MTL - Lord of the Abyss-Chapter 432 death blood

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  Chapter 432 Death Blood

  [Blue King·Nine Nether Hell]'s words made the female lord who had not revealed her ID shudder, but she still said coldly: "Your Highness, I don't know what you are talking about."

   "We borrowed props only to deal with a strong enemy, and other things should not be worried about by His Royal Highness."

   "When we run out of props, we will naturally return them to His Royal Highness!"

  【Blue King · Nine Nether Hell】He smiled, he stopped probing, because he had already got the answer.

  Considering the behavior style of that crazy woman, [Blue King·Nine Serenity Hell] would not really say this out loudly. He was also very curious about how this crazy woman would deal with [Nine Heavens Travel].

  How can this fierce man who can kill a three-eyed prince fight against that crazy woman! ?


On the other side, in the small world of [Alibaba and the Forty Thieves], an envoy wearing a grimace mask also came in, and the other party stretched out his palm: "You fished this time from [I am the Great Demon King] Props, it's time to lend us..."

   "There are also a few props you have on hand, we all need to borrow them."

  Seeing the ghost emissary of the Three-Eyed Clan coming to the door again, 【Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves】smiled and said, "You guys! Are you still afraid that I will steal these things?"

   "It's a loan, but when did you pay it back! You haven't returned the things I lent to the eleventh prince!"

  The Ghost Messenger didn’t respond to [Alibaba and the Forty Thieves]’s ‘complaint’, he was just ordered to get something, if [Alibaba and the Forty Thieves] dared not give it, he would naturally have to pay a price.

  As for [Alibaba and the Forty Thieves]'s accusation, he doesn't need to deal with it at all. Anyway, [Alibaba and the Forty Thieves] dare not disobey the order of the right minister.

  Seeing that the ghost messenger ignored his words, [Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves] could only shrug his shoulders, who let himself fall into the hands of the three-eyed tribe back then!

  Now the props he has accumulated are not enough to resist the three-eyed tribe, so he can only do what the other party said first.

Just when [Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves] thought that the ghost messenger would leave, the ghost messenger suddenly said: "As soon as you make preparations, you will have a new mission in just a few days! "

   "The mission this time is a target you are very interested in. At that time, you only need to catch all the mythical items in the hands of [Nine Heavens Travel] just like you did with [I am the Great Demon King]."

  What the ghost messenger said made 【Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves】overjoyed. Does this mean that the Three-Eyed Clan is going to attack 【Nine Heavens Travel】?

  This is indeed excellent news for [Alibaba and the Forty Thieves]!

  In the past two days, [Alibaba and the Forty Thieves] have to deal with [I am the Great Demon King], so they cannot go fishing for things in the territory of [Nine Heavens Travel].

  [Alibaba and the Forty Thieves] is preparing to try again today, and the task that the ghost messenger said is what [Alibaba and the Forty Thieves] is most interested in.

  This lord with special abilities had a thought in his mind: "If I can catch all the powerful props of [Nine Heavens Travel], then my strength will definitely increase a lot!"

   "When I really start to deal with [Nine Heavens Journey], I can use that item to catch all [Nine Heavens Journey] at once!"

   "If I really do this, then I will have the ability to fight against the special girl!"

  [Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves] glanced at the Ghost Messenger, and he sneered in his heart. When he fished all the artifacts of [Nine Heavens Soaring], the Three-Eyed Clan would no longer be able to control him!

  If the ghost messenger comes to the door again, he will let these idiots with grimaces know what cruelty is!


   Six hours after the night fell on March 22, the dark clouds in the sky cleared and three moons appeared in the sky.

   This time there are still three moons, one big, two small, and three moons, but the blood moon and waning moon have become blood moons!

[Ding... The 799th floor of the endless abyss is illuminated by the purple moon (new moon state), the level of all monsters is increased by 3 levels, the refresh rate is increased by 100%, the chance of boss refresh is increased by 100%, all monsters are affected by the purple moon, and they have purple monsters Status (mutation chance increased by 20%). 】


[Ding... The 799th floor of the endless abyss is illuminated by the blood moon (the state of the crescent moon), the level of all monsters is increased by 6 levels, the refresh rate is increased by 200%, the chance of boss refresh is increased by 200%, all monsters are affected by the purple moon, and they have a **** crazy state ( Attack power increased by 50%, defense power reduced by 50%). 】


[Ding... the 799th floor of the endless abyss is illuminated by the black moon (new moon state), the level of all monsters is increased by 3 levels, the refresh rate is increased by 100%, the chance of boss refresh is increased by 100%, all monsters are affected by the black moon, and they have a dark and fallen state (Increase all attributes by 10%, and have a 10% chance to evolve into a higher-level boss). 】


   After three days, three moons reappeared, and as soon as they appeared, it was this posture of three moons, which directly caused a large number of lords to cry.

  Many lords have no psychological fluctuations in the face of this situation. If they cry there, it is better to strengthen their defenses quickly, so as not to be attacked by monsters.

   Throughout the 799th floor, countless lords were eliminated under the three-month march. Even though there have been many three-month marches, each time this vision can always have a very far-reaching impact.

   After all, this is a major event that can affect the entire 799th floor, and even Wu Feng had to get up from the soft bed and Aurora's embrace.

   "My lord, it's not good! The Abyss Demon King also knows that the celestial phenomena on the 799th floor have changed, and he organized another army to come over!"

  Wu Feng immediately received information from the Winged Demon and other demon traitors. They were informed by the Demon Lord, who was organizing the Demon Heroes to go to the 798th floor.

  It will be released in March, which is a great enhancement to the abyss demons. The abyss demon king thinks this is an excellent opportunity to attack the gate of the abyss, so he naturally wants to try.

  After Wu Feng knew the information in advance, not only did he not panic, but he also took the time to inform the Winged Demon: "Then when you come over later, bring all the summoning scrolls that the Void Assassin and the others bought during this time."

   "I will also let you bring some resources and treasures to the past..."

Wu Feng heard that the Abyssal Demon King was going to attack the Gate of the Abyss, so he thought of taking the opportunity to exchange supplies. In his opinion, this kind of offensive is not at all in front of the impasse Great Wall that has reached a thousand kilometers and two mythical defense towers. What kind of!

  Considering this, Wu Feng also threw the corpse of Death Mantis into the pool of evolutionary blood!

[Ding... The evolution blood pool devours the corpse of a sub-mythical boss (Reaper Mantis). According to its level (level 7, 310), the output of evolution blood (legendary level) in the evolution blood pool increases by 40 drops/day, Evolution Holy Blood (Epic Rank) output increased by 2 drops/day. 】

[Ding... The evolutionary blood pool devours the corpse of a mythical boss (Reaper Mantis). According to its level (level 7, 310), you get 400 drops of evolutionary blood (legendary quality), 40 drops of evolutionary holy blood (epic quality) ), 3 drops of evolutionary blood (mythical quality). 】

[Ding... The evolutionary blood pool devours the corpse of a mythical boss (Reaper Mantis). According to its quality (sub-myth) and race (Reaper, Zerg), you get 3 drops of Death Blood (mythical quality), 20 drops of Zerg Holy Blood (epic quality). 】


The Reaper Mantis has this title because it is a powerful individual formed by injecting the Reaper gene from the Zerg. After Wu Feng threw its corpse into the evolution blood pool, he extracted 3 drops of evolution blood and 3 drops of blood. Death blood.

  The evolutionary blood is fine, Wu Feng has a lot of it, but these 3 drops of the death blood are even rarer.

  "When the death **** bull sees this drop of death blood, he will probably kneel down and call dad in an instant. This thing is enough to make it completely obey my orders!"

   "One drop of evolutionary blood can make it do its best to complete the KPI of 20 regions, and that one drop of death blood can be exchanged for 50 regions, which is not too much!"

  Wu Feng grinned. Although kneeling down and calling his father was a bit exaggerated, it would definitely be no problem to let the Reaper Bull help him sweep 50 regions.

   The attraction of the death blood to him can definitely reach this level!

   In this way, as long as the Winged Demons come over and take the death blood back, the progress of the Void Assassin will definitely be greatly accelerated!

   At this moment, there was a loud bang from the gate of the abyss, and the unparalleled demon army came to the 799th floor again!

  After these demons appeared under the three moons, they immediately received the blessings of the purple moon, red moon, and black moon. Their levels soared and their attributes were also greatly improved.

   Like some legendary demon heroes who came over, after triggering the evolution effect of the blood moon, they actually directly evolved into epic heroes.

  The combat power of this group of demonic heroes surged, and they immediately launched a fierce attack on the Great Wall near the Gate of the Abyss!

  Under the blessing of the three moons, their combat power has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes. Compared with before, their threat and destructive power have greatly increased!

   "Hahaha! I broke through to the epic level! Now I am invincible! Even these artillery fires can't help me!"

   "This time I am really invincible, you just watch how I blow up this city! They can no longer stop my pace!"

   "Under three months, I am an invincible existence, you hateful humans, die to me!"

  Under the influence of the blood moon, the demons went mad a lot. They all shouted that I am invincible, and attacked the desperate barrier.

  Wu Feng shook his head as he watched: "A few dishes! Is this how you drink it? Just relying on you, you want to shake my Great Wall of Desperation?"

Although the demonic heroes have become stronger, the strength of the Great Wall has also become stronger. However, just to be on the safe side, Wu Feng invested a lot of magic crystals to extend the Great Wall by another 300 kilometers, making the Great Wall near the Gate of the Abyss more defensive. rise.

  Because the impasse barriers of the Impassable Great Wall are directly connected together, the longer the imperiled Great Wall in a certain area, the higher the strength of the imperilable barrier formed by it.

  Wu Feng made such an operation, the strength of the desperate barrier was directly to the point where even mythical bosses were hard to shake.

  Many demonic heroes, not to mention the evolution to the epic level, even if they evolve to the sub-mythical level, it is impossible to threaten the barrier of despair.

  While Wu Feng added many meteorite turrets and chaos element towers, they could pose a huge threat to them. Under the bombardment of artillery fire and chaos element prohibition, demon heroes continued to fall.

  The two sides clashed for a while, and even though Wu Feng didn't use the Black Hole Tower, the demonic heroes who descended were still killed one by one.

  Wu Feng's firepower was also a bit beyond the expectations of the demon lord: "How come the firepower of [Nine Heavens Travel] has become much stronger than before! Did he add some new defensive towers?"

   "I don't know if we can stand up to his black hole tower under the three moons!"

  The demon lord thought for a while, and followed the order of the abyss demon king to command a group of demon lords to build a defense line.

  I saw that the same various props as before were used, and the avoidance barriers and shields were stuck at the gate of the abyss to form layers of shields.

   Then a large number of demons descended and began to build a defense line.

  Because Wu Feng directly blocked the void near the gate of the abyss, the demon lord originally planned to send a group of heroes to teleport away randomly.

   But after he tried it, he had no choice but to give up. He could only let a large number of legal heroes line up together, hoping that with the blessing of March, the strength of the demons would be able to fight against the Black Hole Tower.

  After a large number of legendary shield towers were erected, the demon army sent by the demon lord also descended one after another.

  Under the influence of the black moon, more than 10% of the members of the demon army have also evolved, and the orange arms have evolved into legendary arms.

  Legendary heroes have also evolved into epic heroes.

  Under normal circumstances, the combat effectiveness of this wave of demon legions would be more than two or three times stronger than usual!

   But seeing so many demon legions, Wu Feng didn't pay attention at all. He clapped his palms and activated the black hole tower!

   "Why do you have to do this kind of unnecessary struggle! No matter how many demon legions you send over, I will kill them all!"

   Wu Feng activated the black hole, and a black hole with amazing suction immediately formed near the gate of the abyss. Wu Feng had previously activated the second black hole to deal with the demon army.

   This time he activated the more powerful No. 1 black hole!

  This black hole is the black hole launched by the Black Hole Tower before. It absorbed the power of the black hole curse launched by the big brother, and the earlier it was formed, the more enemies it swallowed, and even several epic bosses.

  This makes the first black hole far more powerful than the second black hole.

  The power of the black hole previously estimated by the demon lord was calculated based on the second black hole. There was a problem with his calculation sample. Now that the first black hole is activated, he is naturally taken aback!

  Because the suction force formed by the first black hole is extremely terrifying, the layers of various shields were destroyed almost immediately.

   Then the demon army near the gate of the abyss was almost wiped out! The moment the first black hole appeared, the heroes in the demon army suffered heavy casualties. One of the epic heroes was sucked into the black hole and instantly killed.

   "What!? Even epic heroes have been killed in seconds!? How is the power of this black hole so strong!"

  The demon lord was stunned, he naturally didn't know that what Wu Feng activated were two different black holes!

  The first black hole killed an epic demon hero, but the other epic heroes were not so easy to be swallowed. They fought against the black hole's suction with all their strength, and the epic heroes who were originally invincible became terrified!

   "This is the power of the black hole? I can't fight it at all! I've been sucked closer to the black hole!"

   "What should I do! This black hole has cut off all my escape routes, and even moving to the gate of the abyss is like a moat!"

   "Oh my God! I am as vulnerable as an ant in front of a black hole! I have evolved into an epic hero! I have become a saint!"

  Many epic-level demon heroes are struggling wildly, but they are greeted by sharp arrows from the Sun Tower!

   Hou Yi's avatar aimed at these immobile epic heroes controlled by suction, and shot black arrows one after another.

   This kind of epic heroes are almost all targets. Hou Yi shot them one by one with one arrow. This efficiency is really frighteningly high!

  In the end, under the combined force of the Black Hole Tower and the Sun Shooting Tower, the epic demon heroes were wiped out, but the legendary heroes like the Winged Demons escaped back.

   "Master Camuel, fortunately we escaped quickly, otherwise we would be swallowed by the black hole! This black hole is not something we can deal with at all!"

  The demonic heroes who fled back with the Winged Demon tried their best to exaggerate the horror of the black hole. Their words also caused the demon lord Camuel a headache.

  The good opportunity to come out in March this time, they all failed, but Camuel was unwilling to give up: "No matter what, this time to go out in March is a good opportunity."

   "I will let the assassin hero try more, whether he can break through the blockade of [Nine Heavens Travel]."

"It really doesn't work, just wait for the next black moon and waning moon to appear. When the black moon is waning, our chances of evolution will be even greater. When we send a few epic heroes over there, there is a chance that mythical heroes will be born. ]'s blockade!"

  Camuel's words echoed in the Winged Demon's ears, it was almost to Wu Feng.

  Wu Feng secretly remembered Camuel's words, this old boy is still waiting for the black moon and wanyue. Looking at his expression, it seems that he is sure that there will be a black moon and wanyue!

  Wu Feng was so sure because he had seen the black moon and waning moon in the infinite trial, and the demon lord was so sure, did he know it himself, or did someone else tell him?

  The Winged Demon Ravens pretended to be unintentional and asked: "Master Camuel, how do you know that there is a black moon and waning moon on the 799th floor? The 798th floor we are on does not have these three kinds of moons!"

  Camuel didn't say it directly, he chuckled: "Not only do I know that there will be a black moon and waning moon on the 799th floor sooner or later, after experiencing today's events, I can also figure out the law of the appearance of these three moons in the future."

   "The next time the black moon is about to appear, we can organize an army in advance, and then we must give [Nine Heavens Travel] a surprise!"

  Wu Feng couldn't help but sneer when he heard this, "Very well, if you're going to give me a surprise, then I'll give you an even more surprise!"

   It depends on who has the bigger surprise when we arrive!

  When Camuel continued to summon demons to enter the 799th floor, the Winged Demon Ravens, who escaped by chance, returned to the Abyss Fortress under the pretext of taking a rest.

  In fact, he quietly activated the boundary-breaking teleportation card, first teleported to No. 088 Tianyu, and found the territory of the Void Assassin.

   This time the Winged Demon entered the 799th floor and completed another physical delivery. He brought 18,000 low-level summoning scrolls to Wu Feng, and at the same time brought back some useful items for Void Assassin from Wu Feng.

   Several hero summoning cards, and 3 drops of death blood!

  After getting the death blood, Void Assassin followed Wu Feng's request and immediately found the death bull: "Old cow, my master brought me some good things this time, so I'm here to find you."

   The Reaper Buffalo had just wiped out an area at this time. So far, it has helped the Void Assassin take down 20 areas within a day of being summoned by the Void Assassin.

   At this time, the Reaper Bull was about to take a good rest, but when it heard the Void Assassin's words, its huge bull eyes glared.

   "Isn't the thing brought by your lord the divine blood of evolution? I have completed today's task."

   "You put today's evolutionary blood here, and I will continue to help you expand your territory!"

   The Death Bull was very tired at this time, so its attitude was not good. Seeing this, the Void Assassin smiled slightly and shook the Death Blood in his hand.

   "So that's the case, then I will leave 1 drop of evolutionary blood, this death blood, and give it to others..."

  When the breath of Death God's blood appeared, the bull's eyes of the God of Death's bull stared wider than a hill, which was even bigger than when the God of Death's gaze was released.

  In this state, the Void Assassin almost thought that the Reaper Bull was going to use the Reaper's Gaze to deal with him and snatched the Death's blood.

  However, the Reaper Bull was not so impulsive. Two huge air waves spewed out of his nose, almost stopping the Void Assassin at the fastest speed.

   "Wait a minute! I was joking just now, and I didn't mean to reject your kindness! How many areas do you need me to sweep up your blood of death?"

   "As long as you open your mouth, I will help you expand your territory immediately! Take down the entire country in one fell swoop!"

The God of Death Bull was already parched. He looked at the Blood of Death with great urgency. One drop of this kind of blood, which fits his attributes very well, could equal the effect of three drops of Evolutionary Blood. .

  So when Void Assassin mentioned the evolution of divine blood, he was not very interested. After all, he felt that the price-performance ratio was not too high. Now that he saw the blood of death, the Death God Bull couldn't care less about the demeanor of a mythical boss.

  The Void Assassin saw the appearance of the Reaper Bull, and felt that the lord was really wise and mighty, and almost calculated the reaction of the Reaper Bull!

  So the Void Assassin made a condition: "I can give you this drop of death blood first, but you need to help me sweep 50 regions."

   "After you complete the task, I will give you the second drop of death blood!"

  The Void Assassin is willing to give things first, according to what the lord said, first strengthen the strength of the Reaper Bull, so that he can sweep various areas faster.

  If the strength of the Death God Bull really increases after taking the Death Blood, it will definitely be more motivated, and its efficiency will naturally be higher then.

   "Okay! It is reasonable to sweep 50 regions! I will call all my juniors over and ask them to help too!"

   "Your lord is very angry, and our cooperation is getting more and more enjoyable!"

As the Death God bull spoke, it stepped out, and it quickly came to the front of the wild valley, and began to roar. The sound spread into the wild valley, and several golden bulls that were also extremely tall came out of the wild valley. rushed out.

  They are a little smaller than the Death Bulls, but their strength should not be underestimated. These are all sub-mythical bosses at the peak of Tier 6, and they also have the power of Death's bloodline, which can activate Death's Gaze.

   Originally, the Reaper Bull was only controlled by the divine beast summoning card, and had no intention of summoning the same kind at all, but now that it wants to sweep more areas, the Death Bull naturally began to call more brothers.

   It turned out that these golden bulls had deep and visible wounds on their bodies, and the death bull stared at them: "Second, third, why do you have such terrible wounds?"

   "Especially the fourth child, the wound on his neck is almost fatal!"

  The Reaper Bull is the boss of the group of bulls, and the others are his younger brothers. There are four sub-mythical gold bulls in total, the youngest is the fifth, and the most seriously injured is the fourth.

  The second child and the third child glanced at the God of Death Bull, and they couldn't help but ask, "Boss, did you kill the son of the Scarlet Flame God Tiger outside the Wild Valley?"

   "After this old guy heard about it, he started chasing and killing our brothers. Just today, we fought with it. The fourth brother was almost killed by it."

   "Fortunately, a few of us joined forces to launch Death Gaze and severely injured the old guy. We were worried that we would try our best to pull him back, and the old guy would run away."

   "But after it recovers from its injuries, it will definitely trouble us!"

   When Death God Manniu heard this, he immediately knew what was going on. When he was sweeping various areas before, Chiyan Jinhu, the youngest son of Chiyan Shenhu, refused to accept him, and he stared at him to death.

  Although the Scarlet Flame God Tiger is not outside the Wild Valley, he also knew about this. The mythical boss was naturally furious, and he found the group of golden bulls.

   Mythical-level bosses deal with sub-mythical-level bosses. If they are one-on-one, any one of them will die if they encounter them.

   Fortunately, the four of them worked together, and the power of Death's Gaze was really powerful, so they repelled the Scarlet Flame God Tiger.

   "That little tiger didn't dare to seek trouble with me, but actually troubled you! Our Hong Xing is not just a show! When I return to the Wild Desolation Valley next time, I must level the mountain of that little tiger!"

   "What is it called Hushen Peak? I've been annoyed by it for a long time!"

The Reaper Bull really has the style of a big brother in the underworld, but his words made the second and third children shake their heads: "Boss, there is an even fiercer tigress in the Chiyan Shenhu family. You alone can deal with them both!" what..."

  The God of Death Man Bull's eyes widened: "What are you afraid of! I'm picking two, so I'll kill them anyway! By the way, little assassin, you give me the blood of death."

   "I can kill that little tiger in a few days with a drop of death blood every day!"

  The Void Assassin shook his head when he heard that, the lord is right, this Death God bull is blowing so loudly! It really deserves to be the mythical boss of the Cow Clan!

   There is also 1 drop of death blood every day, and the lord only has 3 drops of death blood on hand. Whether there will be new death blood after three days is another matter!

  However, the Void Assassin still handed over the drop of death blood according to what the lord said, and the death bull immediately swallowed it in one gulp!

   Under the shocking gazes of the four brothers around, they saw that the body of their boss swelled up a circle, and even the strength of the **** of death increased a lot.

   The chance of Death Stare instantly killing the enemy has an immediate improvement! Absorbing the blood of the **** of death really helped the bull of the **** of death a lot.

  If it is true that it can absorb a drop of death blood every day, then as long as it lasts for a while, the death bull will definitely be able to widen the gap with other mythical bosses!

  Both the second child and the third child looked at this scene in shock: "Boss, did you meet some noble person? You can actually get the blood of death!"

   "If we absorb a few drops of death blood, we may all evolve into death bulls!"

  Boss Niu stared at the huge bull's eyes: "It's true that you are a nobleman, little assassin, can I ask you for an account, and first borrow a drop of evolutionary blood to help my fourth child recover from his injuries."

   "It is seriously injured now, if there is a drop of evolutionary blood..."

   Void Assassin got Wu Feng's approval, and he also has 3 drops of Evolution God's Blood and Death God's Blood in his hand, which are specially used to prepare for the trade with Death Bull.

  Since the Reaper Bull has called more coolies, as the boss, Wu Feng will naturally have to pay wages, so a drop of Evolution God Blood fell, and the Void Assassin smiled slightly: "Old Niu, then you still owe us 70 regions!"

  The God of Death Barbarian nodded. He took the drop of evolutionary blood and fed it directly to the seriously injured fourth child. Without this drop of evolutionary blood, it would take half a month for the fourth child to recover.

   Now taking a drop of the evolutionary blood, the amazing energy and vitality contained in it made the fourth child recover in 10 minutes, and even his strength became much stronger.

  The second child and the third child were envious: "The fourth child is a blessing in disguise! After absorbing this drop of evolutionary blood, its size and combat power are comparable to ours!"

  Reaper Barbarian also said at this time: "How is it? It's not a bad thing for me to call you out! Just follow me..."

   "Follow this lord, there is no shortage of death blood and evolution blood!"

  Wu Feng hadn't even started painting cakes yet, but the Reaper Bull first painted cakes for his brothers. Looking at it this way, this bull is really good at fooling people!

  Even Wu Feng doesn't know how much evolutionary blood is on hand, but the God of Death Barbarian dares to say that there is no shortage of blood of death. You are really more dedicated than a professional manager!

   And the cakes drawn by the God of Death bulls really made a few golden bulls very eager. Their expectation of evolving into a mythical boss seems to be right in front of them!

  Then several golden bulls nodded one after another: "Boss, then we will all follow you! Also follow the lord!"

  After such a simple show and flickering, 4 golden bulls joined the beast tide army organized by the God of Death Bulls.

   In this way, the Death God Bull's army of beasts can be completely united under his leadership at once, and the Death God Bull can completely let these few golden bulls lead an army of fierce beasts.

   With the expansion of the army of beasts, the Reaper Bull can continue to control it perfectly!

  Reaper Bull was even more energetic now. He let out a beast roar, and began to gather the army. The fierce beasts occupying their respective territories in this area came to join them one after another.

   "Second, third, fourth, and fifth! Each of you will lead an army of beasts, and follow me into this area. We still have 70 areas whose KPIs have not been completed!"

   "Let's just help the lord to bring down this country completely! We, Lao Niu, are also honest people!"

  Because Wu Feng paid the 'salary' in advance, the Reaper Bull was a little bit sorry, he planned to complete more tasks, and tried to help the lord take down the entire country within 3 days.

   I saw that the Reaper Bull led an army of beasts directly into area 079, which happened to be adjacent to area 089 they had just occupied.

  Reaper Bull was full of energy this time, and he directly led his brothers into area 079.

  The lords in this area discovered that the beast horde they were facing was even bigger than before!

  A massive wave of beasts rushed in, destroying a large number of lords. Among them, the newly added 4 sub-mythical beasts made the lords even more frightened.

"What's going on? Is this beast swarm consciously sweeping us away? Why has the beast swarm lasted for more than a day, and they have occupied a full 20 areas, and this group of beasts is still sweeping away !?"

   "More than that, this Beast Emperor is still shaking people! You see, these four newly added sub-mythical beasts are of the same family as him! This shows that it wants to continue to sweep!"

   "Oh my God! Then what shall we do? I saw that the beast swarm had stopped for a while, and thought they were going to stop there! I didn't expect that the beast swarm we faced in area 079 would be even more ferocious!"

  The lords of area 079 felt that they were unlucky, and unexpectedly encountered the beast tide led by the beast emperor who wanted to kill and sweep all the areas.

  This beast tide also added 4 sub-mythical beasts. Originally, some lords planned to organize a coalition to fight against it.

   But after seeing this posture, they had no idea of ​​resistance at all.

   If you can run away, then hurry up and run first!

   The Reaper Bull brought his little brothers, and within 2 hours, they defeated this area.

[Ding... The Supreme Alliance has completed the monopoly of the 798th floor of the abyss, No. 088, Tianyu, No. 095, No. 079 of the country, and activated the monopoly program. Please ensure that no other lords survive in this area for more than 20 hours within three days. If the conditions are met, The leader of Jiutianyouyou can become a monopoly and get a monopoly bonus. 】

  【Ding...Because there are no other lords in the 798th floor of the abyss, the 088th, the 095th, the 095th, and the 079th area of ​​​​the country, the regional list disappears. The lord Jiutianyouyou will get 5000 reputation points and 1 reputation every day. 】


  Wu Feng also saw the Reaper Bull, who was working harder. He nodded: "After the Reaper Bull has tasted the sweetness, he will definitely try his best to help the Void Assassin expand."

   "I only need to take out a small part of the blood of evolution and death to make him work extremely hard."

The Reaper Bull's reaction was expected by Wu Feng. Apart from the rapid expansion of the Void Assassin, the first batch of summoned heroes have all been scattered in various heavens on the 798th floor. base.

  Like the Arcane Prophet opened a sub-base in No. 066 Tianyu where [Blue King Nine Serenity Hell] is located, he has also purchased the first batch of resource crystals and treasure chest keys in this Tianyu at this time.

Their activities in each Tianyu rely on the props extracted from the treasure chest key, and Tianyu No. 066 has just experienced the battle between [Blue King Nine Nether Hell] and [I am the Great Demon King], and all the lords are trying to find a way Raise resources and magic crystals.

  Seeing the high-level acquisition of low-level treasure chest keys by the Arcane Prophet in the market, many territories immediately sold the useless low-level treasure chest keys.

  After all, they all expected that [Blue King Nine Serenity Hell] would definitely sweep the entire sky after destroying [I am the Great Demon King]!

  To face the army of [Blue King Nine Nether Hell], they must have high-level props, and the things opened by low-level treasure chest keys are useless at all.

   It's better to use it to sell more magic crystals, and then raise magic crystals to buy really useful advanced items.

  So the Arcane Prophet, in addition to buying treasure chest keys at a high price with magic crystals, also used items such as territory relocation cards and avoidance cards to exchange for a large number of treasure chest keys.

  Territory relocation card and battle avoidance card are all trump cards in the face of [Blue King Nine Serenity Hell], at least they can ensure that the lord can escape.

   These two types of props have been fired up to sky-high prices following the destruction of [I am the Great Demon King].

  Arcane prophets use such items to exchange treasure chest keys, and some lords who were not planning to sell treasure chest keys couldn't help but exchange them.

  The Arcane Prophet began to purchase supplies frantically while drawing a lottery. In two rounds, the Arcane Prophet bought a full 40,000 treasure chest keys.

   This battle that has spread to the entire Tianyu can be said to have greatly helped the Arcane Prophet!

  There are so many treasure chest keys, and the Arcane Prophet combined with the orange treasure chest key has pulled out a lot of good things!

  【Ding... Hundred consecutive draws (treasure box key) are successful, triggering a soul-entrance talent, you get territory relocation card*15, avoidance card*13, shield card*15 (orange). 】

[Ding... Hundred consecutive draws (treasure box key) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, you get a territory relocation card*60,000 Arrow Qifa Tower Summoning Card*7, Dongfeng Express Tower Summoning Card*5, Mountain and Sea Beast Tower Summoning Card* 5. Tower Summoning Card*5, Random Hero Summoning Card*4, Wall Breaking Teleportation Card*9, Scroll of Forbidden Curse*12 (legendary quality). 】


  【Ding...Thousand consecutive draws (treasure box key) are successful, triggering a soul-entrance talent, you get the wild beast tower summon card, beast summon card*2, battle avoidance card, forbidden spell scroll*3 (legendary quality). 】


[Ding...Thousand consecutive draws (treasure box key) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, you get Beastmaster Summoning Card*3, Dragon Tower Summoning Card, Star Tower Summoning Card, Copy Card*2, Arrow God Tower Summoning Card*2, Tower Summoning Card, Scroll of Forbidden Curse*3, Speed ​​Gem, Elemental Gem (Epic Quality). 】


  【Ding... Ten thousand consecutive draws (treasure box key) are successful, triggering a soul-entrance talent, the quality of the divine power crystal and awakening crystal (orange) you get is increased by 4 levels, and you get divine power crystal*10, awakening crystal*10 (mythical quality). 】


[Ding... Ten thousand consecutive draws (treasure box key) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the quality of the forbidden destruction scroll and the beast summoning card (orange) you get is increased by 4 levels, and you get the world-destroying forbidden spell scroll, the beast summoning card ( mythical qualities). 】

   "Hahaha! I also got the beast summoning card! Now I can also drive a beast to conquer various regions for me!"

  (end of this chapter)

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