MTL - Lord of the Abyss-Chapter 406 God-level defense tower!

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  Chapter 406 God-level defensive tower!

With the luck golden lotus greatly enhanced, Wu Feng's lottery drawing effect was a level stronger than before. He just drew 2 artifacts and 1 innate artifact with a thousand consecutive draws, plus 1 million consecutive draws. Innate chaos artifact.

  Wu Feng drew a total of 11,000 treasure chest keys, and got 4 artifacts!

   This time, the quantity and quality of his hero equipment have been greatly improved, and he can equip many powerful heroes at once.

  All kinds of epic weapons are distributed to many heroes according to the most matching attributes. Epic heroes can have a qualitative leap in combat power after getting epic weapons.

  As for artifacts, it can greatly increase the combat effectiveness of mythical heroes.

  For example, the Wrath of the Stars is a mythical bow and arrow, which can be used for a Houyi Tower, making it a real Houyi Tower, and its lethality and explosive power can reach a new level.

   There is also the Heavenly Crystal Excalibur, which is prepared for Bu Jingyun. This is an artifact-level sword weapon, and it happens to be used by Bu Jingyun, who is proficient in swordsmanship!

   "Bu Jingyun, this Heavenly Crystal Excalibur is for you to use. This Excalibur contains powerful skills, and you can also learn about it."

  Wu Feng got the Heavenly Crystal Excalibur, and he could feel the extremely powerful skills contained in it, which are the Heavenly Crystal Sword Art and the Heavenly Heart Sword Power.

  As long as you hold the Heavenly Crystal Excalibur for a long time, you can gradually master these kendo skills, which is very beneficial to Bu Jingyun's cultivation.

  Bu Jingyun took over the Heavenly Crystal Excalibur, and he felt the infinite power from it. This is just a child sword, and the Heavenly Crystal Excalibur also has a matching mother sword.

  Mother and son combined, that is the real Heavenly Crystal Excalibur, this is the power of the combination of two artifacts, at least it is an innate artifact.

   This next step, Jingyun will have stronger combat power. Mythical heroes cooperate with artifacts, that is how gods can block and kill gods, and Buddhas can block and kill Buddhas.

What surprised Wu Feng even more was that after Bu Jingyun was equipped with the Heavenly Crystal Excalibur, Nie Feng also obtained a corresponding attribute increase. The Blood Drinking Knife in his hand became sharper, as if he had gained the power of the Heavenly Crystal Excalibur General support.

   It can be said that if both Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun find suitable artifacts and equipment, then after each of them has a set of artifacts, and with Moko's infinite boost, they will have the boost of a double set of artifacts, which is terrifying to think about.

   "It would be perfect to equip Nie Feng with a powerful artifact. This time, other artifacts are not suitable for him, so forget it..."

  The Kowloon Divine Fire Cover and Glass Jade Purification Bottle obtained by Wu Feng also have other functions. The Nine Dragon Divine Fire Cover is an innate artifact that traps and kills enemies, and is more suitable for mage heroes.

   As an innate chaos artifact, the glazed jade bottle has the effect of producing glazed jade liquid. This glazed jade liquid is an epic treasure of heaven and earth.

The bigger Wu Feng's territory is, the more glazed jade liquid the glass jade bottle will produce every day. With the current size of Wu Feng's territory, he can get 500 drops of glazed rain (legendary quality) and 25 drops of glazed jade liquid (epic quality) every day. ).

   "Isn't this a powerful treasure of Guanyin Bodhisattva? This is probably the rhythm of monopolizing an area and producing a drop of glazed jade liquid every day?"

   "This glazed rain is also a precious thing in the ten directions!"

  Wu Feng held the glazed jade bottle in his hand. He glanced at the contents of the bottle. He was also very pleasantly surprised. It could store various spiritual liquids and increase the quantity continuously.

  The glass rain produced by the glass jade bottle, one drop can instantly fill up the blood of legendary heroes.

  Glass Jade Liquid can even quickly restore the health and stamina of mythical heroes, and it can also bring about life and death, flesh and bones, and rebirth of severed limbs. The effect is extremely significant.

  Wu Feng took the glazed jade bottle and came to the many spiritual plants in the Immortal Grass Space curiously: "I heard that this glazed jade liquid can speed up the growth of spiritual plants, I don't know how effective it is..."

  He first tried dripping a drop of glazed jade liquid on the Enlightenment Tree, only to see that the Enlightenment Tree, which was originally only one person tall, jumped up a foot in height.

  The essence contained in the glazed jade liquid can be equal to the natural growth of the Enlightenment Tree for a year!

  So the tree of enlightenment has such an obvious change, if 25 drops of glazed jade liquid are dripped on it...

  Wu Feng was not in a hurry to do this. He had communicated with Chen Guo and knew that sometimes Lingzhi was not suitable for pulling seedlings to encourage them.

  Doing this sometimes overdraws the potential of the spiritual plant, and its growth rate will actually decrease in the future.

  After Chen Guo saw that Wu Feng had dripped it, he stopped moving. He smiled slightly: "Lord Lord, this glazed jade liquid is very precious. If it is a tree of enlightenment, it is best to absorb 5 drops of glazed jade liquid every day."

   "It can increase the growth speed of the Enlightenment Tree without overdrawing its potential..."

   Chen Guo gave the most professional advice, and Wu Feng naturally listened to him. Although there is still a lot of glazed jade liquid, there is no need to rush to pour it all on the Enlightenment Tree.

According to the amount Chen Guo said, Wu Feng dripped 4 drops of glazed jade liquid on the Enlightenment Tree, which made the Enlightenment Tree grow a lot at once. This mythical spiritual plant can bring huge changes to the entire territory. This is Wu Feng. The first god-level spiritual plant he obtained, Wu Feng naturally wanted to ripen it as soon as possible.

   "5 drops of glazed jade liquid every day, as long as it lasts for a while, the Enlightenment Tree should be mature, and when the time comes, it will produce Enlightenment leaves, and one leaf can transform a hero."

  Wu Feng looked at the Enlightenment Tree quietly. He was looking forward to the effect of the Enlightenment Tree when it matured.

   These 5 drops of glazed jade liquid have already made the Enlightenment Tree grow a lot. Wu Feng saw that the old master preaching under the Enlightenment Tree can make his disciples suddenly enlightened with a single word.

  The epiphany bonus brought by the Enlightenment Tree has increased significantly, which is the effect of growth.

Wu Feng then came under the ginseng fruit tree, and also dripped 5 drops of glazed jade liquid on this spiritual plant. Under the watering of this epic treasure, 30 small and exquisite fruits appeared on the ginseng fruit tree. Ginseng fruit.

   It’s just that ginseng fruit needs many years to mature. 5 drops of Liuliyuye is equivalent to 5 years of growth. If you accumulate 5 drops per day, it will be much easier for ginseng fruit to mature.

   "There is also Xiantian Gourd Vine, I don't know what effect it will have if 5 drops are added..." Wu Feng finally added 5 drops of Glazed Jade Liquid to Xiantian Gourd Vine.

  After the gourd vine grew, the shaking red gourd made a cheerful voice: "Grandpa, grandpa, I'm coming out!"

  Wu Feng's eyes lit up, and he saw the red gourd finally shaking and falling to the ground. After it landed, it almost split the ground.

  A big fat doll in red clothes flew out of it. He was five or six years old when he was born, and his chubby face was full of cute smiles.

   "Grandpa, I'm finally out!" Immediately after the eldest baby was born, he rushed to Chen Guo, letting Chen Guo hug him and play.

  After holding the eldest baby around for a while, Chen Guo sent him down, and the eldest baby came to Wu Feng: "My lord, hello! I am the eldest baby! My ability is infinite!"

   As he said that, Dawa walked up to the Nine Apertures Immortal Stone, and with a loud shout, he lifted up the Nine Apertures Immortal Stone. This is Dawa who is born with supernatural power.

   Moreover, Dawa's innate supernatural power is not the natural supernatural power of ordinary people, but the real invincible supernatural power!

  Wu Feng took a look at the attributes of the eldest baby. He is a sub-mythical creature, and the talent of that day's divine power is a sub-mythical talent!

  The strength of the big baby is no less than that of Pan Feng who has grown up. This is still a big baby who has just been born. If he continues to grow, the power of the big baby will increase day by day.

   "Dawa is a sub-mythical creature. If the seven gourds fall to the ground, wouldn't it be possible to have seven sub-mythological creatures? After they are combined, they will at least be mythical creatures!"

  Wu Feng noticed that among Dawa's abilities, there is also the ability to combine, but this ability is an irreversible combination.

  When the seven gourd babies are combined, they will become Vajra gourd babies, possessing all the abilities of the seven gourd babies, and will also improve their own quality by one level.

  The fusion of seven sub-mythical gourd dolls is an existence above the mythical level.

  Wu Feng had another thought in his mind: "What if I raise all seven gourd babies to mythical level, and then make them fit together..."

   "At that time, wouldn't it be possible to fuse together to produce immortal-level creatures! Directly surpass the myth!"

  Thinking of this, Wu Feng couldn't help but check the mysterious parchment, how can a sub-mythical creature have the status of a hero.

  Hero identity cards are only epic and mythical, but there is no sub-mythical version.

   After researching, Wu Feng discovered that 3 epic-level hero identity cards can transform a sub-mythical-level creature into a hero of the same level.

  Or a Mythic-level hero identity card can also make 3 sub-mythical-level creatures into heroes at the same time.

   "The seven gourd babies can all be transformed into sub-mythical heroes, so I can try my idea!"

  Wu Feng nodded, since it is feasible, he can give it a try, the eldest child is very happy playing with Chen Guo, so Wu Feng first let him play freely in the Immortal Grass Space.

   Once you get enough hero identity cards, it won't be too late to change the identity of Dawa.

  Thinking of this, Wu Feng took the opportunity to extract the special permissions in his hand to see if he could extract a high-quality hero identity card.

[Ding... Hundred consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the miniature mushroom eggs, hero identity cards, and awakening crystals (orange quality) you get are upgraded by 3 levels, and you get the doomsday messenger mushroom eggs, hero identity cards, Waking Crystal (Epic Quality). 】


[Ding...Thousand consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the territory props, war equipment copy cards, hero identity cards, lucky blessing cards, designated hero organization summoning cards (purple quality) you get will be upgraded by 3 levels, You get Corrupted Heart, War Equipment Copy Card, Hero Identity Card, Lady Luck Blessing Card, Designated Hero Organization Summoning Card (Epic Quality). 】


  【Ding...Thousand consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entrance talent, the Spirit Wind Boots (legendary quality) you get is upgraded by 3 levels, and you get Fengshen Boots (mythical quality). 】


  【Ding...Thousand consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entrance talent, the awakening crystal (legendary quality) you get is increased by 3 levels, and you get awakening crystal*10 (mythical quality). 】

  Wu Feng's special authority this time is to have 7 thousand consecutive draws, which means that he gets more reputation points, popularity and other attributes every day.

  After a wave of lottery draws, he got more items above the epic level. Among them, Wu Feng got 2 of the hero identity cards alone.

   Only one card is missing, then Wu Feng will be able to transform the big baby into a sub-mythical hero. It depends on whether he can continue to draw a new hero identity card tomorrow.

  What Wu Feng valued very much was this degenerate heart, which was already the fifth component of Qiqiao Linglong's heart.

Corrupted Heart (Level 0): Epic-level territory props, which can be activated after being placed in the Lord's Heart. The level of the building where the Lord's Heart is located is increased by 2 levels, the HP and defense of the Lord's Heart are increased by 500%, and the output is increased. 200%.

Item level: Level 0, can erode the enemy, make the enemy corrupt, and be controlled by the corrupted heart. The corrupted heart can form a certain range of corrupted areas. Enemies in the corrupted area have a certain chance of being corrupted (currently 10%). The highest can be corrupted epic level target, the ability to activate the corrupted heart can increase the chance of corruption.

   Comes with degenerate erosion and degenerate domain abilities.

   Corruption: The corrupted heart can designate a target, making it continuously corroded by the power of corruption invisibly, and finally corrupted and become a target controlled by one's own side.

  Fallen Domain: The Corrupted Heart can form a Corrupted Domain in a designated area within 500 kilometers. Enemies in the Corrupted Domain will be affected by Corruption and will gradually become corrupted.

  Remarks: Let's fall together! Let's immerse ourselves in endless desire together!

  Fallen Heart is still quite powerful, but Wu Feng has Vigus. Compared with the method of Corrupt Heart, which slowly erodes and controls the enemy, Vigus's charm comes faster and more fiercely.

  However, the scope of depravity and erosion is relatively wide. After Wu Feng thought about it, he let the degenerate heart form the heart of a lord in Endless No. 1 base, and then launched depravity and erosion on the barren prisoner mountain.

  Let's take a look at its effects first. Anyway, Wu Feng drew this Corrupted Heart, and the main benefit is that he is one step closer to getting the Qiqiao Linglong Heart together.

   As for the mythical items, Wu Feng also took out the Fengshen Boots and the awakening crystals. With so many awakening crystals, even the mythical heroes can be resurrected after death.

   "Nie Feng, let me wear these Fengshen boots for you!" Wu Feng took out the Fengshen boots and handed them to Nie Feng. He saw that Nie Feng put on the Fengshen boots and possessed super speed.

  The ability of the Fengshen boots allows Nie Feng to reach the highest level of lightness kungfu where he can fly into the sky by stepping on his left foot and his right foot.

When Nie Feng turned into a whirlwind and disappeared and reappeared, he looked at Bu Jingyun in surprise: "Senior brother Yun, my Fengshen legs have reached the highest level with this artifact. I can turn into wind and be everywhere Already!"

  Bu Jingyun smiled indifferently: "After you wear the Fengshen Boots, I also have the corresponding ability, and I can also get the boost of the Fengshen Boots!"

   As he spoke, Bu Jingyun stepped out with one step, and then he disappeared in front of Nie Feng, and when he reappeared, he could teleport with one step.

  As Bu Jingyun said, after Nie Feng wore the Fengshen Boots, he also wore this artifact, and the two shared the attributes of the artifact, so one artifact can be used as two pieces!

  After handing out the Fengshen boots, Wu Feng took out the other items he had drawn, the doomsday messenger mushroom eggs, which were directly used to increase the stock of mushroom eggs.

  The war equipment duplication card can be used to duplicate war equipment. Wu Feng chose the Tiangong battleship. In this way, with the Tiangong battleship produced today and the copied Tiangong battleship, Wu Feng will have four epic warships!

  Rainbow City and 4 Tiangong warships are enough to form an invincible air fleet, capable of sweeping all current enemies.

As for the designated hero organization summoning card, Wu Feng considered that the protagonist's hero organization quota is full, so he let Feng Yun and others enter the natural disaster ninety-nine level to attack the sixth level, and at the same time used the summoning card in the dragon alliance superior.

   Wu Feng has a lot of dragon blood on hand. The heroes of the dragon alliance can be cultivated faster with the dragon blood. He plans to concentrate resources to train more dragon heroes.

  As he used the designated hero organization summoning card, a snow-white ghost bone dragon was summoned. This is a hero with both undead and dragon bloodlines!

   "Lord, thank you for waking me up!" After the Nether Skeleton Dragon appeared, it immediately lowered its head to Wu Feng.

  Wu Feng didn't expect that this time he summoned a bone dragon. No matter what, it is also a member of the Dragon Alliance, so it can increase the organization's strength, so that's fine.

   "Goddess of Luck Blessing Card, you can use it later in the Infinite Trial. It just so happens that in the Infinite Trial, you can have a chance to draw 10,000 consecutive draws. That's a good chance to get a god-level defensive tower!"

   "There are still so many god-level awakening crystals, so I can only stock up first. Let me see what kind of heroes I can summon this time..."

  Wu Feng had drawn the treasure chest key and special authority, so he called Lele. After stroking the little guy's head and getting lucky blessings, he drew the last kind of lottery.

   A total of 6,000 summoning scrolls were exhausted by Wu Feng. Although there was no 10,000 consecutive draws this time, there were also mythical heroes!

  【Ding... Hundred consecutive draws (summoning scroll) is successful, triggering a soul-inducing talent, the quality of the ancient young general (purple hero) you get is increased by 2 levels, and you get Huo Qubing (legendary hero). 】


  【Ding...Thousand consecutive draws (summoning scroll) are successful, triggering a soul-entrance talent, the quality of the young general of the Three Kingdoms (blue hero) you get is increased by 3 levels, and you get Meng·Liu Biao (legendary hero). 】


[Ding...Thousand consecutive draws (summoning scroll) are successful, triggering a soul-entrance talent, the quality of the martial arts monks, poisonous double-headed dragons, hundred poisonous demons, bright knights, and all-rounders (purple heroes) you get will increase by 3 levels, and you Obtain Immortal Martial Zuo Qianhu, Poisonous Demon Dragon, Green Robe Patriarch, Sun Knight, Tiangang Star Lu Junyi (epic hero). 】


  【Ding...Thousand consecutive draws (summoning scroll) are successful, triggering a soul-entrance talent, the quality of the phoenix (orange hero) you get is increased by 3 levels, and you get the undead phoenix (mythical hero). 】

   When Wu Feng finished the lottery draw, a phoenix bathed in flames flew out from the summoning scroll. This mythical hero appeared in an amazing posture!

   "Immortal Phoenix? This name is very domineering! I just don't know how strong it is." Wu Feng looked at this phoenix, and this idea came to his mind.

   Just as she was thinking, Undead Tianfeng turned into a woman. She was wearing a fiery red dress, which was transformed by the flames on her body.

   Wu Feng was a little surprised that Undead Tianfeng could transform people. She is also a beautiful woman with a beautiful face and gorgeous temperament, which is even better.

   At least it looks very seductive.

   "I'm Qingluan from the Immortal Phoenix Clan, and I'd like to meet the lord!" Undying Tianfeng briefly introduced herself, and Wu Feng also looked at her attributes inside and out.

  Hero title: Immortal Tianfeng (not Nirvana)

  Hero name: Qingluan

  Hero Level: Level 1 (0/20000).

  Attack power: 5000 points

  Defense: 1500 points.

  HP: 12000 points.

  Magic value: 2000 points

  Basic attributes: hidden [click to view]

  Hero Talent: Immortal Bloodline (God-level talent): Immortal Tianfeng has pure Phoenix bloodline, the higher the bloodline awakening degree, the stronger the power gained.

  But a sanctified body will also attract all kinds of ghosts and ghosts. According to legend, one can live forever after eating a bite of Tang Monk's meat, and the attraction to evil creatures will increase by 1000%.

Nirvana rebirth (mythical level talent): Undead Tianfeng has the ability of Nirvana rebirth, every death and resurrection (consuming a god-level awakening crystal), will trigger a Nirvana rebirth, not only will not reduce its own potential, but will also pass Nirvana Temper one's own impurities, improve one's own attributes and growth, after rebirth from Nirvana, one will need to upgrade again.

  Nirvana Fire (Epic Level Talent): Undead Tianfeng will be bathed in Nirvana Fire. When dying, Nirvana Fire will cover and spread to all enemies within a certain range.

Wrath of the Phoenix (epic level talent): When the undead phoenix dies, it will trigger the Wrath of the Phoenix, which will burst out its own vitality 30 times and cause damage to the enemy. The power exploded.

  Hero skills: Sacrificial Fire, Flame Detonation, Supernova Flame, Unquenchable Fire.

  Trainable unit: Undead Phoenix (a unit with legendary quality or higher).

  Special identities: Beast Family (Epic Hero Organization), Destiny Protagonist (Epic Hero Organization).

   "Undead Tianfeng actually gets stronger as he dies? This is completely different from other mythical heroes!" Wu Feng was very surprised when he saw the attributes of Undying Tianfeng.

  According to the information he got, even if there is a mythical awakening crystal, the general lord will never let his mythical hero die casually.

  Because if they are resurrected with the awakening crystal after death, half of their previous cultivation skills will be directly dissipated, and their growth potential will be greatly reduced.

  If you die a few times, then the mythical heroes are probably useless, and they will not be much better than the epic heroes.

   But Immortal Tianfeng is completely different. She possesses the Nirvana rebirth ability of the Phoenix family. Every time Nirvana is a better growth for her.

  Looking at the 20 mythical-level awakening crystals in his hand, Wu Feng suddenly had an idea.

   "I have to say, I'm really a master of ideas! That Undying Tianfeng can play a higher-end self-explosion style!" Wu Feng stared at Qingluan. Other lords have Undying Tianfeng, and they can't afford this genre.

  Because the mythical-level awakening crystal they have on hand is definitely used as a baby.

  But Wu Feng had drawn 10 awakening crystals once before, and this time he drew again. With so many mythical awakening crystals in hand, they can be used openly!

   "Qingluan, first let Wei Gu Ribbon lead you to level up. After strengthening your strength, we will try your ability."

  Wu Feng greeted Wei Gusi, and she immediately pulled Qingluan away intimately. As for the way Wu Feng said to upgrade, it was to let Qingluan enter the infinite trial.

  Is there anything more than the number of monsters in the infinite trial?

  Wu Feng can collect a large number of monsters every time in the infinite trial, and the level of Vigus is extremely high!

  Bringing Qingluan in, although it will increase the difficulty of the infinite trial, but Wu Feng is sure that he can kill after the 150th round, so there is no problem.

[Ding... The lord Jiutianyou chooses the difficulty trial of hell, the level and attributes of monsters will be improved (the level will be increased by 20 levels, all attributes will be increased by 100%, and celestial phenomena will be randomly encountered), the evaluation of the trial and the quality of the lottery will be improved, rewards Get a 400% boost. 】

  【Ding... Invitation letter for the lord's nine-day travel unlimited trial (epic quality), get the initial tower defense and tower defense upgrade effect, you can choose 5 initial tower defenses, please choose. 】

  【Ding... Lord Nine Heavens Tour Infinite Trial Invitation Letter (Epic Quality), choose the difficulty of Hell, you can get the effect of defensive buildings, you can choose 1 type of defensive buildings, please choose. 】

  Wu Feng glanced at the content, he immediately chose the **** difficulty, and countless monsters were refreshed.

  Qingluan and Weigusi saw countless enemies around them, Weigusi pulled Qingluan who was about to join the battle: "Sister Qingluan, you just need to cast spells in the rear, you don't need to go to the front line."

  As soon as Vigus raised her hand, she charmed the boss of the first round, cooperated with the defense tower, and began to clean up all kinds of monsters. Qingluan really didn't need to go to the front line, she just kept blasting the flames and sacrificial fire in the back.

  Because the enemy's level is relatively high, Qingluan just killed hundreds of monsters, and was promoted to level 2. Under the condition of full output, Qingluan's upgrade speed almost increases with the number of rounds cleared.

  By reaching the 80th round, Qingluan had already reached level 25. This speed was outrageous!

Now, as the enemies Wu Feng encounters become stronger and stronger, his heroes will be able to level up faster and faster. He asked Vigus to work harder, and in the 100th round, Qingluan was successfully promoted to 30 levels.

  Qingluan breaks through level 30 and advances to the second level in half an hour. This is no one else, and only in the environment of infinite trials, where there are a large number of enemies, can she level up so quickly.

  Wu Feng saw that Qingluan had broken through the second level, so he let her quit the infinite trial first, and went to the prophet library to learn a new skill.

  Hero skills can be learned one at the first level, and Qingluan is a second-level hero, so he can learn two skills successively. Only the first level needs 1.5 million magic crystals, and the second level needs 4 million magic crystals.

  As a mythical hero, the skills Qingluan learned in the Prophet's Library are the top configuration. After spending 1.5 million magic crystals, she learned a seven-star secret technique called the fire of the stars.

  This secret technique can summon flames from countless stars to form a shower of meteors and rain down. The damage and range are extremely astonishing.

  Wu Feng didn't care about the power of this secret technique, he just wanted to do an experiment.

   After spending another 4 million magic crystals, Qingluan learned another seven-star forbidden technique called Burning Flame, which is more powerful than the fire of stars.

  After learning the skills well, Qingluan returned to the infinite trial according to Wu Feng's arrangement. At this time, Wei Gusi had led the team to the 160th round!

  In this series of lottery draws, the 160th round happens to be a 10,000 consecutive draw!

[Ding... Hundred consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the quality of the Trap Tower Summoning Card and Starlight Tower Summoning Card (blue) you get is upgraded by 2 levels, and you get the Spider Web Tower Summoning Card, Stars Tower Summoning Card (orange quality). 】


  【Ding... Hundred consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entrance talent, the quality of the elemental trap tower summoning card (purple) you get is increased by 2 levels, and you get the big dungeon cage tower summoning card (orange quality). 】


  【Ding...Thousand consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the quality of the missile tower summoning card (purple) you get is increased by 3 levels, and you get the Dragon Tower summoning card (epic quality). 】

[Ding... Hundred consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the quality of the missile tower summoning card*4, trap tower summoning card*2, and starlight tower summoning card*2 (purple) you get is upgraded by 2 levels, and you Obtain Dongfeng Express Tata Summoning Card*3, Tianluodiwang Tower Summoning Card*2, Planetary Tower Summoning Card*2 (legendary quality). 】


  【Ding... Hundred consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the quality of the Sky Thunder Tower Summoning Card (orange) you get is increased by 2 levels, and you get the Nine Heavens Thunder Pool Tower Summoning Card (epic quality). 】

   In the first 150 rounds, Wu Feng used to draw defense towers by himself, because the interval between rounds was relatively long, and Wu Feng couldn't use the Lady Luck blessing card.

  Wu Feng didn't use this prop until Wu Feng was preparing for the 160th round of Ten Thousand Draws.

  Goddess of Luck Blessing Card: Epic item, after using it, you will receive the blessing of the Goddess of Luck. It has the effect of making your wishes come true and luck bursting out. It can make your luck and luck reach the highest in a short time.

  Remarks: By using this item, you will lift up the dress of Lady Luck, and you will become the person that Lady Luck cares about and misses the most.

  Seeing the note on the goddess of luck blessing card, Wu Feng was powerless to complain, Sao is really Sao, and with the blessing of this item, he conducted the 160th round of lucky draw!

  【Ding... Ten thousand consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the quality of the Chaos Trap Tower Summoning Card (legendary) you get is increased by 4 levels, and you get the Black Hole Tower Summoning Card (innate mythical quality). 】

   One time to reach the 160th round, Wu Feng drew 1,600 times. The previous lottery with special privileges was specially calculated by Wu Feng.

  He used his reputation to draw a lottery, so that the cumulative number of times was stuck at 8,400 times. This time, he just wanted to draw the 10,000th time in the infinite trial.

   As a result, during this process, Wu Feng also drew a Nine Heavens Thunder Cloud Tower and a Dragon Yin Tower, but now these epic defense towers can no longer attract Wu Feng's attention!

  Wu Feng was lucky enough to draw an orange defensive tower this time with his 10,000 consecutive draws. In the end, combined with the 10,000 consecutive draws, he drew his first mythical defense tower in one fell swoop!

  A summoning card with three colors of light just fell into Wu Feng's hands. As long as Wu Feng uses it now, he can summon a mythical black hole tower in the virtual territory!

   "Mythical defense tower, it's just in time. With this defense tower, it's impossible for Big Brother not to die!"

   Wu Feng's plan was successful, and he even thought that he might be able to use the Black Hole Tower to challenge the mythical boss.

   At this time, the three moons in the 160th round changed from two large and one small to three waning moons, which means that the black moon also changed from a new moon to a waning moon.

  Wu Feng looked up at the sky, and even he couldn't help complaining: "This 160th round, it's really a guarantee for me, and it will be released in three months!"

[Ding... Infinite Trial (Hell Difficulty) is illuminated by the black moon (the state of the crescent moon), the level of all monsters is increased by 6, the refresh rate is increased by 200%, the chance of boss refresh is increased by 200%, all monsters are affected by the purple moon, and they have dark corruption Status (20% increase in all attributes, 20% chance to evolve into a higher-level boss). 】

  The purple moon and the red moon have both turned into waning moons before, and now the black moon has turned into waning moons in the 160th round. This change in the black moon, which affects the chance of evolution, really changed the boss of this level again.

  The seventh-level Void Demon Dragon evolved into a Void Dragon again under the black moon. Wu Feng watched and shook his head: "You are like a stress response! You will evolve as long as you see the black moon and waning moon?"

  Wu Feng has entered Hell Difficulty three times. Every time in the 160th round, the Void Demon Dragon will evolve when it sees the black moon and crescent moon.

   Every time a seventh-tier mythical hero is born, you can do whatever you want!

   But this time it is a little different with Lai Ye. With the Black Hole Tower in Wu Feng's hand, he can completely test its strength.

  So Wu Feng immediately summoned the Black Hole Tower, made it fall on the virtual territory, and then aimed at the Void Dragon's position, activated the Black Hole!

  The attribute of the black hole tower is very simple and crude, that is, it can form a black hole trap within a certain distance, and a black hole tower can only form a black hole.

  The size, suction, and destructive power of this black hole will all increase with the quality of the objects sucked into the black hole. This is a god-level trap tower with strong growth.

  But the only flaw of the Black Hole Tower is that it cannot be moved. After putting down the Black Hole Tower, the only way to move the Black Hole Tower is to use the Mythical Defense Tower Migration Card.

  Now in the virtual territory, as long as Wu Feng leaves the trial last, he can take away the Black Hole Tower and turn it into a defensive tower summoning card, so Wu Feng can try the effect here first.

  As Wu Feng launched the black hole tower, a giant black hole immediately formed above the Void Dragon. The size of this black hole was about 1 million units of land. At the moment the black hole formed, all nearby monsters were swallowed by the black hole!

   With this wave of killings, the Black Hole Tower directly reached 4 star killings, which is outrageous!

   The ordinary monsters in the 160th round were almost 1/3 killed by the Black Hole Tower! Even the Void Dragon was attracted by a powerful suction force, and kept approaching the black hole.

  Wu Feng discovered that the suction of the black hole can instantly kill any unit within the legendary level, even a seventh-level legendary boss, within the range of the black hole's attraction, will be instantly sucked into the black hole and then instantly killed.

  This efficiency is even stronger than the hand of extinction. After all, the black hole can kill a group of seventh-level legendary bosses in an instant.

   But there is also a problem. The boss swallowed by the black hole becomes part of the mass of the black hole, which increases the suction and area of ​​the black hole, but also makes the body of the seventh-level legendary boss disappear.

   Being swallowed by a black hole, there is really nothing left behind.

  The suction of the black hole can only be resisted by the existence above the epic level. The Void Dragon struggled hard, and it actually flew to the edge of the black hole's suction step by step.

   "The Black Hole Tower can't kill it directly? I still need to figure out a way myself..."

  After the black hole is formed, it is impossible to move. Wu Feng found that although this mythical defense tower is extremely powerful, this restriction is still a bit annoying.

  But Wu Feng also had a plan long ago, he signaled Qingluan to do it: "Qingluan, go and stop the Void Dragon, don't let it fly out of the range of the black hole, it's best to push it back!"

   Qingluan nodded, and she rushed towards the Void Dragon without fear. This seventh-level mythical boss is indeed not something she can deal with.

  But the lord has promised her that as long as she falls, he will use the awakening crystal to resurrect her. Qingluan, who has the ability to regenerate from nirvana, has no fear!

  I saw Qingluan, who was covered in fire, pounced fiercely on the Void Dragon. During this process, various forbidden techniques bombarded the Void Dragon.

  The Void Dragon, which was already fighting against the suction of the black hole, was suddenly hit hard. It let out repeated roars, and retreated a certain distance after being bombarded all at once.

  The suction of the black hole became stronger now, and the Void Dragon struggled with all its strength, but was still pulled towards the black hole.

   Seeing the effect, Qingluan attacked with all her strength, and countless flames burned towards the void dragon. Qingluan is a mythical hero after all, and her combat power is still extremely impressive.

  Under the continuous bombardment, the void dragon roared again and again, and it was blasted towards the black hole step by step. If it was sucked into the core by the black hole, even a seventh-level mythical boss would be extremely dangerous.

  Under such circumstances, the Void Dragon finally couldn't help showing its power. It roared and slapped Qingluan with its claws, and countless void cracks instantly swallowed Qingluan.

Qingluan didn't dodge, but resisted the continuous attacks and confronted the Void Dragon, which made the Void Dragon roar: "You are really overconfident! A little second-level, dare to confront me at the seventh level! Boom? Where did you get your confidence from!"

  The Void Shenlong let out a roar, and then he launched a more fierce attack. The Void Dimension Slash suddenly flew out from the crack in the void, beheading Qingluan on the spot!

  Seeing the blood of the phoenix spilled, the Void Dragon laughed wildly: "This is the end of confronting me! If you destroy you, who else can stop me!"

  When the Void Dragon was excited, Qingluan turned into a phoenix egg and fell down. All the flames on her body exploded at this moment.

   Endless red, cyan, purple, and black flames all bombarded the Void Dragon. So many flames represented different spells.

  The flame formed by the fire of the stars is blue. It was originally a seven-star secret technique, but after being multiplied by 30 times, it is more powerful than an eight-star secret technique.

  The Burning Flame is a golden flame, and its power has also been increased by 30 times, and its power is even stronger than the eight-star forbidden technique!

  Such terrifying spells kept bombarding down, and the void dragon roared again and again, and he was severely injured. The power of these spells that erupted when Qingluan died simply surpassed the limit of her own combat power.

As countless forbidden spells swept across the audience, the monsters who escaped from the black hole were burned to ashes by these flames. The phoenix eggs that Qingluan transformed into were continuously upgraded, from level 1 to level 34 in one fell swoop, which is much better than Qingluan. The level at the time of the fall was still high.

  Originally after Qingluan fell, she needed to re-upgrade, but the forbidden curse brought by Phoenix's Wrath killed too many enemies, which directly made her less time to re-upgrade.

   This time, even Wu Feng was a bit unexpected, he quickly used the awakening crystal to revive Qingluan.

  Seeing the mythical-level awakening crystal smashed into the phoenix egg, Qingluan broke out of the egg and turned into a girl in red again.

  Just when breaking the shell, Wu Feng still saw a lot of content. He didn't expect Qingluan to be so informative...

   Qingluan, who was reborn from Nirvana, is even stronger. Her attributes have increased by about 50%. At the same time, she has risen from level 1 to level 35, and her attributes have grown again!

  This made Qingluan after Nirvana reborn, whose attributes were about twice that of before Nirvana, and Wu Feng could faintly feel that Qingluan's origin was even stronger.

"Sure enough, after Qingluan's nirvana, her strength and potential have become even stronger. This kind of self-destructing nirvana style can really be implemented!" Wu Feng's attempt this time gave him a positive answer, then Qingluan can really use nirvana to rebirth Talent, play this kind of self-destruct nirvana flow that combines killing enemies and growing up.

   This is simply Qingluan's exclusive genre, and no one else has the ability to play it!

Wrath of the Phoenix (epic level talent): When the undead phoenix dies, it will trigger the Wrath of the Phoenix, which will explode its own vitality by 32 times and cause damage to the enemy. The power exploded.

  Wu Feng also discovered that after passing through Nirvana once, Qingluan's Phoenix Wrath talent has also been enhanced. Previously, it was 30 times more powerful than forbidden spells and curses when he died, but now it has become 32 times stronger.

   If Nirvana continues to be reborn, wouldn't it be possible to grow all the way to 100 times? It's scary to think about it!

  The Void Dragon on the other side also vomited blood due to Qingluan's Nirvana explosion, and it was also smashed into the depths of the black hole.

  Due to the tearing of the black hole, a large number of wounds appeared on the Void Dragon. If it happens again, maybe the Void Dragon can be blasted into the depths of the black hole. Maybe there is a chance to kill the seventh-level mythical boss?

  But just when Wu Feng was about to see the opportunity and try again, another roar came, and the second huge Void Dragon appeared on the edge of the black hole.

  It activated the natal ability of the Void Dragon, and a void portal opened in front of the injured one of its kind, directly teleporting it away.

  Two Void Dragons appeared together, and Wu Feng cursed: "What the hell, isn't it because Qingluan was summoned more? Just get two Void Dragons to serve me? I won't play with you anymore!"

  Wu Feng originally wanted to try to kill the Void Dragon, but Wu Feng just summoned Vigus, a mythical hero. In the 160th round, he only encountered a Void Dragon.

  But this time after he got an extra Qingluan, the second Void Dragon appeared directly, which is really a one-to-one correspondence.

  With the cooperation of the two Void Dragons, it was impossible to blast them into the black hole, so Wu Feng no longer forced himself, and he immediately withdrew from the Infinity Trial.

  【Ding...The lord Jiutian Aoyou successfully passed the 159th round of the infinite trial (hell difficulty). According to the number of rounds of clearance and the record, a total of 3,544,000 points were scored, which can be used to increase the star level of the trial. 】

  【Ding...The lord Jiutianyouyou encounters the purple moon and the waning moon in the difficulty of hell, the trial score is extra +50%, and an additional 1772000 points are obtained, which can be used to increase the trial star. 】

  【Ding... The lord Jiutianyouyou encountered a **** moon in the difficulty of hell, and the trial score was an additional +50%, and an additional 1,772,000 points were obtained, which can be used to increase the trial star. 】

  【Ding... The lord Jiutianyou encountered a black moon and a waning moon in the difficulty of hell. The trial score was an additional +50%, and an additional 1,772,000 points were obtained, which can be used to increase the trial star. 】

   Wu Feng killed more enemies in the 160th round this time. In addition, there were two mythical heroes and more enemies in the previous round, so his score this time was higher.

  The 8.86 million ratings in this wave are enough to make his trial star level rush from 56 stars to 70 stars!

  The newly added 14 skill points were used by Wu Feng to point out specializations related to the Black Hole Tower. Now, in Wu Feng's opinion, nothing is as powerful as the Black Hole Tower!

  Trap Specialization: V-level, can increase all trap-type defense towers by 50% of all attributes, and upgrade to VI-level requires 2 technology points.

  Trap Setting: Level IV, which can increase all trap defense towers by 100% and can re-set traps twice a day. Upgrading to level V requires 2 technology points and the level of trap specialization reaches level V.

  The greatest significance of trap specialization lies in the trap setting ability, which not only increases the full attributes of the trap tower, but also resets the position of the trap.

  The black hole set up by the black hole tower is also a kind of trap, but its power is a little bit bigger, and the defect that the black hole cannot move has been improved a little.

   "With the increase of tower defense technology such as trap specialization, the distance of the black hole tower is within 12,000 kilometers. If the black hole tower is placed in my territory, it can radiate to the entire No. 062 country."

   "In the future, with mythical defensive tower movement cards or trap distance specialization, the radiation range of the black hole tower will be wider..."

   After Wu Feng calculated the relevant attributes of the Black Hole Tower, he knew it well, so he resolutely put the Black Hole Tower in his main base first.

   The top priority is to get rid of Big Brother first!

With the Black Hole Tower, we can launch an attack, and Wu Feng immediately issued a call in the Supreme Alliance group: "Brothers and sisters, we are ready, and now we can launch the final attack on the Overlord Alliance! "

   "This time, we are going to sweep the Overlord Alliance and occupy all their territory! The target of the attack, I have sent it to the group, I wish everyone a smooth operation!"

   After mobilizing before the battle, Wu Feng immediately signaled his allies to get ready. He stood in front of the black hole tower, ready to launch the black hole!

   Time to give Big Brother a little black hole shock.

   At this moment, a small dot suddenly appeared in the sky above Wu Feng's territory. The dot expanded rapidly and turned into a black hole.

   This small black hole has the ability to devour everything. After appearing, it immediately began to expand and devour everything in Wu Feng's territory.

  The moment the black hole appeared, Wu Feng was stunned, and he immediately locked on to the enemy: "Brother actually came to my territory to launch the black hole on his own initiative? Is he looking for death?"

  The elder brother who was outside Wu Feng's territory sent many epic heroes of his own. One of the mage heroes activated the mythical black hole curse scroll.

  Brother sneered: "[Nine Heavens Travel], do you think I will wait until the barrier of avoidance is broken by you? I have already been planning a counterattack!"

   "I have everything I need now, and I can destroy your territory in reverse! Let you taste the black hole forbidden curse first! This is a mythical forbidden curse scroll!"

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion