MTL - Lord of the Abyss-Chapter 411 Small World (5000 monthly ticket plus one update)

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  Chapter 411 Small World (5000 monthly pass plus one update)

  The Supreme Alliance was indeed called the Avengers Alliance before.

  Because the [King of the Four Seas] and [Jianghu Veteran] in the Supreme Alliance are both lords who have been eliminated and resurrected again.

  They belonged to the losers and avengers before, and Big Brother and [Wan Guang Guang] looked down on the Supreme Alliance because of this.

  But now [King of the Four Seas] is not only doing better than before, but also has a mythical hero that even Big Brother couldn't get normally.

  The current [Jianghu Veteran] is the same, he is defeated by [Ten Thousand Lights], but now he also has a mythical hero.

  It can form a crushing posture against the army of [Thousands of Lights]!

  【Thousands of Lights】Being suppressed by god-level heroes such as the orc sword **** and Chris, and facing Rainbow City, it is also extremely difficult to fight.

   "[Wan Guang Guang], your boss, the eleventh prince, has been killed by us, now it's your turn!"

  [Thousands of Lights] Facing the ridicule of [Jianghu Laotie], he said in a leisurely manner: "If it weren't for Jiutian Youyou here, even if you have a mythical hero, I would not pay attention."

  【Thousands of Lights】is naturally referring to his sword of heaven, if he uses the sword of heaven, then the orc sword **** of 【Jianghu veteran】is really not necessarily his opponent.

   After all, artifacts can directly burst out their full power, and god-level heroes need to grow to have powerful and unparalleled combat power.

  If the artifact bursts out at full power, it is enough to have a power far beyond the upper limit of a god-level hero at one time, unless the level of a god-level hero has been raised to a relatively high level, it can be resisted.

[Jianghu Veteran] Hearing this, he laughed indifferently and said: "[Wan Guang Guang], you think I want to fight you one-on-one? I'm not so stupid! I have a boss, I need to fight with you One-on-one?"

   "Our boss is enough to crush you, I just need to wave the flag and shout behind the boss."

   "Today I am here to cheer for the boss, let's see how the boss kills you today and avenges me!"

  [Jianghu Veteran] has long adopted a cooperative style, using their talents to obtain more resources, sharing the cake together, and then relying on their brothers to kill the enemy.

  Now he has decided that he wants to cling to the boss's thigh, so he doesn't pay attention to morality. Just like [King of the Four Seas], as long as the boss can kill his enemies, why do he have to do it himself?

  【Thousands of Lights】I didn't expect that he couldn't provoke 【Jianghu Laotie】, this guy is so shameless and skinny?

  Wu Feng didn't say much anymore, he let Rainbow City and Tiangong Mothership launch an offensive together, and Chris and Riel also waited for an opportunity to launch an attack.

  I saw that these behemoths immediately began to storm the territory of [Thousands of Lights], all kinds of giant artillery began to attack frantically, and the artillery fire blasted the border fortress all at once.

Wu Feng noticed that there are four extremely powerful giant cannons on the Rainbow City. Each cannon will add a huge hole to the fortress below. The firepower of these giant cannons should be 10 times more powerful than the legendary cannons. more than double.

  Wu Feng's eyes lit up: "The power of this cannon is really good. One shot can directly make the whole fortress tremble. If the number of them increases, the power of Rainbow City can be qualitatively improved."

  The Cannon of Destruction is a legendary blueprint that Wu Feng extracted from the Craftsman's Book today. The Cannon of Destruction is a legendary Type III war tool.

  So Wu Feng asked the master engineers to work together to manufacture the Destruction Cannon. In this day, a total of four cannons were manufactured.

  After the Cannon of Destruction was installed on the weapon platform of Rainbow City, it was added as an epic weapon, and its power was once again qualitatively improved.

   This is the power that can almost wipe out a small city with one cannon. Now, the four destructive cannons can make a fortress fall in three rounds of concentrated fire. This destructive power is indeed terrifying.

After inspecting the power of the Destroyer Cannon, Wu Feng's heart skipped a beat. He still had a batch of legendary war equipment duplication cards. This kind of props can be used to duplicate legendary weapons. Naturally, the Destroyer Cannon is the most suitable Object.

  So Wu Feng immediately used this kind of props to copy 8 ruined cannons in one fell swoop, and placed them on the weapon platform of Rainbow City.

  The number of Destruction Cannons has reached 12, and their firepower has doubled. With many epic defensive towers, the efficiency of [Thousands of Lights] will be even higher.

Seeing that the Rainbow City quickly entered [Thousands of Lights] in the territory of Area 055, Wu Feng directly ordered: "Increase the speed of Rainbow City to the limit, and push me over at the fastest speed! "

Wu Feng's order was strictly carried out, and the Rainbow City advanced rapidly at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. The cities encountered along the way were all caught in artillery fire. In addition to the increased destruction cannon, there were four Tiangong motherships. and numerous bombers.

  This firepower is superimposed on the Rainbow City itself, it is simply an epic forbidden curse with manual transmission, and the defense lines of [Thousands of Lights] are quickly swept away.

  【Thousands of Lights】discovered that his line of defense was meaningless in the face of such fierce firepower, it was just a decoration!

  So【Thousands of Lights】could only try to launch the Sword of Heaven. He probably knew that his sword could not destroy the Rainbow City, so he aimed at the Tiangong Mothership to attack.

  A huge terrifying sharp sword pierced through the void, and it pointed directly at the Helicarrier. I am afraid that with a single sword, it is really possible to pierce through or even destroy the Tiangong Mothership.

  Wu Feng has also been waiting for [Thousands of Lights], he sneered coldly: "Your God's sword is destined to be suppressed by my God's hand, you are just struggling for nothing!"

  [Thousands of Lights] also wanted to test the difference between the Sword of God and the Hand of God, and then he saw Wu Feng's Hand of God slapping the Sword of Heaven fiercely as he wished, and directly sent the Sword of Heaven flying away.

  Actually, Wu Feng also tried to use the hand of the gods to catch the sword of the gods, but he found that the main body of the sword of the gods was in the hands of 【Willion Lights】.

   What is cut out is nothing more than an incomparably condensed energy body, even if it is grasped by the hand of God, it is meaningless.

  So Wu Feng can only see if he can get the Sword of Heaven from him after killing 【Thousands of Lights】.

  Wu Feng also had this plan long ago. After the two exchanged blows, Wu Feng's God's Hand still had extra energy falling down, blasting the territory of [Thousands of Lights] in area 055.

  The Rainbow City and the Tiangong mothership continued to sweep, and soon occupied the entire area of ​​055. With Wu Feng fully firing, it only took more than 4 hours!

[Ding... The Supreme Alliance has completed the monopoly of No. 055 in Tianyu No. 012, No. 074, and No. 074. Activate the monopoly program. Please ensure that no other lords survive in this area for more than 20 hours within three days. If the conditions are met, the leader can travel for nine days Become a monopoly and get the monopoly bonus. 】

  【Ding...Because there are no other lords in the No. 055 area of ​​the No. 012 Tianyu No. 074 country, the regional list disappears. The leader Jiutianyouyou will get 5000 reputation points and 1 reputation point every day. 】

  The ability to sweep an area so quickly is all thanks to the four mythical heroes, plus the firepower of Rainbow City and Tiangong Mothership.

  【Thousands of Lights】He was pressed and beaten the whole time. He also tried many times, but facing Wu Feng's three-dimensional offensive, he had no good way.

  【Thousands of Lights】I also realized why the big brother was defeated in one fell swoop in the first place, and was finally destroyed.

   "The Rainbow City of [Nine Heavens Tour] is indeed a dimensionality reduction attack at this stage. Although I have some props on hand, I still can't compare with the Eleventh Prince."

   "Even if I call the other lords of the Tentacle Clan, I can't fight [Nine Heavens Journey]. In this battle, I'm afraid I can only cut off my tail to survive!"

  【Thousands of Lights】Analyzed the current situation very rationally. The Sword of God he relied on the most was suppressed by the hand of God, and other means could not shake Rainbow City. This can only be suppressed unilaterally.

  In this case, [Wan Wan Guang Guang] is already thinking about how to save his life. Fortunately, he has made some preparations before...

   After occupying Area 055, Wu Feng launched Rainbow City without stopping, and continued to attack Area 054!

  He wants to find out all the other people during the invasion of the Nanban, so he can't waste too much time on [Wan Guang Guang].

  After Rainbow City and the Tiangong mothership entered area 054, Wu Feng's heroes went all out. Qingluan went to strike ahead of the Tiangong mothership, and entered the territory of [Thousands of Lights] alone.

  Although he knew Qingluan's ability, [Thousands of Lights] could only intercept and kill her. This guy directly attacked his main base and Lord's Heart, and it was impossible for [Thousands of Lights] to let her attack.

   As a result, Qingluan was concentrated by countless firepower in the territory of [Thousands of Lights], and was fatally hit by the sword of God. In the end, Qingluan was transformed into countless sky fires in the territory of [Thousands of Lights].

   This time, the power of Qingluan's self-destruction is even more terrifying. She brought more forbidden curse self-destruction in one fell swoop!

Wrath of the Phoenix (Epic talent): When the undead phoenix dies, it will trigger the Wrath of the Phoenix, which will burst out its own vitality 36 times and cause damage to the enemy. The power exploded.

Qingluan has blew himself up 3 times before, and the talent effect of Phoenix's Wrath has increased to 36 times the explosion. This time Qingluan also learned a new forbidden spell. The city's full strength is on fire!

   Cyan fire of stars!

  Golden burning flames!

  Red Purifying Flame and white Soul Eater Fire!

   There is also the purple Flame of Desire and the orange Mieshixinyan!

  Many forbidden spells broke out continuously, causing the territory of [Thousands of Lights] to be repeatedly bombed. Although it was not destroyed in the end, it was also severely damaged.

  [Thousands of Lights] Staring at Qingluan who has turned into a phoenix egg: "Although you can be resurrected, as long as you explode the phoenix egg during the resurrection..."

  【Thousands of Lights】Before I said it, Wu Feng had already used the awakening crystal to revive Qingluan directly!

  Mythical awakening crystal, Wu Feng is definitely enough!

  [Thousands of Light] Unexpectedly, [Nine Heavens Travel] resurrected a mythical hero so decisively and quickly. After Qingluan was resurrected, he appeared in the sky above his territory and continued to attack.

Just when 【Thousands of Lights】had a headache on **** Qingluan, Lele sneaked into the depths of his territory, and under the cover of bandits, turkeys and others, directly grabbed the Just run away with a sacred blood flower!

   "The wind is blowing! Hurry up and run!" Turkey yelled, and directly attracted firepower with the bandits and others, allowing Lele to successfully run away with the epic treasures of heaven, material and earth.

  In the case of Nanman projection, as long as Lele's avatar can run to a relatively safe position and return, it can take away the things in its hands.

  [Thousands of Lights] was packing up the most precious things in the territory and preparing to take them away, but he didn't expect someone to steal the blood flower under his nose.

  The tentacle lord's mentality exploded! [Thousands of lights] Looking at this group of Nanban projections viciously, I didn't expect them to come again and again!

Wu Feng smiled: "How about it, is it a pleasant surprise? The mythical Nanban invasion, its Nanban projection can designate the territory of the invasion target, and repeatedly activate the Nanban projection. As long as the Nanban invasion continues, I can always let the Nanban projection Invasion!"

   "But I should send you back to resurrect! Rainbow City, blow up this guy's territory for me!"

  Wu Feng activated the hand of the gods, and the huge blue palm suppressed it, and [Thousands of Lights] quickly launched the sword of heaven to fight against it.

  As many times before, after the hand of God smashed the sword of God, it could still severely suppress the territory of [Thousands of Lights].

  After being hit hard for the second time, the territory of [Thousands of Lights] was riddled with holes, and the rainbow cannon above Rainbow City also fired a fatal attack.

  This time, the Rainbow Cannon doesn’t need to be charged for too long. It only reached 20% power, and it completely wiped out the territory of [Thousands of Lights] in one shot!

   This shot completely resolved the battle, but the system prompt that Wu Feng expected did not come. [Thousands of Lights] The lord's heart in area 054 had been blown out, but he didn't seem to be eliminated.

   "This guy, like the big brother, has a second lord's heart? Colele said that it didn't sense this guy's lord's heart in other places. Could it be that he also hid in other heavens?"

  Wu Feng failed to kill [Thousands of Lights] in one fell swoop. He made various guesses in his mind. Since he had searched all over No. 012 Tianyu and found no sign of [Thousands of Lights], Wu Feng could only give up temporarily.

   Let's see if we can find this guy again after we know his lord's heart.

[Ding... The Supreme Alliance has completed the monopoly of No. 054 in Tianyu No. 012, No. 074 and No. 074. Activate the monopoly program. Please ensure that no other lords survive in this area for more than 20 hours within three days. If the conditions are met, the leader can travel for nine days. Become a monopoly and get the monopoly bonus. 】

  【Ding...Because there is no other lord in No. 054 of Tianyu No. 012 and No. 074 country, the regional list disappears. The leader Jiutianyouyou will get 5000 reputation points and 1 reputation every day. 】

  Although he couldn't find the Lord's Heart of [Thousands of Lights], Wu Feng still occupied area 054 first. He and the Supreme Alliance added another monopoly area, and the area of ​​the territory was getting bigger and bigger.

  Wu Feng then changed his target: "Lele, if this sacred blood flower matures, I can share some with you. You can continue to look for other targets. There may be such treasures in their territory!"

   The key to finding other people is naturally Lele. This auspicious beast has brought back the sacred blood flower and is studying this epic spiritual plant.

  Hearing Wu Feng's words, Lele was immediately full of energy. As long as he found those guys that Lord Lord said, he would have more treasures to eat, which is great!

   While there was still some time left for the Nanban invasion, Lele continued to use the Nanban projection to search for targets everywhere, and all the kobold lords suffered.

   On the other hand, Wu Feng first took advantage of Lele's time to find the target, and used the resource crystal to draw a wave of prizes. This was mainly to prepare resources for the launch of Rainbow City.

   Now that Wu Feng's territory has expanded, the efficiency of obtaining resource crystals has greatly increased. With the resource crystals provided by allies, Wu Feng has drawn 400,000 resource crystals in this wave.

  With so many resource crystals, there will always be a large number of rainbow sacred stones. This wave combined with golden crystals, Wu Feng really drew a large number of rainbow sacred stones.

  【Ding... Ten thousand consecutive draws (resource crystals) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the quality of the 762,300 magic crystals you get is increased by 4 levels, and you get 7,623 million magic crystals. 】


  【Ding... Ten thousand consecutive draws (resource crystals) are successful, triggering a soul-entrance talent, the 169 units of Alchemy Alchemy (legendary quality) you get are upgraded by 4 levels, and you get 16900 units of Chaos God Gold (mythical quality). 】


  【Ding... Ten thousand consecutive draws (resource crystals) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the 218 units of rainbow stones (legendary quality) you get are upgraded by 4 levels, and you get 21800 units of rainbow **** stones (mythical quality). 】


  【Ding... Ten thousand consecutive draws (resource crystals) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the quality of the 624,500 magic crystals you get is increased by 4 levels, and you get 6,245,000,000 magic crystals. 】


  【Ding... Ten thousand consecutive draws (resource crystals) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the 225 units of rainbow stones (legendary quality) you get are upgraded by 4 levels, and you get 22500 units of rainbow **** stones (mythical quality). 】

  Wu Feng got the Rainbow God Stone twice in 10,000 consecutive draws. He got more than 40,000 units of Rainbow God Stone in one wave, which can temporarily meet the consumption of Rainbow City.

  Mythical resources are so openly used, and only Wu Feng, who is rich and powerful, can do this. Other lords will faint when they hear this number.

  With the Rainbow God Stone in place, Lele also gained something. It found a target in country 088, but according to the news sent back by Lele, it only found one target.

  Wu Feng took out the photos of [Domineering Flash], [Domineering Ten Armies] and others, but Lele pointed around, only pointing at the unlucky [Domineering Wanjiang].

   "You mean, only [Baqi Wanjiang]'s territory was found by you? The territories of other domineering brothers are not in Tianyu No. 012?"

  Wu Feng probably understood what Lele meant. After he said it, Lele nodded, and then he waved his hand in disgust, which meant that it didn't bother to go anymore.

  [Domineering Wanjiang] This guy, there are no natural treasures in his territory!

  In Wu Feng's guess, he thought that [Domineering Flash], [Domineering Ten Armies], and [Domineering Wanjiang] would gather together to keep warm and deal with Wu Feng's attack together, and then they would be able to wipe out the five brothers in one go.

   Unexpectedly, Lele said that only [Domineering Wanjiang] acted alone. This may be because the five of them knew that even if they joined forces, they would not be the opponent of [Nine Heavens Travel].

   So they split up and acted separately, at least they won't be taken over by one pot!

  Before they were novice lords, they were Taitou iron. After encountering a strong enemy that could not be resisted, they still wanted to join forces with them to harden steel.

   As a result, the five of them were killed together, and they had to start over.

   Now that they are acting separately and relying on their own talents, they are not afraid of being eliminated.

  Wu Feng didn't think too much about it. He decisively launched the Rainbow City, passed the Rainbow Bridge, and let the Rainbow City airborne to the No. 022 area of ​​the No. 088 country.

  [Domineering Wanjiang]'s territory is just next door to Area 021. [Domineering Wanjiang] also monopolizes Area 021. Wu Feng also wants to start from the border area first.

   It's just that this time Wu Feng is much simpler and rougher. With enough Rainbow God Stones, Wu Feng directly let Rainbow City go to the top of his head while launching the Rainbow Cannon.

  After the weapons and defense towers on the weapon platform focused their fire for a round, the rainbow cannon fired again, and the border fortress of [Domineering Wanjiang] was directly wiped out!

  With this efficiency, the border fortress built by [Domineering Wanjiang] was exhausted in 20 minutes. This efficiency is really terrifying!

  So under the shocking eyes of [Domineering Wanjiang], Wu Feng just copied this operation, maximizing the power of Rainbow City, and killed all the way to the depths of [Domineering Wanjiang]'s territory.

   All the major cities built by [Domineering Wanjiang] will be directly smashed with this set of combined punches, and [Domineering Wanjiang] will have no way to do it.

   "Brother is right. Even if the third and fourth brothers cooperate with me this time, we can only be easily swept away in the face of [Nine Heavens Travel]'s super fortress!"

   "[Nine Heavens Travel]'s sky city is too scary! We did this to reduce the loss in advance..."

  Before when the elder brother said that he would split up and not be caught by [Nine Heavens Travel], [Domineering Wanjiang] was still a little bit dissatisfied.

   But now after the actual battle, [Domineering Wanjiang] really knows that the gap between the two sides is huge, and so many mythical heroes of the Supreme Alliance have not come! He has already been beaten by face-riding output!

   It can be seen from this that even if the five brothers exhaust all means, it is impossible to compete with [Nine Heavens Travel].

  Thinking of this, [Domineering Wanjiang] completely figured it out, so he followed what his elder brother said, and tried to entrust the time of [Nine Heavens Soaring].

  So under the tenacious resistance of [Domineering Wanjiang], it took Wu Feng 2 hours to kill his main base.

  Here, Wu Feng finally knew why this guy didn't move out of Tianyu No. 012. In the base of [Domineering Wanjiang], there are many units of buildings.

  These buildings are endless, and they are all used to produce troops for [Baqi Wanjiang].

  【Baqi Wanjiang】He is in charge of commanding the troops among the five brothers. If he wants to move all these buildings, he must consume a lot of building migration cards.

   And if you want to use the relocation card to move the territory away from Tianyu No. 012 at one time, you need at least an epic relocation card.

  【Baqi Wanjiang】There is no such good thing, so he first moved the highest-level unit buildings to the territories of other domineering brothers. What remains in his territory now is the units with lower orange quality buildings.

  The densely packed military buildings are a fortune, so Wu Feng didn't use the rainbow cannon to destroy them all, but let the real Houyi Tower take action!

  The two real Houyi towers launched the power of shooting the sun at the same time, gathered fire together, and directly shot the heart of the lord of [Domineering Wanjiang]!

   Just as Wu Feng expected, [Domineering Wanjiang] was not eliminated, but Wu Feng inherited his territory in the 022 area.

  “If [Blink of Domineering] is not dead, the heart of the lord of [Domineering Wanjiang] will not be completely destroyed, and he can come back again.”

   "Forget it, I don't know which country these guys have gone to. I'll drive them out of No. 012 Tianyu first, and there will always be a chance to kill them in the future."

  Wu Feng also failed to completely eliminate [Baqi Wanjiang]. To eliminate the five Baqi brothers, he needs to go to various heavens to kill all five of them. This is too difficult and the operation cost is too high.

  Comparatively speaking, Wu Feng didn't have to spend so much energy chasing and killing these guys. When expanding in the future, just kill them by the way.

   As a result, the No. 022 area of ​​[Domineering Wanjiang] has completely become Wu Feng's territory.

[Ding... The Supreme Alliance has completed the monopoly of No. 022 in the No. 012 Tianyu No. 088 country. Activate the monopoly program. Please ensure that no other lords survive in this area for more than 20 hours within three days. If the conditions are met, the leader can travel for nine days. Become a monopoly and get the monopoly bonus. 】

  【Ding...Because there is no other lord in No. 022 of Tianyu No. 088 in Tianyu No. 012, the regional list disappears. The leader Jiutianyouyou will get 5000 reputation points and 1 reputation every day. 】

   Every time Wu Feng monopolizes a new area, a brand new golden koi will appear in his koi pond. This continuous expansion has brought great benefits to Wu Feng.

   Now he only has one last target left, which is [Eye of the Abyss]. This guy has repeatedly helped the elder brother 'spread the word' and wants to spy on Wu Feng's information. This guy should be killed too.


   While Lele continued to search for [Eye of the Abyss], [Thousands of Lights] had already connected with [A Domineering Flash]: "I didn't expect that you were all so decisive and ran directly to other heavens."

   "The four of you are distributed in four heavenly domains. Even if [Nine Heavens Journey] comes to find you with the Mythical-level Southern Barbarian Invasion, it will be difficult to catch you all. This ability is really easy to use..."

[Thousands of rays of light] I only know that [A flash of domineering] and other four people have gone to other heavens, but they don't know their exact locations. light].

  Similarly, [Thousands of Lights] did not tell [A Domineering Flash] how he survived.

  [A flash of domineering] Knowing that the territory of [Domineering Wanjiang] has been wiped out, he can only take over his fifth younger brother first and let him develop first in his own territory.

  He communicated with [Thousands of Lights]: "Now [Nine Heavens Tour] regards us all as a thorn in the flesh, and will not hesitate to launch a mythical Southern Barbarian invasion to find our whereabouts."

   "I think we should join forces to fight [Nine Heavens Travel], otherwise we will definitely be defeated one by one!"

  【A Domineering Flash】's proposal won the approval of 【Thousands of Lights】: "This is exactly the reason why I came to you. We are all enemies with 【Nine Heavens Travel】."

   "This time the eleventh prince was killed, the forces behind him are already furious, and they must kill [Nine Heavens Travel], I have already connected with the other party, you should also know who it is?"

[A domineering flash] His eyes narrowed: "It's that imperial concubine! The eleventh prince is her heir and her hope for the future. Now that the eleventh prince is eliminated, her hope is almost cut off. She will definitely use all means." Revenge!"

   "When a woman takes revenge, she is much more powerful than the right minister..."

  [A domineering flash] It seemed that he had thought of that woman's reputation, so he didn't dare to say the following words. That Concubine Rong is notoriously crazy and unscrupulous!

  Eleventh Prince was eliminated by [Nine Heavens Travel], Concubine Rong still doesn't know what method she will use! After all, she is also a heroine!

   "I am willing to be with you, as long as the imperial concubine gives orders, our five brothers will deal with [Nine Heavens Travel] together!"

  Received the affirmative reply from [A Domineering Flash], and [Thousands of Lights] also laughed, and he told the news to the person who contacted him.

  After hanging up the communication,【Thousands of Lights】appeared in a small world, where there was another heart of his lord.

  There is only one entrance and exit between this small world and the outside world. He can close and open the entrance of the small world at any time, and can block most detections from the outside world!

   It is precisely because of this ability that [Thousands of Lights] regards this small world as his last safe house, even though [Nine Heavens Travel] has blown up one of his lords.

   But [Thousands of Lights] put another Lord's Heart here, so you don't have to worry about being found by [Nine Heavens Travel].

  This is the same as the Five Domineering Brothers, with a very high fault tolerance rate, which allowed [Wan Wan Guang Guang] to successfully escape Wu Feng's pursuit.

However, when he thought of all the territories he had worked so hard for, all of them were snatched away by [Jiu Tian Ao You], [Wan Wan Guang Guang] smiled coldly: "[Niu Tian Ao You], don't be complacent, I will find a chance when Rong Guifei takes action against you Come back with revenge!"

   "I will take everything from you! Especially the sword of God, you must grab it. The ancestor has promised to give me another hand of God!"

   "The hand of the gods of the ancestors also has mythical gems. When the time comes to deal with [Nine Heavens Travel], I don't have to worry about being suppressed!"


  At the end of the Southern Barbarian invasion, Wu Feng finally found the [Eye of the Abyss]. To be precise, Lele, the auspicious beast, finally found the [Eye of the Abyss] by chance.

  Originally, the territory of the Eye of the Abyss was well hidden. He hid his own territory from the territory occupied by the Extinction Forbidden Land.

After Coke felt that there was a breath of heaven, material and earth treasures here, he excitedly asked the Nanman Projector to come and check, but unexpectedly found the main base of [Eye of the Abyss] in the process of searching for heaven, materials and earth treasures .

   The base of [Eye of the Abyss] is also very unique. It turned into a tower above the demon fortress. The Eye of Doom hanging high on the top of the tower is actually the body of [Eye of the Abyss].

   "Hey? The lord of the three-eyed tribe can still exist in this form? The XP of the three-eyed tribe is indeed a bit unique!"

After seeing the special form of [Eye of the Abyss], Wu Feng also became interested. He found that [Eye of the Abyss] not only became a part of the devil's fortress, but the demons in this devil's fortress were really influenced by him. control.

  To be precise, [Eye of the Abyss] seems to be parasitic on the core of a demon fortress, turning all the demons into his subordinates.

Wu Feng asked Zhu Biyu to inquire about the ability of [Eye of the Abyss], and found that this guy was called Big Eyeball because before his resurrection, he used special abilities to completely transform his own body into various Eye!

  As long as one eye is alive, he will never be eliminated!

  The lord talent of [Eye of the Abyss] is the ability to generate the Eye of the Abyss, which can completely parasitize on various demon fortresses.

  Through this ability, [Eye of the Abyss] can easily control many demon forces, and what Lele discovered seems to be only one eye of this guy.

  Even so, Wu Feng still mobilized the Rainbow City to descend on the No. 001 area of ​​the No. 001 country controlled by [The Eye of the Abyss], and completely wiped it out.

  【Eye of the Abyss】Although he is a bachelor, after the Rainbow City descended through the Rainbow Bridge, his Doomsday Eye scanned the Rainbow City, and then started talking with Wu Feng.

   "[Nine Heavens Tour], last time you didn't give me a chance to finish speaking, you destroyed my eyes. Your behavior is very rude!"

  Wu Feng sneered: "Impolite? Later you will know what real impoliteness is! Do you think that with this devil fortress, you can be equal to me and even point fingers at me?"

  The rainbow cannon in Rainbow City has already started to charge, Wu Feng didn't even bother to beep with him, and was going to send him to death with one shot!

  【Eye of the Abyss】He laughed old-fashionedly: "Young people nowadays really don't know how to respect the old and love the young. When I became famous, you were not even born yet!"

  Wu Feng is too lazy to talk to this old guy, if he is a good guy here, he will mention his bravery, Wu Feng will let him know why Hua'er is so popular!

   Seeing that [Nine Heavens Traveling] didn't get oil and salt, and ignored him at all, [Eye of the Abyss] had no choice but to tell other information.

   "[Nine Heavens Travel], the old man advised you not to be impulsive and not to make a decision that you regret for the rest of your life, but you still shot at His Royal Highness."

   "Now you have committed an unforgivable crime, and a big man has ordered that you will not survive a month!"

  Wu Feng just laughed when he heard it, can't live a month? You give me a month of development time to try? Laozi can become the master on the 799th floor, do you believe it or not?

  As for the big man mentioned in [Eye of the Abyss], it is nothing more than the right minister and other people who support the elder brother. Wu Feng has already fought against the right.

  The bosses he invited have already hammered the three-eyed overlord on the 785th floor to the ground!

  On the 799th floor, Wu Feng also dared to say that as long as the enemy dares to let his horse come over, he can blow up all dissatisfaction!

  Since this is the case, Wu Feng simply dismissed what [Eye of the Abyss] said, and he hooked his fingers towards [Eye of the Abyss].

   "Then I will ask you to give a message to the so-called big man behind you this time, hurry up if you want to die! I am waiting for you here!"

   "Regardless of whether you trouble me or not, I will keep a close eye on the Co-Lord of the Ten Clans. As long as he is resurrected on the 799th floor, I will kill him as soon as possible!"

  【Eye of the Abyss】I didn't expect that 【Nine Heavens Tour】would be so bold. It was clear that there was a big shot against him, yet he dared to be so provocative.

  You have already eliminated His Royal Highness the Eleventh Prince, and you still say you want to stare at him, but Concubine Rong still wants to kill you by all means! ?

  Wu Feng wanted this effect. Anyone who came to trouble him on the 799th floor was giving him resources!

  For example, the current [Eye of the Abyss], it is also beneficial to kill him by yourself!

The rainbow cannon has been fully charged, and Wu Feng no longer beeps with [Eye of the Abyss], and directly fires the rainbow cannon. Once fired, the Eye of Doom is destroyed, and the Devil's Fortress is also destroyed by the way. Most of it exploded!

  【Eye of the Abyss】The voice echoed in the world: "[Nine Heavens Travel], you have offended someone you shouldn't have offended, yet you still don't know it yet!"

   "I will watch you, watching the day when you are trampled underfoot!"

  Wu Feng was too lazy to use his words, he directly slapped the god's hand, destroying all the demon fortress: "Noisy! Sooner or later, I'll blow all your eyeballs out!"

[Ding... The Supreme Alliance has completed the monopoly of No. 001 in the No. 012 Tianyu No. 001 country. Activate the monopoly program. Please ensure that no other lords survive in this area for more than 20 hours within three days. If the conditions are met, the leader can travel for nine days. Become a monopoly and get the monopoly bonus. 】

  【Ding...Because there are no other lords in the No. 001 area of ​​the No. 012 Tianyu No. 001 country, the regional list disappears. The leader Jiutianyouyou will get 5000 reputation points and 1 reputation every day. 】

  After Wu Feng destroyed the Devil Fortress, the entire No. 001 area also fell into his hands, and the Southern Barbarian invasion was completely over!

   Now the time has come to 22:00 on March 19, March has disappeared, and day has come.

  Wu Feng was in Tianyu 012. Although he failed to completely eliminate the three main targets, he also expelled them from Tianyu 012.

  Presumably from now on, these guys will not dare to come to No. 012 Tianyu easily, but they still have many subordinates, and they will definitely watch his every move in No. 012 Tianyu.

   This is an unavoidable thing. What Wu Feng can do is to mop up No. 012 Tianyu as soon as possible. This starts with monopolizing the entire No. 062 Tianyu!

   "Very good, Tianyu No. 062 has experienced this Southern Barbarian invasion, and there are already many areas with few lords left. These areas can be occupied first!"

  After the Nanman invasion, Wu Feng paid attention to the situation of country 062. This country was taken care of by Wu Feng the most, and the number of lords was small.

  Under the Mythical Nanban invasion, countless lords were eliminated. Wu Feng also found that there were not many lords left in No. 054, No. 056 and No. 063 areas of the No. 062 country.

   As long as the Supreme Alliance works harder, these 3 areas can be taken down. In addition to the several areas that the Supreme Alliance is attacking, Wu Feng will soon be able to occupy more than 40% of the territory in the No. 062 country.

  But bad news also came from the steel outpost. The twisted wormhole in area 099, due to the impact of the march and the invasion of the southern barbarians, countless demon lords and demon heroes descended during this period.

  This has put the steel outpost in area 098 under tremendous pressure. Countless demon heroes are organizing troops to storm the steel outpost.

  Even area 097 has been affected. All the lords in this area have been eliminated by the demons. Even the lords in areas 096 and 089 are being attacked by the demon lords.

  Wu Feng never imagined that the one who might finally compete with him for country No. 062 would be the demon lord!

   "Lord, the Iron Outpost is under tremendous pressure. The outermost third line of defense has been breached. We need reinforcements!"

  Many heroes of Mechanical Heaven were upgraded in the Iron Outpost. They have all asked for help now, which shows that the situation is indeed very difficult.

  In this case, Wu Feng immediately sent Rainbow City over!

  Other ways to enhance the defense of the steel outpost were too slow to take effect, so Wu Feng simply used his two strongest defensive buildings.

  The Impassable Great Wall at the Iron Outpost extends from 10 kilometers to 100 kilometers, protecting the Iron Outpost extremely firmly. With so many Impassable Great Walls, it is enough for 10 meteorite turrets and a set of chaos element towers to appear in the Iron Outpost.

  With so many city defenses alone, a large number of demons can be killed.

  The Rainbow City also landed in area 098 at the right time. Wu Feng found that as soon as the Rainbow City appeared, countless black clouds rushed towards the Rainbow City.

   Those are the countless flying units of the demon lords, which really reached the level of dark clouds!

   "I extended the Great Wall of Desperation just for you! Under the air-forbidden domain, you are here to die!" Wu Feng immediately activated the air-forbidden domain, and immediately 'pulled' countless flying demons down.

   The countless black spots that besieged Rainbow City all fell down like rain, and finally hit the barrier of despair, becoming targets on the barrier of despair.

   All kinds of firepower from the Impassable Great Wall and Rainbow City will be fired together to kill all the flying demons.

  The air-forbidden field of the Impassable Great Wall can control and affect the target. This field can only take effect on the enemy, and friendly troops can output it with peace of mind.

   In this way, the enemy's flying units are defeated by the Great Wall, and Rainbow City has no natural enemies at all, and can be exported at will.

  This kind of three-dimensional defense caused the demon army to be destroyed under firepower. Wu Feng was able to keep the steel outpost all at once.

  However, the army of demons is still descending through the twisted wormhole. If this problem is not solved, then Wu Feng still needs to compete with the demons for territory.

  In this situation, Wu Feng activated the black hole tower with a smile: "So many demons are the nourishment for the black hole. The bigger the twisted wormhole, the better!"

   Brothers, if you work hard, then I will also work hard. At the end of the month, I will add another update!



  (end of this chapter)

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