MTL - Lord of the Magical Beasts-v2 Chapter 724 Verdict artifact

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Three days, the blink of an eye has passed!

During these three days, Yang Ling and others harvested a lot, killing a large number of angels and capturing many twelve-winged archangels. On the contrary, the city of Harbin in the middle of the cloud was like a year, watching the angels around him Less, seeing more and more dead bodies on the square, my heart is just bleeding!

Every second, every moment, it is tormenting him!

"The supreme ruler, tell me, who is the enemy, who is it?" Look at the corpses of the angels piled up in the mountains, and then look at the angels that are already around, and the city masters in the clouds scream in pain, "huh" Rushing to the edge of the **** sea, "said, who are you, give me out, roll...out...come..."

In the world, the most painful thing is not death, but watching the loved ones around you die!

Looking at the body, the body of more than 10,000 angels lying on the ground, looking at their familiar faces, the city of Harrington in the clouds is almost crazy. For millions of years, with the strong support of the arbitrators leading the demon, he has to be windy and rainy, and the city of Yunzhong has become one of the most powerful forces in all major fields. He has enjoyed the prosperity and wealth, where to go. Are all respected, when have you been bullied like this?

The casualties were heavy, but even the enemy’s clothes were not touched. After killing for a few days, even the enemy did not know!

Harrington, the master of the city in the cloud, is so depressed that he wants to vomit blood. He is so frustrated that he wants to break his head. He wants to break his head. He also wants to know when he has provoked such a terrible enemy! He would rather face the violent Raymond, willing to face the crazy chase of the squadron, and not want to face such a strange, cruel and **** enemy.

Do not kill any live!

The strange and infinite blood sea, pushing forward little by little, gradually compressing the sphere of influence and activity space of the city in the cloud, and torturing the nerves of the angels little by little. Obviously, the other party has already decided to rush to kill, ready to wash the entire cloud city.

Cat catches mice!

Looking at the endless boundless sea of ​​blood, Harbinton, the master of the city, smiled bitterly. After a few days, he finally understood the purpose of the unknown enemy. Obviously, the other person is not only to kill himself as simple as it is, but to humiliate and torture before killing himself.

For millions of years, when you ate or swallowed a small god, Harrington used all kinds of mean means to appreciate the struggles and pains of many people before they died. Naturally, they would not be strangers. The mouse is a trick. However, in any case, I did not expect that one day it would be my turn to taste the taste!

Look at the corpse of a mountain of angels and see the blood sea that is getting closer and closer. He understands that he has not had much time!

"Adult, north... There are thousands of corpses in the north, all with only the body and no head!" Purgatory Angel McCans rushed over to report, pale, remembering that there was no head The corpse, the scalp is still numb.

"How about the wound, did you find any clues?" The master of the city in the cloud grabbed the collar of the purgatory angel McCans and took the clothes and lifted the whole person up.

"The wound is very uneven, there are no rules, unlike the wound left by the sword, there is no trace of magical attack. It seems... It seems to be bitten off by a violent World of Warcraft!" Think of a headless body. Wounds, Purgatory Angel McCans shudders.

Is the skull bitten by a bite?

The main backbone of the city in the clouds was cold. I didn’t expect the enemy to be so bloody. I was angry and furious, my face was twisted, and I tried to hold the neck of the purgatory angel Macanth. "Who is the enemy? Said, say fast!"

"Adult, I don't know, I really don't know..." Purgatory Angel McCans struggled with horror, but unfortunately, the strength was too big to resist the will of the city. The throat is getting tighter, the inhalation is getting harder and harder, and the struggle is getting weaker. Soon, he was killed by the crazy Harrington!


Seeing the scene where McKans was alive and dead, the rest of the angels took a breath of air and subconsciously stepped back a few steps, hoping to stay away from the seemingly collapsed city owner Harrington as far as possible. Everyone is in danger, and they all feel a deep fear!

The shadow of death, like a thick black cloud over the head of everyone!

... "What kind of person is this **** guy in Harrington?"

Not far from a partial hall, Knife Haha looked through the window with a window of indifference. The surface is not moving, but my heart is secretly bitter. In this trip, he was only prepared to borrow a team of cannon fodder from Yunzhongcheng. Unexpectedly, he encountered such trouble. Looking up at the blood-stained red **** fog, there is a very bad feeling in my heart; the city in the clouds can't escape, maybe, even one's own line can't get out!

"Hazard adults, for three days, still can not contact the outside arbitrators, can not ask for help from the Lord!" A dark corner, the arbitrator named Kappa's special soul rule stood up, shook his head helplessly . His face was pale, and the sweat of the beans sprinkled down to the ground. It seemed that he had consumed a lot of energy and was exhausted.

"Kappa, still can't sense any outside situation?" Knife Hasha's face is dignified, no one knows better than him. The boundless blood sea is getting closer and closer, and most of the clouds in the city have been eaten up by the strange blood fog. Without foreign aid, it is definitely not the way to stick. The longer the time drags, the worse the situation.

"Hazard, I have tried everything I can to contact the outside arbitrators, but..." Kappa hesitated for a moment, then said: "In vagueness, I sensed a ruling of the energy fluctuations of the artifact, sometimes No, very vague. If you didn't guess wrong, maybe the Eight Great Defenders of the Meteor Castle will hear the hand-held ruling artifacts."

"Oh, how long can I get there?"

The ruling artifact is the top artifact that is mastered and produced by itself. Whether it is attack or defense, the power is extremely amazing. An ordinary plane wanderer, with a ruling artifact, may be able to kill a peerless powerhouse that has been submerged for millions of years. Even powerful arbiters have to shun the edge and be powerful. If it is really the Eight Great Defenders, the hand-held ruling artifact will arrive in person, then it will be saved!

"Adult, late! According to my induction, the distance of the ruling artifact is extremely far away; let alone the Eight Great Guardian Warriors, even if the Monarch is holding the ruling artifact and killing the Dragon Gun personally, it is too late!" Kappa reluctantly Shaking his head, even if the guess is true, there is no time to rescue. Can you rush out of the strange sea of ​​blood, you can only see yourself and your line.

"Go, go now, go now!" After a moment of indulgence, the knife king Hasa decisively ordered, and many arbiters flew away from the hall. 'Call', quickly rushed to the side of the city center Harington, said coldly: "Harrington, your castle can not hold anyway, go, rate the rest of the angels with us Go, fast!"

Although the city owner in the cloud is not an arbitrator, it is one of the few peripheral cronies of the Monarch. Even in the face of extremely bad circumstances, the knife king Hasa does not dare to let him stay in the enemy's encirclement and fend for himself. . Otherwise, even if you are lucky enough to rush out of the strange sea of ​​blood, you will face the anger of the demon king.

In addition, letting Harrington act together has another layer of benefits. There are not many angels left in Yunzhong City, but there are still more than two thousand in total. For the real strong, the strength is not worth mentioning, but the victory does not dare to defy the order, the key moment is good. Can also act as cannon fodder to delay the time.

"Ha ha ha, go, where to go, how to go?" Look at the gloomy knife haha, the city of Harbin, the city of the cloud, laughs wildly.

The arbitrators such as the Knife Emperor can leave it alone, but he is nowhere to go. The place in the middle of the cloud can fall, but the angels in the depths of the hall cannot be lost. If you lose control of the angel's reincarnation pool, he will have nothing and lose the foundation and capital of the major planes.

Losing the reincarnation pool, he will become a real bachelor commander, and since then, there is no use value anymore!

Although due to the blockade of Yangling's great world and the boundless **** sea, the angel's reincarnation pool does not absorb any energy, and fewer and fewer angels are reborn these two days. However, as long as you keep the angels in the pool, the city of Yunzhong has the hope of revival; otherwise, even if you are lucky enough to rush out of the strange sea of ​​blood, it does not mean anything to him.

"Harrington, I will ask you again at the end. Are you going or not?"

Knife Hahas face cold, impatiently looking at the city center Harrington, the situation is getting worse, he really has no patience to wait. Although knowing that Harrington can control a large number of angels, but the specific details and secrets, he is not very clear, do not know how important the angels' reincarnation pool is to Harrington, the city of the cloud!

"Hazard, I beg you, stay and stay together in the city of Just stay one day. If you have such a big thing, even if we can't call for help, the devil will definitely know, absolutely I will find a way to save us. As long as we insist on one more day, the reinforcements will be able to arrive, Hasha adults..." Harrington pleaded and looked at the powerful Knife and his party. He seemed to see the last one around him. Life-saving straw.

In any case, he can't lose the angel reincarnation deep in the hall!

"Harrington, you idiot, you stayed behind to keep this broken castle!" Knife Haha looked dismissively at this point, but he did not know the fate of Harrington, and then ignored the latter's pleading, The rate of many arbitrators did not hesitate to rush into the boundless sea, with strong knowledge, and move forward quickly.

Huh... Unlike the ambush in the expectation, in addition to the chilling wind of the whistling in the sea, there was no trace of any enemy on the way. However, after more than half an hour of rapid flight, Knife Hasha had a heartbeat and suddenly found a strange scene. It took so long to fly quickly and continuously, and it should have been rushed out of the area where Yunzhong City is located. Unexpectedly, there was no change in the surrounding scenery. In addition to the cold wind is the rolling blood fog.

After flying for so long, it seems to have been in the same place!

(To be continued) ()

Read The Duke's Passion