MTL - Lord of the Magical Beasts-v2 Chapter 795 sinner

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"Impossible, impossible!" Look at the starry city owner Cameron behind him. Raymond is incredulously wide-eyed. "Cameron is cultivated and promoted by myself. It is the elder of our alliance who is responsible for external relations. How could it be your avatar?"

Star City, Cameron, did not feel right; but, until the lord of the incarnation of the sword slaves personally admitted, Raymond could not believe that Cameron was the undercover who was left behind by him. For millions of years, in order to hide his eyes and ears, he hid this small material plane in the mainland of Tyrone. I thought that God didn't know what to do, no one knew his whereabouts, but I didn't expect that every move was already known to the master!

"Nothing is impossible!" Look at the unexpected Raymond, the master smiled faintly, and then said: "Well, since you have rushed out of the kingdom of God, passed the first level, you are also qualified to understand what is going on. When the soul flies, it will be dead!"

The lord's face was dull, and he patted the palm gently as he said. Suddenly, a black shadow fluttered from afar, and the speed was so fast that the blink of an eye came to the front. Without trimming, the hair is fluffy, and the clothes look dirty, it seems that they have not been washed for a month, but their eyes are stunned!

Master Allen?

Look at the speed, the face is cold, respectfully standing behind the master of the incarnation of the sword slave, the master of Allen, the corpse witch and Jin Peng and others screamed, Yang Ling is no exception. Unexpectedly, the dominating lurking under the eldest elders of Raymond was an undercover, but I didn’t even think that I had left a blind eye that I couldn’t think of!

"This... is this awkward or a avatar?"

"God, what the **** is going on, who else is the master?"


Cameron and Allen, one of the elders of the Alliance, is responsible for the core members of the Alliance's affairs; one is the indispensable core general of the Warcraft Gods, controlling the huge World of Warcraft. Seeing that both of them were actually dominated by the dark lines, people could not help but be amazed. Look at me, I see you, one by one pale; once again everyone is in danger, lest there are people around who are the secrets of the secret, lest they will encounter a fatal raid!

"Yes, both of them are my incarnations. A long time ago, my avatars took control of their two bodies! Even if the deity is motionless outside the temple, he clearly understands the situation of the major planes. And successfully contacted the secrets of the ancient wizards! "Look at the shocked people, the master smiled lightly and slowly said.

It turned out that after the battle of the demon cemetery millions of years ago, despite the exile of many ancient wizards, the lord itself was also wounded by the joint attack of the wizards. However, it has also discovered a wider world, and has determined that in other dimension space, there are vast stars, powerful warriors and mysterious and powerful magical powers. After being shocked, he quickly returned to the Meteor Castle and immediately issued an order prohibiting free shuttles and exploring endless oceans in all major planes, and seized the time to heal and inspire the magical powers of the ancient wizards.

A battle between the arbiter's army and the locomotives broke out!

The angry wanderers fought back, but unfortunately, they were not opponents of arbiters in droves. Even, often, they did not react and died under the sneak attack of the arbitrators. Just as the battle came to an end, the stream cloud team, known as the first team, under the command of Captain Raymond, rushed back to the magical cemetery from the endless ocean, bringing back a mysterious witchcraft; The Tongtian Tower of the Demon's Graveyard opened the 12-day Tianta summoning array.

Raymond’s whereabouts were hidden, but unfortunately, when he met with some surviving wanderers, he was stunned by the cloud city city master who was still unknown at the time; he attracted a arbitrator army like a wolf, and even directly alerted the master. After a major war, the rebel rogues were almost completely annihilated, and the Liuyun team also suffered heavy casualties. After scanning the souls of several squadrons, the lord quickly discovered the secret of Raymond and his team rushing back to the sacred cemetery from the endless ocean.

Understand that Raymond brought back a piece of witchcraft from the depths of the endless ocean, and after the opening of the tower to summon the ancient wizards, the ruler will simply count. While sending the arbitrators' corps to search for the surviving ancient wizards and their followers, they quickly returned to the Meteor Castle; but unlike the outside rumors, they returned to the Meteor Castle and did not retreat in the temple, but divided into three.

The deity is turned into a guardian sword slave, while he is wounded, while sitting in front of the temple, he calmly feels the powerful magical powers of the ancient wizards; the sky passes through the sea, and the cold faces watch the changes of the major planes and the meteor castle. The two avatars quietly left the Meteor Castle. With a powerful supernatural power, a sneak sneaked into the Rangers Alliance formed by Raymond, and sought to seize the body of the star city, Cameron, and sneaked in as the elder of the Alliance. Alliance, dive to Raymond.

Another avatar, lurking in the Tyrone continent, waiting for the arrival of the ancient wizard. After Yang Ling was brought to the Tras Forest by the Witch Tower, it quickly caught the attention of Raymond, but it was also clearly understood by the lord. Like Raymond, he silently paid attention to the growth of Yangling, the eccentric ancient wizard. Later, it was based on a powerful supernatural power to seize the body of Allen Master; deliberately making troubles in World of Warcraft, with the excellent alchemy of Allen Master successfully caused Yang Ling's attention and successfully dive to his side, gradually touching the ancient times The secret of the wizard.

Captured control of their bodies?

Yang Ling and Raymond looked at each other bitterly and suddenly realized. Taking the mastery of the supernatural powers, it is easy to seize a person's body. As long as he does not show his feet, who can discover his secret? The **** domesticated mother and the black dragon king and other powerful World of Warcraft, Yang Ling have left a soul brand in their minds, but among the many generals around, just the only Master Allen is an exception. Seeing his loyalty for hundreds of years, he devoted himself to the development of various weapons and equipment in the World of Warcraft. He saw that he had no exception except for the lascivious, and he did not doubt him!

Unexpectedly, the problem just happened to be on this old ghost!

"Fortunately, I only passed on some witchcraft witchcraft, otherwise..." Look at the face cold, look different when it is peaceful, stand coldly and stand behind the lord, Allen, Yang Ling wipes his forehead The sweat on the sweat. If you are mastered by powerful unseen masters and master powerful soul witchcraft, the consequences will be unimaginable!

"What does the challenger mean? Also, I don't want to understand, killing us these rebels, but why not even let your lord's commander and arbitrators not let go?" Raymond hoarse, Doubtful doubts, while talking about staring at the deity of the deity.

"In fact, a long time ago, I was also a rebel against you. It was a wanderer who was free to shuttle and explore in all major planes. He pursued the ultimate mystery of comprehending various laws. Until one day..." The dominant voice is dull. With a hint of vicissitudes of life, as if I remembered the long-standing dusty past, I paused and said: "Until one day, when I realized the ultimate mysterious rule and defeated the previous master, I inherited the wheel of space and time and became the second. After eighteen masters, everything changed."

Beat the last master?

Everyone was shocked and understood that they had come into contact with a big secret. They looked at the deity in silence and waited for the following. Yang Ling has no exceptions, standing quietly on the side, the surface is not moving, but my heart has set off a huge wave!

"After becoming the master, although I have more powerful strength and supernatural powers, I have the supreme power; but soon, I found that this is not a good thing!" The master smiled bitterly, and after a while he said: " In this dimension space, there are countless material planes besides the five main planes, and there are countless wise creatures such as humans, half-orcs, elves, and Warcraft. The more cultivators, the stronger the power, the more unstable the entire dimensional space. Even every month, every day, there are many planes destroyed by the violent space ion storm. As a supreme master, the mission is to ensure the order of the entire dimension space, find a balance among ordinary people and practitioners. !"

Order, balance?

Think of the coalition forces and the arbitrators' corps who died under the wheel of time and space. Think of the strong man who has been dying in the cage of God for millions of years. Raymond’s heart moved and said: "To avoid many If powerful cultivators destroy order, do you simply put bait in the prison of God and kill generations of strongmen? In order to ensure order, simply kill the captured arbitrators?"

"Yes, the cage of God, although it contains the opportunity to understand the ultimate law of mystery; but at the same time, it is also a trap to trap many peerless powerhouses!" The master said frankly, then said: "Perhaps you feel that your resistance is just. Fight for freedom; but have you ever thought that when there are a large number of undisciplined peerless powers in a dimensional space, you can open up the planes or tear the space cracks frequently in the major planes, the ordinary What a terrible disaster for people?"

"Being a supreme master I think about the interests of the vast majority of people, considering the interests of the entire dimension space. So set a series of rules and ensure the order is executed!" Dominant tone Calmly and faintly said: "A great powerless destructive strong man, if not killed in the cage of God; then, he will be invited to become the lord special envoy, concentrated to the meteor castle constraints; if you refuse to invite, or die Under the pursuit of the arbiter's legion, it will become a challenger who will dominate the challenge. There is no other choice!"

“The ancient wizards were very powerful, but unfortunately, their arrival brought a huge disaster to this dimension space, and countless material planes were destroyed by the space ion storms that they set off when they rushed out of the endless channel. What's more, They directly rejected the invitation to become a special envoy. For our dimension space, they are a group of sinister invaders, and they must all be executed!" The lord said that he looked at Yang Ling with a faint look.

Sinister invaders, we are all sinners?

Everyone was shocked and silenced for a moment. Originally, I thought that I stood in the position of justice and challenged the rule of sin, blood and brutality; I did not expect that the true sinner was on his own side. As the ruler said, ordinary people are vulnerable to powerful cultivators, facing the storm caused by the tearing of space, without the ability to protect themselves!

(To be continued) ()

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