MTL - Lord of the Magical Beasts-Chapter 3 Domesticated 0 army

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Hidden in the dense foliage of the tree, Yang Ling stared at the small group of bee-eaters that were foraging. Around, thirty-six domesticated horn bees quietly open their black wings, sharp fangs are cold, and the tail is slightly tilted, ready to go, waiting for the command of attack.

After swallowing the blood of the giant wolf and the python, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the Wu Lijin advances, and he can continuously tamper with ten wild horn bees every day. The efficiency is not the same. In just a few days, there have been dozens of horned bees that have been domesticated.

I don't know if it absorbs the blood of Yang Ling or the role of the wuta. The thumb-sized bee beast grows up to the size of the handle as long as it is domesticated and stays in the wuta for a while. At the same time, two sharp fangs grow from the left and the right, and the black horns on the top of the head are sharper, and the combat power is much stronger than the ordinary wild horn bee.

Yang Ling tried several times and found that the domesticated horn bee beast was more combative than the wild one. In the face of the wild, not to mention single-handedly fighting, that is, five or six together, they are more than enough to deal with.

The team of bee-eaters that came out for food was messy. It was estimated that there were more than one hundred, all of which were flying slowly between the woodlands to find suitable food. Some '哗啦啦' 扒 枯 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Look for the caves of termites.

Seeing that the horned bees of the foraging are getting more and more scattered, Yang Ling looks at the timing and divides the 36 domesticated horn bees into six teams, six for each team. In addition to leaving a team of personal protection, the rest of the bee-eaters were ordered to attack and attack their unprepared counterparts.

Under the command of Yang Ling, thirty fierce horn bees flew out in a lightning-fast manner, and they succeeded in defeating the wild ones and then immediately transferred the target. At the same time, Yang Ling quickly followed, biting the index finger and dropping a drop of blood on the head of the wild-horned bee.

Over the past few days, he has inadvertently found that the injured horn bee is more likely to be domesticated, the heavier the injury, the less witch and blood consumed by domestication. With the current witchcraft, the uninjured horn bee can only be domesticated for ten consecutive times a day, but after the horn bee is injured, there are no problems in continuously cultivating dozens of cockroaches.

At the same time, he found that no matter how many injuries suffered by Warcraft, as long as he was domesticated and received a few days of rest in the witch tower, he could return to normal. It seems that the thick fog in the witch tower has the effect of healing. But this is limited to the newly domesticated Warcraft. After the tamed Warcraft is injured, it will be much slower to recover. It seems to be like eating a cold, the first time the effect is very good, the effect of eating later will be far worse.

After a strong raid, the wild horn bee was caught off guard and often suffered serious injuries without responding. A few domesticated horn bees that are unable to fight against the change even if they react, are not bitten into two by one bit, or they are smashed into a horse's nest by their sharp black horns.

Under the command of Yang Ling, soon, the wild-horn bee beast was completely wiped out. In addition to more than thirty guys who lacked one side of their wings or were smashed into squalor, the rest were successfully domesticated by Yang Ling and received a recuperation in the witch tower.

After consuming a lot of witchcraft and blood, Yang Ling paled and quickly left after a few breaths, so as not to be found by a large group of wild horn bees. After exiting far away, the domesticated horn bee beast will be hunted, that is, you can taste all kinds of game, and further train the cooperative ability of the horn bee. Occasionally, after stalking a low-level Warcraft, they can still absorb their blood and tonic.

In this way, when Yang Ling was tired during the day, he directed the domesticated horn bee to hunt, and the blood of the prey was swallowed. After the energy was sufficient, he went to the door to play the idea of ​​the wild-horn bee beast. In the evening, he took the time to cultivate the mysterious witch. At the beginning, the witchcraft that was running in the body was still there. After a while, it gradually felt a rushing airflow.

After more than a month, Yang Ling gradually adapted to the forest of the weak meat, and at the same time, tamed more than 2,000 horned bees that did not spit bones. Slowly, it is no longer frequent to visit the nest of the bee-eater.

It is not that he wants to accumulate yin, but the horn bee beast has raised his vigilance, not to mention the horn bee beasts, even the squad's horn bees are few. The remaining horn bees will not shrink out in the nest all day, or they will come out as a large group, which makes him unable to start.

With enough defense power, Yang Ling began to set off to the periphery of the forest, hoping to wear the stretch of the Tras forest as soon as possible. Along the way, many horn bees were sent to explore the road, and the Warcraft that could not be beaten was far away. When encountering the beast that can be easily defeated, the commanding bee beast attacked, and all the way was shocking.

On this day, after a few hours of walking, Yang Ling stopped near a small lake and prepared to take a break before setting off. According to the memory of the Hornbee, as long as you go all the way to the west, you can wear the stretch of the original virgin forest of Tras.

Near the lake, a group of small white rabbits with long ears were happily chasing and playing, and lychee-sized eyes turned around in Yangling, but Yang Ling did not have any interest in them. After all, even if the rabbit meat is fresh and beautiful, it will be greasy if you eat too much. This is the same reason as a man who has married a wife who is like a flower.


Just as Yang Ling was preparing to wash his face, there was a killing sound in the distance. As a low-level Warcraft, Hornbee will have some simple continental lingua franca. After obtaining their memories, Yang Ling also quickly learned this uncomplicated language.

After rushing to the scene silently, Yang Ling hid in the dense foliage of the tree branches. Not far away is a beautiful mountain village, a group of black warriors riding on the flying beast are flying up and down, madly attacking a group of panicked pointed ear elves.

There are two kinds of flying beasts under the black warriors. Except for a few burdock-sized lions, the rest are all black and white clouds.

According to the memory of the Hornbee, the speed of the cloud carving is good, but there is no attack ability. It is a low-level flying World of Warcraft; the Griffin is extremely terrible, not only fast, but also powerful. When a claw is caught, the elves are often caught by a belt of meat and they are seriously injured.

With strong engine power and impact, the black warrior roared while holding a **** sword and rushing to the right. At the same time, the elves were desperately resisting under the command of an old man, and the arrows were like clouds. After each dark green arrow whizzes past, there will be a black warrior landing, lightning speed and a hundred steps to wear Yang's head to make the black warrior invincible ~ ~ the two sides are hard to find.

Racial vendetta?

Yang Ling shook his head and released more than two thousand bloodthirsty horn bees. In addition to sending a hundred out to detect the surrounding situation, the rest remain vigilant to avoid sudden attacks.

Suddenly, Yang Ling’s eyes lit up. I saw a black-haired elf girl behind the old man, full of grace and long hair, the whole person is like a hibiscus in the white skirt.

After holding a dark green wand for a moment, the long-haired girl raised a black ring. Wherever they went, the black warriors were slow in action, and they were stained with a powerful glue of TU, ​​and they were killed by the elves who were carrying the arrows.

"Fast, grab the elf priestess!" After losing a few warriors, a young man with a leading appearance was furious and ordered loudly. Soon, a team of elite black warriors madly rushed to the long-haired beauty.

Seeing the black warriors rushing over, the long-haired beauty stepped back nervously, then snorted with the dark green staff in her hand. Soon, there was a wave of ripples in the air, followed by a muffled sound like 嘎吱, 嘎吱, and the nearby towering trees turned into a dead wood giant ten meters high.

Under the command of the long-haired beauty, the dead wood giants stepped on the heavy footsteps to the black warriors, and the water-sized wooden sticks in their hands were knocked hard, and the black warriors were even smashed into a mud.

Black magic, hallucination?

Yang Ling blinked his eyes and looked incredulously at the dead wood giants that were turned into towering trees.

Read The Duke's Passion