MTL - Lord Xue Ying-Chapter 7 Long wind knight

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Inside the house.

On the bed, Zong Lingzheng was lying on the bed, and Tong San sat on the side of the stool. The two looked at the Dongbo Snow Eagle that ran in the house.

"Zong Shu, are you okay?" Dongbo Xueying looked at it carefully. Zong Shu had changed his white robes. It seemed that there was no injury, but his face was pale.

Zong Ling smiled and said: "The knives of the Machete League are really powerful. If you don't have the alchemy inside, this time, I am afraid that I will really lose a small cough, cough, cough..." Then I coughed up, even holding the side One of the handkerchiefs licked his mouth, and the white handkerchief quickly became red, and the blood spread on the handkerchief.

Dongbo Snow Eagle sees the heart tremble, vomiting blood? Is it an internal injury?

"Zong Shu." Dongbo Snow Eagle even sat to the bed.

"Nothing, I can't die." Zong Ling put down his handkerchief and threw it into the pot on one side. He smiled. "What is this injury? When I was with your parents and Tong Shu, I was more serious than this. Many times."

"Snow Eagle, you can rest assured that this level of injury, with the body of the six-armed snake magic recovered in a month or two." Copper three is very calm, they were on the edge of life and death, have long been used to it," By the way, Zong Ling, how do you hurt so much? You are full of soldiers with a battalion. Isn’t the leader of the Machete League so powerful?”

"It is very powerful, and it is more powerful than I expected. It is the strongest bandit in Yishui." Zong Ling said.

"Who is the leader of the Machete League, what is the origin?" Dongbo Snow Eagle is confused.

"It's time to talk to you about these things." Zong Ling said, "The things that the snow eagle will receive will be handed over to you after all."

Zong Ling looked at Dongbo Snow Eagle: "As a lord, you have the right to control the territory, but you also need to protect your territory and protect all the people in the territory! Some bandits invade your territory, killing and plundering, They must be killed!"

Dongbo Snow Eagle nodded.

"When your parents are there, your mother is a Master of Heaven, and with a strong mage, the army can exert a stronger strength, and our Snow Eagle collar is also equipped with a large number of broken stars, and there is no robbery and guilty offense in the entire Yishui County. "Zong Ling said, "And after your parents are taken away, those robbers may have been watching, and they are also afraid of breaking the stars."

Dongbo Snow Eagle is also very aware of the power of its own broken star, the father they were equipped with 500 broken stars!

Only these broken stars need 50,000 gold coins! This is enough to buy the entire snow eagle collar, so in the entire Yishui County... Snow Eagle collar Dongbo family is still very famous.

"The snow eagle's tax is low, and the people love the lord! Over the years, the land of the people of the land has been good, causing a lot of thieves." Zong Lingdao, "Your parents were taken away, they are ready to move, finally the whole instrument The most powerful bandit in the county, Sword Knife, has entered our territory and plundered.

"I got the news, led a battalion of 300 soldiers, riding horses, and rushing past with broken stars, but more than 500 civilians have been killed and looted."

The eyes of Dongbo Snow Eagle are red.

More than 500 people died?

This this……

These **** bandits! Where are the civilians provoked them?

"I was chasing the trail of bandits when I rushed over. Who wants the leader of the Knife League, that is, the evil scimitar leader, 'Gai Bin', was alone in the village that was slaughtered, and suddenly launched a sneak attack on me. Zong Ling exclaimed, "At the time we were caught off guard, and three hundred soldiers were also confused. I can only resist him first."

"Mingbang League leader 'Gai Bin' is a stream star knight! I used to play with the star-rated knights, and generally can withstand a moment." Zong Ling exclaimed, "This can be too fast and too fast." It's much faster than the normal stream star knight... I guess there should be some special vindictive methods."

Dongbo Snow Eagle also knows.

On the strength, father, Tong Shu, Zong Shu three, Zong Shu is the strongest, although he is only a heavenly knight, but it is a snake king! As a six-armed snake, the power is very strong, and he can attack six arms at the same time in battle, and the existence of the snake tail makes his body more flexible and more even if the more order and the meteor knight kill, it can support a little time. .

"My knife is fast, he is faster, he can't stop him, he has been slashed three times! Fortunately, there is a gold-plated inner armor, suffered some internal injuries, and the three hundred soldiers also use broken stars. He started attacking and forced the leader of the scimitar to escape. He suffered some minor injuries." Zong Ling exclaimed, "He has a fast knife and a fast body. It is no wonder that there is such a fierce name." ”

After the Dongbo Snow Eagle was afraid for a while, Zong Shu was smashed three times. If luck is almost, or if the fighting time is longer, I am afraid that I will lose my life!

"Snow Eagle, you can rest assured."

Next to the bronze three sounds, "The entire Yishui County, a total of four meteor knights and a big star of the mage! In the bandit, there is only one of the scimitar leaders, this machete leader received Injury, I saw the power of the broken star... It is estimated that I will not take another risk. Because the next time we are going to be more prepared! This scimitar alliance does not dare to attack, and other bandits are even more afraid to come."

"Yeah." Dongbo Xueying breathed a sigh of relief.

"This Gaibin is a meteor knight, what is it wrong, go to be a bandit?" Dongbo Xueying said.

"Hey." Copper three snorted, "Snow Eagle, this world is some powerful master, but also like to get something for nothing, like to snatch! This Gai Bin is said to be greedy to kill a nobleman to win the treasure, and finally exposed to be wanted, this Only then became a bandit."

Zong Ling also said: "In the past, his reputation was not good, but no one has ever grasped his handle! He has done more evils. There is always a day of exposure. He is finally exposed to being wanted, but he is strong and hiding in destruction. In the mountains, they also lead a large group of desperate people... Only then can they be arrogant, forget it, this is not something we have to worry about, we can’t control it.”

Dongbo Snow Eagle nodded.

It can't be managed.

Hiding in the ruined mountains, some city guards in the Imperial City Pool are not willing to attack. It is necessary to know that the ruined mountains have been passed through 100,000 miles and connected to four provinces. It is the largest mountain range of the entire empire, and there are countless terrible World of Warcraft. Many of the desperados are hiding in the ruined mountains, and of course the outermost areas of the entire ruined mountains.

It is too dangerous to destroy the depths of the mountains.

"Now, regardless of them, when I have enough strength, I have to get rid of this cancer." Dongbo Snow Eagle said secretly.

"Right, Snow Eagle, Changfeng College, do you think about it?" Zong Ling suddenly said.

"Snow Eagle!" next to Tongsan is also eager to say, "This Changfeng College, but the entire largest college in Anyang Province, is also the most powerful force. More than your mother's Moyang family! Changfeng College's courtyard The long 'Changfeng Knight' Chiuqiu is the strongest in the entire province... Your strength conditions are fully confident to enter this college. It is already winter, and you can register late."

"Ten years old is the final limit. If you are over ten years old, Changfeng College will not accept it." Zong Ling also looked at Dongbo Snow Eagle.

Dongbo Snow Eagle is silent.

He also thought about it for a long time.

Changfeng College recruits teenagers who are no more than ten years old! Because this age is full of cultivability, especially during the body development period... It is the most crucial moment for the knight's practice. Some of them are early in development, and at the age of ten, they begin to grow and grow taller, so the age limit of the college is also ten years old. Not without reason.

Changfeng College is the strongest force in Anyang Province! The Dean is the most powerful presence in a province!

Cultivated college disciples, go in to the ordinary teenager, the lowest graduated is also the heavenly knight! Many of them can enter the flow star rating, but the same admission examination is very strict. Of course, the physical condition and the shooting method of the Dongbo Snow Eagle are very easy.

"I thought for a long time, I already have a decision." Dongbo Xueying said.

Read The Duke's Passion