MTL - Lord of the Magical Beasts-v2 Chapter 738 Big elder

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bloody battle!

The fierce fight has lasted for a long time. Under the command of Yang Ling, the Warcraft Gods, at the expense of a large number of twelve-winged archangels, smashed the alliance of the gods and succumbed to the arbitrators who attempted to break through. The 300,000-day coalition forces brought by the head of the army, Laurence, up to the usual high-level gods, down to the ordinary god-level soldiers, almost all killed on the spot, lucky enough to rush out of the Warcraft Legion.

Even if you are lucky enough to rush out, you will be lost in the vast world of tens of thousands of miles and the boundless blood, facing the World of Warcraft lurking in the blood, death is only sooner or later.

"The pro-guards opened the road and killed me!" The pro-weapons commanded Greer to scream, and the pro-guards who did not hesitate to kill the intercepted 12-winged archangels. The sharp sword spurred a sharp sword, and slammed the throats of hundreds of angels and rushed out.

After losing the image of the ancestral homeland and the head of the army, Larence, he understood that it was unrealistic to rescue Larens. Now, in the face of the ambush and siege of the World of Warcraft, only the sin of the power, and the sin of the army to break through a **** road will be able to obtain the forgiveness of the Lord. Otherwise, even if he is the leader of the pro-guard army, even if he is lucky enough to rush out of the boundless sea, even if he is lucky enough to return to the endless sea, the waiting will be a sad end.

"The iron triangle attack array, focus on breakthrough, keep up, fast!"

Seeing that Greer rushed out of desperation, fought **** battles, the other arbitrators commanded orders, and their subordinates quickly followed, forming a close defensive array. Everyone understands that if the main force of the World of Warcraft is killed after killing the gods, the consequences are unimaginable!

Seeing nearly 300,000 gods, the Allied Forces were annihilated. Looking at a bloodthirsty violent Warcraft, tearing each soldier into pieces, listening to a scream of screaming, and then calming the arbiter could not help but change his face.

"Rodriguez, it's time to deal with these bones!" Look at the well-trained, fiercely abrupt arbitrators, Yang Ling faint. After the implementation of the Great World and the boundless blood, the other party's strength and speed are weakened, and one side takes the initiative of the absolute surname. Naturally, it is not necessary to command the army and the other party. In order to deal with this powerful arbiter army, he had long thought of a solution.

"Oh, well, it's time for them to see the secret weapon of our World of Warcraft!"

The corpse witch screamed and laughed, and couldn’t take it to the battlefield of the squadron to kill the gods, and ordered it loudly. Soon, there are countless mutant vampire bats in the boundless blood, which looks like a normal vampire bat; but the speed is hundreds of times faster, and ‘咻’ is flashing through the air. If you look in a closer look, you can also find the roots of their wings, tied to a bottle of pale green liquid on the left and right.

Self-explosive bat!

The mutated vampire bat refining the animal spirit altar, together with the top poison carefully crafted by the poisonous witch Alice, constitutes the most powerful suicide surname weapon of the World of Warcraft.

"No, what is that?"

"It's Warcraft, a lot of flying World of Warcraft, fast, don't let them close!"

... the cover of the sky, the black pressure of the self-destructing bat army, quickly attracted the attention of the arbiter army. There is no need to command the order, and many arbiters will cross the sea on the Eight Immortals. Some issued a sharp sword, cut the close-up vampire bat into several segments; some waved out thousands of sharp wind blades to form a meat grinder-like space, no one sucking in vampire bats Exceptions, all are broken into pieces!

Uh... the arbitrators’ attacks are powerful, killing a team and blasting bats. Helpless, the attacking bats are too many, killing a group, immediately rushed to a large team, killing and killing, the endless stream of endless, the number is numerous. What is even more difficult is that the speed is fast, and from the same time, the wave of one wave is higher than the other, and as soon as it is close, the explosion of the blast is launched.

The shock wave formed by the explosion is not worth mentioning for the powerful arbiter, but the poison that spreads with it has made them miserable. After inadvertently inhaling a bite, he immediately felt numbness in his limbs, and his consciousness was dizzy; even if he held his breath with a breath, the terrible poison gas infiltrated from every pore in the body. I didn’t check it for a while, and immediately I was caught in the **** fog, and the witches of Wen’s Ink and the evil eye tyrants took the opportunity to kill!

"Dispelling, fast!"

"Protect the strong person who cultivates the law of life, fast, change!"

... After discovering the bad situation, the experienced arbitrators’ legion immediately changed to focus on protecting the strong players in the team who practiced the laws of life. After that, they do not need to command the order and quickly start to use a wide range of dispelling or purifying spells to expel the toxins in the soldiers. Unfortunately, in the face of the surging bat bat army, there is always a blind spot that can't be taken care of; not to mention, the wide range of dispelling and purifying spells consumes a lot of energy, even if there is a strong arbitrator, this will always be exhausted. .

The situation is getting worse for the arbitrators!

After a moment of intense discussion through the soul of the voice, several commanders commanded the army to break through, and forced to kill regardless of casualties. Under the severe injury, some arbiters even succumbed to the self-destructive godhead and the intercepted twelve-winged archangel, and opened the way for the soldiers behind. In a short moment, there are many peripheral arbiters who die under the giant blade of the angelic team or under the claws of many Warcraft.

When I came in, it was like a broken bamboo. When I broke out, I was struggling and was intercepted and attacked by madness!

The arbitrators' army was miserable. Under the leadership of the corpse witch, the Warcraft Legion was more and more brave. With the cover of the Great Witch and the Infinite Blood Fog, under the cover of the self-destructed bat army and the angelic team, they concentrated on the subjudgment of the Arbitrators. The sound of the East hit the West, the attack immediately succeeded, and then waited for an opportunity to move.

Under the shackles of the Great World and the boundless Blood Sea, under the interception and attack of the Warcraft gods, the Arbitrators' Legion suffered heavy casualties. After a whole day of **** battle, I barely rushed out of more than two thousand miles!

"Rodriguez, the city of Yunzhong will be handed over to you and Ophelia. Remember, your task is to drag the enemy as much as possible, delay the time as much as possible, and never let the scope of the ban. As long as I insist on coming back from the abyss, it is a victory!" Seeing that the overall situation has been set, Yang Ling no longer hesitates, ready to rate the two great ancestors to quickly go to the abyss.

"Adults rest assured!" The Witch King and Ophelia were unanimous, and they all took the lead and understood the strategic significance of holding the city and delaying time.

"All the injured or temporarily not on the battlefield, the main force of Warcraft, all sent to the blood sea retreat, refining these souls as soon as possible, to enhance the strength at the fastest speed!" Yang Ling all the souls of the more than 3,000 arbiters collected before To the corpse witch, give the ruling of the ruling artifact Frostmoure to the blood angel Ophelia. Simply tell a few words and then leave and start the transfer shaft to the abyss plane.

... The Arbitration Corps and the Allied Forces suffered an ambush, and the news of heavy casualties soon spread to all major planes!

After learning the news, the guardian war responsible for the operation surprised and angered the giant spirits, ordered the arbitrators' corps to go to the World of Warcraft and the Dragon Mountains, forcibly recruited the elites of the major gods; mobilized the army to the Yunzhong City Ready to block the entire order plane and completely kill the abominable World of Warcraft.

In the depths of the endless ocean, the great commander who is about to integrate the top ruling artifacts is furious, adding three guardian warlords, and a group of peerless defenders who guard the meteor castle immediately set off, responsible for assassination and slamming World of Warcraft on the battlefield. The strongman of the department. Set up a military order, be sure to bring Yang Ling, the head of the Warcraft Lord God, back to the endless ocean!

After learning the amazing news, the gods of all major planes showed mixed performances. Some do not know how to live and die, and come out in the nest, trying to follow the arbitrators' corps at a critical moment to make a great contribution to the war, so that they can obtain amazing benefits after the war; some under the courage of the lord of the lord, they have to mobilize the elite to fight; some large-scale Restricting the sphere of influence, strengthening the defense of strategic locations; some are quiet, low-key, neutral, and watching their changes... Full participation in the war, if the arbiter's legion wins, it can certainly gain huge benefits after the war; but in case of a mistake One step, the consequences are unimaginable. Some people gnawed their gambling, and some people carefully chose a neutral position!

The great gods quickly learned the amazing news, and the powerful and powerful Wanderers League is no exception!

On an obscure mountain peak, there was a sudden burst of air in the air, ushing in an uninvited guest - a middle-aged man in a black robe. No need to face white, eyes are stunned, hands are long and powerful, waist hanging sword, scabbard engraved with vast stars. After looking at the surrounding situation, the figure disappeared into the infinite forest and went straight to the simple grassy house on the peak. If Yang Ling is present, he will find that the middle-aged man is the unfathomable star of the city, Cameron.

"The Great Elders, this is the latest battle situation and the requirements of the World of Warcraft!" Star City Carmelon respectfully bowed to the ceremony, every time he came to see the elders, he will be careful, avoiding other people on the mountain, so as not to expose the big The true identity and traces of the elders.

"Need a lot of best spar The more the better?" Look at the words on the crystal ball, the elders shook their heads and smiled, and suddenly said: "How about Cameron, Meteor Castle? ”

"According to the reliable news, the Monarch has already sent three guardian wars and a group of elite, plus a large number of arbiters who have been taken away by the giant spirits, the defense of Meteor Castle has been reduced to the lowest point!" Star City Lord Cameron While talking about the elders with full expectation, in order to restore the freedom to explore the endless ocean, in order to revenge the teammates who died that year, he has already endured many days and nights.

"Carmelon, it's not the time, wait!" The elders indulged for a moment, then said: "Now, we are not convenient to come forward directly, inform the six elders, let him find a way to kill the attack on the Warcraft collar and the Dragon Mountains The arbiter and the gods are united. As for the best spar, how much does Yang Ling give to the guy, and give him the accumulated strategic materials!"

How much do you want to give?

Star City Cameron was shocked. Before he came, he was ready to fight for Yang Ling. Unexpectedly, the elders were more generous! I want to say something, but look at the big elder's spotless hilt, look at the fire pattern that I haven't seen in years. I don't know what to say!

(To be continued) ()