman is that? You can just go full-time treasure hunting."

Luke shook his head, "Treasure hunting is not that easy. It is often based on luck. Walker and I both have serious jobs, so we have a good and stable mentality when hunting treasures. If we really resign and become professional treasure hunters, the original intention of treasure hunting It will change, and some things will become more complicated.”

Luke is not hypocritical. Take this treasure hunting experience as an example. There are many treasure maps. Before he and Walker rushed to Red Rock Canyon, someone found the treasure. Under normal circumstances, they could not even find a steel coin. .

  He and Walker were able to obtain the treasure, one is luck, the other is by force, and occasionally earning extra money is fine, but if they really want to eat it, they must starve to death.

  Xiao Hei's curious expression remained undiminished, and he asked, "Luke, where did you go for treasure hunting, tell us about the process of treasure hunting."

  Luke didn't hide it either, and picked up what he could say and described it, "Last time, Walker and I got a treasure in Big Bear Lake, and there was a treasure map hidden in the treasure box.

  I studied it for a few days and didn't understand it, so I gave it to Walker.

   This old man really likes treasure hunting, and it really made him find the location on the treasure map, which is in Red Rock Canyon in Colorado.

  Walker bought a RV not long ago, and the two of us drove the RV..."

  Luke said, everyone listened carefully, no one can be indifferent to the treasure.

  There was only Luke’s voice in the room. As Luke told about his treasure hunting experience, everyone showed envious expressions, not only envious of him getting the treasure, but also envious of his adventure experience.

   "Boom boom."

   There was a knock on the door, and then the door of the office was pushed open, and Deputy Director Reid walked in from the outside.

   "Oh, are you in a meeting?" Rhett saw everyone sitting together.

  Luke nodded and said perfunctorily, "Yes, Director, what's the matter?"

   "There is a new case, a male body was found outside Los Angeles."


   An hour later, Luke led the team to the outskirts of Los Angeles.

  The scene was not far from the road, several police cars were parked on the side of the road, and a cordon had been set up around it.

   This is a dirt road, and there are obvious traces of tire pressure. The technical team also rushed to the scene, and they will be responsible for collecting tire marks.

   Luke continued to walk forward, not far away there were traces of soil being excavated, and there was a large pit next to it, and there was a man's body in the pit.

   This is a white man wearing a leather jacket with several circular blood holes on his upper body.

  Luke felt that there was a high probability that the deceased had been shot. He observed the body carefully and found that the man looked familiar...

   Not far away, Xiao Hei was taking notes for the informant.

  Xiao Hei looked at the young white man in his twenties, pointed at the Tesla not far away, "Is this your car?"


   "The car is nice."

   "Sure, it's awesome."

   "Dude, you called the police last night?"


"May I have your name?"

   "Tom Carter. Just call me Tom."

   "Tom, when did you find the body?"

   "Around twelve o'clock in the morning."

   "Were you alone?"

   "And my girlfriend, the two of us."

  Xiao Hei asked, "What are you doing here?"


  Xiao Hei squeezed his eyes, "The location is good, it's very suitable for a date. How did you find the corpse?"

   "We were sitting in the car, and my girlfriend felt someone was outside the car, so I got out of the car to check, and saw the big hole inside..." Tom sighed, "I don't really want to recall."

  Xiao Hei confirmed, "You mean there were other people outside the car at that time?"

   "I don't know, and my girlfriend isn't sure, maybe."

   "A man or a woman?"

   "She didn't see it either, just saw a shadow. I shouldn't have chosen this place, I screwed up the date." Tom sighed again.

  Xiao Hei comforted, "Dude, don't take it too seriously, you can make another appointment."

  John lowered his voice, a little embarrassed, "I...I can't do it now."

   "What?" Xiao Hei was a little confused.

   "Exactly what you think, since getting freaked out last overcooked spaghetti...God, I'm going crazy."

   "Cough..." Xiao Hei held back his laughter, "Does your girlfriend know?"

   "No, I can't speak, she will dump me."

   "Then why did you tell me?"

   "You are a police detective, you should often see dead bodies.

  I want to ask if you have a similar situation and is there a solution? "

   "Sorry, I don't have this kind of experience." Xiao Hei glanced at the colleagues around him, no, absolutely not.

   "Dude, I sympathize with what happened to you. You should see a psychiatrist." Xiao Hei patted him on the shoulder and whispered, "You can also try Viagra."

   Tom “…”

  I'm only nineteen years old!

   Luke's voice sounded next to him, "Marcus, have you finished taking notes?"

   "Yes, I'll be right over." Xiao Hei responded, and then said to Tom, "Man, I wish you good luck."

  Xiao Hei walked up to Luke, "Captain, what are your orders?"

   "Look at this corpse."

   At this time, the forensic doctor had already lifted the body out of the pit.

  Xiao Hei stepped forward to observe, "This guy has been shot many times, and the murderer made it clear that he wanted to kill him. Wait, this guy looks familiar..."

  Xiao Hei carefully identified, "God, he seems to be Harry Szabo."

   Luke said, "I only thought he looked like him before, but now that you recognize him, you probably can't be wrong."

  Xiao Hei showed a shocked look on his face, "This guy was shot and buried!

  If you let Julian know... no, no, no, you must not let Julian know, even if you want to say it, you have to wait until she gives birth. "

  The deputy team came over, "Marcus, what is your relationship with this unlucky guy, do you want to avoid suspicion?"

  Xiao Hei shook his head, "No need, I'm not familiar with him, I just met him once or twice or three times..."

  The deputy team interrupted him, "Don't use this kind of nonsense to perfuse me, what is your relationship with him?"

  Xiao Hei spread his hands, "He is Julian's ex-boyfriend."

   "Wow..." The deputy team widened their eyes and joked, "So, you also have a motive for committing the crime. Would you like me to make a record for you?"

  Xiao Hei curled his lips, "You are wrong, I have no motive for committing the crime. He is just a loser and poses no threat to me.

  Anyone could kill him, but I wouldn't. "

  The deputy team looked at Luke aside, "You know this guy too?"

  Luke nodded, he was quite impressed with Harry Sabo, this kid is a member of the drag racing party.

   That was the first case he came to Los Angeles to investigate. His partner at the time was David. In order to obtain information, David went to a drag racing party to make trouble and beat up the kid, and then "persuaded" him to become a police informant.

  Luke doesn't know if this guy is still in contact with David, but he has to tell David if it's too emotional or reasonable.

  The deputy team patted the dirt on their hands, and asked Xiao Hei beside him, "What did you find out when you took notes for the reporter?"

   "He came here for a date with his girlfriend, and his girlfriend saw someone outside the car. He got out of the car to check, but he didn't see anyone, but he found the body in the big pit. This unlucky guy was terrified." Xiao Hei said.

   "That is to say, there was a third person present at the time." The deputy team thought again.

  Xiao Hei nodded, and analyzed, "That's right, I guess the suspect should be digging a pit to bury his body, and this young couple happened to be seeing him on a date, and the other party hurried away to avoid being exposed."

  The deputy team glanced at the big pit and shook his head, "I just observed the situation around the corpse, the soil is not scattered, which means that the corpse is not buried.

   More like exhumation. "

  (end of this chapter)

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