MTL - Lord of the Magical Beasts-v2 Chapter 769 1st violent array

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Jim and Luke, who hadn't waited for a whistle, reacted, and the shadow of a shawl appeared in front of them. Then, with a pain in his head, his head was pierced by a hard snake tail. There is no time to fight back, no time to report to the police, and the blink of an eye becomes a two-moving body!

The army is attacking, it is fast!

After learning that the Alliance had broken the cage of God and surrounded the Meteor Castle, Yang Ling quickly acted and attacked. The ancestral homeland and the emperor river opened the road in person, killing one of the dark whistle and patrolling soldiers, and quickly approaching the arbitrators and the base camp of the gods.


Regardless of the arbitrators or the elites of the major gods, the dark whistle and patrolling soldiers along the way are not the opponents of the two great ancestors, and it is too late to report to the death. But I don't know if I absorbed the blood and the soul, or accidentally touched the trap, and suddenly there was a scorn in the air; followed by a complicated rune on the ground, and the shocking blood red eyes were faintly visible...

Devil's Eye!

The guardian war will use the giant spirit and the demon knife to exhaust the effort, and will not hesitate to kill the ancient squadron under the powerful army of millions of troops. The blood-red demon's eye became clearer and clearer, and the entire military camp was covered with a strong murderousness, accompanied by a cold atmosphere. Just look at the eyes of the blood-red demon, the ordinary God of Warcraft has a tingling in his head, followed by a dizzy, body shaking, almost fell from the air.

A wide range of soul attacks?

Yang Ling was shocked and shouted, and the commanding army quickly stopped. Just preparing for the handcuffs and witches to display the great world and the boundless blood sea, there was a burst of laughter in the distance. The guardian wars the giant spirit **** and the demon knife 'huh' and tears the tent out of the sky, and summons the army through the soul. . Soon, a team of arbiters and gods joined forces from all sides.

"Ha ha ha, God, heaven destroys your World of Warcraft!" Look at Yang Ling and others who have fallen into a big battle, the guardian war will laugh at the giant spirit. After learning of the horror of the endless ocean, he was ready to return to the army, and he should attack the main force of the alliance. Unexpectedly, on this last day, Yang Ling did not know how to send the army to the door!

The guardian war will laugh at the giant spirits, and the main gods who are scowling will also look good. Originally, they were preparing to sneak a sneak peek. Unexpectedly, the Warcraft gods actually broke into a big battle at this time. With the supreme power of the sacred gods, after killing the Warcraft gods, you can not only report the big hatred of the soldiers, but also cut off the help of the league. When you get there, you can quickly send back your troops and you will be able to let the army of the Alliance be wiped out!

"You, all have to die!" After a cold sweep of Yang Ling and others, the guardian war will meditate on the spell and wave a big hand.

At that time, the red-eyed demon's eye exudes a group of red light, and the air immediately reveals a **** shadow; the eyes are red, the face is distorted, and the strangeness is repeated, as if it is extremely angry, and it is like suffering from boundless suffering. The sound was harsh, and after listening to it, the head was dizzy, as if the soul of the dead roared and attacked the soul.


After a strange call, a dozen **** shadows took the lead in launching a crazy attack. Lightningly rushed to the front of the horned dragon, no perspective dragons sharp dragon claws, ‘咻’ did not enter the horned dragon. In the meantime, Zhongjiao’s horns screamed again and again, and the muscles of the body quickly shrank like a leaking balloon. In the blink of an eye, there was only one skeleton left, and the blood and energy of the body were swallowed up!

Evil spirits swallow!

The phantom attack released by the devil's eye is very similar, and to a certain extent, very similar to Yang Ling's blood god. But even more mad, squatting in horror, and screaming out a fierce temper. What is even more frightening is that the shadow of the devil's eye is getting more and more, and it is constantly coming out. The number is more than that of Yangling's blood god!

"Ha ha ha, go to hell, you are going to die. In the ancient sacred battle, you can't run one!"

"Kill, kill, kill, kill them all!"


Seeing the illusion of the devil's eye, the arbitrators and the soldiers of the great gods shouted in shock and saw the hope of defeating the **** of warcraft. The morale that fell to the bottom of the valley quickly rose, and one saw the revenge and hatred, and rekindled the idea of ​​washing the clouds in the city.

Since this time, the arbiters and gods who died in the boundless blood have not knowed how much. In addition to the panic, the main gods are also angry and bite their teeth. With revenge and hate, the opportunity to wash the city in the cloud will not be easily missed.

Turning millions of dead souls into crazy evil spirits?

Look at the **** red eyes of the devil's eyes on the ground, look at the vastness of the air, the increasing number of **** shadows, Yang Ling's heart, quickly understand the terrible horror of the gods. One such evil spirit is not too threatening, and can directly defeat their souls, but millions of such evil spirits will get together and the attack power will be extremely terrifying. Not to mention the ordinary gods of Warcraft, it is difficult to deal with the top Warcraft such as Jin Peng and the mother.

"All the gods are screaming, hands-on!" In the face of the overwhelming evil spirits, Yang Ling no longer hesitated and decisively ordered. At the time, the six ancestors of the sacred sorcerer, such as the criminal day, the Houtu and the emperor, stood up and shouted loudly, and joined hands to display the gods.


The six great ancestors saw the wind rise, and the blink of an eye turned into a huge monster with a height of several thousand feet. One by one, looking down at the crowds and screaming loudly, the huge face is shocking. Sharp eyes gaze at each enemy's eyes and stab their souls; the low and powerful roar, like the spring and thunder, screaming through the clouds, quickly spread to every corner of the order plane, accompanied by overwhelming murder, penetrates into people's minds At the office.

Every roar, the murderous air in the air is doubled, and the waves of waves rush to the dense spirits and enemies; every roar, there is a glare of red in the air, exuding a burst of ancient scent Bloody madness...

The world is discolored!

The ground trembled as if a big earthquake that was ruining the earth was coming, and it was like countless demons coming out of the ground; the sky was blood red and **** and shocking. The arbiters and the soldiers of the Allied Forces numb their scalp, instinctively feeling an unprecedented danger; with the roar of the ancestors, the blood in the body tumbling, and the head was dizzy. The evil spirits of the original evil spirits, the blink of an eye will be cringed one by one, no matter how hard the guardian war will be the demon knife and the giant spirit, it is motionless.

The first fierce battle in the ancient times!

The Guardian War will force the giant gods and the scorpion gods to be powerful, and drive the evil spirits of millions of deaths with the eyes of the devil. However, compared with the ancestral squad, the gods are not a level opponent. In the face of the fierce temperament of the ancestors, the evil spirits instinctively felt the strong danger and the boundless pressure, and they could not resist.


After a low and powerful roar, the ancestors worked together to make a big mouthful. The whale swallowed thousands of evil spirits in the sea, swallowed them and refining their souls. The ancestors slammed down and stunned a group of people. The evil is violently crushed into a bolognese sauce; the ancestral homeland is handcuffed with sorcerer's seals, and the nine days of the hands are turned into a towering peak, and the 'huh' is pressed against the arbiter army and the gods.

After joining forces to display the big gods and the big array, without the Yangling order, the ancestors joined forces to launch a fierce attack!

The two ancestors together, the attack power is far from being as simple as one plus one, plus the top weapon in the hand, the attack power is soaring. Cut vegetables and kill one of the evil spirits that cringe, and slash the eyes of the devils to the ground, and invincible, forcibly destroy the ancient sacred gods that the guardian war will be proud of. Under the command of the guardian of the giant spirit, a team of elite arbiter rushed to the ancestors and rushed over to the ancestors. Unexpectedly, they were not close, and there was a mountain in the air that could not see the peak. Live into a meat sauce!

Flying outside the sky!

After finding the top-level witches used in his life, after a long period of time, the large-scale attack of the ancestral homeland far exceeded the imagination of the people, directly defeating the confidence and courage of the arbitrators to counterattack. Not to mention the gods' coalition forces, they have not waited for the Lord Gods to order them, and they have to retreat. In the scene of horror, the soldiers almost disappeared, and they understood that the six great ancestors were not all that the people could deal with, even if they were not opponents. Under the horror, no one dares to stay and wait to die!

"Withdraw, fast withdrawal!"

Seeing that the ancient sacred gods under the heart-splitting cloth were broken, they saw that one evil spirit was refining and ruined by the ancestors, and the guardian wars the gods with pale face and decisive order. Thinking hard, I didn’t think that the Warcraft gods were so powerful!

"In addition to the supreme ruler, who else is the opponent of these ancient wizards?" Seeing the supernatural powers of the six great ancestors, the sorrowful pain in the heart of the giant spirit, the despair is despair. Understand that even if you rush to the scalp, you are definitely not an opponent. At this moment, I finally realized that I would understand how the other two guardian wars would go without a return.

There are such a group of powerful ancient wizards guarding, not to mention these few guardian wars, even if the demon king commander personally shot, it is impossible to kill Yang Ling that Warcraft Lord God! The hidden strength of the Warcraft gods far exceeds everyone's expectations!


Under the horror, the guardian war decisively retreated the giant spirit and commanded the army to retreat. The guardian war that stood at the side will be faster, and the situation is not quickly retreat without a word, a thousand miles, the blink of an eye becomes a small point on the horizon, going straight into the distance Plane channel. After the rapid rush of the endless oceans to the order plane, the plane transfer reels on them have long been exhausted; now, the plane of the order plane is the only hope for their escape!

Only by hiding in the space at the fastest speed, or quickly sneaking into an obscure material plane to hide, it is possible to escape!

"Accelerate, accelerate, fast!"

After witnessing the magical powers of the six great ancestors, the guardian war will run the fastest, and the teeth will accelerate again and again. Looking back at the army that was left behind, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, just want to wipe the sweat on his forehead, the air suddenly came a burst of harsh sound, but also too late to react, a bone arrow engraved with runes through the chest. Followed by, there was a groan in the air, a sharp knife appeared, and the head was cut down by 咔嚓.

Xuan Ming bone arrow!

At the crucial moment, the ancestors of the ancestral sorcerer smashed the defensive warfare that fled without fighting, and Yang Ling, who had been prepared, cut his head by teleporting witchcraft!

(To be continued) ()

Read The Duke's Passion