MTL - Lord of the People: Discount Artifact For Signing In at the Start-Chapter 2 This is Sparta!

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Consuming architectural drawings, a building suddenly appeared in front of the wooden house.

A training camp covering an area of ​​more than 200 square meters.

In the middle of the camp, there is a sandy field of more than 100 square meters.

There is the training ground for the Spartans.

Huang Yu looked at the training camp, and a virtual information panel appeared in his field of vision.

【Spartan Training Camp (Extraordinary Grade Building)】

【Level: Level 1】

[Note: Upgrading to Tier 2 requires Tier 2 Fire, as well as 50 soul crystals, 800 units of wood, and 400 units of stone. 】

[Function: Five human beings can be trained 100% every day as extraordinary troops - Spartan warriors]

[For every 10 soul crystals paid, you can train 1 additional Spartan warrior! 】

[The trained Spartan warriors have a 30% probability of obtaining a sub-professional, a 5% probability of becoming a hero unit, and a 1 in 1,000 probability of becoming a king-level unit. One chance to become a god-level unit! 】

[The Spartan warriors are resting in the training camp and can quickly recover. 】

[Note: The units of arms are divided into warriors, warriors, heroes, kings, and gods. The current building level can only train humans below LV10. 】


"Extraordinary troops!"

"Spartan warriors!"

"It can even train a god-level unit!"

Huang Yu felt that he had a bright future on the road of chaos!

"I just don't know, what is their combat power?"

Huang Yu looked at the ten people who walked out.

They were startled by the sudden appearance of a special building.

After walking out of the hut, they happened to see their lord, who was greeting him respectfully at this time.

"Long live the lord!"

"The Lord is mighty!"

"Lord Lord looks so handsome!"

Ten people talked and went on and on, and it was just a few words, and Huang Yu got tired of hearing it after a while.

Called up the information panel of several people.

【Lingmin No. 1】

[Level: LV1]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Potential: Black Iron (Upgradable to LV9 only)]

[Note: The potential levels are ten levels of black iron, bronze, silver, gold, diamond, extraordinary, sanctuary, legend, immortality, and eternity. 】

[Basic Occupation: Farmer]

[Lingmin No. 2]...[Basic Occupation: Gatherer]

[Lingmin No. 3]...[Basic Occupation: Chef]

[Lingmin No. 4]...[Basic Occupation: Lazy]

A total of ten residents.

Level, loyalty, potential and other information are exactly the same.

Only the basic occupations are different.

Five farmers, three foragers, one cook... There's even a slob!

Huang Yu looked at the condescending subject with a shocked expression on his face.

Someone dared to reject the 996 blessing?


Throw it at Spartan training camp for a makeover!

Under Huang Yu's order, three farmers, a forager, and the lazy man walked into the Spartan training camp together.

Before the lazy man went in, he turned his head back in three steps and kept complimenting Huang Yu, obviously not wanting to go in.

In the end, he was kicked in by Huang Yu.

[Today's quota is full, do you want to start training? 】



[Start training, the duration of this training is expected to be one hour! 】

Huang Yu chose to train without hesitation.

The forest in the distance is full of flying shadows, wild beasts roar, and at a glance, you can see that there are many monsters gathered.

And his territory has no weapons or food.

If you can't go out to find supplies.

Without waiting for the protection period to end, he would starve himself to death.

And the Spartan warriors are his next support!

An hour passed in a flash.

In the eyes of Huang Yu's expectation, the door of the training camp slammed open.

Five strong, burly warriors walked out one after another.

They were naked on the upper body, wearing only a pair of white shorts on the lower body, and walked on the ground barefoot.

The well-developed muscles are wheat-colored, and they seem to be pregnant with amazing strength.

"Lord Lord!"

The five Spartans knelt down on one knee and saluted Huang Yu.

Huang Yu opened the information panel of several people again.

[Spartan Warriors: Hughes]

[Level: LV1]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Potential: Diamond (upgradeable to LV49)]

[Occupation: Step Warrior]

[Skills: Spartan combat skills, Spartan battle formation...]

[Sub-occupation: Butcher]

[Motto: Killing an enemy is like killing a pig! 】

good guy.

Huang Yu is a direct good guy.

Coming out of training camp is simply reborn.

Although the level has not changed, the potential has been directly increased by four levels, and Spartan-related skills have been obtained.

After becoming a warrior, he still has his own name and motto in life.

Huang Yu looked at the second Spartan warrior with excitement.

The warrior's name is Xiu En, and he and Xiuzi sound like two brothers.

Xiu En's level, potential, skills, etc. are similar to Xiu Zi, but he does not have a secondary occupation.

The next two Spartan warriors, named Orr and Oul, did not have a secondary occupation either.

All are pure foot soldiers.

Although it feels a bit regrettable, Huang Yu is already very satisfied to get four high-potential fighters.

Huang Yu set his sights on the last Spartan warrior.

[Spartan Heroes: Dilios (Unique)]

[Level: LV1]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Potential: Sanctuary (upgradeable to LV69)]

[Occupation: Spartan Berserker]

[Skills: Spartan Wrath, Spartan Combat Skills, Spartan Battle Array...]

[Motto: thisissparta! (This is Sparta!)]

[Heroic talent: Spartan warriors led by Dilios (Note: Currently only 10 Spartan warriors can be led), their strength will be strengthened during battle, without fear of pain and exhaustion...

But it also gradually loses its mind and turns into a ruthless killing machine. Only their kings, gods or lords can awaken them from their rage...]

"There is a five percent chance that I will meet you!"

Huang Yu looked at Dilios excitedly.

This is a hero unit, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is unique.

Fully grown, can reach the existence of the sanctuary rank!

"As expected of an extraordinary training camp!"

Huang Yu sighed sincerely and was a little envious of the abilities of the Spartan warriors.

Suddenly, Huang Yu thought of a question.

Can I get into Spartan training camp myself?

As soon as his thoughts came out, a ruthless voice came from his mind.

[Entering the training camp will lose the status of the lord, the potential of the lord is unlimited, please choose the lord properly! 】

Unlimited potential!

It is impossible to give up lordship.

Huang Yu gave up the idea of ​​entering the Spartan training camp.

However, soul crystals are needed to purchase supplies, and soul crystals are also needed to upgrade training camps and fire seeds.

Looking at his remaining 7.2 soul crystals, Huang Yu eagerly wanted to know how to obtain soul crystals.

The thought will arise, and the prompt sound in my mind will sound immediately.

[Killing wild monsters, monsters, and enemy life units can get soul crystals! 】

[Devouring the token of the enemy lord can transform a large number of soul crystals, or upgrade the fire! 】

"I see…"

Huang Yu pondered.

"All kinds of resource acquisition methods are forcing the lord to go out to take risks, and even go to war with other lords."

"If you don't actively develop the territory, just with the current resources, even if it is not annexed by other lords, it will be destroyed by monsters in the wilderness."

"Not to mention that there is still an assessment in seven days!"

Huang Yu let the five Spartan warriors move freely in the territory, and walked into the lord's hut by himself, wanting to purchase a batch of weapons in the Chaos Store to arm the Spartan warriors.

With weapons, the Spartan warriors will be even more powerful!

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