MTL - Lord of the Magical Beasts-Chapter 6 Advanced

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"Adult, please, please!"

After defeating the victory, Yang Ling was warmly welcomed by the elves and was greeted by a green wooden house. The wooden house is flat and looks like a white marble. It is covered with natural lines, but it doesn't have any sound when it is stepped on. It seems to step on a soft, sound-absorbing wooden board.

"Adult, please try our collection of rum from purple orchid, sassafras and morning dew." After Yang Ling took a cup of pale green rum, the long hair beauty Sophia went away, according to the elf The elder sat down and left Yang Ling with a faint fragrance.

"Listen to the big population, it seems that it is not a local?"

"Elders, I will be able to call Yang Ling later." Yang Ling took a light green rum, the entrance was cool, and the Buddha contained a piece of pure natural mint. "Yes, my hometown is far away, just from I heard a smothering sound as I passed by, and then I rushed over."

While sipping a cool rum, Yang Ling quietly looked around the environment. Unfamiliar with life, after having a good relationship with these native forest elves, there may be unexpected benefits.

"The human slaves are getting more and more crazy, especially the thugs coming today!" The elder elders were dignified and held the black staff in their hands. "Fortunately, Yang Ling, you come in time and help each other, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable." !"

"It’s a pity for the elders to raise their hands." Yang Ling said for a moment, and said with relief: "The other party’s losses are heavy, I am afraid that I will never be daring to harass again. Your future days should be much better!"

"No, the nightmare has just begun. The escaped young man was born in the notorious Anka family in Weissen Town. After this heavy loss, I am afraid that a large number of warriors will soon come back for revenge!"

The elf elders have a low tone and think of the huge power of the Anka family. They can't help but worry. It is far from other elves, no Druid warriors, no elite hunters, and no high-level powers such as the powerful fairy dragon and the double-headed Chimera.

In the face of the Anka family's revenge, it is best to evacuate early, but the winter is approaching. In any case, it is too late to move. For the sake of the present, perhaps the idea is to leave the mysterious summoner in front of you as the best way.

Under the explanation of the elder elders, Yang Ling understood the general situation. It turned out that this piece of Tyrone's mainland is vast and vast, and the Terrass forest is thousands of miles away. It is the largest pristine deep forest in the mainland of Thailand.

Due to its rich resources, the Tlax Forest has attracted many people to come to log and hunt. Slowly, near a ancient castle on the outskirts of the forest, a small town called Wissen was spontaneously formed.

The town is small, with only 20,000 residents, but due to its proximity to the resource-rich town of Wissen, the number of mercenaries, adventurers and businessmen who stay for a short time is often as high as four or five thousand.

In the town of Wissen, the Anka family is the biggest force, with many family warriors who kill people without blinking. Rumors, there are many masters such as the Great Swordsman and the Great Sorcerer, and they are strong. It is notorious for exploiting the townspeople, crushing merchants and selling slaves.

In the past few decades, there have been many conflicts between the mercenaries and the Anka family. But no mercenary has ever been able to get the slightest cheapness. Almost all the mercenaries in the first place are in the same place. For many years, there is no exception.

It is rumored that the Anka family is a group of pirates who eat people without bones. Wissen Town is just a small place for them. Often, people can see many unknown warriors coming in and out of their castles, all without exception, all of them are murderous characters.

Slowly, let alone the ordinary townspeople, the mercenaries and adventurers from all directions have to look at the face of the Anka family. Even some small tribes living in the Tlax forest are harassed by these traffickers from time to time.

After telling Yang Ling some general situations, the elder elder sighed heavily and worried. According to rumors over the years, after being targeted by the powerful Anka family, the situation is absolutely not optimistic.

After a moment of indulgence, the elder elders moved in a heart and said sincerely: "Yangling Warriors, don't you know that it is not convenient for you to stay in our tribe for a while?"

"I'm sorry, I have made an appointment with a friend for a few days to meet, this....." Although it is just right, Yang Ling is still hesitating. "Moreover, my horn bee is still very weak, if the other side is If you make a big counterattack, I am afraid it will not help you!"

After understanding the meaning of the elder elders, Yang Ling decided to retreat and strive for the greatest return. But then again, if Imiah rate a large group of warriors and magicians to retaliate, there is no small trouble.

This continent is weird and mysterious. A fireball can burn a dozen or so bees into ashes. If the other side sends out more powerful magicians, they may not be able to eat them for a while.

"Yang Ling, these are the World of Warcraft you summoned?" After a moment of hesitation, look at the densely-horned bee beast around Yang Ling. The elder elder bites his teeth and finds a clay bottle from his arms. "This is the life of our tribe this year." Spring water can promote the evolution of Warcraft. So many bees, not to mention all, even if only part of the success has evolved to the second stage, your strength is amazing!"

For the safety of the tribe, the elder elders smashed out the baby at the bottom of the box. At the same time, he did not understand how Yang Ling could summon so many bees. Summoners can only summon one or two World of Warcraft, Yang Ling is good, directly summoned a large nest.

Seeing the elder elders solemnly, Yang Ling understood that this is a rare treasure, and he took it unceremoniously. "Under the caller, these horn bees have been with me since childhood."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this!" Seeing Yang Ling seems to be reluctant to say more, the elder elders no longer ask, telling him how to use the rare life spring water.

After sitting cross-legged on the ground, Yang Ling selected the most fierce 100-horned bee beasts, each with a drop of precious spring water, and the rest swallowed. Soon, the little ones quickly grew to the size of a fist, and the mysterious runes reappeared again, and quickly disappeared.

At the same time, Yang Ling feels that the tower-shaped imprint of the eyebrows is A warm current runs slowly along the path of the mysterious body in the body, and the witch power is getting more and more abundant.

"The ancient summoner?" Elder elders stared at Yang Ling with excitement. "One hundred summoned Warcraft at a time, not to mention the ordinary summoner, that is, the Grand Summoner does not have this ability."

Elf elders are excited. According to ancient records, the ancient summoner is extremely powerful and can summon a large number of Warcraft battles. As an ancient summoner, Yang Ling now has only a low-level Warcraft, such as the Horned Beast, but the huge number of summoned beasts explains everything, and his potential is unimaginable.

With Yang Ling, an ancient summoner, the elders believe that even if Yimi’s rate of a large number of lion warriors is coming back, they will be able to weather the storm with trepidation.

Looking at the excited elf elders, Yang Ling smiled faintly, neither acknowledging nor denying. To tell the truth, saying that you are from another planet, maybe it will be considered by the elders to be mad in gibberish. Since he wishfully thought of himself as an ancient summoner, he simply let him misunderstand, and maybe he could get the unexpected benefits.

After the calmness of the screen, Yang Ling thought of a move, subconsciously pinch a handprint, suddenly, after the advanced one hundred bee beasts appeared in front of everyone. The claws and claws, murderous, seem to grow up in the mysterious wuta for a while.

Stinger abilities?

Soon, Yang Ling discovered that the advanced bee-eater had an additional ability - the stinger attack. In one day, the advanced bee bee that advanced to the second stage can shoot three poisonous tail spurs, lightning fast. The middle is light and numb, but the stun is immediately violent.